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Flash Page 14

by Stella Andrews

  He says in a hard voice, “What’s the plan?”

  I haul my ass off my bike and smile wearily. “First I shower, then I need to pay a visit to our fearless leader.”

  He reaches out and slaps my shoulder. “Well, you know I’m in, whatever you need. Just call and I’ll be the first one there.”

  I feel my stomach tighten in knots as I see the resolve in his eyes. Yes, I’m part of one large fucked up family and we stick together, whatever it involves.

  By the time I shower, I feel my head turn to business. Last night changed me inside and brought back feelings that should never have been buried. Sunny needs me and I know what I need to do.

  I head toward Ryder’s office and meet Snake coming the other way. He nods. “Hey, Tyson, we missed you at poker last night.”

  “Yeah, well, I had a much better proposition.”

  He looks interested. “Do I know her?”

  “Of her, maybe.”

  I see the interest spark in his eyes and nod toward the office. “Follow me, I may as well tell you both at once.”

  He walks with me and seeing the door open, we head inside to face Ryder King, the president of the Twisted Reapers.

  As usual, he’s sitting behind his desk going over some paperwork with Lucy, Jet’s old lady. She came here with Jet not long ago and was quickly given the thankless job as Ryder’s PA. She’s good at it and takes no shit which amuses the rest of us when we hear her shouting at him when he messes up her system.

  They look up and Lucy says quickly, “I’ll leave you to it. I’ll work on these invoices and have them ready for signing before you leave.”

  She smiles as she makes past us and I return the greeting. I like Lucy. She settled in here well, despite the manner she came and sure keeps Jet on his toes.

  Ryder looks at us with his usual hard look and Snake sits astride his usual chair in the corner. I take another one and Ryder raises his eyes, “What’s the story?”

  I fill them both in and Snake whistles. “I know her, Sunny Scott. Bonnie loves her music and is always singing along to her playlist.”

  Ryder looks impressed. “I heard she was in town. Staying at the Beaumont, can’t be bad.”

  I nod and say grimly, “The trouble is, she’s due to ship out later to Vegas to marry that creep Colton Jeffrey. I’m also guessing her manager isn’t being upfront about what she earns because according to Sunny, she hasn’t earned much at all.”

  Ryder looks thoughtful and throws a quick look across to Snake. No words are spoken and Snake just nods. “Consider it done.”

  I’m not surprised they communicate without words. They’ve worked so long together as a team, I’m sure they can read each other’s minds.

  Ryder says softly, “So, we’ve got a concert to attend tonight.”

  Snake grins and I shake my head. “How many?”

  Ryder smiles. “I think ten should cut it.”

  He laughs and looks quite pleased with himself for once. “You know, this will get me in Ashton’s good books. She’s always saying we never go on dates like any normal couple, well, she asks, I deliver.”

  Snake snorts, “Yeah right. I’m guessing this isn’t the cozy little date she had in mind. Bonnie will be stoked though which is always a happy ending for me.”

  They laugh and I envy them their easy relationships. They may be two of the most fucked up bastards I’ve ever met but they have this side of them that appears almost ordinary. God knows what they’re like to live with.



  I go through the motions like a robot. I’m used to this scene, hell, I live it every day because I’m surrounded by ‘yes’ men that have only one master - Grady. He barks his orders and calls the shots and we all do as he says. In public, he puts on an act, making himself out to be the caring manager who wants the best for his superstar. In private, he’s rude, dismissive and cruel and if I wasn’t in so deep, I’d wade to dry land.

  The stadium we’re playing in tonight is impressive and as I stare around it from my position on stage, I picture how alive it’ll become later on tonight. This is why I put myself through this. The fans. They scream my name and sing my songs along with me and seeing their excited faces brings my broken heart to life. Two hours they get and for those two hours, I pretend none of the shit around me is real. I’m just a country girl singing a song and try to remember what it was like when I was happy.

  Once the soundcheck is done, Grady races over and says irritably, “Ok, back to the hotel. Remember, you need to pack up because we’re leaving straight after the show. Grab some food and make yourself available for the stylists who’ll be along at 6 pm. Don’t keep them waiting and remember you’re a professional and we’ll have no more repeat of your frankly disgusting behavior last night.”

  I make to speak but he grabs my wrist hard and snarls, “Don’t even think about answering me back you bitch. Remember, I own you and you do as I say. We have an agreement and you will marry Colton tomorrow and pay me back for all the belief I have in you. Remember, without me you have nothing, so be a good little girl and run along and play nicely.”

  He pushes me and as I stumble, an arm reaches out to steady me and Eric says coldly, “Come, Miss. Scott. I’ll see you back to the hotel.”

  Ignoring the look Grady throws him, Eric takes my arm and walks me quickly from the stage. I almost can’t keep up with him and it’s not until we are safely in the limo he says to the driver, “Take us back to the hotel. You can return later for the others.”

  I look at him in surprise and he shakes his head angrily. “I’m sorry, Miss. Scott but I can’t just stand back and watch that man treat you with no respect. You don’t deserve that and should stand up to him.”

  Sinking back in my seat, the tears burn my eyes. “I can’t. Grady speaks to me the way he likes because I signed a contract giving him that right.”

  Eric says forcefully, “It’s wrong. You know, I’ve guarded many stars over the years and none of them gets this treatment. If anything, they call the shots because the management work for them, not the other way around. I think you’ll find you have more say than he’s letting on. Why don’t you let me look over your contract? I’ll soon discover just how much power he really has.”

  I look at him in surprise. “Why?”

  He looks a little unsure and then smiles sweetly. “Because I like you, Sunny—a lot. I’ve guarded you for a few months now and have never seen a sweeter girl. I hate the way that creep treats you and well, I’d like to protect you if you’ll let me.”

  I stare at him in shock, because from the look in his eyes, he’s harboring feelings that worry me. I feel bad when I see the hope in his eyes and so, I smile and say kindly. “Thank you, it’s good to have a friend. Listen, don’t worry about me, I’ll be ok, I’m a country girl and we’re made of strong stuff. Leave me to deal with Grady and you’re right, I shouldn’t let him speak to me like that. I want to thank you though.”

  He looks confused. “For what?”

  “For being the only friend I have right now.”

  He looks a little disappointed as I friend zone him but I don’t want to give him hope where there’s none.

  As we near the hotel, I say suddenly, “Um… Eric, you could do me a favor if you like.”

  He looks at me eagerly, “Anything.”

  “Could you tell the ticket office I have some friends that may show. Tyson Rivera and I’m not sure how many others. When they show, can you arrange them backstage passes and make sure they get to join me after the show?”

  I don’t miss the disappointment in his eyes as he looks worried. “Who are they?”

  I smile to myself. “Just some friends from back home that I haven’t seen in years.”

  I look out of the window so he can’t see my expression. Maybe tonight may change everything because if I know Tyson, Grady won’t know what’s hit him.



  We meet in the yard and I
smile to myself as I see Ryder heading over holding Ashton’s hand tenderly. Snake and Bonnie are looking at something on his phone and Flash and Jennifer are looking at each other as usual. Jet and Lucy are watching the others and I laugh as I see who I’m paired with—Brody.

  He grins as I approach and I shake my head. Man, couldn’t you have asked anyone else?

  The others laugh because they know Brody and I have the sort of relationship that has us fighting one minute and best buddies the next.

  Ryder looks around and says sharply, “We’ll take two cars and two bikes. Does everyone know their positions?

  We all nod and I think back to the plan that was hatched earlier today. It’s risky but if anything, will raise some very awkward questions.

  Brody and I take the bikes so the others can sit with their old ladies.

  As I pull away, my heart beats in time to the engine as I picture seeing Sunny doing what she does best. I know I’ll be the proudest man in the room as she belts out those words that come from her heart. Sunny Scott was always an impressive girl and was destined to be a star. I just can’t wait to see how well she polished up.

  We make our way to the Rock County stadium and join the masses of vehicles heading the same way. It’s a cool evening with the stars shining brightly in the sky and I picture the time when we used to lie in the haystack and look up at those same stars and wish on them. It has always been Sunny and me and we wished for a life spent happy and together. We wanted a family and to see the world but somehow the wish got distorted because even though it came true, I’ve seen the world in a very different way to how I imagined.

  By the time we park and make our way to the entrance, the crowds have formed and I don’t miss the interested looks thrown our way. I know we cut an impressive picture, and it’s not just because the women with us are stunning. Each guy is huge and toned and appear to have a way with the ladies that gets us what we want most of the time. It may also be because we wear our jackets with pride. Twisted Reapers announce to the world that we’re men who take no shit and who would want to mess with that? Anyone that knows of us knows to steer clear and those that don’t, learn the hard way what it involves.

  As we head to the front of the line, nobody stops us and Ryder says to the man on the door, “We’re guests of Miss. Scott.”

  I watch with amusement as the man swallows hard and speaks nervously into his phone. It takes no time at all before the line is stopped and we are led through, where we’re met by a man who looks at us nervously.

  “Um… Tyson Rivera by any chance?”

  I step forward and he smiles nervously. “Um… yes, Miss. Scott told us to expect you. Follow me and I’ll arrange your backstage passes.”

  We follow the man through the crowds to a door at the side. He enters a code and we pass through into a quiet passageway which cuts out the noise of the crowds, leaving the man even more nervous than he was before.

  I watch the girls shared amused expressions as Ashton feels bad for him and asks him many questions in the soft way she has. She charms anyone who crosses her path, and the man is soon eating out of her hand and visibly relaxes as he arranges our passes and tells us where to go.

  It doesn’t take long before we’re shown to an area where only invited guests hang out and Snake sighs with relief. “A bar, halleluiah.”

  The rest of the guys follow him and I look around me. It appears that the invited guests are made up of reporters, local celebrities and politicians. People who could well afford the price of a ticket yet freeload in the back just to be seen. I catch the eye of a local news presenter and she smiles suggestively. Pointedly, I look away. I’m not here for anyone other than Sunny and have no time for small talk.

  Once the warm-up act has belted out a few songs, we wait in anticipation for the woman herself.

  The band start up and I recognize a familiar tune that strikes a chord. It’s the first song Sunny wrote and the one that made her a star. The crowd goes wild as the spotlight picks up the dazzling figure that’s arrived on stage and my heart swells as I see the woman I love caught in the light like a fragile butterfly. The huge screens either side zoom in on her and she smiles and pouts like the superstar she is. I can’t tear my eyes from her as she sings song after song with a confidence earned over several shows like this. As Sunny sings, the world makes sense—for me anyway and it strengthens my resolve.

  Halfway through the show, Ryder stands beside me and nods to the door to our right. We know the drill and one by one we must take up our positions by the time the last song is sung.

  I watch as Jet heads through the door, followed ten minutes later by Brody. By the time the last song begins only Ryder, the girls, and I are left in the room.

  I watch, struggling to contain my emotions as Sunny sings her heart out. Each word is familiar to me as I sat with her while she wrote. She used to read them out with excitement and I would smile at the light in her eyes. Sunny was born to sing, and I was born to protect her and that’s just what I plan on doing.

  Just before she finishes, a man appears by my side who I recognize from her hotel corridor. If he remembers me, he doesn’t show it and just says in my ear, “Miss. Scott has asked that you and your friends join her in her dressing room after the show.”

  I nod and gesture the others to follow as we make our way through the door to the backstage area. The girls are excited but that’s nowhere near the excitement I’m feeling at seeing her again. When she stepped out in that glittering costume she looked like an angel—my angel and I physically ache to have her by my side.

  The man walks steadily and silently and we offer no conversation. The girls look excited and Ryder just looks hard as always.

  The guy opens a door with a huge star on the front and says abruptly, “Wait in here.”

  The door closes and we look around us with interest. All around are flowers and chocolates and notes from admirers. Buckets of champagne sit on a bench with glasses to one side and it appears there’s a party planned which suits us just fine.

  Before long we hear voices and I look with interest as the door flies open and a guy walks in followed by several others. He looks at us in surprise and barks, “Who the fuck are you?”

  Ryder steps forward and says in a hard voice, “Ryder King, a friend of Sunny’s and you are…?”

  The man looks annoyed and says in a bored voice, “Grady Donaldson, Sunny’s manager. She never mentioned any friends to me.”

  I step forward. “Maybe she didn’t want you to know.”

  I catch his eye and throw him a hard look and see the fear mixed with uncertainty enter his eyes. Then he sees the girls and I see the interest spark as he smiles creepily and heads toward Ashton. “You must be a relative of Sunny’s you look so similar. Tell me, can you sing as well as she can because if so, we need to talk?”

  Stepping in front of him, Ryder growls, “She ain’t talking to you so back off.”

  Grady looks uncomfortable and moves back quickly and disappears among the usual hangers-on. As the room fills up, I try to get my head straight. It won’t be long and then the games begin and I just hope Sunny won’t hate me for what we’re about to do.



  It’s like a drug and I’m an addict. The rush of adrenalin that hits me as I perform the songs I wrote, to people who sing along with me. The music brings my words to life and causes them to dance around me in the most magical of ways. This is a rush that makes all the shit necessary because, without it, I wouldn’t be half the woman I am.

  It passes so quickly and by the time the last note is played and the lights shut down; the sweat runs like rivers down my back and I feel more alive than I ever thought I would.

  Tonight, I sang harder than ever for him. For Tyson because he is the person who inspires my words. Every word I write comes from a heart that belongs to him.

  I can’t see him but I know he is there. The man I love watching over me and promising me that everything
will be ok.

  I almost run from the stage and hug my band who played as great as always and turn to see Eric standing stony-faced nearby. For a moment, a hint of uncertainty takes hold and I wonder if he came at all. What if he stayed away? What if they kept him out? I couldn’t bear it if he wasn’t here.

  Eric smiles a reassurance I need right now as he takes my arm and whispers, “They’re in your dressing room with the usual crowd.”

  I feel giddy with excitement as I race toward the door through which stands the man I thought I’d never see again.

  As the door opens, I am lost in a sea of bodies all calling out and congratulating me. A glass of champagne is thrust in my hand and Grady takes my elbow and steers me through a crowd of hangers-on and well-wishers, introducing me to important executives and people he wants me photographed with. I smile but all the time I am looking for him.

  Then I catch sight of him and my heart leaps. Our eyes connect across the room and the crowd fades into the distance. He smiles, and that’s all I need to run to him and jump in his arms. I wrap my arms around him tightly and fiercely like I never want to let go and he whispers, “I love you, country girl.”

  His words bring back a sweet memory and I whisper, “I love you more, country boy.”

  He lowers me gently to the floor as Grady rushes up and hisses furiously, “What the fuck, Sunny, remember what’s happening tomorrow. I don’t want any photographs of you all over some deadbeat ruining what I’ve set up.”

  I feel the anger stirring and then Tyson says loudly, “Hey, babe, come and meet the guys.”

  He steers me away from the imminent scene and whispers, “Stay cool.”

  I nod and look with interest at the welcoming smiles of a group of absolutely stunning girls who are standing beside a man I can only describe as the devil himself. He looks so fierce I quake in my cowboy boots and Tyson laughs, “Meet Ryder King, Ryder this is Sunny.”


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