Payback is Sweet

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Payback is Sweet Page 23

by Kristy Centeno

  Audrey and I bypassed the single file of clubbers waiting to gain entrance to the Jazz and Dance club a few feet away, and I fought to keep my rapidly beating heart under control as it drummed a steady staccato inside my chest. At the sight of the guy I’d come here to see it intensified. A few feet away stood my handsome partner in crime and just looking at him sparked that flame that kept us glued together like a couple of hormone crazed teenagers.

  A few people protested as Audrey and I continued on to the front of the line, but I paid them no mind. My focus was on Dakota only. His attention was submerged on inspecting the ID’s of the two girls to his right. Since I was heading in his direction from his left side, he had not spotted me yet. That was fine with me. It gave me time to scrutinize him further.

  He wore a white, long sleeved, button down shirt with the sleeves folded up to the elbows, a pair of black slacks, and black loafers. His long black hair was tied at the nape of the neck and as always, he wore those glasses that I had come to love so much. He looked good enough to eat, whole.

  I smiled as we continued toward him. Audrey had not said a word and I did not feel like talking either. My mission was to make it to Mr. Blackwater to let him know I had arrived. We had agreed to meet at the club, and I was looking forward to taking him inside with me. I was looking to forward to spending some time with him in a setting like this one. I loved to see him out of his element. I loved to see the way he fidgeted when he was uncomfortable. Since he’d made it clear partying was not his thing, spending some time with him in the club could certainly prove to be interesting.

  We finally made it to the front of the line and Anthony immediately greeted us.

  “Hey, Janessa.” Anthony gestured for us to step forward.

  As soon as he said my name, Dakota turned his head to his left and finally laid his ebony colored eyes on me. I swear that for a moment there time seemed to stop. The way his eyes appraised me, forced my heart into a race. I swallowed hard, finding it difficult to even breathe.

  “You girls are late.” Anthony smiled. “Your friends are already here.”

  I acknowledged Anthony briefly. “Well, you know me. I just have to make an entrance.”

  Anthony laughed. “Don’t I know it.”

  “Is everybody here?” Audrey asked Anthony.

  He looked down at his clipboard. “I think so. Party of eight? VIP?”

  I gestured to Dakota and Audrey. “We complete the party.”

  Anthony spared a glance in Dakota’s direction. “Right, eight.”

  Dakota, who had been too busy gawking at me up to that point, handed the ID’s back to the two girls who had been anxiously awaiting his approval and said, “Nice try girls, but those ID’s are fake.”

  The girls pouted and turned hopeful eyes to Anthony.

  Shaking his head, Anthony added, “Sorry girls, but you heard the guy. No underage teens are allowed. Better luck somewhere else.”

  Visibly displeased, the girls lifted their chins and strutted away.

  Shrugging, Dakota sauntered in our direction. “Must be a new record. That’s like the tenth pair that has tried that tonight.”

  “And they sure won’t be the last.” Anthony chuckled. “It’s going to be a busy night.”

  I beamed when Dakota stepped within a foot of me and held one hand out for me. Excusing myself, I let him pull me toward the club’s double doors and looked up as he brushed his lips over mine briefly before pulling back.

  “You look…” He shook his head. “I can’t even put it into words.” His eyes traveled the distance from my head to my toes and then back up again. “You’re beautiful, Janessa.”

  I blushed. That was a first for me. I had never blushed over a compliment before.

  “Thanks.” I reached up to skim the tips of my fingers along his cheekbone. “You look great too.” Like I said earlier, good enough to eat. Scratch that. He looked good enough to devour.

  Dakota smiled. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  “It is a compliment,” I purred seductively.

  He chuckled. “This is neither the time nor the place.”

  I pouted. “Too bad.” He was right though. There were at least two dozen eyes on us.

  He took my hand in his. “The others are already waiting upstairs, but I have to wait until Lex gets here.”

  I tried not to panic as he said that. I really wanted him to join us, but I did not want to jeopardize his job and if no one could come in to replace him, he’d have to stay behind.

  “Are you sure your boss doesn’t have a problem with you getting off early to be with us?” More importantly, to be with me.

  “Lex is reliable. He texted me about five minutes ago and assured me that he’d be here in ten to fifteen minutes.” Taking my hand to his lips, he planted a quick peck on the back of it before releasing me.

  “Are you sure?” My eyes wavered momentarily.

  “I’m sure. I’ll meet with you in a little bit. I promise.” Though it was such a simple pledge, it held all the assurance in the world to me.

  “Okay, I’ll see you in a little bit.” I stood on the tips of my toes and reached up to kiss him only to draw back when the crowd of people waiting to gain access to the club erupted in cheers.

  I turned my attention to the men and women gazing at us and said, “Some people have no lives.” But I smiled through the irritation because I was so damn happy my annoyance could not last more than a few seconds.

  “You girls go on in.” Anthony waved Audrey and me forward with his hands. When a couple began to complain loudly, he turned to them and added, “They are VIP guests. Unless you reserved a VIP spot, I suggest you shut it.”

  I laughed at the stunned look on their faces.

  “Let’s go.” Audrey grabbed a hold of my arm.

  “I’ll see you soon,” I said to Dakota. He nodded briefly before walking back to his post.

  The two other bouncers in charge of allowing patrons in, opened the doors for us and we slipped inside the club, much to the disapproving people we left behind.

  Just like every other club I’d ever been to, the atmosphere here was very similar. The lights were slightly dimed, the music was booming, there were people dancing around the lower floor, and the huge bar in one corner of the place was surrounded by customers waiting for a drink, ordering one, or simply enjoying a beverage.

  “We should just head right up to the second floor.” Audrey pointed to a beautiful metal staircase to my left. “I think that leads to the VIP booths on the second floor.

  I nodded and started for the direction of the stairs.

  “Do you have our VIP passes?” Audrey screamed in my right ear, struggling to be heard over the loud music.

  I didn’t bother with a response. It wasn’t worth the effort of trying to talk over the earsplitting music. Instead, I towed her along as I hurried to the stairs where another duo of bouncers were standing to make sure no one entered the VIP area. Opening my clutch, I took out our VIP passes and flashed them in front of one of the guy’s face. He took one good look at them, nodded, and then stepped aside.

  Stuffing the passes back into my clutch, I hurried up the steps with Audrey holding on to my arm. Trying my best not to stumble in my four inch heels, I lowered my gaze to the stairs and didn’t look up until we made it to the end of the stairwell.

  “Now where do we go?” Audrey glanced over the rail at the many bodies moving from side to side on the dance floor.

  “Hopefully, not down,” I murmured. “Come on. We are supposed to be accommodated on room number four, which according to Dakota is at the end of the hall. They only have the four rooms anyway.”

  Nodding, Audrey followed me as I started down the dark hall. From what I could see, each “booth” was really a small room hidden behind glass walls and a single wooden door. From what I could make out from the hall, every wall we passed by had a red velvet curtain pulled over the glass to ensure privacy I supposed.

  I could im
agine partiers wanting to drink—hopefully, just drink and nothing else—and enjoy time with friends or family members in private. I knew I’d enjoy that, which is why I wanted the VIP room in the first place.

  When we finally made it to the last booth, Audrey stepped forward and knocked on the door twice before reaching for the knob and swinging it open.

  “Hey, you girls finally made it,” I heard Kevin scream.

  Smiling Audrey stepped in and I followed, closing the door with my heel.

  “Hey.” Delilah, wearing a black corset that pushed her big boobs upward, almost forcing them out of the garment altogether, waved her gloved clad hands at us. “You’re here at last.”

  I smiled as I glanced around the room and found Michaela, Kevin, Uziel, Delilah, and Demarco all siting comfortable on a huge leather sectional. There was an array of alcoholic beverages sporadically resting on a huge round table in front of the sectional. Some of them were half empty already.

  Behind the sectional was a huge entertainment system complete with a 60 inch TV, speakers and karaoke machine.

  “Sorry we’re late,” I said, walking in Delilah’s direction. Since the door was closed and we were behind walls, the music was not as loud so I didn’t have to raise my voice all that much. “We got caught up.”

  “We did not get caught up,” Audrey interjected. “Janessa got caught up with Dakota.”

  Uziel sat up straight and grinned. “What’d they do? Were they swallowing each other’s tongue again?”

  I grabbed a tiny pillow sitting on a black leather couch to my left and hurled it in his direction. He lifted both arms to deflect the blow but the pillow landed on his lap instead.

  “None of your business.” I tried to stifle a smile when he burst out in laughter.

  “You two are unbelievable.” Uziel shook his head. “Can’t you keep your paws of each other?”

  I sat down next to Delilah and frowned. “Cut me some slack, will ya? I find your cousin irresistible. Who can blame me?”

  Uziel clutched the pillow to his chest and smiled. “Don’t worry, I get it.”

  Audrey sat on the other end of the sectional, next to Uziel.

  Demarco slapped Uziel’s right shoulder. “Get off their backs. They’re in that phase where they are discovering each other. You know how fun that is.” He turned in my direction and winked.

  I flipped him off and he chuckled softly.

  Though I still disliked Demarco, I tolerated his presence a little more. If only because he was Dakota’s best friend. At least I did not try to hurt him every time I saw him now, which was a huge step for me. I had, after all, spoken in his favor, urging Dakota to forgive his horribly handled mistake.

  “Speaking of which, where is Dakota?” Kevin asked.

  “He’s waiting for his replacement,” I replied. “Did anyone order drinks for us?”

  Delilah sat up straight. “I did. The waiter should be here any moment now.”

  I smiled. “What did you order for me?”

  “Sex on the beach,” she replied with a grin.

  I laughed. “All right, sounds like my kind of drink.” It was refreshing to know just how much my friends knew me.

  “I thought you’d like it,” Delilah said before settling back next to Demarco. The way he smiled at her when she turned to look at him unnerved me a bit. Knowing they were dating, and serious about each other did little to put me at ease.

  I’d be lying if I said that it didn’t bother me. Delilah was one of my best friends and I definitely wanted her to be happy. Since she broke up with her boyfriend, she hadn’t really taken any other guy seriously, but I’d have to be blind not to realize she was into Demarco.

  It was hard for me to feel happy because well, Demarco and I really didn’t like each other all that much.

  Then again, she’d stuck with me when I dated Kirk even though she’d told me more than once he was not good enough for me. If she could do that, I could stand by her too.

  “Are you girls planning on going dancing?” Michaela reached over to grab her Long Island Ice Tea from the table. “Because I’m just about ready to start shaking it.” She laughed at the look on Kevin’s face.

  “I’m sorry? Shaking what?” Kevin asked as he frowned at her. “You’ll be shaking nothing to anyone.”

  Michaela tossed her head back and laughed. “You almost sound jealous.”

  Kevin shook his head. “I’m not jealous,” he muttered as he reached out for his beer. But even I could see that he was. Of course, it didn’t help that Michaela really loved to see just how often she could rile him up. Actually, it was quite amusing to the rest of us too.

  “Oh, don’t worry baby.” Michaela placed her left hand on his thigh and gave it a squeeze, nearly forcing the guy to spill his drink all over himself. “You take first pick.”

  I nibbled on my lower lip to keep from laughing aloud.

  Taking her hand away, Kevin looked at Michaela and rewarded her with a wicked grin. “I think that since we’re not alone, the flirting should be left for when we get out of here.”

  Uziel and Demarco exchanged quick glances before busting out laughing.

  “Guys.” Audrey rolled her eyes.

  Our easy banter was interrupted by a knock on the door.

  “Must be the waiter.” Uziel scampered to his feet, walked over to the door, and opened it.

  Sure enough, the waiter, a handsome young man with brown hair and blue eyes, came in with a medium sized tray filled with our drinks. Uziel stepped aside to allow the guy to enter. Efficient at his job, the waiter set the drinks one by one on the glass table before reaching out to take those that were either half or already empty.

  “I’m tipping this guy.” Audrey took out a five dollar bill and waved it from side to side. The waiter grabbed it and winked at her before straightening up.

  “Would you like to order anything else?” he asked, eying Audrey with interest for a moment. “We’re having a fifty percent off Martini’s and Margarita’s tonight. Courtesy of the owner.”

  I shook my head. “The next round of drinks is on me.” Rummaging through my clutch, I took out three twenty dollar bills and tossed them on the table. “Bring us another round of these.” I pointed to the drinks he’d set on the glass table.

  The waiter nodded. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.” He picked up the money and stuffed it in his apron before strolling toward the door Uziel was still holding open for him. Just as the man slithered past the doorway, Dakota appeared.

  My heart nearly stopped at the sight of him. I had begun to wonder when he would join us and if his friend had actually shown up to relieve him of his shift for the night, but I had nothing to worry about now that he was here.

  Smiling, he hurried into the room and made his way toward me. Uziel shut the door just as Dakota took a seat to my right, near the edge of the sectional. Draping one arm over my shoulders, he pulled me to him and tilted his heard forward, burying his face in my neck.

  “You made it.” I shivered as his hot breath feathered over my skin.

  “I made it,” he whispered near my ear. “I told you I would.”

  I nodded because I couldn’t find the words to respond. By this point I was oblivious to the conversation going on a few feet away. I was only aware of Dakota and nothing else.

  “Did I mention you look amazing?” He planted a kiss on my earlobe and my instinct was to squeeze my thighs together. I was already getting wet and he had done nothing to me yet. He had that effect on me. Even I was surprised by it.

  “I believe you said something similar earlier.” My voice came out hoarser than I intended. The temperature in the room was rising. Or maybe that was just me. Suddenly, I felt hot all over.

  He drew back so that he could look down at me and smiled. “You’re beautiful, Janessa Rowe.”

  Just looking at his lips made me want to jump on him right then and there. Hell, even the way he said my name made me ache all over.

  “It’s a
n early night for you, huh Dakota?” Demarco asked.

  Dakota spared a glance in Demarco’s direction. “It feels kind of nice to get off work early, especially on a Friday night.”

  Picking up my sex on the beach—hell, even the name of the drink was driving me crazy—I brought it to my lips and sipped as I listened to the guys talk.

  “Man, you really need to take some days off.” Demarco took a long swig of beer before adding, “You never do.”

  “Well, I’m here. That counts for something,” Dakota replied.

  It certainly meant a lot to me that he was accompanying me.

  “Want to order something to drink?” Demarco gestured toward the drinks.

  Dakota shook his head. “Nah, I’m good.”

  I was nearly finished with my drink when Michaela popped to her feet. “I want to dance. Come on, Kevin.”

  Kevin tossed a surprised look in her direction. “I’m not much of a dancer.”

  Michaela placed one hand on her hip and glared down at him. “You can either dance with me or I’ll find someone who will.”

  Kevin set his beer back on the table and held out his hand for her. Michaela took it and helped him off the couch.

  “You’re really forcing me to do this, aren’t you?”

  “It’s up to you. I already told you what’s up.”

  Kevin scowled. “Fine.”

  Michaela giggled at the look on his face. “Don’t pretend as if you’re not going to enjoy this.”

  Kevin said nothing but he grinned at her.

  “We will be back shortly.” Michaela tossed over her shoulder as she towed Kevin behind her. “If we’re not back in five minutes, order another round of drinks. I’m paying this time.” She continued on to the door and reached for the knob, stopping short of opening it when Delilah spoke.

  “Oh, wait. I’m coming too.” Delilah hurried to her feet. “I want to dance too.”


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