Payback is Sweet

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Payback is Sweet Page 24

by Kristy Centeno

  Demarco wasted no time popping to his feet and following Delilah, Michaela, and Kevin out the door.

  I set my drink back down on the table and glanced at Audrey, who was sitting on the sectional directly across from me. She smiled sheepishly.

  “I don’t suppose you know how to dance, do you?” Audrey elbowed Uziel, who was busy downing a shot of Tequila.

  He shrugged. “Not really, but I can give it a try.”

  Audrey took the empty shot glass and set it on the table before grabbing ahold of Uziel’s wrist. “Good. Let’s go then.”

  Uziel looked on in surprise for a moment before relenting, allowing Audrey to drag him out of the room. In their haste to exit, they’d left the door open, which allowed the music to travel freely into the room without barriers muffling the sound.

  “It’s just you and me now.” I turned my head sideways to look at Dakota. “Do you dance?”

  “I don’t know how,” he replied. “But I could give it a try if you wanted me to.”

  I would have loved to drag him to the dance floor, but I knew it would only make him uncomfortable and I did not want that. I wanted him to be happy, relaxed, fully himself.

  “Let’s watch the others dance then.” Placing my clutch on the seat to my left, I stood and extended my arm, offering him my hand. He took it and rose. “We can stay up in the hallway and watch over the rail.” I started for the door with a firm grip on his hand. “If you’re nice though, I might put on a show just for you.”

  He stopped abruptly. I turned to see why he’d stop only to find a pair of eyes scrutinizing me.

  “Put on a show?” He swallowed hard. “What do you mean?”

  Adrenaline thrummed through me. I was pushing boundaries. I knew it, but Dakota made me want to do things I’d never done before.

  “Just watch. You’ll see.” I pulled him along through the doorway and to the rail.

  I looked down, searching for my friends. I was able to spot Kevin and Michaela quickly, but it took me a moment to identify Delilah swaying provocatively against Demarco, and Audrey moving to the beat of the song with Uziel trying his best to follow her lead. I smiled. It seemed everyone was having a good time so far.

  Reaching out for Dakota’s other hand; I placed them both on my hips, and waited for the next song to start. As soon as the next song started, I began to move to the rhythm, swaying my body from side to side. I was totally lost in the moment, moving as if my very life depended on it. The music combined with Dakota’s touch turned into an aphrodisiac for me. I could feel the beats of the melody in my blood. It was almost as if we became one and that encouraged me to give it my all. To dance seductively for my would-be lover and I could hardly resist the temptation to push him as far as I could.

  I wanted him to reach the point of no return. I wanted him to get to that point where he no longer could pull back. Because, in all honesty, I was already there. I was intoxicated by his presence. By the warmth radiating from his body to mine. I was tired of fighting off the attraction. As hard as it was to accept it, I could no longer deny it.

  Dakota’s grip intensified as I tossed my arms up and pushed my ass back toward him. Even though he was behind me, I could feel his eyes on me, and I knew he was busy eying the way I moved, observing the way my hips gyrated against his. He was quiet the whole time. He hardly even moved, but I could feel the effect I had on him clear enough even with the items of clothing in the way.

  I could feel his hard-on clearly through the fabric of his pants. That really did it for me. My blood turned into liquid fire with the knowledge. My mouth dried up. My heart skipped a beat. I was on fire for him. I craved his touch like a drug addict craves his next hit.

  Bringing my arms down, I reached behind me with both hands. Fisting my hands in his slacks, I pressed back, thrust my breasts forward, and slithered slowly down his body and then up again after which, I grounded my hips against his erection.

  That last thrust of the hips forced a reaction out of him. Releasing my hips, he wrapped both arms around my waist and pulled me back as he buried his face in the back of my neck. He held me tight for a moment without moving, but I could feel his ragged breathing pattern over my skin. It matched my own.

  A second later, he drew back and planted soft kisses on my neck, moving slowly to my right ear where he stopped to say, “All that teasing. A man can only take so much.”

  I smiled triumphantly. Wiggling free of his arms, I spun around to face him and framed his face with my hands. “What are you talking about? I don’t tease.”

  He did not reply, but kissed me instead. And when I say kiss, I mean he practically made love to my mouth with his. His big hands explored the length of my spine as his tongued delved inside, touching, tasting, mimicking the act of love making as it slithered in and out of me. A moan worked its way up my throat but stopped short of escaping my half open lips.

  We clung to each other as if we were living our last moments on earth. It was both invigorating and hot to be kissed so passionately where others could see us from below. I have to admit that although I was not one to put on a show for others in public, somehow, being in Dakota’s arm, kissing each other senseless with a crowd of possible spectators a few feet below, kind of spiced things up a bit.

  However, before I could dwell on that thought—or reality—Dakota tore his lips from mine, grabbed ahold of my forearm, and pulled me back to our private booth. He slammed the door shut before pushing me against the wall. He had a hungry look to him and I couldn’t blame him. I was starving myself.

  “Dakota…” I stopped and chewed on my lower lips. Words failed me. But then, I didn’t have to say I wanted him. He could see it in my eyes.

  Without a word, he ducked his head forward and devoured my lips once again. This time, his kiss was a lot more urgent, more passionate, more demanding. I could feel the force of his desire pressed against me and I could hardly contain my own growing lust. I couldn’t even think anymore. My only wish was to have him inside me, making me come over and over again.

  Keeping one hand pressed against my lower back, Dakota used his one free limb to explore over my dress. Somehow, it made its way down my neck and to my left breast. He cupped it lightly, kneading it gently, before dropping his hand further. It traveled from my breast, down my abdomen, and to my naked thigh. I waited as his fingers skimmed over my skin, dancing up my flesh before diving under the hem of my dress. I tensed in anticipation. Was he going to touch me? There? Would he?

  God, I wanted him to. I wanted to feel at least some part of him inside of me.

  His fingers fluttered over the crotch of my black laced panties and I nearly lost it right then. It was almost too much for me to handle.

  Unfortunately, before I could get my hopes up, he withdrew his hand, pulled back, and leaned his forehead on mine. His breathing was deep and hoarse. So was mine.

  “I think we should stop.” He released a breath of air. “I’ve never been one to have sex in public, but if we don’t stop kissing, I’m going to make love to you right here, right now.”

  Though his admission was far from funny, I laughed. “We can always go somewhere more private,” I suggested.

  He stepped back and looked at me for a moment before grabbing my arm and starting for the door.

  “Wait!” I tugged on his arm. “Wait! My clutch!” My keys were in my clutch and we weren’t getting anywhere without them.

  He stopped and released my arm. Running to the sectional, I grabbed my clutch and together we exited the room, walked down the hallway, descended the stairs, and across the sea of dancing patrons as we headed in the direction of the entrance.

  In moments, we were out the door.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  “Where did you park?” Dakota asked as we walked out. A light breeze wafted toward us, forcing me to shiver. I was now regretting not bringing along a wrap or something to ward off the chill of autumn nights.

  “In the club’s parking lot,” I replied.
“Toward the side.”

  With a firm grip on my hand, he led me to the side of the building, ignoring Anthony as he shouted something to us I could not make out nor did I care enough to pay attention. We hurried along to the back of the building where the parking lot was and I pointed to the direction where I’d left my baby. As soon as we were within arm’s reach of the car, Dakota turned toward me and said, “The keys?” He opened the palm of his hand.

  Without a word, I fished for the keys inside my clutch and handed them over. He used the remote to unlock the doors and we both climbed in in a hurry, buckling our seatbelts even as the doors were being slammed shut.

  “Your place or mine?” Dakota asked as he started the car.

  I shifted in the passenger side seat to look at him. “Wait. How come you get to drive? I can get there much faster,” I protested.

  “Because I’ve seen how you drive, and I want to get there in one piece,” he replied. “So, your place or mine?” he asked a second time.

  My eyebrows scrunched slightly. “Mine.”

  Sparing a glance in my direction, he asked, “Why your place and not mine? My place is closer.”

  I grinned. “Yeah, but I have a bigger bed.”

  He settled his gaze forward as he drove off without replying. I’d worn the argument after all. His apartment might be closer, but my bed was twice as big as his. It offered plenty of space for us to roll around—if it came to that anyway.

  Grinning, I settled back in my seat as he peeled out of the parking lot. Dakota complained a lot about being road safety but he sure was pushing the car pretty damn quick down the streets as he directed it to my house. Not that I was complaining. I was as much in a hurry to get home as he probably was. Of course, the reason for that was evident in the way his pants were slightly tented. I would have reached out to touch him, but I was too afraid to startle him. The last thing I wanted was for us to end up in a bad accident.

  Besides, waiting was only building up anticipation.

  The drive from the club to my house was like the longest ride of my life. I swear, instead of taking us twelve minutes as it should have, it took us twice as much. We managed to hit every freaking red light on the way and every time we were forced to stop, we’d looked at each other with undisguised longing in our eyes. We had it bad. I could see the burning desire in his gaze and I’m pretty sure he could see the same thing when he looked at me.

  Getting home took too damn long.

  Thankfully, our patience paid off, and we made it there in one piece. As soon as Dakota cut the engine, we wasted no time climbing out of the car, going up the steps that led to the front door, which Dakota unlocked with my keys. Within moments we were inside and I was closing and locking the front door.

  Without bothering to turn on any lights, I took ahold of his arm and led him across the living room, down the hallway, and up the stairs. I knew my house like the back of my hand and there was no fear of bumping into something. I knew exactly where everything was.

  Dakota followed quietly as we ambled up the twenty or so steps. At the top of the staircase, I turned slightly to my right, and padded across the carpeted floor to my bedroom. I opened the door and stepped aside to allow Dakota passage.

  The second we were both inside, Dakota coaxed me against the door, pressing my body against it, effectively closing it. I let go of my clutch, allowing for it to fall to the carpeted floor. My entire focus shifted to Dakota and to the fact that we were alone in my bedroom. He grazed my lips with his, slowly at first. Nothing like the hot demanding kiss he’d given me at the club. He no longer seemed in a hurry. And I was perfectly fine with that. We had time.

  I buried my hands in his long black hair, holding back a groan as he pressed his pelvis against mine. He was still hard as steel and I wanted to touch him so badly. I wanted to see him naked too. I had not had the chance to see him fully undressed and I desperately wanted to take a peek. See if he looked as good with his clothing off as he did with them on.

  He had other plans, however. Plans that included finishing what he’d started at the club. Sneaking one hand under my dress, he skimmed the length of my folds from top to bottom with the tips of his fingers. This time it wasn’t just a light fluttering of his digits over the fabric of my undergarments. No. This time I honestly thought he was going to break through the cloth with just one swipe of his fingers.

  Gasping, I pressed against the door and spread my legs for him. That was all the encouragement he needed. Moving aside the cloth keeping him from accessing fully the core of my womanhood, he slid one finger over my labia, spreading my juices agonizingly slow from the nub of my clit to the opening of my dark channel. A quick shock of pleasure spread through me. I arched my back, thrusting my hips forward toward his hand.

  I could feel heat surging upward, inflating like a balloon waiting to pop. I was close. So close. He would bring me there soon enough. I just knew he would. My breathing turned ragged as the realization hit me. Dakota Blackwater was going to make me come for him.

  Something akin to a growl escaped his lips when he tore his lips from mine. Sliding two fingers back up to my clit, he pressed down and rubbed it, rotating them in a circular pattern that sent wave after wave of raging hot lust rushing through me. After a few minutes, he stopped and turned his attention to tracing the lines of my labia. All the blood rushed to my face as I grew flustered. It was the worst kind of torture. He was so achingly close to slipping his fingers inside, but refrained from doing so. He was deliberately setting me on fire and leaving me burning, aching for more.

  “Dakota…” I barely managed to croak out, “please.” I hated to beg but I could not help it. He was driving me crazy. I was so close to exploding. All I needed was a little more encouragement.

  A rush of hot air slipped past his lips as he stared down at me. I wish it had occurred to me to turn on the lights. I really wanted to see his handsome face. I wanted to see the desire pooling behind his eyes. And I wanted him to see me too. I wanted to look into his eyes when I fell apart.

  All thoughts fled the second he penetrated me with one finger, pushing into me as far as he could go without hurting me before withdrawing slowly only to slip back in. I clenched my eyes shut as he retreated a second time and used his thumb to lightly brush my clit. Only one brief touch and I could hardly breathe. All he had to do was touch me once and I was on fire for him.

  I whimpered as he rotated his thumb around my pressure point. I let go of his hair and buried my perfectly manicured nails in his shoulders. My hips began to move almost as if they had a mind of their own, pumping forward and back as he slid the same finger into my vagina for a third time and I held on for dear life as he picked up pace.

  Burying his face in the hollow between my neck and shoulder, Dakota nipped at the skin there. His movements never once wavered. His fingers slipped easily into my achingly wet channel, setting a rhythm that eventually forced my belly to quiver. A slow tremble centering low in my pelvis swelled quickly upward, overtaking my capacity to think altogether. I cried out as my body convulsed. Every muscle in my body tensed as my inner walls rippled, bringing me to a mind shattering orgasm that damn near caused me to melt into a puddle at his feet.

  It took a moment for the orgasmic waves to subside. Meanwhile, I stood there, legs sprawled, dress bunched up to my belly, dripping wet, clinging to Dakota for fear of falling, waiting for the pounding of my heart to go back to normal. I sighed against Dakota’s ear and smiled when he shivered.

  “I want to see you,” I whispered. “Naked.”

  He pulled away, his fingers retreating as he took two steps back.

  I bit my lower lip to keep from protesting as his magnificent fingers left me feeling empty once again. They had done such a wonderful job at both arousing and bringing me to climax that I never wanted them to leave.

  However, as much as I had enjoyed Dakota’s hands, there were other parts of him I wanted to get to know too. I quickly stamped down the disappointment
and walked—on shaky legs—toward the lamp sitting on top of the nightstand next to my bed and quickly flicked it on. The small light bulb did not illuminate the bedroom all that much but it provided enough light for me to see Dakota clearly.

  I spun around to face him. His chest rose and fell with the force of his breathing. I only had to look at him to know he was still very much turned on. I extended one arm, offering him my hand. He walked over to me and took it. Tugging on his hand, I coaxed him forward. When he was standing but a foot away from me, I reached up and began to unbutton his shirt. Starting from the top, I quickly worked my way down.

  His eyes never left me. They searched my face as I worked. I rewarded him with a smile just as my fingers released the last button. He smiled too, shrugging the shirt off in one quick jerk of the shoulders. My breath hitched in my throat at the sight of his bare torso. Dakota was not as ripped as Kirk, but he was toned all over. I’d seen him without a shirt before, but this time things were different.

  There was a lot more sexual tension between us this time around. Studying his washboard abs, defined pectoral muscles, and protruding biceps felt wicked somehow. I moved a tentative hand forward, reaching out for the wall of his chest. His skin was hot to the touch and smooth. His hairless chest was definitely something to be admired, worshiped even.

  I smoothed out the palm of my hand over his heated flesh, absorbing the warmth radiating from him for a second before moving my hand up to his neck and then down to his flat navel. He was sexy. Hot. Beautiful. And for tonight, he was all mine.

  As if they had a will of their own, my fingers explored the outline of each muscle, fluttering over each one thoroughly before moving on to the next. I wanted to memorize every inch of his male beauty. Adding my other hand, I caressed, explored, memorized using my sense of touch. Sparing a glance up at Dakota’s face, I noted his eyes darkening in what I assumed must be lust and my own soared once again.

  My hands were merely teasing, gently exploring him, but if the look on his face was any indication, my touch heightened his desire. Maybe as much as it heightened mine.


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