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The Highlander Who Loved Me

Page 19

by Adrienne Basso

  “Can I . . . can I caress ye with my tongue?”

  “Aye.” His voice was strangled.

  She nuzzled him with her nose, curious to see if the gooseflesh covering the flat, muscled plane of his stomach would travel farther. It did. She pulled her head back and held herself motionless, inches from his manhood. Fascinated, she watched his penis thicken and grow larger.

  “Are ye doing that deliberately?” she asked.


  “Making it stand up.”

  “It has a will of its own,” he croaked.

  She moistened her lips. “I want to tame the beast,” she declared. Her heart racing, Davina did the unthinkable—she placed her lips over the glistening tip and pulled the head of his penis into her mouth.

  James’s hips shot off the bed as if he had been poked by a hot iron. Contact broken, Davina sat back on her knees. She stared at his back, pondering what could have gone wrong. He seemed to be enjoying her ministrations and then . . .

  She could hear him blowing out several deep breaths. He turned back to her and she tried not to let her disappointment show. Yet he must have sensed it. He reached out and slowly traced the outline of her plump lips.

  “Ye have the most beautiful mouth,” he murmured huskily.

  “I want to try it again.”

  Davina wasn’t sure who was more shocked by those words—she or James.

  “Ye’ll hear no complaints from me,” he said hoarsely.

  She snuggled close and put her head in the hollow of his shoulder. He slowly eased back until they were both lying on the bed. She waited a moment, then slid down his chest.

  This time she didn’t hesitate, stroking and swirling her tongue down the length of one side of his cock, then up the other. He groaned and rocked against her and she took him completely inside her mouth, circling, licking, sucking.

  His hands threaded through her hair, clenching tightly with each languid stroke. It was an incredible feeling, knowing that she had the power to bring him such complete pleasure. ’Twas also a tremendous relief, knowing that she could make love to him despite the self-conscious inhibition she had suffered from for so many years.

  She tilted her head to observe his reaction. His eyes were closed, his cheeks flushed, his expression was one of pure pleasure. His teeth were biting his lower lip as he tried to contain his groans.

  Davina felt a giddy flush of power stain her cheeks. It was so much more difficult than she thought—and yet it was also so simple. If she just allowed it to happen, it took no effort to be pulled into the whirlwind of desire they were creating.

  The memories she feared so greatly slowly dimmed. She inhaled deeply, letting the musky, male scent of him flow through her.

  “Enough now,” he growled suddenly, pulling himself away.

  She lifted her head and looked into his eyes. They were dark with pent-up desire, yet when they met hers, they softened. He smiled before reaching out and cupping the side of her face in his palm.

  Restless, tingling sensations heated her skin, making her heart beat faster. That heat moved through her and the wanting surged.

  “Dinnae be afraid to touch me,” she whispered. “I long to feel yer hands caress me.”

  “I fear that I’ll lose control and hurt ye,” he confessed.

  “I willnae break,” she insisted.

  “Ye need to put yerself where I can easily reach ye.”

  Davina frowned. “I’m right beside ye, James.”

  He pulled her to his chest and kissed her, bending his head to meet her lips. His hand gently caressed her back, moved to her shoulder, and finally her breast. Her body tightened when his thumbs grazed her nipples. She clung to him, burning with the fever of rising passion. He pushed her nightgown off her shoulder and lowered his head.

  The feel of his wet mouth on her sensitive nipples made her cry out with pleasure. She bit back another cry and arched against him, offering him more. His teeth roughly grazed the nipple. She cried out yet again, her hands reaching up to touch his hair, to hold him close.

  Her body bowed beneath him, straining upward. She could feel his hand reaching between her legs. Her breath caught and held, but then slowly, shyly, she parted her thighs, allowing him an intimacy she believed she would never experience. She sighed with pleasure at his gentle touch, each caress leaving her eager for the next.

  “Ye’re growing soft and damp fer me, my angel,” he murmured. “So sweet, so delicate.”

  Overwhelming sensations jolted through her body as his fingers skillfully circled, teased, and stroked the sensitive pearl hidden within the folds of her womanhood. Her belly tightened and she twisted restlessly as an odd, anxious ache filled her. She needed something more.

  “James,” she pleaded.

  “Aye, love, I know what ye need.”

  He lowered his head and pulled her nipple into his mouth. Her whole body lifted, stiffened, then began to tremble. His magical hand moved faster, coaxing her. She could feel herself straining toward release. Her legs shook, her breathing grew deep and ragged.

  She cried out, a long thin wail of joy and pleasure, riding the wave of unbearable sensations in a haze, her body convulsing mindlessly. It seemed as though her very soul was coming apart, but James was there to catch it, to hold it, to protect it.

  As the final bliss claimed her, James growled deep in his throat and suddenly rolled her onto her back. He settled his hard, hot body on top of her, surrounding her with his strength.

  Davina let out a soft cry. She could feel all his weight pressing her down against the mattress. Imprisoning her. Her mind clouded, her body rebelled. The edges of terror and memory joined and she panicked, unable to catch her breath as the fear clogged her throat.

  “God’s bones, Davina, what’s wrong?”

  “I cannae breathe,” she stammered.

  “Damn it!”

  He pulled his body off, but hovered in place above her, elbows braced on the side of her head. She stared into his face, fighting for calm, struggling to overcome her panic.

  “Forgive me,” she murmured, wrapping her fingers around his forearms. She could feel the muscles tightly locked in place and it helped, knowing she would be able to pull herself away if she chose.

  But I dinnae want to pull away. Tears gathered in her eyes. “I want this,” she insisted. “Please, dinnae leave me.”

  “I’m not going anywhere,” he replied with a deep sigh, setting his forehead against hers.

  They stayed that way for a minute or two and then he began brushing his nose across hers, back and forth, back and forth. It was a childish action, yet the odd caress eased her panic, helped her regain her trust in herself.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  “Shh, there’s more than one way to accomplish this deed, and I intend fer us both to enjoy finding out which works best.” He turned on his back and lifted her above him, reversing their positions. “Straddle my hips.”

  Nay! It felt strange, unnatural to be positioned in such a way. But she quickly let go of her reservations and did as he commanded, leaning forward until she was lying flat atop him.

  “Now kiss me, lass.”

  It was the perfect angle for kissing and Davina took full advantage of it. The fires of her passion were quickly rekindled. She felt but a small glimmer of trepidation when his hands took hold of her hips, lifted her, and then eased her down onto the tip of his jutting erection.

  A fine sheen of sweat broke out on her upper lip as she lowered her hips, trying to take him into her body. Her inner muscles softened and stretched, the wetness from her earlier release making it a bit easier.

  Still, it was a tight fit and not an entirely pleasurable feeling. Yet she wanted more. She tried to push his penis farther inside her, but James circled her waist and held her in place.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  “Ye’re a virgin.”

  “What?” She was concentrating so hard, she barely heard him speak. />
  “Ye are a virgin, Davina. I can feel yer maidenhead.”


  “Do ye want to stop?”


  She punctuated her response with a downward thrust. The pain was sharp and swift, but it faded the moment she met James’s eyes.

  “Did I do it right?” she asked.

  He groaned and lifted his hips. She reached frantically for his shoulders to steady herself, then drove down, burying him to the hilt. His chest heaved and he groaned again. Davina rocked her hips slowly, delighting in the sound.

  She set the pace, pushing downward harder and faster, but they moved together, in a primitive rhythm as old as time itself. James ran one hand down her hip and reached between her legs. Lightning raced through her body. Davina cried out as his thumb rotated over the most sensitive part of her womanhood. She could feel the heat and wetness emanating from her body and it heightened her excitement.

  “More,” she whimpered.

  His hips bucked upward and he thrust deeply, quickening the rhythm. Heart thundering, she answered, pushing her hips against him again and again. It was exhilarating. She closed her eyes and allowed her body to feel everything, allowed these glorious sensations to sweep away her haunted memories.

  The desperate sense of need and tension she now recognized started building inside her. Whimpering, Davina struggled to reach it, pressing her slick flesh more firmly against his stroking thumb.

  “Ye’re almost there, Davina,” he whispered.

  Her inner muscles tightened, pulsed. Her eyes popped open in astonishment. Again? How was that possible?

  Beneath her, James looked to be in agony. His jaw clenched, his shoulders arched, his breathing loud and harsh. Had she breath to speak, Davina would have asked if aught were amiss, but all she could do was hang on as they raced together to the peak.

  Suddenly, James stiffened and shouted her name and Davina felt the hot flood of his seed deep inside her. She stroked his hair, uttering sweet words of nonsense, then clung to him, seeking the comfort only he could bring to her wounded heart.

  Tears were running down her cheeks. She quickly wiped them from her face with the back of her hand, fearing that if James saw them he would misunderstand. ’Twas not sorrow that brought them, but intense relief.

  She felt a lightness in her heart, a wholeness in her spirit. It was as though the shattered pieces of her life that she had struggled so long to repair were finally mended.

  She resisted the urge to burst into giggles, thinking the moment too meaningful for such levity.

  She could love again, and equally as important, she could accept the love and affections of a man. Completely and without reservation.

  James rolled her to his side and drew her into his arms. She rubbed her cheek back and forth over his shoulder and curled closer. Her body tingled with sated pleasure, but it was the realization that for the first time in five years she felt whole again that gave her the greatest ease.

  “Are ye tired?” he asked.


  She could feel his body tense against hers. “Davina, love, we need to talk.”

  Davina answered with a loud yawn. “Just let me rest my eyes fer a few minutes first, James,” she muttered as her voice trailed off and sleep claimed her.

  Chapter Fifteen

  James stared down at the meal laid out before him. The oatcakes were nicely browned and warm, the small pot of honey sitting beside the platter a rare luxury. Taking full advantage of the bounty, he tore a cake in half, drizzled it liberally with the sticky nectar, and put it in his mouth. The sweetness burst upon his tongue and he allowed himself a brief moment to savor the ambrosia before once again training his eye upon the archway leading into the great hall.

  Where was she?

  At this late hour of the morning only a few lingered at the trestle tables breaking their fast. Thankfully, none were members of his family. Facing their curious scrutiny while he was feeling so unsettled would have been pure torture.

  He had fallen into an exhausted sleep holding Davina tightly against his chest, his spirits lifted, his heart hopeful. But when he woke with the dawn, she was gone, leaving his bed the same way she had arrived—quietly, stealthy, without his knowledge.

  A part of him didn’t understand why he felt so outraged. More than once he had slipped from a woman’s bed as the dawn approached while on Crusade. Except for the fact that he was the one left behind, was this any different?

  Aye, it was. Making love with Davina had awakened feelings within him he long believed dead and gone. Even now, hours later, the emotions continued thrumming through his mind and heart. She had yielded her body to him, satiating his physical desire as no other had ever done. But in doing so had somehow reached the very core of his being, touching his soul.

  He had always known he had lingering feelings for her, yet he had not expected to care so much.

  Then, if by some mystical conjuring, Davina suddenly appeared in the great hall. His control slipped for a moment and he jumped to his feet, demonstrating all the eagerness of a green lad. Irritated at the reaction, James turned his head away, yet the heated feeling continued to consume him.

  He heard her approach and breathed in deeply, trying to dispel the sharp stab of longing that tore through him. Yet manners prevailed. He drew out the chair beside him for her and she sat, her hands folded in her lap.

  “Good morning, James.”

  He glanced down at his clenched fist. Jesus, just the sound of her voice had the power to tie him in knots.

  “Davina.” He nodded his head and slowly unclenched his fist. “Ye look lovely.”

  Her eyebrows rose and she cocked her head. “Ye look . . . out of sorts.”

  He gazed back at her. “I dinnae like waking up alone in my bed. Especially after it has been filled with such a sensual, willing, bonny lass.”

  Guilt touched her eyes. “My behavior last night was exceedingly improper. I had to leave yer bedchamber before the household awoke. I couldn’t insult the generous hospitality of yer parents by being discovered somewhere that I should not have been.”

  Her words pierced him sharply. If they had been found together they would have had no choice but to marry. Did this mean she did not want to be his wife? “Ye regret what happened between us last night?”

  Her cheeks bloomed with color. “James, please, just leave it be.”

  He clenched his hand and the oatcake he held crumbled. The ease and comfort they had gained last night was now gone. “Come with me. Now!”

  Her head lowered slightly. “Please, calm yerself.”

  He drew in a deep breath, making an effort to conceal the anger that continued to rise. “I need to speak with ye and I prefer to do so somewhere private. Unless ye wish all to know what passed between us last night?”

  She sent him a dark look, then managed a forced smile. “Yer mother is expecting me in her solar this morning. I’m helping her embroider the new tunics that were made fer the squires.”

  She was being deliberately evasive. Why? “I’ll send Colin with a message, letting her know that ye are with me. She willnae mind.”

  Davina’s mouth set in a rebellious line, but he knew that he had won when she exhaled a soft sigh of resignation and pocketed two oatcakes. “I’ll have Colleen fetch my cloak.”

  Impatient to be alone with her, James left his half-eaten breakfast on the table. His foot tapped impatiently as they waited for Colleen to arrive. Finally, she appeared.

  She draped the heavy cloak on Davina’s shoulders and helped her fasten the garment. After casting a speculative eye at James, Colleen respectfully withdrew, though her behavior made him wonder if her companion knew—or merely suspected—that Davina had spent most of the night in his bed.

  Electing to leave their horses behind, they walked through the castle gates into the sunshine. There was a distinct chill in the air, but the sun had burned away the early morning mist and dampness. James chose a path that we
nt up a hill, through a thick growth of trees.

  To the left, the water that fed into the loch danced over the rocks and boulders, creating small falls and mossy green coverings. The rushing sound required the need to shout at each other in order to converse, so instead they stayed silent.

  James welcomed the quiet. He had much to say, much to ask, and the words were crowding his head. He needed this time to gather his thoughts, to gain command of his tongue.

  Out of the corner of his eye he could see her casting him sideways glances, but her eyes would quickly dart away if he caught her. They reached the summit and stood side by side, gazing at the landscape below; the bare treetops, bushy green pines, shimmering water of the loch.

  “This rugged beauty reminds me of ye,” he murmured. “Stark and dormant in the cold, but when the weather warms and the spring rains come, it softens. The earth turns green with promise, the fields are alive with heather blooms.”

  “Goodness! The cool air has brought out the troubadour in ye, James.” She laughed nervously, then offered him a small smile.

  He did not return it. Instead, he inhaled his frustration, then came directly to the heart of the matter. “I want the truth from ye, Davina. Why did ye come to my bed last night, only to leave it before the dawn broke?”

  Davina swallowed against the emotion crowding her throat. It was horrible seeing the hurt in James’s face, but worse knowing she was the cause of his misery.

  “What in heaven’s name . . .”

  “What?” Davina turned her head sharply, squinting to see what had so suddenly captured James’s full attention.

  “There’s something moving in the trees,” he declared.

  Davina stepped forward and squinted harder. “I dinnae see anything.” She had no sooner spoken the words when her eye caught a glint of sunlight reflecting off the blade of a drawn sword. For an instant she was mesmerized, but then a flash of a second, third, and more blades broke the spell.

  “Damn it! We shouldn’t have walked so far from the castle without a guard.” James drew his lips together grimly. “There are too many of them fer me to fight.”


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