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The Highlander Who Loved Me

Page 23

by Adrienne Basso

  James cocked his head. “Ye think I’m unhappy?”

  “I think ye spent far too much of our bridal banquet scowling.”

  He furrowed his brow. “The men find it amusing when I gaze at ye like a besotted half-wit, so I tried to temper my enthusiasm.”

  “Should I be insulted that ye dinnae want everyone to know how ye truly feel about me?”

  James downed his drink. He came to the bed, but did not climb under the covers with her. Instead, he lounged casually on the mattress, his elbow propped on the pillow, eyeing her.

  God above, he was a handsome devil. Her pulse became a rapid pounding in her ear, while a steady stream of warmth filled her heart until it was almost too full to hold it inside.

  “’Tis no secret that I adore ye. But I prefer privacy when I pour my heart out to my wife.”

  He pressed a soft kiss on her lips and she leaned forward, wanting more, but he pulled back.

  “What’s wrong?”

  He ran his hand through his hair. “I want this night to be filled with memories that ye will always cherish.”

  She tipped her head at a flirtatious angle. “I’m the one who is supposed to be filled with bridal nerves, not ye.”

  James rubbed his freshly shaved jaw. “’Tis our wedding night,” he said, as though that explained everything.

  The sheet that the women had carefully tucked around her naked form to preserve her modesty began to slide away. She could feel the cool night air on her exposed flesh, but the desire that flashed in James’s eyes heated her blood.

  “Tell me, husband, will ye be able to summon up some sweet words fer yer bride or will this be a long, cold night?”

  “My brother is the one blessed with a silver tongue.”

  “But I dinnae want yer brother,” she whispered throatily. “I wanted ye.”

  The words had barely left her mouth when James pounced. Cupping the back of her head, he claimed her lips in a kiss so heady that she felt dizzy.

  He kissed his way down her throat to her breast and captured her nipple between his lips. She gasped in delight and he suckled until she was panting and squirming. Then he dipped his head lower, down to her soft belly and beyond, touching the heart of her womanhood with the tip of his tongue. Davina screamed in surprise, pulling away, but he held her hips tightly.

  “Ye need to trust me, Davina. I promise ye willnae be disappointed.”

  Well, he had promised her a memorable wedding night. Trapped between desire and mortification, Davina allowed him to nudge her legs wider apart. She bit her lower lip nervously when he sank between her thighs, but all thoughts of modesty and embarrassment fled when his tongue returned to that sweet spot and swept over it again.

  “James.” She gripped his shoulders. “Are ye certain?”

  “Aye. It gives me such pleasure to know ye in this way. Ye’re so pretty. So pink, so lush.”

  His searching tongue laved her gently, swirling, circling, then suckling. She cried out again, arching herself against his greedy mouth, the mindless joy intensifying. Desire and need blazed inside her. She tried to speak, but the tension was too overwhelming.

  The throbbing was almost painful and she struggled to end it, moaning and thrashing. Her breathing was rough and ragged, she could hear it echoing through the chamber. It felt as though every inch of her flesh had come to life; the wetness between her legs, the aching of her breasts, the throbbing of her womanhood.

  Then suddenly it all crested. Her body began shuddering, trembling uncontrollably. Her capacity to think vanished. Aye, all she could do was feel and it truly was as glorious as James had promised.

  She went limp when it ended. James moved up to hold her. He stroked her hair, whispered in her ear, nuzzled her neck. Her eyes closed and a feeling of utter exhaustion, mingled with delighted contentment, came over her.

  Davina felt herself drifting off to sleep. Nay, I want my wedding night!

  Shaking her head vigorously, she opened her eyes. James held himself above her, one arm resting on the mattress. She cast him a wicked smile, then a slight shift of her hips brought his body precisely where she wanted it, pressing tightly against his straining penis.

  “Ye promised me a memorable wedding night, husband.”

  He flexed his hips and let out a half groan, half laugh. “A Highlander is true to his word. Never more so than when he is speaking to his woman.”

  His woman. Hearing those words fall from his lips sent a new thrill through Davina’s body. She felt his hands slide under her buttocks, lifting her, and she felt a renewed sense of tingling excitement.

  “Open fer me, sweetheart.” His voice was raspy, tortured, and she was glad to know his need was as great as hers.

  She obeyed his command, spreading her legs apart. He trembled as he arched over her. She felt his hard length probing for entrance and for a moment she tensed, digging her nails into his arms. He groaned loudly, but ceased moving.

  “Go slowly,” she pleaded.

  A low growl filled her ears. “I’ll try.”

  Davina took a deep breath. She felt the tip of him pressing inside her and she did as he instructed, relaxing her inner muscles. Her arms went around his back and she hugged him. He thrust deeper. Another low growl filled her ears and she moaned as the pleasure grew.

  She found the rhythm effortlessly, lifting herself to meet his every stroke. The urgency started again, sending a flush of heat washing over her. She felt herself driving the cadence faster and harder. Her moans grew louder and she heard herself gasping with an almost desperate longing.

  “Open yer eyes, Davina. Look at me!”

  Startled, she did as he bade, staring into his eyes. The hunger and yearning she expected, but the naked love was a gift, the most precious of all.

  The pleasure rose again quickly and suddenly she felt herself straining and shuddering. With a soft cry Davina buried her face in the hollow of his shoulder and surrendered to the explosive ecstasy.

  Her release hastened his. James thrust harder, faster, his breath harsh against her ear. Then he went still and she could feel the pulse of him deep inside her as he spilled his seed.

  He collapsed on top of her, pinning her with his weight, but this time there was no rush of fear or panic. The sensuous daze of their lovemaking still held her enthralled.

  “I’m too heavy,” James muttered, making a lackluster effort to move himself off her.

  “Nay, stay,” she whispered. Lifting her legs, she wrapped them around his thighs, holding him in place. “I like having ye this close to me.”

  She ran her hand lightly over his back, brushing kisses over his shoulder and neck. Her heart ached with love, and the smile on her lips would not fade.

  Never had she felt such joy. Such deep contentment. Such total exhaustion.

  “I love ye, Davina.”

  A smile touched her lips. If she lived to be a hundred, she would never grow tired of hearing those words from him.

  “I love ye, James. Ye and no other man.”

  He emitted a masculine growl of gratification, then rolled over, taking her with him. She settled comfortably beside him and he kissed her temple. Her eyes drifted shut and she fell in a deep, dreamless sleep.

  James watched Davina while she slept, staring at her profile, committing each delicate feature to memory. She was so lovely, he ached, his chest heaving with emotion. What he felt for Davina went beyond desire, beyond passion, beyond love.

  They had connected on a level higher than the physical, a humbling realization. Being with Davina filled the holes in James’s heart, somehow melting away the thoughts of reckoning that had consumed him. Erasing the desperate years of loneliness when he had yearned so intently for what he had lost, becoming angry and despondent.

  Observing her now he wanted to lean over and gently kiss her plump lips, but her slow breaths told him that she was in a deep sleep, and he didn’t have the heart to wake her. She had more than earned her rest after their spirited lovemaking. He
would not be an inconsiderate, demanding husband.

  He hoped he hadn’t been too rough in their coupling this night. A mere glimpse of her lovely, white flesh had been enough to fuel his ardor and his passion had been difficult to control.

  Carefully, he brushed a tendril of damp hair from her face. He felt a searing burst of possession, followed by a dark yearning so strong it pierced his heart like a knife.

  God grant me another chance.

  He muttered the words beneath his breath like a prayer. James knew he had her love, but equally important was her trust, for without it their marriage had no chance of lasting happiness.

  She reached for him in her slumber and he promptly forgot his resolve to let her sleep. She was simply too much of a temptation to resist. He kissed her neck, her shoulder, then swirled his tongue over her nipple. He heard hear gasp as her eyelids opened.

  An impish spark lit her eyes. She curled her fingers around his erection and began fondling him. “Ye must think me a bold and brazen lass to wake me from a peaceful slumber like that, James McKenna.”

  He felt his heart catch tight in his chest. “Ye are a passionate woman, Davina McKenna. I’m proud to be the man to awaken yer womanly desires.”

  She scrunched her nose. “My womanly desires? Och, ye sound like a troubadour spinning a fancy tale and bad one, too. Ye best not be letting anyone else hear ye spout such flowery nonsense.”

  “I told ye that I lack a silver tongue,” he said, raising his hand to trace a finger along the slope of her cheek.

  “Ye have a magical tongue, sir knight, as my well-sated body can attest.” She shifted to her side and they lay face-to-face. “I cannae fathom sharing these intimacies with any other man but ye, James. Not only because ye are my husband, but because I love ye.”

  “And trust me?”

  “With my life and my heart.”

  “I’m a fortunate man.”

  “That ye are, dear husband.”

  She accompanied her words with a saucy wink. James burst into laughter. He had expected her to shower him with exaggerated flattery, hoping she would turn a phrase he could tease her about, but once again she had surprised him. And he liked it, for deep in his heart he knew she spoke the truth.

  He was, indeed, a most fortunate man.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The next weeks were peaceful for James and Davina. His family gave them the privacy they craved, for the most part, and they spent their days enjoying each other’s company and their nights in passion and pleasure. They spoke of the future, of the life they would build at Torridon Keep, with excitement and anticipation, yet secretly James fretted over Davina’s safety, worrying that once they left the thick walls of McKenna Castle, her life would be in peril.

  Consequently, he spent hours training with the McKenna soldiers, honing his own skills and assessing theirs. His father had given James leave to choose a contingent of McKenna warriors as an escort and offer positions as his men-at-arms. As his funds to pay these men were limited, James wanted to make certain he selected the best.

  The McKenna sent a message to Davina’s uncle, informing him of their marriage. Davina included a short missive of her own, proclaiming her love for her husband and her great happiness over their union. Her uncle’s reply fell short of outright objection, but was brief and terse enough to relay the message of disapproval.

  Davina claimed it mattered little to her, but after being reunited with his family, James felt it was important to mend the breach with the Armstrong clan. Once he and Davina were properly settled,’twas one of the first things he planned to fix.

  Malcolm seemed to accept their marriage with good grace, though every now and again James would catch his brother staring at Davina with a curious mix of puzzlement and longing.

  Though tired and hungry, James’s mood was light-hearted as he left the practice field. The weather had been milder, yet the breeze cool enough to keep the sweat from dripping into his eyes as he parlayed with the McKenna soldiers. Two additional men had accepted his invitation to join him and he felt confident in their skills and loyalty.

  He spied Colin the moment he entered the great hall and instructed the lad to have bathwater brought to his chamber. Best to enjoy the luxuries of McKenna Castle while he was able, James decided, suspecting in his new home there would be few opportunities to indulge in a hot bath before the evening meal.

  Davina looked up in surprise when he entered their chamber. She was standing over two large trunks that were stacked high with goods. Around her feet were bolts of fabric, sewing notions, piles of furs, and mountains of clothing.

  “I can see that ye’ve been busy,” he remarked, placing a gentle kiss on her cheek.

  She wrinkled her nose at his pungent odor, yet kissed his lips tenderly anyway. “Ye need a bath, husband.”

  “Colin is seeing to it.” James shrugged off his tunic, then sat to unlace his boots.

  “I spent the afternoon with yer mother and Katherine, packing supplies fer the journey and fer our household.” Davina flopped on the bed. “’Twas exhausting. I felt like a soldier preparing to lay siege to a town.”

  James laughed. “Mother does tend to overprepare for things.”

  “I appreciated her generosity, though I confess at times it made me feel like a beggar.”

  “We dinnae know what we will find when we arrive at the keep,” James argued. “’Tis most likely understocked, possibly in disrepair. That’s why I want to go ahead of ye.”

  “Nay. I’ll not be left behind, James. The keep was my childhood home and now it is our home, the place where we will raise our family. ’Tis only right and proper that we arrive together.” Davina rolled to her side, facing him. “As fer food, ye need not worry. Yer mother is sending enough to feed an army—fer a year!”

  “Ye’ll be glad to have it when yer belly grumbles.”

  “Aye, that’s true enough.”

  Hearing a commotion outside the door, James bade the servants carrying the wooden tub to enter. They were soon followed by a line of pages, with Colin in the lead, bringing buckets of hot water. It took three trips before the tub was filled. With a nod of thanks, James dismissed them.

  “Has Colleen made a decision about her future?” he asked, wondering what Davina’s companion would do now that her charge was married and no longer in need of a chaperone.

  “We spoke of it this morning. She would like to accompany us and make the keep her new home.”

  “Splendid. We can always find a place fer an honest, hardworking woman.” James pulled off his shirt and brais. Naked, he moved toward the tub.

  “Colleen did mention how much she loves children and regrets she was never able to have any of her own. She thinks that she would make a fine nursemaid.” Davina blushed, then bent forward so her hair fell over her profile, hiding her expression.

  The world tilted. James nearly fell into the steaming water as he whirled around. “Oh, God, Davina, what are ye saying? Are ye with child?”

  She tossed her hair aside and regarded him with a faint, mysterious smile. “Perhaps. ’Tis too soon to know fer certain.”

  He opened his mouth, shut it, opened it again. “When will ye know?”

  “Not fer another week at least.” She cleared her throat. “I shouldn’t have said anything, but I was too excited. Would it please ye to have a child?”

  “Aye, but . . .” He had difficulty speaking. “We are only just married.”

  She blinked at him. “Aye, and we have spent nearly all of that time in bed together. What did ye think would happen?”

  Feeling a bit dizzy, James put a finger to his temple and rubbed. Davina was right. Children were the natural result of all their lovemaking and he was pleased at the idea of having them. He just thought he’d have a bit more time before they arrived, before he would have to share her.

  Her expression turned anxious and he felt like a brute for causing her worry. James squared his shoulders and favored her with his most charming
grin. “I’ll be happy if ye promise me that our child willnae be as willful and spoiled as Lileas.”

  The tension around her eyes eased. “If the babe inherits the McKenna temperament, I cannae do much about the willfulness. But I firmly believe that no one can spoil a child as much as yer brother. Ours will be an angel in comparison.”

  James settled himself in the bath. The warm water aided in lessening his shock, helped to clear his head. “Unless it’s a boy. Then I want him to be a real hellion.”

  “Saints preserve us!” Davina approached the tub. She picked up a cloth, dipped it in the water, and lathered it with soap. “There is, however, one child that I would like to bring with us. Colin.”

  “My page?”

  “Aye. I’ve spoken with yer mother and she agrees it’s a good idea.”

  James rubbed the stubble on his jaw. “That lad is frightened of his own shadow. I dinnae think he will manage a journey to a strange keep very well.”

  “Then we must assure him that he will enjoy this grand adventure.”

  James raised a dubious brow. “Won’t his family be insulted that we’ve taken him away from McKenna Castle? They sent him here so that he could be trained by my father.”

  Davina ran the soapy cloth over his shoulders and back. “Yer father trained ye as a page and a full year as a squire before he sent ye away. Ye’ll teach the lad as yer father taught ye.”

  “Most Highlanders wouldn’t think it’s the same.”

  “Colin is a third son. I dinnae think his parents care where he is fostered.”

  Davina squeezed the water from the cloth over James’s head, then began washing his hair. Her nimble fingers dug into his skull, massaging his scalp. He closed his eyes and relaxed.

  “Are ye certain ye want to take on the responsibility of looking after the lad?” he asked.

  “Aye.” Davina lifted a fresh bucket of water and poured it over James’s head. “Yer mother worries about him. The other lads tease him. Colin might do best with us, away from them.”

  “Ye’ve a soft heart, Davina McKenna,” he whispered, casting her an approving gaze.


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