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TORN : A romance erotica

Page 4

by Laura Bailey

  Madeline looked at him askance, shocked, but in reality she had no real choice but to do as he said. She had not yet found what she had come here for; she needed to keep her job. More than that, she needed the attentions of this man focussed solely on her, sought his sexual depravity, subconsciously sought his affection and approval in whatever way he chose to give it; she craved his domineering will, his utter control, his overpowering erotic command. Spellbound as she lost herself in his eyes, she did as he told her, removing her glasses and placing them on the floor beside her.

  He stood there determined and as she looked up at him he unzipped slowly. She watched as he eased his cock thoroughly erect from his trousers, and held it in his hand. Running his hand up it and back down as he looked at her kneeling in front of him in supplication, a more satisfying image he could not have imagined.

  “You clearly need instruction on the finer points of obedience.”

  Despite herself, knowing what she was doing was wrong, Madeline felt a throbbing between her legs as she watched him leisurely stroke his cock in front of her, at the sight of his deviance, in awe of its perfection in size and shape, wondering what it would feel like if he were to take her with it, wanting him to.

  He came closer, brought his cock level with her face, so close she could smell the scent of him, evocative and richly male.

  “What you are going to do Madeline is suck my cock. Treat it well and I can assure you, you will be rewarded to the utmost.”

  Nervous but immensely turned on by his confident lack of inhibitions she did as he told her to do, taking it in to her mouth giving him what he asked, as he filled her mouth; imagining it deep inside her, bent over as he had done to the other woman.

  As she started to suck him she felt him begin to thrust into her mouth without pause, grabbing hold of her head and holding her still,

  as he pushed his cock in and out of her mouth, fucking it. She wanted him inside her with a need she’d never experienced before; to be totally overpowered and taken by him.

  He pulled out of her suddenly, knowing the inevitable would happen if he didn’t stop now.

  “Damn it woman. You need to leave, right now or I will lay you over that desk and fuck the life out of you. But it wouldn’t be quiet; and I would rather do that to you in private. So go.”

  She got up off her knees and grabbed her glassed, holding them in her hand and turning to leave.

  “I’m leaving in an hour. You will be coming with me.”

  She said nothing, but inside she was exhilarated, knowing this wasn’t over. She unlocked the door and went out.”

  Daniel had some difficulty calming down. It took a good while for his erection to subside and he struggled with calling her back in and finishing the job; but he would so this evening, taking his time with her and as his mind turned over the things he wanted to do to her, he forced himself to stop thinking about it, his arousal getting even worse.

  Back in her office Madeline couldn’t concentrate, her mind filled with what she had just done. She would leave as soon as it got to six pm, the time of their official close of business. She felt ashamed by her actions; embarrassed by her willingness, betrayed by what she had allowed herself to do to a man she had come to destroy.

  As the time on the monitor of her computer reached five minutes to six, she grabbed her handbag and headed through the office. Linda saw her leaving and intercepted her for a chat. Madeline tried to get away from her, saying she had to dash. Behind her she thought she heard Daniel’s door open. She left Linda in mid-sentence, waving a hand at her to say goodbye. She hurried out to the elevator. The sign showed it was several floors below and she jabbed the button a couple of times as if it would make the lift come quicker. It seemed not to be moving from the floor it was on. Suddenly Daniel stood beside her.

  “Leaving Madeline?”

  He looked angry. She said nothing, kept her face turned away from him, butterflies in her stomach. The lift finally arrived and he got in behind her. As she turned around he met her face on, towering over her in the confined space. He shot a hand out and shoved it between her legs, holding her by her crotch as his hand gripped it, her skirt straining against his hand.

  “Yet again, it would seem I am going to have to explain to you the rules. This time my explanation is going to be a lot more explicit.”

  The palm of his hand rubbed against her crotch as his other hand reached for her breast.

  “You’re coming to my house where we will not be disturbed.”

  Chapter Ten

  He released her as the lift reached ground level and he took her by the arm and led her across the foyer out onto the street and into his waiting limo.

  They drove for perhaps thirty minutes before the limo turned into a long tree lined driveway, stopping outside a huge mansion, chandeliers visible through the windows at the front. Madeleine looked at the building in awe of its architectural features, the sheer size and design of it. As Madeline got out Daniel took her by the arm again leading her up the steps to the entrance. As they stood at the door a uniformed butler opened it.

  “Good evening Sir.”

  “Good evening Graves.” Daniel replied to him.

  “Madam,” he addressed Madeline.


  Daniel led her into one of the front rooms, a large library.

  “Graves, would you bring some Champagne please?”

  “Of course Sir.”

  “Thank you.”

  As Graves left them, Daniel turned to her.

  “You seem to like books Madeline. What do you think of this collection?”

  “It’s incredible.”

  Floor to ceiling bookshelves lined the walls, full of antiquarian leather bound volumes.

  “I’ve always been a collector. Currently I’m building a collection from the Civil War era. I’ve now got a substantial number of volumes of Byron, Shakespeare. This one,” he moved to a shelf and pulled out a book, “Is a rare first edition of Othello. Have you read Shakespeare?”

  “A little.”

  “Baudelaire?” He moved to another shelf.

  “I’m not familiar with.” She felt conspicuously illiterate in his presence.

  “I have several of his first editions.” He picked out a book and opened it, flicking through to a page. He read aloud. “The insatiable thirst for everything which lies beyond,” he paused, turning a page, “Bending over you I thought I breathed the perfume of your blood. Night deepened like a wall and my eyes in the darkness sensed yours and I drank your breath.”

  Madeline didn’t know what to say, embarrassed.

  Graves entered, bringing in a tray with the champagne and glasses. He opened the bottle and poured the champagne into glasses.

  “Thank you very much Graves. I won’t need you anymore tonight.”

  “Thank you Sir.”


  “I guess he’s used to being dismissed for the night.” Madeline muttered after he left the room, cynical of this seduction scenario.

  Daniel handed Madeline her glass. “Very few women have come here; this is my home. I value my privacy. Do you find it impossible to curb your tongue?”

  She drank quickly needing to quell her nerves, draining the glass. He refilled it halfway for her.

  “You’re thirsty I presume.” His tone was mocking.

  “Since you find it impossible to appreciate things without comment, I think I may have something that will help with that.”

  He put down his glass and began to undo his tie. Pulling it from around his neck he walked toward her holding it between his hands. She was confused watching him. He brought his hands up so that they were level with her face and placed his tie horizontally across her mouth. Around the back of her head he secured it in a knot, his body towering over her as she looked up at him anxiously.

  “I think we will get on a lot better now. The prospect of the evening has become a little more pleasurable with your silence. Take off your skirt Ma

  Concerned about how far he was prepared to go, her eyes appeared wide with alarm. She could only hear his breathing in the silence of the room.

  “Do as I tell you.”

  His voice was authoritative, commanding, and that gave her confidence in his capability to lead things, to take the responsibility of decisions away from her, allowing her to feel as though she could deny any responsibility for her own actions, on the grounds that he was making her, that it wouldn’t be her fault if things happened.

  Her hands were shaking a little as they went to the zip at the back of her skirt, and she wished she could have more champagne to relax her. She couldn’t do it and so he came to her and took over.

  As though reading her mind, he said, “If you are a good girl, I will let you have another drink.”

  He unzipped her skirt and pulled it down, made her step out of it and leave it lying by her feet. She had no tights on, just panties.

  He refilled her glass. He understood she was nervous. He did not want her drunk; that wouldn’t turn him on at all, but he wanted her relaxed enough to be compliant and to enjoy it.

  He lifted the tie up from her mouth and held the glass to her lips. She leaned her head backward to take sips, as his hand went to the back of her head to hold it gently, balancing her.

  It was a little uncomfortable but erotic none the less, with him ‘feeding’ her tenderly.

  When she had had enough he placed the tie back over her mouth.

  “Pull down your panties and take them off.”

  She didn’t move and so he did it for her and she could smell his raw masculine scent so close to her.

  She could feel the warm effects of the champagne inside her, releasing a little of her inhibition, her hands no longer shaking, and beginning to feel excited from the anticipation of what he was going to do next.

  He stood back, taking in the glorious sight of her naked from the waist down.

  “Open your legs up Madeline. I want to see your pussy.”

  From where he stood, as she widened the gap between her legs a little, he could see the cleft clearly, her lips visible now.

  “You beautiful woman.” He said to her, his cock rigid.

  “Walk over to the table Madeline, it will give you something to lean on, I want you to be comfortable.

  Shyly she walked over to the huge wooden table in the centre of the library.

  “Lean yourself against it. Keep your legs wide open. I want to see all of you.”

  She couldn’t help but look at his pants; his erection was bulging against the material, obvious to her how aroused he was at the sight of her, his broad muscular body threatening her with erotic menace.

  He went to a drawer in the desk close to where he stood. From it, he brought out a long wooden ruler. Holding it in one hand he automatically slapped it onto his other hand, palm upwards, as she heard the sound of its impact.

  “Do you remember what I did to you in our first encounter in my office?”

  She nodded. He had spanked her buttocks. She remembered the unusual, unexpected eroticism of that act, how it had aroused her beyond anything she could have imagined it to have done.

  “However, given that you are facing me, I will need to do things a little differently this time.”

  He piqued her curiosity, her excitement growing.

  Chapter Eleven

  Before he came toward her he began to remove his suit jacket, placing the ruler on the table beside her. He took off the jacket and removed the cufflinks of his shirt all the while maintaining eye contact with her, his eyes brooding with intent, the intensity in his eyes overwhelming her senses as he began to roll up the sleeves of his shirt revealing to her forearms that were muscular and tanned.

  Picking up the ruler, he came closer to her and stood in front of her.

  “Now, to your disobedience.”

  He looked her up and down, from her startlingly dark eyes that held the mysteries inside of her, to her mouth now wonderfully gagged, down to her nakedness.

  Without warning, he flicked the ruler between her legs, not hard, just a flick, but it caught her precisely on her clitoris, giving it a sudden stimulating touch that sent a shocking vibration of pleasure from between her legs to deep inside of her. He did it again and then again, little swift flicks that shockingly had her hands gripping the edge of the table in unexpected pleasure.

  Intermittently, he brought his hand to feel between her legs, finding that she was incredibly wet. Without hesitation he brought his hand up to his mouth and licked his fingers.

  “You taste absolutely divine Madeline.”

  He raised his fingers to his nose and inhaled her scent. His eyes as he spoke had darkened with an undisguised intensity of desire for her, an overpowering need.

  His other hand went to her soft mound and he grasped it, taking a firm hold of her.

  “I’m going to fuck you Madeline. Soon.”

  He released her and she felt his hand as it spanked her on her clit, repeated short sharp slaps which left her shuddering as any moment she felt she would explode from this one act he was performing on her.

  But he stopped before she did, seeing how close to the edge she had come as she had bucked against his hand, raising her hips to meet his slaps. He smiled at her in pleasure to her response.

  “You are learning very well Madeline. I can see from your response you are eager to learn, eager to gain the benefits of your instruction. But I need to know how willing you are to please me, to treat me as your master. Crouch down, lean your back against the leg of the table; but keep your legs open still. I need to see all of you.

  In her heels, Madeline crouched as he had instructed her back against the table, resting her buttocks against the back of her heels, causing her crotch to push forward and upward, fully exposing her open lips to him.

  “Look at you, you beautiful girl. You have no idea how much this pleases me.” His voice was low and deep, giving away the extent of his absolute desire for her.

  Slowly he unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock; an act familiarly erotic to her now and welcomed by her. The sight of his manhood so achingly close to her, wielding a masculine power of dominance that she now craved. He took hold of it, completely erect and perfect in its substantial size and thickness. He came to stand directly in front of her, her face below him, his cock inches from her.

  He bent to remove the tie from around her mouth and thinking he would throw it to the floor, he surprised her by placing it over her eyes and securing it again behind her head. She could see nothing; could not see his cock as he held it and stroked it as he gazed at her pussy, open and wet between her legs, tilted upward to receive him.

  God she was perfection, he thought. He had never seen a sight so alluringly beautiful, so agonizingly hot.

  “Touch yourself Madeline, I want to watch you play with yourself for me.”

  Her hands didn’t move, unaccustomed to the idea of someone watch her touch her most intimate part.

  “I want you to please me Madeline, and I assure you the sight of you doing that will please me very much. So do as you are told.”

  As he spoke to her, she felt the head of his cock clearly against her lips, as he rubbed it gently across them.

  “If you do not do as I ask, I will have to send you home.”

  She realised that she had no need to fear from doing what he requested, that he wanted her to do it, that the thought of it turned him on so much.

  Tentatively she lowered her hand and ran a finger between her lips. Because she could not see him she felt less self-conscious, and as she found her clitoris it throbbed immediately from his previous act on her, and she realised how much she wanted this, all of this, and she rubbed harder on her clitoris with an urgency that had her achingly close to orgasm quickly, as Daniel encouraged her.

  “I can tell how much you are enjoying that, as am I. You look exquisite.”

  He had stood back, watching her in awe at the exotic si
ght of her, his cock straining to fuck her. His balls ached with a need to grab her and fuck her, so excited had her actions made him.

  “Stand up Madeline.”

  As she stood, she felt his hands around the tops of her arms. She could not see him.

  “I am moving you to the chair. I am going to bend you over it and fuck you. Given that you cannot see, the sensation will be all the more intense.”

  He steered her to a large armchair, placing one arm after the other down onto the wide arms of the chair.

  “Open your legs again wide for me.”

  She was bent over and all he could see was her beautiful round white buttocks and the glistening wetness of her sex.

  As he positioned himself between her legs, he put one hand onto the small of her back and with the other he took hold of his cock and steered it between her lips edging it inside her and she felt him gradually ease inside of her as he stretched her, filled her, going deeper until she was completely filled by him and he began to pound against her. The image of him fucking the other woman in the garden came into her mind and she remembered the sight of him then, his muscles flexed, locked onto the woman, pounding into her from behind, fucking her hard as he fucked her now, his chest firm and hard, his thighs tensed, a glorious sight of this man. He was penetrating her so deeply, filling her so entirely that she felt herself starting to cum, his actions setting off waves of fire though her until she heard herself moaning aloud with the forbidden pleasure he was giving to her. The speed of his thrusts increased as his hands gripped her hips, pulling her onto him as he claimed her with an animalistic motion so strong that he held nothing back at all, conscious only of the need to release himself through her, and as he did so she joined him in union.


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