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WindSwept Narrows: #5 Sophie Addison

Page 6

by Diroll-Nichols, Karen

  “This isn’t a safe room for this stuff…” Nate said softly, his teeth nipping lightly along the arch of her throat, the sweet mews of her pleasure further sending his blood raging.

  “It’s not locked…Harold or Linda would knock…” Sophie stepped back, ducking beneath the surface and sweeping her hair out of the way.

  Nate pulled himself back from the fog, striking out across the pool in long, steady strokes. He tapped the side and dove down to begin the return lap. He wasn’t a sixteen year old kid, he told himself. He had self control. He had control over his brain but not the parts she was arousing with her laughter and her kisses.

  Sophie went to the shallow end, sitting on the lowest step and watching him complete four more laps. She slid her elbows behind her, letting her head hang back until she felt the waves as he glided to sit beside her.

  “I haven’t done that in a long time,” Nate said breathlessly, long legs stretched out before him. “Feels good…it was a really good dinner. I’m guessing Linda is the cook?”


  “Have they worked for you long?”

  “Father met them in New Orleans…I think I was ten that spring,” Sophie reclined on the steps. “Harold was working part time…they’d lost a child to SIDs the summer before…we kind of hit it off…father offered them jobs and they’ve been with us since then. Linda is….sweet…kind…smart…patient…she taught me to cook and sew….and other girl things a dad doesn’t like to talk about,” she said with a smile. “They’re very old fashioned…still call me Miss Addison after all this time…”

  “Hah…you can cook?”

  “I most certainly can cook,” Sophie looked affronted, punching out at him and finding her wrist grabbed in his fingers.

  Nate released her wrist, his palms going to her waist and pulling her over him, her long body stretched out along his. It felt good, his brain shouted through the argument inside him.

  Sophie gave into the need to kiss him, to feel the strength in him and the need in him. Her lower body pressed down, his body reacting to each new rotation, each new invitation she issued. She let her elbows rest on either side of his head, her fingers stroking gently over his forehead.

  “You have beautiful eyes…they’re like peering into the ocean…” she said quietly, the sound of the pump in the room the only noise other than their breathing. She let one fingernail trace a slow line around his lower lip before lowering her head and kissing him, enticing and arousing, she pulled him into her fantasy. “We’re lying on a white sand beach…” She whispered against his mouth, swallowing his groan when her hips stroked slowly down his erection.

  “Sophie…there is a raging argument going on inside me at the moment,” Nate gave his palms free reign, cupping her behind and pulling her hard against him with a hungry groan. “It was me, my brain and….the other part….only the brain has decided I’m on my own here…” he felt himself harden a little more when she giggled.

  “Nate…” Sophie stared into the fire in his eyes. “I’m not on birth control…did you…do you….”

  “I…in the pocket of my jeans…” Was the hushed response, his mouth welcoming hers in a sweetly sensuous kiss. His kiss trailed over her neck and onto her shoulder, nudging the slender strap of her swimsuit onto the edge and down her arm. His hands held tightly to her waist, lifting her slightly until his mouth dropped kisses along the top of her breast.

  Sophie clung to him, her hands on his shoulders, eyes closed tightly against the sensations growing inside her. Her nails made themselves known when his tongue drew a long, slow circle around one nipple. Wrinkled and hardened, he took it into his mouth to tease and arouse. She pushed hard against the steps, her breasts now free and laying on his chest while her mouth took his in a series of kisses that had them both breathless.

  “We need to go inside,” Nate whispered hoarsely, calling on strength he didn’t know he had to lift her off him. He watched her arm curl in front of her, but she nodded and climbed shakily to her feet, going to where she had left the towels. Nate felt himself harden even more when she abruptly tugged the swimsuit down her body and to the concrete, the full globes of her behind, long legs and narrow waist visible only until she had the towel wrapped around her. She bent over and picked up the suit, laying it on the chair and blinking at him, her palm held out to him with a towel.

  Sophie turned her back after he took the towel, her fingers on the door handle and eyes closed. She saw his suit a few seconds later lying on the chair and felt his hand on her waist. She pushed the door wide and quickly crossed to her apartment, the sounds of the locks in her mind before she went to the dimly lit bedroom. She turned in time to see Nate enter the room, his clothing laid on the bench seat, several foil packets placed on the nightstand before he moved to stand in front of her.

  He never thought his hands would shake so much as they rose and framed her face, the wide dark eyes peering at him with a need he felt in himself. A groan came from deep inside him when he felt her hands at the edge of the towel he’d cinched at his waist.

  “Nate…” Sophie tugged and let the towel fall to the floor, her palms at his waist and pressing over the flat of his stomach, her thumbs meeting in the center and traveling up the middle of his chest. She kissed his chin, along his jaw and beneath his ear, whispering softly, laughter in her voice. “Want to see where the zebra bit me?”

  “Sophie…I think I’ll do my own research…another time,” Nate felt the laughter inside him bubble out, his hands on her waist to lift her and toss her onto the bed, following her down and taking her mouth with his. He half lay along her, her leg lifted, her foot stroking along the length of his leg.

  “I can’t think when you kiss me…these funny little tingles begin…” She wiggled her hips against his. “There…oh yes…and there,” she whispered when his mouth moved to sweep his tongue over first one nipple and then the other, stopping and suckling until she was gasping aloud, her hands spearing the long hair at the back of his head.

  She liked his shoulders; the strength in his arms and hands as he caressed her, aroused her body even as she felt his erection pulsing on her thigh. Her hand stroked over his side, onto his hip and between them, letting the hardness of his fall into the center of her palm. Her fingers closed gently, touching him, down the solid length of him.

  “So strong…”

  Nate heard the quiver in her voice, her whisper as potent as her touch. Her palm stroked down the length of him, his head drowning in the pleasure of her touch. His hand slid over the silken skin, over her ribs and to the narrow ridge of her waist. He learned the curve of her thigh, that extra tender spot between her thigh and stomach, his fingers caught in the taut, dark coils. His kiss swallowed her gasp when he fit her into his palm, longer fingers stroking lower, separating the swollen sides to feel the hot dew gathering there.

  Sophie bent her knee, wanting his touch. Her fingers shook when he lifted his head, their eyes on each other as she touched his face, pulling his mouth to hers. Her tongue shot forward, teasing his and urging him to fence with her while his fingers gently found that hot, tight entrance and slid inside, stroking a fire in the both.

  “Nate…” Sophie breathed his name when he lifted his head, her hips pushing against his hand when his thumb found the swollen nub, stroking, caressing and repeating until he saw her eyes widen.

  “A minute…Sophie…” Nate groaned softly, reaching to the side and grabbing up one of the packets.

  “Oh, Nate…please don’t stop…” Sophie lay back on the bed, her arms up, eyes wide and blinking when he pulled her over him. Strong hands gripped her behind, guiding her hips against the length of him.

  Nate saw her straighten her body, her head back as she rotated her hips against him, finding that spot that sent ripples of pleasure through her and transmitted them along the length of him. Long legs parted, wider, her hips arched and her palm sliding between them, guiding him to that soft, hot opening.

  Nate gave him
self over to her, letting his palm press over her ribs, caressing the fullness of her breasts and back to her hips. He felt her fire searing him as his body slowly, very slowly slid into the velvet heat clutching him, parting reluctantly to allow him inside. His hands gripped her hips suddenly when he felt her tense, heard her gasp, her chest rising and falling too quickly. He moved his palm between them, stroking that swollen bit of her. Her body never relaxed, her hips rotating and pulling him deeper until she abruptly stopped.

  Sophie felt the wild explosion beginning. Felt it start in her middle and radiate out to the feminine part of her he was stroking to life. Her hands fell to his arms, clenching tightly as her body exploded, her thighs sliding their furthest apart and completely capturing him, sending his body into the hot maelstrom.

  “Sophie…” her name was pulled from him.

  “Nate! Oh god…it feels so very good…” Sophie sent her hips thrusting down against him, tilting them just right to stroke that excited part of her again and again.

  Nate lost control over his words. His body felt like it was clenched in a hot, fiery vise that continued to ripple and pulse. His palms gripped her hips tightly, holding her in place for those male thrusts that were hungry for more. Sophie’s body gave up one long throbbing shudder before she slowly folded against him at the same time her name echoed in the bedroom, loud and strong and filled with a powerful emotion neither had labeled yet.

  Nate’s palms stroked tenderly over her back, her long legs straightening out, stretching over top of him. His groan was low and husky, her internal muscles clutching him tightly each time she made a move.

  “Sophie…don’t do that…yeah…that…” he closed his eyes against the soft giggle, tipping her to the side and sitting up. Pale eyes focused in the darkness before he was off the bed and striding to the bathroom.

  She moved only because with out him, it suddenly was chilly in the room. She thought about her pajamas…briefly…but decided to just climb beneath the blankets. A long, low sigh broke free when she felt him slide in beside her. His palm felt its way cautiously over her thigh and onto her behind.

  Nate leaned on one elbow, peering down at the dark eyes watching him. His hand moved to brush the long hair from the side of her face. Sophie rolled to her side, their bodies aligned.

  “I don’t want to go…”

  “Then don’t…stay with me,” Sophie slid her arms around his neck. Her lips dropped dotted little kisses over his cheek, onto his jaw and stopping at the corner to his mouth.

  “Your father…”

  “Nate…I’m thirty one years old.” She peeked at him through half lowered dark lashes.

  “Age has nothing to do with…Sophie,” he wasn’t sure when her palm had moved to his thigh, slim fingers trailing her nails up and then down slowly. “I…that’s taking unfair advantage of a guy in his weakened state…”

  “It isn’t about age, Nate…my father knows you must be incredibly special for me to have brought you here,” she continued kissing him, along his jaw and nipping at the tiny ring in his ear. Her fingers strayed off his hip to circle the start of his erection.

  “You’ve never brought anyone here before…” Nate had his suspicions.

  “No…is that important? I think I’m trainable…and I read a great deal,” Sophie pushed gently until he was lying on his back. “I know how every single animal in the world has sex…”

  Nate burst out laughing, his hands thrust up, fingers spearing into the thick, dark hair so he could pull her mouth to his.

  Six AM sounded with the rock and roll music coming from the clock, a long stretch brought back the memories of their night together. Sophie frowned at the muscles making themselves known to her as she pushed her feet over the side of the bed, giggling at the pillow that had been lifted and crushed over his head.

  “It can not possible be morning already,” Nate groaned loudly.

  “I’m off to shower…”

  Nate lifted the pillow enough to see the twitching behind enter the over sized bathroom. He put his face into the mattress and groaned again before resolutely sitting on the edge of the bed. Hands raked the longish hair back, his eyes falling on the three empty foil packets they had used during the night. He crumpled them in his hand and headed to the other bathroom, turning the water on full and stepping beneath the stinging spray, hands on the tiles, willing his brain to wake up.

  He sat back in the cushioned window seat, watching her brush the long hair into a neat bundle at the back of her head, the long thin sticks holding the mesh net around her hair. He finished tying up his shoes and patted down his pockets for his phone, wallet and keys.

  “I seriously need some coffee,” Nate watched her shrug into her suit jacket, smoothing it over the slightly flaring skirt she wore today.

  “I don’t have a maker here…but we can get you some in the kitchen,” Sophie went into the main room, her purse on the table with her keys.

  “In the…go through the main house?” Nate suddenly felt his stomach lurch.

  “Nate…” Sophie shook her head, taking his palm firmly and leading him out the double doors, down the long corridor and taking the right. “Smell that coffee…”

  “You’re evil…”

  “I am learning your weaknesses,” She whispered before they entered the kitchen, a bright smile on her face. “Linda…Harold…this is Nate Cooper…and he’s in desperate need of a travel mug of your finest.”

  “Black, please,” Nate said, offering his palm warmly.

  “How do you do, sir?” Harold shook hands with him, smiling at the young couple.

  “Very nice to meet you, Mr. Cooper. One travel mug to go,” Linda went to the cabinet and pulled down a cup and lid. “Miss Addison doesn’t drink coffee…unless you count those fancy ice smoothies…” she filled the mug with the freshly brewing coffee and capped it off, handing it to him with a smile.

  “Those are good,” Sophie opened the fridge and pulled out a bottle of juice. “We’re off to work…thanks, Linda. Bye!”

  Nate sighed, just inhaling as they walked through the foyer to the waiting cars that had been moved beneath the large carport.

  “See you later,” Sophie left him standing near his car, fingers up in a light wave as she drove away. Ten minutes later, she was dashing across the parking lot to the entrance, drops of rain making itself known. “Morning, guys…you look upset.” She looked from one to the other curiously.

  “Nate…he’s always here by now…”

  “He was right behind me…” She turned with a smile. “There…” Leaving them waiting for him. She made it half way to her office before turning and heading back outside, meeting Nate in the parking lot.

  The five watched the exchange closely, Sophie’s palm up and Nate pulling something from his jean pocket and slapping it into her hand. She turned on her heels and ran back into the hotel without looking back.

  “She’s got you strung up,” Phil remarked when Nate was closer.

  Pale lashes narrowed, his voice hard and flat. “What she’s a suit who thought it was okay to play grab ass without permission. Sophie and two other women filed complaints. Cade terminated him. Now the guy is working at getting even by scaring her. And she wants to handle it on her own, without my help. I’m going to work,” he told them with a long sigh.

  Chapter Eight

  Sophie paced Cassidy’s office, stopping long enough to bend over the touch the floor. “I want to hit something. A lot.”

  “I know the feeling,” Cassidy sighed. “I’ll let the police know about this latest contact. I spoke to the others who filed a complaint against him. They say they haven’t heard a word from him. I even went more thoroughly through his past work history. I get pat answers regarding his work habits….no one will come out and say a word about his personal interactions or conflicts.”

  “Gee…now there’s a surprise…” Sophie picked up her tote and offered a wave. “Thanks, Cass…see you later.”

hie had her computer up and a stack of applicants ready to profile and create letters for. Some who will be offered positions, some who would be told they were being offered a position in the training program and others who would be told they weren’t quite what the resort was looking for at this time. All of the people she’d phoned and met coming to their interviews behaved professionally and for the most part, looked professional. But after the encounter with William Fender, she didn’t feel so trusting.

  Lost in her thoughts, Sophie wandered to the cafeteria shortly before twelve, full lips pulled into a taut pout as she stared over the choices. She saw Nate jogging around the corner and come skidding to a halt next to her. She stared into the palm he held up.

  “Where’s your phone, Sophie?”

  She frowned at him, patting her pockets and pulling the slim black rectangle from her jacket pocket, handing it to him. “You’re very speedy with those fingers,” she commented as he tapped and scrolled.

  “Could you leave it turned on for me? Please?” Nate handed it back to her. “So…if you’d been receiving messages, you’d see one from a guy who wanted to have lunch with you.”

  “Oh…I think I was distracted,” she said with a shrug, reaching for a tray and returning to stare at the choices. "I know I should eat something…my stomach says feed me…but my brain says…blah…”

  Nate closed one eye, his palm up and on her chin, turning her to look at him. “You okay?”

  “Sure…fine…” Sophie moved forward and ordered a large berry smoothie.

  “A smoothie isn’t food, Sophie,” Nate took some of the baked chicken and vegetables. “What did Cassidy have to say?”

  “She’ll turn it over to the police as another contact, stalker unknown,” she took the smoothie with a smile. “Thank you…I’m sure he’ll get tired of toying with the prey and move on.” She pulled a bill from her pocket and waited for her change, wandering to the back corner and sitting to stare into the dark clouds and pelting rain. Fingers idly toyed with the straw.


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