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WindSwept Narrows: #5 Sophie Addison

Page 8

by Diroll-Nichols, Karen

  “Do you want shopping company or do you prefer to shop alone?” Sophie sent him the text as she began typing up the outcome from the inspection. She left the phone on the desk top, smiling when it chimed after a couple minutes.

  “I will always prefer your companionship to being alone. Meet you at the door at four.”

  “Damn…he’s good,” she breathed a deep sigh.

  Nate knew he was staring and hoped he never grew out of the urge. He felt the surge, a combination of male pride and desire each time she walked toward him, the smile on her face nothing compared to the one that lit up her eyes when they saw each other.

  “You sure you’re ready for this experience?” Nate asked, guiding her to a low slung sports car.

  “Driving with you or shopping with you?” Sophie slid into the wide, extra cushiony seat and buckled the belt around her. “This is nice…”

  “This was my thirtieth birthday present to me,” he told her with a grin.

  “I like it.”

  “I’ve never shopped with someone before…well, I mean I’ve gone to the mall with dates…but usually it was the girl doing the shopping.”

  “I’ve shopped with my father and for my father,” Sophie told him, offering directions to the store he was looking for.

  “Mac gave me the name of this place. I like that shirt I borrowed from him,” Nate confided, easily falling into talking with her.

  “You borrowed a shirt from Mac? The night I…why?”

  “To look more presentable to my girl’s dad, that’s why,” Nate looked over at her with a frown. “You spring it on me…guy’s gotta think fast…”

  “You were worried about impressing my father,” Sophie said carefully.

  “I’d already impressed you…” He said with a crooked grin.

  Chapter Ten

  It played out all according to plan.

  The girls plan. Slowly outside the event center, the guys met up until there were thirteen of them heading to the private room the women had reserved in the costume center. They had all received instructions by email. A choice of costume. Jeans, tee shirt and leather jacket or beach shirt and cream khakis.

  “There is just something about this that feels like a trap,” Jack remarked, deliberately slowing their pace.

  “And this is just setting in now?” Damian laughed with the others.

  “Okay…so I’m slow…” Jack mumbled.

  “I never know what that woman is up to…” Simon shook is head. “Chloe seems to always ring lead this stuff…”

  “Uhh…not this time,” Nate said quietly from the side, hands up when they all looked at him and stopped moving. “Hey…”

  “You got inside information?” Logan demanded, his hands shoved into the pockets of his jeans.

  “I got…accidental information,” Nate admitted. “It was actually Isabel’s idea.”

  “Isabel? My Isabel?” Gabe shot the words out in disbelief.

  “I’m having a flashback…Diana warned me…” Gideon spoke slowly. “Just wait till you see our next plot…she told me that at the wedding…”

  “Shit…” Jack’s palm was up and smacking his forehead.

  “What?” Was the demand that went out from the others.

  “I saw their costumes. I saw the damn things in the shop…it didn’t register…”

  “Think about the email you received, guys,” Mac looked at them all with his normal logical tone of voice. “And look at how we’re dressed…we got six beach boys and seven bad boys…now…follow the logic trail…what female costume would you pair with that?”

  “Bikinis…” Jack suggested.

  “Biker babes?” Cade offered hopefully.

  “Wicked school girls,” Nate supplied with a long sigh.

  “I…you can’t be…” Dylan met the stunned expressions, each one of them closing their eyes for a long minute.

  “I saw the damn uniforms in the shop,” Jack growled. “Hiding in plain sight. It’s gonna be a long damned night…” he started in the direction they were supposed to go, music slowly registering in their minds.

  “Uniforms…” Gideon cleared his throat. “As in high school…Diana…shit…”

  “Yeah, beach boy, you’re gonna have a wicked school girl with a baby bump…” Damian said with a chuckle.

  “And you got one in thigh high black boots,” Gabe commented when they reached the wide open double doors.

  “Holy shit…” Mac felt his jaw fall open.

  “Christ…” Logan spotted his redhead, a high ponytail bopping as she danced around the floor to the music.

  They were all dressed in simple short sleeve button blouses and very short pleated skirts in purple, green and blue plaid. Shoes and hair had been all individualized. Some had ponytails, some a long braid; Emily had a braid hanging over each shoulder and a pair of black rimmed, round glasses perched on her nose.

  Isabel had a bright pink ribbon wound around her head and tied into a bow, ringlets framing her face. She spotted Gabe and left the music player, long legs bare to mid thigh, like the others. She wore a pair of three inch heels, her smile bright and welcoming. She knew he’d choose the leather jacket look.

  “Hi guys…surprise…”

  “You did this?” Gabe swallowed hard, reminding himself he was old enough to control his own body. Reminding himself that despite the fact that she looked all of sixteen, she was pregnant with their baby.

  “It’s my birthday…yep…this is what I wanted…” she stepped up to him, watching the others fan out in search of their others. Slim fingers toyed with the opening of his jacket. “Ever make it with a wicked school girl? In the back seat of your car…”

  Damian felt his body tighten, following the black thigh high boots from the floor to the short skirt, the pale blue blouse open an extra button. Jane stood staring at him, hip cocked and a chocolate lollipop in her fingers.

  “Looking for something, beach boy?”

  “I think I checked my brain in the lobby…” he admitted when he found his voice, his mind whimpering when she let her tongue run very slowly over the surface of the lollipop.

  “I should have known something was up when you wanted a night off,” Sam lifted Bella’s palm, holding it out and slowly letting her spin for him. Blond curls were pulled into a little bundle at the back of her head.

  “We’ve been planning this for a couple months. Isabel wanted it for her birthday,” Bella moved into his arms when they reached the dance floor. “And I wanted an evening with just you and me…”

  Ian froze in place when he saw Anya turn and stride slowly toward him, wearing a pair of ankle boots. “So…” She walked slowly around him, stopping behind him and leaning close to his ear. “This is how American teenagers party.”

  “I keep telling myself I’m a highly trained ER physician with a swift mind and incredible reflexes…” Ian groaned when she bit his earlobe. “And immeasurable self control…”

  “We shall see…” she promised with a thick chuckle.

  Cade stood at the edge of the dance floor, hands in the pockets of his black jacket. She had her hair pulled into two ponytails, one dangling over each ear. She crossed the floor to stop in front of him, head tilted.

  “I’m seriously waiting for the cops to bust in and arrest all of us males…” Cade said with a crooked grin.

  Abby drew one finger down the center of his chest. “I know how very much you enjoy my fantasies…”

  “Hmmm…” Kate met the grin Dylan was sporting with a wink.

  “You do not look like a prosecutor…” Dylan took her hand and pulled her into his arms.

  “I’m betting there’s gonna be a whole lot of wild sex tonight…” Kate whispered in his ear. “Like…we might not even make it out of the SUV…”

  “I drove the sports car,” Dylan groaned to her laughter.

  “So…” Nick stood in front of Alice, long hair pulled into a taut bundle at her neck. “You actually wore this kind of thing to school?�

  “I don’t recall so much…chill…in my nethers,” Alice responded with a chuckle.

  “As a red blooded American male, I promise to do my damnedest to keep your nethers nice and warm, Alice.”

  Gideon watched Diana walk toward him, his body reacting like he was sixteen instead of an old married guy with a baby on the way and a blond wife who loved him to distraction. His eyes traveled over the long expanse of bare leg, flat strapped shoes and little bump in her middle.

  “Looks like you’ve been a naughty girl,” he murmured when she kissed him.

  “Those country boys…get you in the woods and find a way into your panties…” Diana teased, her hands sliding up the front of his shirt. “Or was it the backseat of the SUV…”

  Emily danced her way to Jack, taking his hand and leading him to the dance floor. “I know you…”

  “I sincerely hope so…” Jack wrapped her close. “I saw these in the shop…and it never registered…”

  “We only had to alter Diana’s for her…she looks so cute! Well…I guess really the school people might not be pleased…you should have seen them when I went to the store and bought all the skirts and blouses,” Emily chuckled.

  “Guys would never graduate…”

  “So…” Simon lifted Chloe’s hand and pulled her close. “For once you’re not the instigator?”

  “I know…” She said sadly, peering up at him. “I think I’m losing my touch…I am, however, very proud of Isabel for her idea…this is positively wicked fun.”

  Samantha had her red hair braided on the sides and pulled to the back, a pair of black heels tapping over the floor toward Logan.

  “I knew you’d make a really sexy looking bad boy…” She complimented with a wink. “You’ve been too tense lately…”

  “You’ve shattered my reputation, Samantha,” Logan took her hands in his and just stared. “I used to be considered somber and staid…”

  “You still have your aloof business presence,” she assured him.

  “The hell I do,” He laughed. “Someone wants something from me, they know all they have to do is get you on their side and I’m toast…”

  “I am not an unreasonable business opponent…I employ logic…”


  Mac stared as she danced off the stage and up to stand before him, long, silver hair swaying over her shoulders.

  “Have you forgotten how to speak, Mac?” Cassidy asked with a chuckle.

  “Words…just…I know they were there…”

  “Nice shirt…you make a cute beach boy…” She leaned close to his ear. “So…which car did you drive?”

  “Yours…” He answered cautiously.

  “You think they have condoms in the men’s rooms here?” Cassidy listened to the gurgling in his voice, laughing and leading him to the food table.

  “I have never been to an American party like this before,” Mia said as Lucas guided them to the soft music.

  “This is not a normal party, Mia,” Lucas sighed, peering into the wide dark eyes.

  “Make believe is so much fun…” She leaned closer and whispered. “The back of the wagon lies flat…and no one can hear you…” She heard him groan and pull her against him, making her aware of the power of her words.

  “Behave yourself, woman…we got friends to celebrate with…”

  “This is amazing,” Sophie turned slowly to watch her friends. “I think it was a grand surprise…”

  “Mac was reasoning it out as we came in,” Nate told her, gliding them to the quiet music.

  “You computer boys…” Sophie leaned her head against his with a sigh. “Thank you for not spilling the beans…”

  Chapter Eleven

  A week later, Logan stood frowning at the women assembling outside his office, his wife one of them.

  “The hairdressers are all set up,” Abby announced excitedly. “Camera crews from several stations are out there waiting for us.”

  “Why didn’t I know about this before today?” Logan demanded with a frown.

  Six women looked at Abby, who turned and looked at Sophie.

  Sophie sighed, turned her computer monitor and moved her hands expertly over the keyboard. “Oh, look…email account belonging to…Logan Sheffield. Hmm…what have we here…scroll down…a lot…oh, look…seventeen days ago and unopened…subject line: Locks of Love Promo.”

  “It’ll grow back,” Sam patted him on the cheek, straightened her t-shirt and held her head high with a smile. “Show’s on, ladies…”

  “Why aren’t you looking ticked off?” Logan demanded when Cade came out of his office, dropping some forms on Sophie’s desk.

  “Not my hair,” he answered with a shrug. “Can’t wait to see the outcome…and the promo with three of the owner’s significant other’s leading the charge, isn’t anything we could have paid to get. It’s Friday, Logan, lighten up and let’s go have a cold iced tea.”

  “Hey, you guys coming outside?” Mac tipped his wrist over.

  “So basically no one’s working today,” Logan watched the crowds gathering, several news cameras recording.

  “Some aren’t interested,” Mac shrugged, watching Cassidy talk to one of the women donating their services to the charity. “Abby and Sam convinced marketing that this was a great promo idea…and the weather couldn’t be any nicer for September.”

  “We do have a good crowd,” Logan remarked, Sam’s head bobbing as the woman wrapped a band around her hair, positioning it carefully.

  “It’s a great promo,” Dylan agreed, greeting his friends.

  “Looks like the first ten are lined up,” Simon said, nodding to the others.

  “A lot of wigs will be made to help cancer patients,” Nick commented quietly, smiling at the tiny wave Alice offered before closing her eyes.

  Scissors were poised just below where they had marked the length to be taken. Sophie closed her eyes, listening to the drum roll and the multiple snips several long seconds later. Cheers went up as the long ponytails of all colors were held up for all to see before the women were led off to various chairs for the finishing cuts and shaping.

  As owners, Logan, Mac and Cade were singled out, the news stations talking to them while their significant others were being cut and shaped. The hairdressers had the women behind screens while being worked on and had been told the three of them had to be finished at the same time.

  Abby had it all planned very carefully. They all wore sky blue tee shirts with the WindSwept logo on the front. When a redhead, a brunette and a silver haired woman stepped from behind the screens, the cameras were split between the reactions of the men and the visions the females presented in jeans and tee shirts.

  “How the hell do they manage to look younger after a haircut,” Logan stared at his wife, half listening to the stylists and news people talking about the easy, professional haircuts they created for each individual woman.

  “Wow,” Mac stepped forward with his palm out to the silver haired pixie with a smile beaming for him. A small fringe of silver touched her neck, the top of her ears and was feathered across her forehead.

  Sam’s haircut was longer, her hair thicker and falling in straight lines to her neck, covering her ears and barely touching her eyebrows. She winked at Logan, their hands catching, palms up and fingers entwined.

  Cade found himself blinking to clear his vision, only to have the thick, wide ringlets that formed a small halo around her face, his palm up and tugging one curl before dropping a kiss on her lips.

  “No more bands to steal…or pens to hide.”

  Nate stood staring. An extra soft pixie rounded hairstyle had been created from her thick hair and had plenty of gypsy layers. Nothing touched her neck, bangs teased the edge of her glasses and sparkling earrings peeked out from each ear.

  Wide, dark eyes blinked behind the lenses, a fringe of bangs barely visible, the light breeze tossing the straight hair about as she moved to stand in front of Nate.

��I don’t look like me,” she said softly, her nose wrinkled and she shook her head lightly from side to side. “It feels so…breezy...”

  “It’s beautiful, Sophie…” Nate walked with her toward the food that was set up for the event. “You…are gorgeous. I bet not a lot of work is gonna get done this afternoon,” he said, glancing off to the various couples that stood close and talking.

  “That’s why we did it on a Friday,” she told him with a laugh.


  Monday morning Sophie jumped from the SUV and ran into the main entrance, Nate driving behind to the designated spots behind the complex for the employees. They were at the ten day and counting mark and there was a ton of things to be done. Sophie was in the middle of entering all the maintenance requests for Mia, her inspections complete and turned in.

  She gathered up the forms and headed to the maintenance office, frowning slightly and following the signs. She shivered slightly in the quiet corridor, noise from the office ahead bringing a little sigh. Until she stood in the open doorway. Sophie casually slipped her palm into the pocket of her sweater, her fingers slipping the direct call of the walkie-talkie to on, hoping people were listening.

  “What are you doing here? How did you get on-site?” Sophie demanded loudly, her gaze sweeping to the man wearing khaki slack and shirt.

  “Inside…” Was the curt command, his palm up and a gun pointed at her.

  “This is a really stupid thing to do in the maintenance office…” but she stepped slowly forward, eyes darting around the room and keeping her distance. “Fender…what are you doing here? And please…don’t point that gun at me…I really don’t think I’d like to spend time in the hospital…it would make Nate nuts…”


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