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Connections (Mists of the Fae Book 5)

Page 22

by Jaime Marks

  She shook her head. “No it’s just…”

  Reyana hugged her. “It’s alright Steph, let it flow. Let the memories roll through you and feel them. You aren’t losing control, you’re just getting to know us.” She let her go and went back to Marcus and Cymeryn.

  She couldn’t speak. She was overcome with emotion. The flow slowed finally and she met each of them in the eyes. The uncertainty she had felt with them was gone. She’d seen their relationships with her Father and Grandfather, seen them with their parents, in some cases her aunts and uncles. It was something she hadn’t been prepared for. The love and connections between them, it was something that she’d never known but that they had tried to give her since she arrived. Her hand went to her heart as she tried to rein in her emotions but there was no rebuilding the walls that had just crumbled around her.

  It was overwhelming. The love they shared amongst each other, the love they were trying to share with her, in a lot of ways it was too much to trust but in this moment all she could do was feel. Tears welled in her eyes and she allowed her essence to flow over them all freely.

  Mythos smiled down at her. “Are you alright, caria?”

  She nodded. “I just…I’ve never felt anything like this. The connections between us all…the love.” A tear rolled down her face as she saw herself in her Father’s arms and she gasped. She could feel the love between them. “My parents loved me,” she whispered as she a tear ran down her face. “I never knew…I couldn’t remember.”

  “Oh Stephynia, of course they loved you.” He held her tightly. “You are their young. Nothing could ever break those bonds, not even death.”

  “Ceryn was my closest friend and even as Shade I could read him easily. When I encountered the two of you, it was clear to me how much he loved you, Steph. It is the main reason I allowed his escape rather than turn him. I knew alone he would have taken his place by my side, even if only to try to save me from myself, but he would never allow you to be subjected to that world and in truth, neither would I,” Cymeryn admitted softly. “I do not know why such things were blocked from you, but I do know that your Father cared for you greatly.”

  “As we all do, Steph,” Grifyn added cautiously.

  She turned and faced them. “I’m sorry.”

  Marcus shook his head. “This entire situation has to be incredibly taxing on you. Everything you thought you knew about the world, as well as yourself, has shifted. You’re doing better than you believe, Steph. There is nothing to be sorry about.”

  “Yes there is. I’ve treated you all like you were trying to hurt me or something and you were just trying to help. You’re my family and I’ve treated you like my enemies.”

  She turned to Byryn as he clapped. “You’ve finally got it, sprite. We’re your family.” He smiled at her and she returned the gesture. “No one blames you for being defensive. If anything we expected it. The circumstances leading up to you coming here didn’t exactly convey a whole lot of trust.”

  “Don’t be so hard on yourself. I wasn’t exactly easy on them when we met either,” Star smiled as a few of them laughed quietly at the comment.

  “If anything, my lady,” Kato interjected, “we find you very brave and strong willed. How you have handled yourself since your arrival has proven you are intelligent, compassionate, loyal, and definitely independent.”

  “You forgot stubborn, brazen and short-tempered, Kato,” she added in amusement.

  “Indeed my lady,” Marcus smirked, “but that just makes you well suited for our King.”

  They all laughed and all the tension bled out of her.

  Mythos sat and guided her back into his lap. As she settled against him she turned to find the little boy sitting beside her staring at her oddly. “What is it, Kylion?”

  “You’re still Uncle Mythos right, Uncle Mythos?” He asked even though he oddly kept his eyes trained on her.

  “Of course, Kylion,” Mythos laughed. “Who else would I be?”

  He studied with a scrutiny that actually was unsettlingly like Byryn. “Then you’re my Aunt Stephy!” The boy proclaimed bouncing in excitement finally breaking into a smile.

  She studied him a moment. “Stephy huh? Yeah I guess that’s alright, but only if you promise to beat up your Dad if he ever calls me that.”

  “Deal!” He smiled and shook her hand while they laughed together.

  “Oh yeah, little one?” Byryn mused and leaned over tickling the boy. “I’ll remember that. Lucky for you I think sprite suits her better.” He glanced up at her with that wicked grin of his. “So if you want, you can always call her Aunt Sprite.”

  She glared at him but kept quiet. There was no way she was feeding into this one.

  “Nah…she’s Aunt Stephy,” he quipped but then studied Byryn a moment, “but if you let me stay up for treats I can call her Aunt Sprite, too.”

  Even she had to laugh at that one.

  “I was going to let you stay up any way, son.” Byryn smiled. “It’s not every day your Mom and Dad get mated; but only one and then bed.”

  The boy beamed up at Star and she lifted him onto her lap cradling him. It was obvious the kid was tired but he wasn’t about to go to sleep yet. Star talked quietly to him as he smiled up at her. Steph knew he wasn’t really her son, but looking at the way they interacted you would never have known. It was still a bit shocking but in so many ways it just fit.

  Steph watched the interactions in the room as Haylia entered with some sweets and wine. Grifyn was whispering in Trina’s ear as she smiled. Demytria was laying against Kato’s chest as he looked down at her stroking her dark brown and silver hair. Reyana was resting comfortably against Cymeryn who was whispering in her ear. Her legs lay across Marcus lap and he massaged the one gently, pausing on and off to hand her some water. Mythos held her, watching her. His essence flowed freely through her. She’d never known peace like this, or been this comfortable around other people. She hoped it never changed.

  “Thank you, Haylia,” Mythos offered as the Fae finished clearing their dinner and setting out their dessert.

  She turned with a smile. “It is always a pleasure your majest…oh!” She exclaimed dropping to her knees. “It is an honor, my lady.”

  Steph stared at her in shock trying to figure out how she had even known.

  Mythos leaned into her ear. “The necklace, caria, all who see it will know what it means.” He kissed the curve of her neck. “Though it will not be official until you awaken and we complete the Bonding Rituals and Coronation of the Queen, the necklace proclaims you to be the rightful Queen of the realms.”

  “You may rise, Haylia.” She watched as the Fae slowly rose to her feet.

  “Congratulations, your majesties. Great blessings of Light to you both.” She bowed slightly and left with a smile.

  “Ok, that was different,” Steph murmured.

  Grifyn chuckled, “You will get used to it, my lady.” Growing serious he glanced between them, meeting their eyes. “I want you both to know that I’m pleased you have found one another. Nothing could ease me more than to see the happiness you bring each other. I’m sorry that I gave you both such a hard time; especially you, Mythos. You have been my friend since our youth and you deserve more respect then what I afforded you.”

  Mythos sighed in contemplation, “I have already forgiven you, Grifyn. How could I fault you for trying to protect her? She is my heart, her protection is all I seek. Besides, I was far more insufferable to Marcus when he and Reyana courted.”

  “Indeed,” Marcus added with a smirk as he rose and handed out glasses of wine pausing at Kylion. “Yes or no, Byryn?”

  He looked the boy over and shrugged. “Only a little. He’s never had any before.”

  Once everyone had their glasses, aside from Reyana for whom he had poured more water, Marcus stood looking at all of them and rose his glass. “To our newly awakened, bonded-daughter and her newly mated; to our King and his Queen; to mine blooded twin who has rejoined us a
nd our mate who carries our young; and to the bonds of the blood that link us all. Let us rejoice this eve in the blessings we have been given and the love that joins us all as family, and as friends.”

  “Here, here,” they murmured raising their glasses and drinking together. Steph watched them all. She had never known what it was to have a family before. When she got here she wasn’t sure she even wanted one. Now she never wanted to be without them.

  Mythos pulled her to him kissing her passionately. “You have no idea how happy you have made me, caria. I cannot wait until your awakening so I can show you exactly what you mean to me.” His words were more breath than sound against her neck as he kissed and teased her, “I love you, Stephynia.”

  She turned looking into his eyes. “I love you too, Mythos and if I’ve made you anywhere near as happy as you’ve made me then I’m truly blessed.”

  Chapter 19

  Byryn watched Staryana as she held Kylion. The Light that danced over her skin lit up her face as she stared down at the boy with loving adoration. Since he had brought him here the two of them had grown close and the love she showed his younger brother, the boy he had claimed as his own son, was just one of the many reasons he loved her.

  He watched as she stroked his son’s hair. Their son. She was so good with him. Kylion never settled down for anyone, but he was falling asleep in her arms. His Mother’s arms. The peace between the three of them, even with everyone else around them, was a perfection he never thought he deserved.

  She leaned down whispering in the small boy’s ear and Kylion leaned over wrapping his arms around Byryn’s neck and murmured sleepily, “Night Dad.”

  “You sure you got him, brightness?” He asked studying her. “You just finished awakening a couple hours ago.”

  She laughed, “I know you aren’t going there with me considering what you were doing a couple hours after your awakening.” That shrewd challenging gaze of hers reminded him just how suited they were. She would always challenge him and as strange as it was to him sometimes, he loved it.

  He sighed remembering how he had led the mission to save Reyana, Trina, Kato and the unawakened two hours after he awakened. It didn’t stop him from wanting to pamper and care for her but he knew how strong she was. “You’re right baby, I’m sorry.” He kissed Kylion on the head. “Sleep well little one.”

  Byryn watched as he sleepily stood and waved to everyone. “Night.”

  They all bid Kylion goodnight as Staryana kissed him softly. “I won’t be long. I doubt he’ll even stay awake for me to read to him tonight.”

  He nodded and watched her as she rose and took their son by his hand leading him from the suite. Staring at the door a moment he just listened to her in his mind. It was so natural to have her there. He couldn’t help but smile at her thoughts and how they bounced around. They jumped from the task of putting Kylion to bed, to her awakening and everything he had done to her, to how it felt to be connected to him so profoundly, but everything she thought of was positive. She didn’t allow any fear or pain to enter and that was priceless because it didn’t matter what else had happened; it didn’t belong there tonight.

  His Dad laughed and he turned to see him watching him in amusement. “Yeah I know I’m wrapped around her little finger but each of your mate’s got you the same way so why hide it,” he shrugged with a smile.

  They all chuckled and kissed their mates.

  “It’s just good to see you happy, son,” Grifyn replied sipping his wine.

  “Indeed.” Cymeryn added. “It is good to see everyfae at ease and happy.”

  Marcus nodded. “Let us hope Devyn can join in that peace rather than disrupt it.”

  Everyone stiffened slightly but nodded and he studied them. “Ok, what’s the deal? I’ve heard you all talk about Devyn and it seemed like you were looking forward to seeing him. Now that he’ll be here in the morning though, you all look like you’re worried about it or something.”

  Mythos sighed heavily, “Devyn is the oldest of us. He has woken nearly three hundred cycles and he has served at the fronts of this war for nearly two hundred of them despite my best efforts. In truth we have no idea how he will react to any of this. He is very traditional and very set in his ways.”

  Cymeryn grimaced, “He and I have never really gotten along but more so than anyfae here he has witnessed the Darkness in me. If you think any in this room had an issue with my return, trust me, you have yet to understand. Devyn will be certain he does not make this easy on me and there is no doubt he will challenge our relationship.”

  Marcus nodded silently caressing Reyana as her hand went to her stomach. Byryn watched as he leaned over whispering in her ear and she relaxed against him. Her pregnancy with the twins would obviously be a point of contention. The Fae had very strict rules and ideals about mating...and the three of them had broken most of them. The issue was, it was condoned and even set in motion by the Divine Being himself, so who were any of them to question it? Who was Devyn?

  Demytria shrugged. “I doubt I’ll get much better of a reception, Cymeryn. Tomorrow will be a long day but I learned to ignore Devyn’s reprisals long ago. Although I was far more content at playing the role of the delicate flower, I never really fit the mold of the Fae female of stature he expected me to be.”

  Byryn watched them considering their words. It was odd seeing them stress so much over the opinions of anyone aside from each other, but then Devyn was one of them. He was just the most distant and disconnected of them. He looked around the room as he chose his words carefully. “I understand that you all look up to him, and respect him, but what you’ve all accomplished since I’ve been here is amazing. No one ever even thought Redemption was even possible before. You all know the truth of each other and defend one another with your lives, so why approach Devyn any differently? We meet him and talk to him together. We make him understand together. None of you have done anything wrong.”

  Marcus nodded. “You’re right, Byryn. Instead of dealing with the insurmountable task of explaining each of our situations separately we can explain it together chronologically. He will either accept it or he won’t, but we can’t let it stress us out or come between us. Hopefully if he sees that we are all united and supportive of one another he will understand and eventually come around.”

  They all nodded in agreement and the tension seemed to ease more.

  “That actually does make me feel better,” Demytria conceded. “Devyn can be a bit…intimidating.”

  “Let us not think on it this eve, my love,” Kato reassured her as he caressed her back. “This is a celebration and we should enjoy the peace while we have it.”

  “Here, here,” Cymeryn chimed before pulling Reyana into a kiss.

  Byryn looked over to Steph. She was so calm now. He’d never seen her smile so much. Then again she could probably say the same for him. “Hey sprite, how’d you like another betrothal present?”

  She looked over at him quizzically. “What do you mean?”

  “Well, I know what a tech geek you can be. I can only imagine you must be jonesing being here,” he offered.

  “Oh my god you have no idea, Byryn!” She groaned ticking off points on her fingers. “No phones, no computers, no fracking tech of any kind to play with or reprogram! I don’t even have my iPod! I’m going nuts. It’s like withdrawal.”

  He laughed looking up as Staryana entered the room and came over to sit in his lap again. “He asleep?”

  “Yup, out cold.” She smiled, “He made me sing first.”

  “See I should have come to help put him to bed. I love hearing you sing,” he murmured in her ear.

  She smiled that seductive smile of hers. “If you’re good maybe I’ll sing you to sleep later.”

  Byryn bit her neck, gently kissing and nipping by her ear. “Oh I’ll be good, and you’ll sing baby, don’t you worry.” When he glanced up he almost had to laugh at the way Marcus ground his teeth as he watched them. There was nothing the Fae co
uld say about it anymore. They were mated so he relished in the feel of her a moment more before turning back to Steph who was patiently waiting. Actually she looked about ready to burst at the mention of potential modern technology.

  “So, how good are you with cell phone and satellite tech?” He asked her.

  Her face scrunched up as she considered it. “Not sure on the satellite, would depend on the components. Satellites range greatly because many have been around for decades and tech updates so frequently but some of the ones currently in use are decades old at this point. Not to mention there are various uses for them…But come on, Byryn, I’m a girl in the social media age and I’m a tech nerd. Of course I’m up to date on cell tech.”

  When the others looked at her as if she were speaking some alien language or had maybe sprouted another head she got confused. “What?”

  Byryn and Staryana laughed. “Fae are notoriously tech dinosaurs, Steph,” Byryn explained. “You’re basically speaking Greek to them.”

  “Actually most of us understand Greek better than human technology. We simply have no need for it,” Kato reasoned.

  Byryn nodded in understanding but focused on the issue, “We need a way to communicate between realms. I was going to work with some Scholars tomorrow that have at least a general understanding of recent human science and technology to begin working on a way to build some sort of communication network. I kind of wondered if this might be more your thing than mine though? To be honest I don’t really have a clue how all that shit works. I just know how to use it and what I think we need to get it here.”

  She smiled so brightly he had to wonder if she was going to erupt in Light. “So, you mean you’re asking me to adapt satellite and/or intranet software and technologies to develop an inter-realm telecommunications system?”

  He studied her in amusement. “Yup.”


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