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Connections (Mists of the Fae Book 5)

Page 31

by Jaime Marks

  “I didn’t have anything to do with that. John and the guys on the team cooked that shit up and I couldn’t tell him that she was my sister,” he admitted sitting back down but keeping his eyes on him. If Byryn was gonna beat the shit out of him he’d rather see it coming.


  “Alayne didn’t want anyone to know who she was. I was supposed to protect her, keep an eye on her, but I wasn’t even allowed to tell her who I was. Some shit to do with Reyn.” He shrugged, “You’d have to ask Syneous.”

  “You don’t refer to them as your Father and Grandfather?”

  “Not unless they’re present.” He knew better than to show them that kind of disrespect to their face. “No one was supposed to know who I was either. John knows because he’s my mentor, but really they never exactly acted like family so why should I acknowledge them. Fathers and Grandfathers don’t treat their blood like they treated me.”

  Byryn stared at him but didn’t say anything. He knew it would be damned near impossible to convince him and really he didn’t want to. It wasn’t as if he was gonna trust him either. Rolling his eyes he laid it out there hoping to get rid of him. “Look Byryn, we both know this is a waste of time. I don’t fucking trust you any more than you do me and I don’t see that changing anytime soon. I’m sure you have other shit to do so either beat the hell out of me and leave or get out.”

  Arching a brow he almost smirked. “If you were trying to protect Staryana why wouldn’t you find some way to protect her from the team?”

  Kyle opened his notebook and began working through the practice exams that Cymeryn had left for him last night as he talked, hoping he’d get the hint. “I did. I bet that slut Lizzie Manchester a hundred bucks that she didn’t have the guts to fuck Matt in the gym that morning knowing you always came in late through there. They’d been fucking for weeks behind Star’s back. I knew if you found out you’d be all over it and Matt’s such a fucking idiot I knew he’d tell you everything. You took care of the rest and it solved the issue.”

  Byryn seemed to digest that little tidbit a second. “Then why not just come to me yourself. Why play the games and take the beatings?”

  “Because I used you, Byryn,” he smirked not bothering to look up. “I didn’t want you near her any more than I wanted them fucking with her. She’s my sister and you were the Commander of the Brood. Why the hell would I help you? The only reason I made sure you knew was because it protected her and covered my ass. If I had to take an ass kicking to keep her safe so be it. It wasn’t the first time and I doubt it’ll be the last. I mean to make damned sure she knows exactly who the fuck you are and if she decides she wants to leave you? I’ll be the first to help her do it.”

  Byryn grunted but when he looked up he was surprised to see the slight smile that tipped up the corners of his lips, even if it disappeared quickly. “This is how this is gonna go. You’re on restriction until you can prove you can be trusted and until Steph can manage being around you. You’ve got the same chance that any unawakened coming into the realm has but a hell of a lot less rope because honestly? You’re right, I don’t fucking trust you. The only reason you aren’t in the dungeon with John right now is because you spoke up and pledged your life to Cymeryn. I don’t care if you’re Staryana’s brother or not. For all I know this is just another of Alayne’s games. Until I’m sure she’s safe around you, you’re not getting anywhere near here. In the meantime, you and I? We’re stuck with each other. I’m the Liaison of Redemption, you’re an unawakened Shade and some fucking how you just gained the protection of my Grandsire. I know for a fact he explained the rules to you so let me make one thing perfectly clear. You slip up, you try to hurt anyone in my lines, I don’t care if they’re of the Lucerna Lines, Trevyn’s lines, or the Warrior Line of the Shade…you’re done. There won’t be a second chance so I suggest if someone starts with you, you take it and bring it to me because I’m not gonna stop to ask questions if you so much as raise your hand to anyone connected to me. Am I clear?”

  He turned meeting his eyes. “Crystal, but let me be clear Byryn, you hurt my sister and I swear, I don’t care if I die for my trouble, I will kill you. I’m already dead anyway.”

  Kyle didn’t know what he saw in that moment but his features almost seemed to soften a moment before the tension rushed back. “I don’t know if you’re lying or just fucking delusional but in case you missed the last year and a half, all I’ve ever done is protect Staryana. She’s my mate and trust me, nothing is going to happen to her while I’m around.”

  He turned leaving him without another word. Shaking his head Kyle rose and flopped down on the bed. This was so messed up. He was stuck relying on and trusting some of his worst enemies to not only provide for him but keep him safe. His Grandfather, Father, and most likely his mentor at this point, all wanted him dead. His sister was mated to a freaking psychopath and he had no way to reach his brothers. Yeah this was so much better than where he was before. Just fucking perfect.

  Chapter 27

  Reyana sat in the throne room with Cymeryn and Marcus by her side hearing the day’s proclamations and requests. She glanced at Cymeryn in amusement sensing his restlessness and annoyance was almost matching her own. He offered her an amused smirk and shrugged.

  “Would you two please focus so we can get out of here? I don’t enjoy this anymore than you do.” Marcus’ voice echoed through both their minds.

  “Who are you kidding? Marcus, you thrive on all of this. It suits you well,” Cymeryn chuckled.

  “Perhaps,” His gaze drifted over Reyana’s body. “But I can think of things all of us would rather be doing at the moment.”

  Reyana smiled mischievously not responding to that thought any more than she acknowledged the desire rolling off of them both in waves. If she didn’t tune them out she would never get through these last two requests.

  “…that is if it would please your majesties,” the Fae before them concluded with a bow.

  “You may rise,” Reyana offered trying to focus on what the Fae, Alyric a Alyrion had been requesting. She could feel her mates snickering at her distraction…oh right. “How large of a facility are you requesting be commissioned for the school and would you be requesting the school and the Academy be joined with the Scholars Hall facility or separate?”

  Alyric rose. “We thought perhaps a joint facility would be beneficial your majesty. We would need at least twenty classrooms for both Basic Studies and the Academy for the training of new Scholars, as well as at least two conference rooms and offices for the faction of the Scholars that would be relocated to the Realm of Balance to maintain its orderly operation.”

  She nodded. “Your request is granted pending a detailed report of the facilities requirements is received and able to be accommodated.”

  “Thank you your majesties. I will see that you have the request by the end of the week.” He bowed in reverence.

  “Requests are to be separated by what division will handle them. From this point forth all Scholar requests are to be handled by the House of Light. See that your request is forwarded directly and I will ensure it is handled timely,” Marcus offered.

  “Of course, my lord.” Alyric bowed again and stepped away.

  They watched as a very anxious unawakened approached eyeing Cymeryn nervously. He sank to his knees kneeling before them as Gastrion cleared his throat.

  “My lords, her majesty, might I present Quinyx a Paluxyn. He wishes to proffer a formal request.”

  Cymeryn cleared his throat, “Quinyx you may rise, son. What of your request?”

  “M-My L-Lord Cymeryn...”

  Cymeryn raised his hand and the boy silenced immediately. “Be at ease boy. You have nothing to fear here. You have come to see me directly, have you not? How is it that I might assist you?”

  He nodded swallowing hard and composing himself before speaking. “If it would serve, my lord. I’d request if you knew the condition and location of my birth Mother. I know that
Paluxyn served you admirably and he had her detained. I was hoping you would know if she’s still alive.”

  Cymeryn breathed deeply and Reyana sent her essence flowing through him comforting him as he brought his hand to rest thoughtfully against his chin. He studied the boy with concern. “What is it you would do with this information? What purpose would it serve to you?”

  “I…If my Mother is alive and you know her location, my lord, I would request leave of this realm so that I might free her from her slavery.” He stood firmly, obviously determined to do just that.

  Cymeryn’s brow furrowed. “Quinyx, I will not deceive you. At last I knew of your Mother she was alive but that was well over a month ago. You must understand however, that in your current state and as close as I can sense you are to awakening, you are not physically able to undertake such a mission. I must also ask, how old are you son?”

  “I am nineteen.”

  They glanced amongst each other. There was something shifting. Too many young were awakening early, though this boy was far closer to the proper age than Felycia there were three others that had awakened at nineteen or twenty recently. It was not unheard of but not the average by far. While the awakening could occur at twenty the average age was closer to twenty-five.

  “This is what I will offer you, Quinyx. I will work on a way to free your Mother and your sisters. It may take some time but I will ask your patience. I cannot promise you that your Mother still lives or is even in her right mind if she does, however.”

  He bowed. “I would be most grateful for your assistance. Sup-..”A hush fell over the hall but the boy merely corrected his error. “…Lord Cymeryn. I would ask that you allow me to assist in the mission.”

  Cymeryn shook his head unsure if he was making the right choice. “Report to Liaison Byryn for a training schedule. Byryn must approve your ability. If you meet standards and awaken prior to the mission I will grant your request. I will not, however, endanger the mission nor will I put your life in danger where it is not warranted, son. I understand your feeling but this is my final decision on the matter.”

  “Thank you, my lord.” The boy bowed and left.

  Gastrion cleared his throat. “This concludes court for this session. Due to ceremonies and festivities court is suspended and the next session will commence upon noon in four days’ time. The normal daily schedule will resume at that time. All requests must be received at least a day prior.”

  The three of them rose and the crowd hushed and bowed as they left. As soon as they were out of the hall. Reyana shot them both a mischievous look. They glanced at her knowingly but before they could say anything she turned and ran down the corridor trying not to laugh.

  Cymeryn appeared in front of her. “What are you up to, Rey?” He mused with a devious grin as he watched her duck around the corner to avoid him.

  She ran faster and ducked behind a tapestry into one of the hidden corridors. She could see Marcus chuckling at her leaning against the hidden entry up ahead. “Reya, I know these corridors almost as well as you.”

  She felt Cymeryn sneaking up behind her. “Do you now?” She triggered another hidden passage and ducked into it before Cymeryn could grab her and took off running again.

  She ran quickly around another corridor and triggered another opening that would take her back closer to her intended destination. She quickly closed it hoping they wouldn’t see it. She knew they would find her anyway but she was enjoying making them chase her. Besides they were so intent on her taking it easy and it felt like forever since she had any fun.

  She exited the Palace close to the cliff face and rushed over pulling the vine to trigger the entryway then stepped through the portal. She rushed carefully down the stairs. If she could get into the grove before they found her she could hide. She crested the stairs and was just across the tree line when two sets of arms came around her from opposite sides. She couldn’t help the shocked yelp that escaped her lips but it quickly slid into laughter as she let them cage her gingerly between them.

  “What a naughty little Queen we have ourselves, brother,” Cymeryn teased.

  Marcus laughed, “Indeed. Perhaps we need to teach her a lesson, hmm?”

  Cymeryn gripped her gently by the hair as he pulled her against him before smacking her across the ass and making her gasp. He kissed her roughly. “Never incite a predator, Rey. I thrive on the hunt.” He bit her neck roughly pulling back just before he would have broken her skin and she could sense his restraint. A soft moan passed her lips.

  Marcus slid her skirt up caressing her thigh just below her sweet spot as he kissed and nipped at her shoulder. “You’re going to beg for this, Reya,” his voice was a light breath in her ear.

  Cymeryn ripped her dress and sheath open in one smooth move and captured her left breast in his mouth as Marcus’ tongue flicked over the nipple of her right. One of their hands slipped down to her sex, fingers sliding teasingly along her wet folds. One of them spanked her a few more times on the ass sending jolts of pain that mixed with her pleasure shooting right to her core.

  She couldn’t form words she was so lost to them. Pleasure and pain tormenting her to the peak of release without allowing her to crest over. Cymeryn slid to his knees and pulled her core to his mouth. He drove her closer to the edge as Marcus nipped and teased her breasts and body.

  “Tell us, Reya,” Marcus demanded holding her by the throat firmly enough to control her, yet careful not to bruise her. He had become more and more demanding lately and she hungered for it.

  She gasped, “Please.”

  Cymeryn slowed his tongue teasing her sensitive nub as he slid one of her legs onto his shoulder. “Please what?”

  “Now,” she urged.

  “Mmmm not yet, Rey. You have not paid the penance of your fun,” Cymeryn murmured.

  “Please,” her voice was a plaintive moan whispered from her breath. “Cymeryn, Marcus, Please.”

  “Soon Reya,” Marcus murmured as his tongue traced her breast and ribs.

  Cymeryn slid his thumb into her as he continued to nip and flick his tongue torturing her with sweet sensations of pleasure. When she thought that she might combust from the heat of desire flooding her veins he slid her leg off his shoulder and rose up kissing her roughly, drawing her lip into his mouth.

  “Please, Cymeryn…Marcus, god,” she forced out on gasps.

  Cymeryn pulled her down straddling him as he lay on the ground. They slid into her as one, matching thrusts and rhythms, driving her pleasure as they kissed and caressed her body. Their slow torturous movements made her feel like fire was erupting deep within and the moans that escaped her lips almost made her laugh because they hardly sounded like her.

  “Mmmm Rey, I think we should drive you higher. I love hearing you, feeling you like this,” Cymeryn all but moaned in her ear.

  “Tell us Reya….” Marcus murmured his teeth grazing her ear, her neck, her shoulder. “Tell us what you want.”

  “Faster,” she moaned, “Harder…Oh god.”

  “Not yet, Rey….” Cymeryn groaned as he tightly gripped her hips to slow her down.

  Marcus pulled her back against him by the hair and kissed her as their bodies rocked into her. “Reya you feel so good. So tight and wet for us.”

  Their hands, their bodies, their mouths, their breath, their essence; all of it driving her harder but not allowing her to crest over. She was wound so tight she thought she might snap as they began working her harder, faster.

  “Now Reyana, come for us,” they commanded as one.

  The orgasm slammed her so hard she swore she saw stars as an incredible burst of pleasure seared through her being scorching her with heat. Her moans echoed all around them as spasms rolled through her body and she felt them both release drawing out her pleasure.

  When the waves finally ebbed she lay there between them in a state of utter bliss. A glass of water appeared above her head and Marcus reached up and handed it to her. “I think someone is saying you nee
d to drink, my love.”

  She nodded. “I was actually feeling a little thirsty.” She sipped at the water and placed the glass on the ground above her head.

  Cymeryn ran his finger lazily over her hip, his eyes closed with a gentle smile on his lips. He looked so at ease, so peaceful. A playful smirk crossed his lips but his eyes remained closed.

  “What?” She asked curiously knowing they would both know who and what she was talking about.

  “I used to watch you the same way, when we lay by the lake. I was just thinking your little escape today was so much like when we were younger…though I far more prefer this ending to our typical tickle war.”

  “Mmmm.” She stretched feeling achy in all the right areas and they both smiled at her knowingly. “You two were torturous.”

  Marcus chuckled as he rolled onto his stomach, leaning on his elbows to stare down at her. He brushed a strand of hair off her brow. “And you enjoyed every moment of it, Reya.”

  She leaned up and kissed him but didn’t respond. There was no reason to, they all knew he was right. Cymeryn sighed looking his watch and they both reached over resting a hand on her. When she blinked she realized they were lying in their bed.

  “Sorry love, but we are late and you need new robing. There is no way that gown was salvageable,” Cymeryn smirked.

  “I could have made it up here without anyone seeing me,” she teased.

  Marcus grunted, “You had better never even endeavor to try.”

  “We would in the least blind any who would see you as such,” Cymeryn responded meeting her gaze shrewdly. “Even if Marcus’ temperament allowed him to grant them reprieve I guarantee you mine would not.”

  “Hmmm…not even I have that much control,” Marcus replied staring at her with narrowed eyes.

  “Oh hush. I wouldn’t do it anyway. Especially not in the middle of the day,” she laughed enjoying their possessiveness slightly.


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