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Safe Haven: Born In Hell Book 1

Page 3

by Bella Claire

  Before I opened the door, I could hear muffled voices inside, so I assumed Derek had some friends over. I pulled out my keys and opened the door. I went to call out but immediately noticed the mess. Clothes were scattered throughout the living room, and not in an ‘I’m sorting laundry’ kind of way. Laughter, high and feminine, echoed from my closed bedroom door.

  “Oh, no, he isn’t!” I hissed through clenched teeth.

  It was then that I spotted the hot-pink thong hanging over the arm of the couch and a pair of empty wine glasses on the table, as if he was trying to be fancy and shit. Betrayal shook through me, and tears that I didn’t want began to fill my eyes.

  I stomped to my bedroom door and forced it open without thinking.

  “What the fuck?” I practically screamed, frozen in the doorway.

  There was a bitch straddling Derek in the middle of our bed. She was blonde, gorgeous, and I could tell she was tall. I instantly hated her. Derek half rolled, half pushed her off of him in a hurry, his eyes wide with guilt. The woman had nowhere to go but the floor, and she hit it so hard it felt like an earthquake. It would probably have been comical if it involved someone else’s boyfriend and side chick, but nope, it had to be mine.

  “Baby, what are you doing home so early?” Derek asked like this was an everyday occurrence. He sat up and grabbed the first thing he could, my damn pillow, and put it over his dick. Like I’m the one that shouldn’t have been seeing it.

  “Are you fucking serious right now? I catch you fucking some random bitch, and you’re going to ask me why I’m home so early? I live here, asshole!” I screamed at him. Anger barreled through me, all-consuming and deafening. I felt myself becoming unhinged.

  I turned my attention to the girl as I heard her mumbling something under her breath. “Why the fuck are you still here? Get out!”

  She stood up off the floor, grabbed my sheet to put around herself, that I had bought for my bed, and answered with no remorse. “I’m his girlfriend, have been now for a couple of months. He was about to give you the boot next week, anyway.”

  Red. All I saw was red. The next thing I knew, I had made my way across the room in two seconds flat and my fist had connected with her face. She hadn’t been expecting it and stumbled, tripping on the edge of the sheet. Son of a bitch, that hurt. My knuckles throbbed, but it felt good to feel physical pain.

  “Shit, you crazy bitch!” she hollered, backing herself into the corner of my room. Her hand flew to her nose, trying to stop the flow of blood. “She fucking hit me!” she growled at Derek, looking at me as if I were completely insane.

  I smirked, feeling a small sense of revenge.

  Disgusted by her statement, I turned back to Derek. “Is it true?” I asked, my anger crackling a little around the edges. I pressed my lips together tightly, willing myself not to cry.

  “Well, yeah, but I was going to make sure you had a place to go first. I mean, come on, babe, you had to have known it was going to happen eventually,” he answered as he shrugged his shoulders. Looking at Derek now, I saw that he was never the person I thought he was. I’d never loved him, and he’d never loved me. We were just there when we both needed someone, and I guess he didn’t need me anymore, but that didn’t mean it still didn’t sting.

  “Yes, I knew it was coming, but cheating on me? That’s a whole new level. I at least thought you had enough respect for me to be honest.” I felt my anger slowly drain from me, leaving me tired. With my adrenaline fading, a wave of numbness washed over me. I knew this was what we both wanted in the end, but this way couldn’t be justified. He was too much of a coward to just end it the right way.

  “Fuck you, Derek!” I was about to make my exit but then remembered the girl. She was still cowering in the corner, probably concerned I would punch her again. I waltzed toward her till I was hovering above her quivering body.

  “That’s mine,” I childishly snatched my sheet out from around her, making her lift off the ground, coming down hard. I didn’t care if it left her bare, I’d already seen it all and so had Derek. Choosing to keep being immature, I stomped over to my bed, motioned Derek to get off, and ripped the rest of the sheets and comforter off the bed, “These are mine, too, they just obviously need to go through the wash a couple times, or a thousand. Actually, they just need to be set on fire.”

  I waltzed to my closet to grab a duffel bag. I shoved an outfit or two in there, grabbed some of my personal items, then left the apartment with a sense of relief. Relieved to be able to finally live my life how I wanted to.

  Then dread took over, and I felt like I had been punched in the gut. Where was I supposed to go? I hadn’t planned to be out so soon and on such short notice. I called Sam in hopes I could crash at her house for a night or two, but she didn’t answer. My guess was that she was probably toying around with Jackson. Determined to not let myself think too hard on it yet, I decided to check into a hotel and focus on apartment shopping tomorrow.

  Luckily, Motel Ten wasn’t too far from my apartment. Now ex-apartment, just like Derek was now my ex-boyfriend. I was still stewing over it when the white and brown vinyl building appeared. I was able to find a dumpster on the side to chuck that nasty bedding in. Who was I kidding? There was no amount of washing that would wipe the slut off those sheets.

  I walked into the office and asked for a room with a king-size bed. If I had to be here, I was going to take full advantage. After paying and getting my room key, I took off across the empty paved lot to my room.

  The hotel room was bland. Cream-colored walls brought out the multi-colored curtains, while two wall lamps on either side of the bed lit up the space. At least it blessed me with a bathroom and box television.

  After switching the television on, I soon found out there was no cable as I flipped aimlessly through the channels. With a sigh, I tossed the remote across the bed and flopped back onto the mattress. I hated being forced to sit alone with my thoughts.

  I was restless with too many things swirling through my mind. It also didn’t help that drunken people were outside hollering and carrying on. I could hear a man outside asking passersby for a cigarette, and at one point, a woman cursed out someone and demanded payment for her services. I didn’t think I wanted to know what kind of services she provided.

  My heart skipped at the thought that I was really alone now. My mom was probably home passed out from drinking, Derek was probably still getting his rocks off, and I was by myself in a hotel room. I took some comfort in knowing Sam would always be there for me, but still, she had her own life to live and men to claim.

  As I was drifting through my thoughts, trying to piece together whatever was left of my life, the exhaustion and sorrow from earlier hit me. I curled onto my side and pulled a pillow to my chest, letting my tears fall. My body and mind were so drained from all the events of today that I quickly fell asleep to thoughts of crimson-colored eyes.

  I opened my eyes to find myself in a strange place. I turned in a slow circle to take in my surroundings. Everything was hazy and unclear, but I quickly looked down when I felt the fluffiness of something in between my toes. I realized I was standing on a floor made of fluffy white clouds and soon recognized that it wasn’t just the floor made of clouds, I was surrounded with them. I hugged myself as the cool temperatures began to seep into my bones. I had a sudden thought that this was impossible, and the picture of myself plummeting to my death sent me into a panic. I froze, barely breathing as seconds ticked by and I didn’t fall.

  “Is anyone there?” I called out without trying to move too much.

  “Hello, Haven,” a voice called out, making me jump. The melodic voice sounded so familiar to my ears but felt like it was just out of reach.

  I couldn’t pinpoint where the voice came from. It seemed to swarm me, coming at me from all directions. The masculine voice was warm and inviting as it flowed through my ears soothing my anxiety.

  “I’ve waited an eternity to finally see you again, daughter. You look so bea
utiful. Now, listen. I don’t have long, but I have come to warn you that things are not as they seem, and you need to move forward with caution. Trust your heart but also listen to your mind and you shall not fail.”

  “Who are you? Please, help me understand?” I begged, as my eyes were darting around with confusion.

  As the world started to fade, his voice began to drift away with it. “It will all make sense in time, just always keep my words with you. Wake up, Haven, you must wake up. Now, Haven!” His voice rocked with power.

  As the clouds faded, the temperature rose. Flames surged up all around me, making the air swarm with smoke and causing me to cough as I attempted to suck in clean air. I fell to my knees trying to catch my breath, while my skin felt like it was beginning to blister.

  “Your death will be on my hands soon enough, child,” a harsh voice whispered into my ear. His evil cackle danced around me, as if taunting me, and sent shivers throughout my body.

  I squeezed my eyes shut, my hands clawing at my throat as I felt the ash and smoke push its way into my lungs. I screamed in agony, begging for relief. A loud bang on the door pulled me out of my nightmare.

  I sat up with a jolt, breathing heavily and trembling in fear. I relaxed a little when I took in my surroundings, and everything flowed back to me.

  “Room service!”

  “Come back later!” I hollered back to the cleaner on the other side of the closed door. I blinked and looked around the room, feeling dazed. I had to remember to put the do not disturb hanger out if I stayed another night. Why were they knocking on my door already anyway? What time was it? I glanced at the alarm clock on the side table and became alarmed when I saw that it was twelve in the afternoon. I was already behind on apartment shopping.

  There was only a short pause before the sound of the cart rolled past my room. I wasn’t prepared to leave the warmth of the bed yet. As I thought about my dream turned nightmare, it felt as though it was right in front of me, but I couldn’t grasp it. It all became hazy till I couldn’t even remember dreaming.

  I decided it was time to get out of bed. I grabbed my duffel bag and quickly put on a pair of jeans and rumpled sweater before heading out. The air was bitter on my skin, and I could smell winter coming quickly. I stopped at the first apartment complex I came to. It wasn’t in the best part of town, but I didn’t have the luxury of being picky since I was on a budget. Plus, it was still within walking distance of the diner, and I didn’t have a vehicle.

  When I walked into the leasing office, the woman behind the counter greeted me. She had auburn hair that was cut close to her scalp and a pleasant smile. "How can I help you today, honey?"

  “I just need a one bed, one bath apartment, nothing special. I also need it as soon as possible, like today.” The woman giggled before realizing I was being serious. She quickly cut off her laughter and cleared her throat.

  “Oh, dear, well I think I can help. We have one apartment left that’s a one bedroom. I’ll take you to see it.” She ran her hands down her lavender pencil skirt and straightened her white blouse before grabbing the keys.

  I walked behind her and checked out the area as we went. The outside of the buildings looked like they had been through some shit and were painted an ugly shade of blue. The paint was peeling in multiple places, so it was in desperate need of a new paint job.

  The flowers scattered in front of them appeared to be thirsty for water. You could tell they were once beautiful with blooms of multiple colors but were now withered and lifeless. People loitered throughout the property, and that didn’t help to make it any more appealing, most being quite underdressed for the frigid air.

  She led me up a set of unstable stairs onto a small porch before unlocking the door and stepping inside. I walked through the threshold and I was impressed to see that the inside was the complete opposite of everything I had seen thus far. The carpet looked new, the apartment itself was cleaned, and with a quick sniff, I could tell the tan paint was fresh. It wasn’t huge, but it had everything I would need.

  She showed me the small kitchen that included all the appliances and a small, but spacious living room before taking me down the hall. The first door on the right was the bathroom with a stand-up shower, along with a toilet and a small sink with a mirror.

  We made our way to the end before coming to a small bedroom. I walked to the middle of the room and spun in a circle. There was even a walk in closet and a casement window I knew I’d enjoy reading at.

  “How much?” I turned to the woman as I spoke, barely able to contain my excitement.

  “Five fifty a month, and that includes your water and sewage. You’ll be responsible for paying the electric,” the realtor answered quickly, fidgeting with the hem of her shirt. She clearly didn’t enjoy being around the neighborhood and liked to stay in the comfort of her office.

  It may not have been my dream apartment, but it was perfect for now, and frankly, all I could afford. I wouldn’t be able to find another this cheap. While she had been giving me the tour, I was busy mapping out the space and figuring out where everything would go. The excitement of having my own hideaway finally sank in. “I’ll take it. When can I move in?”

  The next week passed by with a blur. I finally got settled into my apartment and with rent being within in my budget, I was able to buy everything I needed. It turned out exactly as I had pictured when I did the tour. I sat down on my blue-suede sofa and admired my beach decorations scattered throughout.

  Some of my fondest memories were of my foster mom and dad taking me on a trip to the beach. I was too little to remember which one, but those moments were forever branded into my brain. If I closed my eyes, I could still see my mom and dad each holding one of my hands while I put my feet into the ocean for the first time. I remember the feel of the sand between my toes, but most of all, I remember how happy we all were. The smiles that were spread across our faces were that of true happiness and love. We were a family before my dad died. Even though those were happy memories, they were still tarnished with the knowledge of what came to be.

  Those memories felt like a dream now. A lone tear dropped from my face before I was able to catch it. After getting lost once again in my thoughts, I realized I was about to be late for my shift at the diner. I rushed to put my black pants and black t-shirt on and started my journey to my job. Once outside, I decided to call Sam. Even though I was about to see her, I wanted to give her an update. I knew she would be pissed but happy to be rid of Derek at the same time.

  She picked up on the first ring. “Hey, girl! How’s your sweet ass doing? I haven’t been able to talk to you since we went to the bar.”

  “Well my sweet ass is single, has my own apartment, and is on my way to work to see your pretty face.” I smiled as I talked into the phone, and I looked down and kicked some loose rocks on the sidewalk.

  “Are you fucking serious? This is the best news I’ve heard since they started making flavored condoms! Shit, Haven, I’m sorry, though. What happened?” I could tell she was trying to sound sympathetic, but it wasn’t working very well. I could hear the happiness laced through her voice, and I’m sure she was already thinking of all the guys she could hook me up with.

  “He cheated with some bitch. Apparently, they’ve been seeing each other for months. I actually punched her in the nose,” I whispered, a little upset with my actions. Even if she deserved it, I wasn’t one to hurt someone.

  “Hell yeah, Haven! That’s my girl. All you need is a night of great sex, then he’ll be yesterday's news.” I already knew her brain was going a hundred miles a minute trying to piece together a plan. She’d probably even name it something like ‘Operation Dumped Dick Derek.’ I could see the diner up the block and saw Sam pulling in the parking lot with her small teal honda civic.

  “Maybe. I’ll see you in a minute.” I watched her get out of her car before walking into work, then picked up my pace so I could clock in on time.

  I strode up to the brick diner and no
ticed the lit-up green sign reading ‘Diner.’ I always wondered if the owners were just too lazy to pick a name, or if they intentionally named it that. The outside was bare with just a tall ashtray to put cigarettes out.

  I opened the heavy glass door and had just stepped inside, when I barely had time to register Sam racing toward me at a record speed. Luckily, I was able to brace myself right before she tackled me back outside.

  “Haven! Do you remember that guy you danced with at Busky’s? You know, Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome? Of course, you do, you couldn’t forget someone who looks like that. Anyway, he’s here and asking for you to serve him and his two friends who look just as delicious as he does,” Sam rushed out before pausing to lick her lips. “I know something I’d want to be serving them,” Sam finished with a wink and wiggled her eyebrows, then turned around to go back inside. “So, get your ass in here!” she threw over her shoulder before striding in.

  I paced in front of the door for what felt like minutes and weighed my options, but I couldn’t come up with anything that didn’t end in me being fired. I guess it was time to put on my big girl panties and go inside. I was anxious to see Gage again, and now that I was single I had nothing to worry about. A tremor of excitement ran through my body causing a shiver to travel up my spine.

  Walking back through the front door for the second time, I headed straight to the back to put on my apron and dropped a pad of paper and pen into the pocket. I sucked in a deep breath and started toward their table

  “Hello, what can I get you boys to eat?” I asked confidently, pulling my pad and pen out from my apron. I looked up to meet three sets of gorgeous burgundy eyes studying me intently.

  As I took in all three guys, I was speechless. Holy shit, sexy wasn’t even a good word to describe them. I could feel my face getting hotter with a blush every second that ticked by. Gage smiled, seeming to know exactly what I was thinking. He looked handsome in his flannel button-up and jeans. He cleared his throat, letting me know I had been caught, once again, checking him out. I mean, it was hard not to.


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