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Safe Haven: Born In Hell Book 1

Page 9

by Bella Claire

  Puzzled, I walked in the dining area and saw the woman. She was gorgeous, with platinum-blonde hair that made her black streaks stand out. She looked to be in her mid to late thirties, but nowadays that wasn’t always true. As I approached her table, she turned and smiled at me. I hesitantly smiled back and scooted into the booth seat across from her. Her baby-blue eyes studied me while she fidgeted nervously. She looked sophisticated in a black pencil skirt and a tucked-in red blouse. She really was stunning.

  “Hello, Haven,” she spoke quietly. I didn’t know what to say. Apparently, this woman knew who I was, but I had no clue she was and I didn’t want to seem rude.

  I decided to go with the best response I could muster. “Hello.”

  She stared at me a second before laughing. Even her laugh was perfect. I didn’t really know what was so funny, so I sat there looking at her uncomfortably. When she finally settled down, she cleared her throat. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Haven. I know you don’t know me, so don’t feel bad. My name is Davina. I’ve waited twenty-two years to meet you, and you’re more beautiful than I could have ever imagined.”

  My head clouded over as I digested her statement. She said she’d waited twenty-two years to meet me. Did that mean she was my...?

  “I’m your mom, Haven. I know I have a lot of explaining to do, and I have all the time in the world to do so if you’ll give me the chance to. Would that be okay with you?”

  She sat there waiting for my answer. Time ticked by slowly as I studied the woman sitting across from me. Her eyes were identical to mine, her hair was blonde, even if it was almost white, and when she smiled at me, it was with warmth and love. I’d never met her before, yet her loving smile gave her away. There was no doubt she was my mother.

  All these years of wondering why, and now I could finally get the answers. I asked the only question that had stayed with me all my life. “Why did you leave me?” I chewed on my nails as I waited for her reply.

  It took her a minute to answer, I assume because she was trying to find the right words. My mom was sitting in front of me. I still couldn’t fathom it. If Sam knew who she was, she sure as hell would be sitting right here next to me, supporting me. The thought of her made me look toward the back, and sure enough her nosy ass was glaring daggers at the woman sitting across from me. My mom’s voice brought my attention back to her.

  “Well, as hard as it was to do, it was because I love you. At the time, I was a new angel in Heaven and was having a hard time adjusting. I had left my mother and father one night to sneak out to meet a boy. It wasn’t one of my best moments because, you see, I didn’t make it to that boy. We lived in a bad part of town, and I got caught in the middle of a fight. Ended up in between a bullet and it’s target.” She teared up as she paused to reach for a tissue.

  “I was so young and left my mother and father to mourn for their only daughter. I watched them from Heaven every day until I couldn’t stand to see the things they were doing to themselves. That’s when God stepped in. It was a blessing to lay eyes upon him, and he was a sight to see. He was so handsome, and he just basked in light and happiness. He helped me find my way, and along our journey, we also got to know each other.” She smiled, no doubt reliving some of her memories with my father. It was still weird to know God was my father, and now I knew that this beautiful woman was my mother.

  “As decades passed and I stopped aging after I made it into adulthood, our friendship blossomed and turned into something more. I’m sure you can already guess what happened next. We didn’t know it was possible for Him to have a child that way. Plus, it was a sin, and still is, for angels to have children together. When I found out I was pregnant with you and told your father, he knew immediately what you would be capable of and how important you were. We couldn’t risk anyone finding out, so we agreed for him to banish me to Earth as a fallen, to hide and give birth. You must know, giving you up was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I have always been with you, but I wanted you to have a real life while you could.” Her blue eyes pleaded with me to forgive her and to understand why she did what she did. “It killed me to watch you grow up from afar, but I had to because I couldn’t risk you being found.”

  I wanted to be mad, to tell her I hated her for what she did, but I understood why she did it. In a way, she’d given me a gift. I was able to have a mom and dad who both loved me unconditionally, well until dad died. I was speechless as I tried to piece all of this together in my head. There was one thing that stood out. “So, you’re a fallen angel?”

  She nodded her head yes. “Black wings and all. Although, it was not by choice. I much preferred my silky white ones, but I did what I had to for you. Not all of us are cruel. I’ve never stepped foot into Hell and have stayed far away from demons and other fallen the best I could in order to stay off of Lucifer’s radar.”

  I jumped when Sam came up to the booth and sat down beside me. She stuck her hand out in front of my mom to shake it. “The name’s Sam. I’m Haven’s best friend, and you are...?”

  I cut in quickly, which was a mistake since it made Sam shoot me a suspicious glance. “This is Davina. Um, she was a friend of my mom’s. She just came to say hello and see how I was doing.” I crossed my fingers hoping Sam would buy it.

  “Well, nice to meet you, Davina. Haven, you have a family at table four ready to order.” She backed out of the booth seat and walked away, but not before turning around, forming her index and middle fingers into a ‘V’ shape, pointing them to her eyes, and then turning them toward me. I knew she was too smart for her own good. I’d have some explaining to do later.

  “I’ll let you get back to work. I didn’t mean to dump all of this on you at once, but time is running out. This is your destiny, my beloved daughter, and I know you can fulfill it. I want you to know I’m here to help to you in any way that I can, and I look forward to getting to know you.” She stepped out of the booth and ran the backs of her fingers down my cheek. She studied me one more time before proudly walking out of the diner, passing Gage on his way in. When they made eye contact, her steps faltered, and she turned to watch him waltz straight to me before hugging me tightly.

  I watched Davina over his shoulder, and her mouth opened and closed as if she wanted to say something but couldn’t force the words out. Her eyes glazed over as she put her hand up to her mouth before she stormed out. I didn’t know what that was about, but a bad feeling settled in the pit of my stomach.

  “Hey, baby, did you miss me? I’m so sorry we had to leave you this morning after such a fun night, but we had no choice.” Gage was beaming with excitement. I must have still been in a daze after meeting my mom. I shook my head as if to clear it. “Is everything okay, babe?” Gage asked worriedly.

  I decided not to let their interaction bother me, it was probably nothing. I didn’t want to tell Gage about my mom, though. He might not trust her just because she’s a fallen and may not want me to see her again. I would understand his reasons, but somehow, I knew everything she told me was the truth, so I decided to keep it to myself. “Yeah, yeah, everything is fine. I’m sorry, I guess I just went off in my own little world for a minute there.”

  “All right. Well, Tank had this great idea for tonight when you get off work. It’s a surprise, though, do you think you’ll be up for it?” he asked, bouncing from toe to toe in anticipation.

  I loved when he got like this, he was so cute, and it showed how much he enjoyed making me happy. I only had to think about my answer for a second before I replied, “Of course I will, I love surprises. Plus, when it comes to you three, I’m always up for anything.” I couldn’t wait to see what they had planned. He stole a quick kiss before heading out, and I spent the rest of my shift sorting through everything that I had learned today.

  After my shift, Gage came back to walk me home. He told me to get ready and they would be by later to pick me up. When I asked what I should wear, he just said something cute but comfortable and warm and left after givin
g my ass a firm smack. The day had been such a tiring day, and as much as I wanted to go out with my men, I wished I could have had some time to just reflect on all the crazy that I'd learned. It had been amazing spending time with them, but I was worried I'd get lost in this new world and forget how to be myself.

  Later, after whatever they had planned, I would go out to the clearing and practice trying to summon my powers. Maybe, just maybe, having some quiet time would help with everything. Having put my mind at ease with my decision, I grabbed my black leggings, boots, and a long off-white fleece sweater since the temperature was supposed to drop significantly tonight. I had just enough time to quickly curl some waves into my hair and apply some lip gloss before there was a knock at the door. I loved how just the thought of my men sent butterflies straight to my stomach and made my heart beat faster with love and excitement.

  As I opened the door, all three men stood there dressed in jeans and t-shirts, each holding a different-colored rose. Gage held a yellow rose, Tank held a white rose, and Easton was front and center holding a red rose.

  "A yellow rose to represent how much joy you have brought to our lives." Gage smiled as he held out the flower for me to take.

  "A white rose to represent your innocence, purity, and charm." Tank bent down to kiss my cheek before sliding the rose into my hand next to the yellow one.

  "And a red rose to represent our love for you. We love you, Haven." Easton kissed my lips ever so gently before completing my trio of roses. When his lips left mine, I breathed in slowly to smell the sweet aroma that the flowers produced. They smelled so divine, and just the thought that these three men could be this sweet and be mine at the same time had a smile gracing my face. No one had ever done something so sweet and caring for me before. I couldn't wait to see what else they had in store for me.

  "Thank you so much. This is so generous of you. I honestly can't believe I'm lucky enough to have such great men in my life." I moved to all three, placing a quick kiss on each cheek followed by a hug. I really couldn't fathom how I got so lucky as to be loved by three amazing angels, but hey, I'm not complaining.

  "Are you ready, Haven baby? We have a special evening planned for you, we hope you'll enjoy it," Gage stated sweetly. He put his arm around me to escort me out the door while Tank locked up the apartment. I could hear the hesitation in his voice, making me wonder why he would be so nervous. "We don't have a far walk."

  Gage walked beside me, while Easton was on the other side holding my hand on our way to our secret clearing. Tank was following us, no doubt making sure nothing was going to sneak up from behind to grab me. I loved how protective he was.

  As soon as we were able to clear the trees, the most beautiful sight I had ever seen was laid out in front of me. A tarp was covering the freshly fallen snow that littered the ground, while a thick snowflake-patterned blanket was on top to give us cushion. They had put up four wooden posts on each corner of the blanket and strung icicle lights to each one making a square. A small heater sat at the end of the blanket cranking heat toward us, showing me how much thought they had put into this. I was curious as to how everything was being powered, but then I figured they were just using a little magic.

  Perfectly in the center of the blanket was a woven basket that sat slightly ajar, overflowing with food. We sat in a circle around the basket. Gage opened it and passed each of us a plate. I still hadn't spoken, but they had to have known how special this was to me. I feared if I were to talk at this moment, that tears would’ve escaped my eyes and I wouldn't have been able to stop the river that would no doubt have started to flow.

  Easton started to pull the food out and loaded my plate with all sorts of goodies. Strawberries, grapes, and pieces of pineapple were on the menu first. He grabbed a strawberry from my plate and put it up to my lips. I took a bite and savored the sweet taste. Some of the juice trickled out of the side of my mouth. Before I could wipe it off, Easton caught it with his finger and licked it clean, the sight sending desire straight to my core.

  I felt someone hovering on my other side and turned to find Tank with a grape in between his teeth. He grabbed the back of my head to bring me forward, and I took the grape from him. His eyes met mine, and our lips met with a fiery passion. We couldn't get enough of each other, and my body was starting to ache with need. He pulled away regretfully and before I knew it, Gage was behind me kissing a trail from my ear down my collar bone. I was about to explode if I didn't get a release. They could see how bad I wanted them, all of them. Gage moved out from behind me to lay me down on my back, and as he did, I heard the picnic basket being thrown to the side, where it landed roughly into the snow.

  My heart felt as if it were going to beat out of my chest with the anticipation of having all three of my men at once. Easton's smirk caught my attention, and before I could protest, a blindfold was being placed around my head to cover up my eyes.

  "Let's make things a little bit more interesting, shall we?" Gage whispered into my ear. He grazed his teeth over my ear and bit my lobe, causing goosebumps to consume my body.

  "Don't worry about a thing, relax, baby," Tank reassured me.

  I heard the rustle of clothing being stripped, then the only thing that could be heard was the four of us breathing heavily. I had no idea who was where, and the anticipation was killing me. A hand slid up my leg, making its way slowly to my heat. Then another hand was cupping my breast before a mouth went around my nipple, sucking and teasing, bringing it to a peak. Another hand was on my other breast, gently massaging it. I felt lips on my neck, kissing and biting lightly, distracting me. Suddenly, I felt air being blown, followed by a tongue directly to my core, making me buck with pleasure.

  Someone's other hand slid down my stomach to rub my clit, sending wave after wave of ecstasy coursing through my body. Before I had a chance to catch my breath, someone slid into my soaking wet core, filling me up. The hands over my body never stopped exploring or playing while I was fucked. Each touch and caress sent tingles straight to pussy.

  With one last thrust, I felt someone's release inside of me before they gently pulled out. I didn’t have a chance to feel disappointment before my next lover entered me, spreading me to my limit, and hands resumed their journey over my body. Someone started to kiss me, making me moan into their mouth.

  With one quick movement, I was pulled away from the one kissing me and flipped over onto my hands and knees. Whoever was behind me started thrusting back into me, hard, making me spiral into an all-consuming orgasm. As my high came down, I felt the tip of a cock at the entrance of my mouth, so I opened up and let it slowly slide in till it touched the back of my throat. With each thrust into my pussy, it sent me down onto one of my men’s cock. Before I had time to think about my third man, I felt him slide beneath me. He pinched and pulled at my nipples roughly before sucking and biting them. The pain mixed with pleasure was making the pressure build in my center.

  A hand wrapped around my front, flicking my clit, putting me so close to the edge. I felt fingers thread through my hair before grabbing a fistful. One last thrust, and the cock in my mouth thrummed with release, his cum hitting the back of my throat. I swallowed before licking him clean and felt him move away, no doubt to watch the end of the show.

  The man behind me picked up the pace. I let out a cry of pleasure before I came, seeing stars as my body tingled with satisfaction. I felt his dick stiffen, letting his release fill me, then he smacked my ass before removing himself. I fell to the side, then pulled off my blindfold trying to catch a glimpse of who was who. Apparently, they knew I would try that, and they moved so quickly in front of me that I couldn’t tell who was where. Each wore a smile of victory.

  “That was amazing, you guys are amazing. Thank you for loving me.” I smiled at each one of them, showing them how much I meant it. My world was complete with each of them in it, I don’t know how I survived so long without them.

  Even with the heater, it was still pretty chilly, so we threw our clo
thes back on and cuddled for awhile in silence. I started to doze off and felt myself being lifted off the ground. I quickly remembered my plans for tonight, so I jumped out of Tank’s arms. All three of them shot me a confused look, so I hurried to explain. “So, I told myself earlier I wanted some time to myself to practice my powers. I have light, heat, and blankets from y’all, so I’ll be fine.” I hurried to finish before any of them could interject and shoot me down. “I promise to keep my new phone on me, and I won’t be long.” I batted my eyes and put on a sweet smile I knew they couldn’t resist.

  “Haven baby, do you know how dangerous that is? We can’t do that, one of us needs to be with you. You’ll be out in the open by yourself for anything to get to you,” Gage said, worry written all over his face, matching the expression of the others.

  “We need to start trusting her, and we also have that meeting with dad that we can’t miss, remember?” Easton whispered, clearly not happy they had this meeting. They all shared glances before giving me kisses.

  “Promise me that you will call us immediately if anything, and I mean anything, happens?” Tank said, shaking his head. He was the least happy about this decision. He ran his fingers through his hair as he tried to calm himself down.

  “Pinky promise.” I stood on my tiptoes while he bent down, so I could plant a kiss on his cheek before whispering in his ear my thanks. I watched them walk back to the path that led toward my house. When they were out of sight, I began working on my magic.


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