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Enticing An Angel

Page 6

by Leo Charles Taylor

  It took a great deal of control for Michael, and his breathing was more meditative than excited. He needed to wait for her, and when she said she was ready, he began to lessen his control.

  Melanie pulled him to her and wrapped her arms around his neck and back as she came, and Michael could do nothing but join her in the experience. They both took short breaths as they climaxed, and Melanie held onto Michael with all her might; even after their breathing began to quiet, she held tight.

  "I felt that," she whispered to him.

  Michael gave her a confused look, and she laughed as she put her forehead to his.

  "I felt you cum inside me," she clarified. "It really helped me climax, thank you."

  "Sure," Michael chuckled quietly, "you need to thank me, not the other way around."

  Melanie continued to roll her forehead around Michael's and laughed. "Well, I do. That has been a fantasy of mine for a long time. I don't know why, I just thought that sex at a Rave would be fun."

  "Was it?" he smiled.

  "Oh, that is one fantasy that did not disappoint," she said as she sat back.

  Michael was becoming soft, but she stayed on him for a minute. She smiled at him and he smiled at her. His eyes softened and his smile faded as he reached up to stroke her cheek. Melanie appeared confused and then looked at Michael warily.

  I know that look, she thought.

  Her own smile fade for a moment, "You're not falling in love with me are you?" she asked.

  Michael became confused himself for a moment, and then leaned in to her to kiss her. He brushed her lips gently and then kissed her neck.

  "Would that be a bad thing?" he asked.

  Melanie closed her eyes to slits, and Michael smiled broadly at her odd expression.

  "Relax, Dancy Girl. I may or may not be falling in love, but at that particular moment, I was just admiring your beauty and enjoying the moment; like appreciating a fine painting."

  "Hmm," she said to him as a smile returned to her face. "All right, Mr. Angel. I will let you off this one time."

  "Actually, I believe you're the one that needs to get off."

  "Ahh," she cried out with a laugh as he moved his hips, and she was forced to slide to the side. Michael stood and adjusted his pants while Melanie stood, straightened out her skirt and examined the area for evidence of their actions. Appearing pleased, she grabbed her gloves, took Michael's hand, and led him back down the stairs.

  Amber and Dagger were waiting for them, one on each side of the entryway to the stairs, and as Melanie passed without acknowledging them, Amber held up her hand and dangled a pair of panties. Melanie grabbed them without slowing her gait and uttered a casual, "Thank you."

  Without another word, the foursome headed back to the Rave.

  Chapter 5

  Melanie awoke early in the morning. She had slept well, but her eyes opened on their own, and she was wide-awake in a matter of seconds. Turning to Michael, she watched him sleep for a minute. Her head cocked one way and then another before resting comfortably on the pillow. Michal's face was turned sideways, and the pillow masked part of it, but she smiled anyway. For as cute as he claimed her to be, she found him to be just as adorable—especially when he was being pushed out of his comfort zone.

  At least he's willing to try, she thought to herself.

  She had had boyfriends in the past who would do wild and crazy things, but that was their nature; it spoke to nothing of their character and what they would be willing to do for her, or even what that might endure for her. Of course, those boyfriends had been just that—boys.

  She sat up slowly and moved to the edge of the bed making certain not to wake her lover. From there, she climbed down the stairs and cringed each time they creaked. Michael didn't seem to notice; she could still hear him breathing and the rhythm hadn't changed.

  When she reached the bottom, she alighted softly, skipped over to the refrigerator, poured herself some tea, and headed for her art. The flip of the switch illuminated the area brightly, and she stood there for a moment looking at her easel. The painting seemed to mock her.

  She frowned as she saw the swirls of paint. Purple and green were her current choices and they swooped about the canvas like spider webs. Some were thick, some thin, and the lacework was intricate. It was also frustrating her.

  Taking a deep breath, she picked up a palette and began to mix paints. A fine tipped brush was chosen and with delicate strokes, she began to apply paint. Her head moved from one side to another as she thought about the movements, and for long moments, she would do nothing but stare.

  When she was thirsty, she would drink, and when she was frustrated, she would think. The focus was intense, and she didn't notice that her tea never ran out, nor did she notice the sunlight beginning to stream through the windows.

  Setting her brushes down, she pulled back and examined her work. The latticework was finely detailed, and the background stark in contrast, allowing for the vibrant greens and purples to shine. However, something was still wrong. She hadn't worked on this painting since Michael had last been here, and she wondered what his thoughts might be. She smiled for a moment.

  How had he come to mind? she wondered.

  Normally, she was so focused on her work that nothing intruded upon her thoughts but more paint, more perspective, and more tea. She turned about and found Michael, exactly where he was supposed to be—on the couch, bare-chested, and wearing nothing but slacks. She didn't even find it odd that he was there.

  As with the previous night they had shared together, she went to him and curled up on the couch. He was asleep, and she smiled as she put her head in his lap. His hand wasn’t stroking her hair, but she didn't mind. The easel was the thing that mattered and it continued to mock her as she looked at it.

  "I don't know," she said quietly. "Maybe I just need to chuck it and start with a new canvass."

  "The lament of every artist I imagine," Michael whispered back to her.

  He must have woken when she laid her head on him, and she smiled as she began to feel his hand stroke her hair. Melanie didn't respond to his words, but she squeezed her hand, which was resting on his leg to let him know that she understood.

  "I still can't get it right," she said after a moment. "What would you do?"

  "I'm an architect," he replied. "I would straighten out the lines, add some symmetry, and specify a Koehler toilet."

  Melanie turned her head to his leg and bit him. This time she did it hard enough so that his exclamation of pain was genuine. After he quieted down from more noise than he needed to make, she patted his leg softly as if to say "Poor Baby."

  "Teal," Michael said suddenly.

  Melanie's brow furrowed, a task made more difficult by the fact that she was still laying on his leg. However, as she thought about it, the idea had merit. Teal might add another level of intricacy and fill some of her voids, but not just any teal. She would have to mix this just right.

  "What?" she asked as she suddenly turned around.

  "Do you want breakfast?" Michael said.

  Melanie took a moment to understand her situation. She was standing in front of her canvass, paintbrush in hand, and Michael was smiling at her with a cup of coffee in his hand.

  "What time is it?" she asked with some confusion.

  Michael laughed, and Melanie turned her eyes to slits.

  That man laughs far too often at me, she thought.

  However, she could only glare at him and set her frame to show him that he did not impress her. Michael actually had the nerve to chuckle even more, but he did have the manners to try to hide it with a hand over his mouth.

  "It's still Saturday if that's what you're asking," he replied like a jackass.

  "No, funny man," she replied, as she set her paints down and went to grab her phone. She found it right where it was supposed to be, thank God. She had learned long ago to always put her phone in the same spot when at home. If she didn't, she would walk around aimlessly, deep in
thought, and that stupid phone would end up in the oddest places; the freezer was one that came immediately to mind; at least it had still worked after she had thawed it.

  "Breakfast?" Michael asked again.

  "Oh, whatever," she replied. She looked at the time. It was eight in the morning; she pursed her lips and nodded her head.

  Not bad, she thought; she had certainly lost more time than that on previous occasions.

  "I'm going to take a shower," she said to Michael, who then insisted that they save the planet by conserving water and showering together. Melanie explained that she was all about saving the planet, and he was certainly welcome to join her in the bathroom. When he gave his stupid fake surprised look, as if it were a shock that she was a conservationist, she glared at him again; he actually had the nerve to laugh. It was barely noticeable, but Melanie saw it.

  "Just get in the damn shower," she said as she set her foot tapping and pointed to the small room.

  "Yes Ma'am," he replied smiling stupidly.

  They could barely fit but made do and helped each other bathe. Michael took a little too much time with her breasts and she shook her head.

  "We're supposed to be saving water, Mr. Angel."

  "Well, just because I suggested conservation doesn't make me a conservationist."

  Melanie shook her head, finished rinsing, and left the shower. She dried off quickly while Michael finished his rinse. When he exited the shower, Melanie took her towel and went into her apartment; the bathroom was too small to allow multiple people simultaneous use.

  By the time Michael emerged, she already had her panties and a tank top on; he was still naked and casting about for his clothes.

  "They're folded nicely over there," she said. "Well, at least half of them are."

  "Ah, thank you." he walked across the floor naked, and Melanie smiled as she saw his form. She remembered her art classes and the study of the human form. Women were considered by many to be the superior idea of beauty— their supple form, the gentle curves. Given a choice of models, many artists would take a woman over a man.

  The female form is beauty and grace, her instructed had said. The male's is obscene.

  It was his own stupid opinion, and as Melanie watched Michael look for his clothes, she had to smile. Give her muscles and a cock any day.

  "Michael, will you do something for me?" she asked as she stared at his form.

  "Sure," he said absently as he found his slacks and underwear.

  Melanie laughed. She knew that one day he might learn to be more reserved when she made blanket requests like that. But for the moment, he could suffer from his lack of foresight.

  "Okay," she responded as she moved over to him and sat on the couch. He was nearby still looking for clothes.

  "Come here and turn around," she said.

  Now, Michael's eyes widened. The look on his face revealed his thoughts, and Melanie smiled as comprehension dawned. She was not asking him to buy eggs. This would be something more intense.

  "Oh, just get over here you big baby," she said.

  Michael eyed her warily and slowly complied.

  "Turn around," she said as she put her finger in the air and made a twirling motion.

  Michael turned around and now had his back to her.

  "Okay," she said. "I'm going to bite you, so don’t freak out."

  "Bite me?" he asked.

  "Yep, so just stay still," she said.

  Melanie had never bitten a man on his ass before, but she had always wanted to, and today seemed like a perfect moment. She had thought about trying it while making love, but even then, the act seemed odd; now, it just felt right; and she was always about doing what felt right.

  She smiled and moved her hands to his smooth flesh. She caressed him softly and moved her mouth into his outer cheek. Michael braved the action very well, and when she bit, he gasped lightly. Melanie's eyes widened at his response, and she pulled her mouth away while keeping her teeth clenched. She released the bite well before she ripped any skin, and then moved her hands to Michaels hips to turn him around. She smiled up to him as he looked down to her.

  "Thanks," she said. "That was just another wish of mine.

  "Ah, well let me know if you need anything else."

  "Of course," she answered with a wink. "Now, how about breakfast?"

  The rest of the day was spent together and both of them found it enjoyable. Breakfast was casual and easy—pancakes—and after that, they took their time leaving the apartment and walking the city. Michael insisted on taking Melanie back to the museum, and she endured two hours of walking the exhibits. She even smiled as Michael pointed out one piece of art after another.

  The S.A.M. was still sterile for her, but she began to appreciate the atmosphere more, and when she entered the porcelain room, she gasped. Here was anything but sterility. It was symmetrical, well laid out, and breathtaking, but not sterile.

  "You've never been in here?" Michael asked skeptically.

  Melanie could only shake her head as she stared at the painted ceiling and the floor to ceiling cabinets that filled every wall—hell, they were the walls. The doors of the cabinets were mostly glass and stretched far above her head, and within each, on glass shelves, were set intricate pieces of porcelain. The rooms lighting along with the internal lighting of the cabinets made the painted artwork stand out vibrantly.

  "Michael, this is wonderful," she said without taking her eyes off the shelves.

  If he responded, she didn't hear him, and it was several minutes before she had the sense to look around. Michael was nowhere to be found, and Melanie had no idea how much time had passed; she guessed it had been long enough for Michael to move on to other exhibits.

  She took a quick look at the shelves again, and as her eyes wandered over the cabinets, she saw the large leather settee in the middle of the room. How she had missed it she could only guess, and on its cushions sat a large book. Opening it revealed information regarding the artwork on display, and Melanie was soon lost to its pages.

  "Are you hungry?" Michael asked.

  Melanie looked up to find that Michael had magically appeared before her.

  "What?" she asked while once again wondering how much time had passed.

  Michael repeated the question with a chuckle. Melanie just smiled, put the book down, and nodded her head.

  "Come on," he said. "I bet you you’re the kind of girl that loves to walk the market and buy food from the vendors."

  Melanie nodded with a smile and the couple headed out of the Museum. As they took to the streets, she stopped and turned to him. She looked up at him with an odd expression and he returned the look. Melanie suddenly smiled with a wicked thought.

  He probably expects me to make another wild request.

  She quickly took pity on him, as she was learning to do, and put her hand on his chest. Her smile faded slightly, and in its place was a warm contented look.

  "Thank you for that, Michael."

  She could tell by his look that he was about to make a joke, but he refrained. Instead, he merely nodded his head with understanding.

  Good, Angel, she thought with a laugh and smiled broadly up to him.

  "Melanie," he said with a smile as he took her hand and twirled her. She let him do it and moved lithely. "You aren't falling in love with me are you?"

  He was joking and teasing her by repeating her question from the night before, but the comment caught her off guard. She recovered quickly and teased him that he should be so lucky. However, as they walked the streets, a dangerous and unsettling realization came to her.

  Damn, I think I am.

  Chapter 6

  For the next few weeks, the two lovers spent a great deal of time together. Each day they went to work, but the evenings were spent at Melanie's apartment making dinner or making love. Michael eventually brought his laptop and sketchpad so that he could work on designs for his upcoming deadline. Melanie took a look, but had to raise an eyebrow at the fla
t line drawings on the screen. She could make more sense of his sketches and commented that he should present those to his clients.

  "Somehow, I don't think they'll be impressed," he replied.

  "Oh, I don't know," she answered as she sat on the arm of her couch, feet on the cushions, and leaning over him to look at his sketchpad.

  "I think it shows some class," she said with a smile.

  "Well, I think they would rather have the Koehler toilet and a glass storefront," he replied. "However, I have to punch up the representational artwork for them, so I could probably add some flowers or rose bushes to the image."

  "Ooh, don't go crazy," she said with a grin.

  Michael pushed her and she lost her balance as she began to fall backward.

  "Ah," she cried out.

  He only let her fall far enough to feel the loss of control and quickly wrapped his arm around her waist and hauled her onto the couch with him.

  "Don't worry, sweetie. Your personal Angel has you," he said as he kissed her.

  "If you hadn’t pushed me, I wouldn't need an Angel, you big lump of muscle."

  Michael laughed and stood from the couch to stretch his arms and legs. He’d been staring at his laptop for an hour and his neck was sore.

  "Melanie, are you busy this Saturday?"

  "Why?" she said casually as she walked back to her canvas.

  "One of my brother's is having a birthday. We're going to have dinner at my mom's, and I thought you might like to come."

  Melanie stopped in her tracks and looked at Michael carefully.

  Oh shit, he's serious, she thought.

  That fact was obvious by Michael's cavalier attitude. He didn't appear to think much of the request. In fact, he was just massaging his neck and turning his head in odd motions.

  "You want me to meet your family?" she asked.


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