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Enticing An Angel

Page 10

by Leo Charles Taylor

  "Come on," she said as she freed herself from his grasp.

  She leapt of the couch leaving Michael on his knees and barely able to turn around to follow her. Making her way to the center of the loft, she looked at her canvass, the lighting, the angles, and the floor. Finding the right spot, she turned to Michael, who had now made his way to his feet.

  "Come here, Mr. Angel," she said to him.

  Michael complied.

  "Lie down," she said, "on your back with your feet away from the canvass."

  An odd look was her response, but as the position became clear, Michael smiled. When he was lying as ordered, Melanie removed her blouse, turned to the canvass, and began to lower herself. Michael's hand reached up, grabbed those strings again and she slapped his hands.

  "Leave them on," she said.

  "This job will be a lot more difficult if we do that," he chuckled.

  "It's called panty smothering you big baby," she said, and when Michael's eyes bulged, it was her turn to chuckle.

  "I don't know how to do that," he said carefully.

  "That's okay, neither do I, let's figure it out together."

  Melanie lowered herself to him and Michael's arms wrapped around her legs as his mouth opened to receive her. It was an odd sensation. His tongue couldn't penetrate, and the motion was smooth and tantalizing.

  She looked away from him and over to her canvas. As Michael moved, she moved with him. She had not lied to her lover, she had never done this before, but she was aware of the technique, and as he pressured her with his mouth, she began to smother him.

  The garment was not large, but it did cover his nose and mouth, and with all her might, she tried to cut off his oxygen. He was not so large that she might be worried; Michael was double her weight. If he needed air, he would get it. However, her concerns didn't seem warranted, for as she pushed down, his arms wrapped tighter around her legs and pulled her down harder.

  The pressure was intense and when she felt his teeth on her clitoris, she gasped. The cloth protected her from the sharpness, but the hardness of the enamel added a very distinct feel. She gasped again as she felt a bite. She fell forward, but Michael reached up with one of his hands, placed it between her breasts and forced her back to a seated position. He continued to push her past a ninety-degree and she had to place her hand behind her for support. She so badly wanted to turn around and begin to service him at the same time, but Michael returned his arm to her leg and held her in place.

  In a matter of seconds, Michael's movements became erratic, gone was his smoothness, and gone was some of the gentleness. His legs kicked one way and his back arched which only served to move him into her. He was fighting for air but would not let go of her. That single thought brought her almost to climax. She debated getting off him, but his arms only pulled tighter. Instead, she ground into him and forced her hips one way and then the other. She couldn't stop from screaming and at its height, Michael rolled and began to turn her to her back. She rolled across her hips using the floor as a stop that allowed him to push into her. The tight grip on her thighs meant his mouth did not leave her, and she finished her orgasm, propped up on one arm, while pulling on his hair with the other.

  A loud gasp of air could be heard from Michael as he moved his mouth away, and that gasp, combined with one of his fingers that went quickly beneath her panties, allowed her to have a shuddering aftershock. She jerked suddenly, and Michael slowed his finger. She jerked again, and again he slowed, but the pressure was steady.

  Michael kissed her navel and slowly moved up to her breasts. Melanie smiled as she laid back and played with his hair, guiding him ever upward. When he reached her lips, he kissed her softly and then nuzzled her. He winked at her and then turned to his back. For a moment, they lay on the floor not saying a word.

  Eventually, Michael contorted himself by arching his back and tilting his head so that he could look at the canvas behind him. His lips made funny motions and he swished his cheeks back and forth in an odd show of contemplation. Relaxing his back allowed him to lie flat, and he turned to Melanie.

  "Did it give you any ideas?" he asked.

  "Nope," she said. "I think we need to try again."

  Michael laughed, and Melanie turned to him, laying her body halfway across his.

  "Thank you, Michael. That was very stress relieving."

  "Oh, really, are you under a lot of stress?"

  "Not a lot, but I have that lunch date tomorrow, and I'm not thrilled about it."

  "Oh, with who?" he asked.

  Melanie sat up and eyed him carefully. She appeared confused and Michael teased her.

  "Do you have a mysterious lover I should be concerned with?" he asked with a wink.

  Melanie's face relaxed, and she bent to give him a kiss.

  "Now, why would I need a mysterious lover when I have a compliant one?" she asked as she pulled away. She licked her upper lip slowly, looked at her prone lover, and then decided that he had way too many clothes on.

  Chapter 10

  The car was parked efficiently, and the walk to the office was quick and direct. There was no chitchat with anyone; even the person who was kind enough to hold the outer door was only giving a courtesy nod of thanks. From there, a few steps were all that was required to reach the inner office and the reception area within that. This was not a social call in any normal sense of the word, even if it was meant to appear that way.

  "Mrs. Angel," Jennifer said as she looked across the attendant's desk to the woman before her.

  Jennifer was bending over the desk and analyzing something with the receptionist, but she straightened when Mrs. Angel entered.

  "I didn't know we had an appointment today," she said with concern.

  "We don't, Jennifer, and please call me Susan," Mrs. Angel replied.

  "All right, Susan, is there something I can help you with?"

  "Actually, I'm here to have lunch with Melanie. She and Michael are dating, and I wanted to get to know her better."

  "Melanie?" Jennifer replied with a frown. "I'm not sure she's still here. I haven't seen her in awhile, but she may be in the back. I hope she hasn't forgotten your appointment."

  Mrs. Angel sighed noticeably. She could certainly see Melanie doing just that. Jennifer excused herself for a moment and left to search for the wayward paralegal; Susan just shook her head with disappointment. Her disappointment hinged on two points—Michael dating Melanie and Melanie possibly forgetting the lunch appointment.

  Jennifer returned shortly and announced that she had found Melanie. She was in a back office cross-indexing files and listening to music; she would be up shortly. Mrs. Angel thanked Jennifer for the effort.

  "So, Melanie and Michael are dating?" Jennifer asked.

  "Apparently," Susan replied.

  Jennifer considered the idea and then nodded slightly. "I can see them making a cute couple," she said thoughtfully.

  "Really," Susan replied skeptically, "I would think you and Michael would make a better couple. You have so much in common."

  Mrs. Angel wasn’t happy about her son's choice of women and had decided to be more involved and more bold with her efforts. If Michael wouldn’t ask out Jennifer, then Mrs. Angel would at least make it clear which relationship was to be preferred.

  Jennifer seemed amused with the comment and shared a knowing look with her attendant.

  "Well, Michael and I do have a lot in common, including the gender we date," Jennifer said with a polite smile.

  Mrs. Angel was confused for a moment; when Jennifer saw the bewilderment, she added personal details.

  "I only date women," she said clearly, and then smiled at the receptionist beside her.

  "Oh," Mrs. Angel replied with understanding. "Sorry, I didn't know."

  "There's nothing to be sorry about, and it's I who should apologize."

  Susan gave Jennifer a quizzical look.

  "Oh," Jennifer said. "I'm not apologizing for dating women. I just meant that it'
s not the most appropriate topic to discuss in the office; not everyone is understanding. Normally, I refrain from mentioning it around clients as a matter of professionalism and privacy. I only mention it now to clarify your comment about your son."

  Susan smiled warmly and nodded her head. She assured Jennifer that she had no challenges with the woman's lifestyle; Mrs. Angel was very understanding about women dating women. When Jennifer and the receptionist both raised eyebrows at that remark, Susan clarified her comments.

  "Oh," she said with a wave of her hands, "I'm not that understanding."

  Jennifer smiled and was saved from a response when Melanie entered the lobby. The smile and good cheer quickly faded from Susan, and she greeted Melanie politely, if not warmly. Melanie took the greeting in stride, and Susan had to once again wonder at the woman's intelligence.

  Dumb as a rock, she thought

  She honestly couldn’t picture what her son saw in this woman. If it was sex, he might be given a pass, but sex didn't explain why he would invite her to a family event. As they exited the building, and Melanie suggested a restaurant, Susan could only shake her head again; she wasn’t looking forward to this.

  The place chosen was at least quiet enough—it was a small deli that offered a few tables for its patrons that chose to eat inside. Privacy was not a concern; Susan didn't care if anyone overheard, as long as Melanie could hear. They took to a small round table just big enough for the both of them and waited for their food to be ready.

  "So, Melanie, tell me about yourself," Susan said.

  "Well, there's not much to tell. You already know I'm a paralegal. I live nearby. And, I like to paint," Melanie said with a non-committal shrug.

  "I didn't know you were a paralegal until recently. That seems to be a little above your abilities," Susan stated plainly. Melanie replied with another shrug and assured her lunch companion that she could handle the work. Susan was just happy the woman didn't understand the insult. Actually, as she thought about it, part of her hoped the woman had; as it stood, Susan would have to be more direct.

  "So, any family?" Susan asked.

  "Not locally. My relatives live in Spokane. My parents are still alive, and I have an older brother, but we don't see each other. We're not really close. I'm kinda an outcast. I love Seattle, and they prefer Eastern Washington."

  "Hmm, well as you can see we are very family oriented," Susan replied.

  "Oh yes, and it's wonderful. I had a great time last Saturday. The boys are great, and the children were a lot of fun to play with."

  Mrs. Angel was unimpressed. Typically, she liked to hear how nice her boys were. However, she had had more than one daughter-in-law and had seen this trick of complimenting her parenting skills by complimenting her boys. She pursed her lips and looked skeptically at Melanie.

  Their food arrived, sandwiches for both of them, and they slowly began to eat.

  "So, do you want children?" Susan asked. She had asked at the party, but this was important enough that it needed to be readdressed.

  Melanie had a mouthful of sandwich but nodded her head up and down vigorously. When her mouth was clear enough, but not completely clear, she replied.

  "Yep, I'm not sure how many though. I haven't thought too much about it," Melanie said as she continued to speak and eat.

  Susan rolled her eyes noticeably.

  Oh, Michael, this woman must be really good in bed, she thought, and then shuddered at the idea.

  She didn't like to think of her babies that way, but they were grown men, at least at times, and sex was a component of their lives that she had to address. If she didn't address it, then who knows what could happen to them.

  Conversation was stilted for the next several minutes with Susan asking questions and Melanie answering them in between bites of her sandwich. Melanie attempted to be social and ask about Susan's life, but Susan had to correct the young woman.

  "It's Mrs. Angel," she said when Melanie was presumptuous enough to be informal.

  Susan brushed a crumb off her pant leg and looked over to Melanie who was too stupid to understand the situation. If she were more intelligent, she wouldn’t be sporting a smile. Susan took a deep breath. She was done with this game. It had gone on long enough.

  "Melanie, how much longer do you plan to date my son?" she asked contemptuously.

  Melanie lost her smile and considered her answer; Susan was surprised that Melanie was contemplating the reply, but not surprised that the answer was one without merit.

  "I hadn't thought about it to be honest. For now, we're just dating."

  "I want you to break up with him," Susan said directly; to her mindset, playtime was over.

  "I can't do that, Mrs. Angel," Melanie replied. However, she did seem to put a great deal of thought into that answer and hung her head when she said it.

  "Oh, do you think you're good enough for him? Honestly, do you see that kind of man marrying you? He's successful, has a great career, and is settled. He should be dating someone like Jennifer," Susan stated and then when she realized what she had just said, she corrected herself. "Well, maybe not Jennifer, but a professional like her."

  Melanie nodded her head and chuckled awkwardly. Susan could see that Melanie understood the comment, and when the young woman agreed about Jennifer, Susan knew her companion was aware of that woman's lifestyle. They sat in silence for a moment. Susan turned a glare to Melanie, but Melanie just stared at a far wall. Her smile was gone, and she actually looked pensive.

  Remembering how flaky this woman was, Susan worked to regain her attention.

  "You should break up with him sooner rather than later," she said.

  "I can't do that," Melanie replied absently, and then turned back to the table. She paused for a moment, took a deep breath, and sighed.

  "I've learned a long time ago that men have an odd reaction to me," Melanie said forlornly, and Susan became instantly interested by the comment. She wasn’t happy, but she was intrigued and waited for Melanie to continue.

  "They find me weird and amusing and fun to be around, but only for short periods of time. My personality is something they can't take for days on end. My only long-term relationships were with boys that would see me once a week. Other than that, I appear to be a novelty," she said as she watched Mrs. Angel.

  Susan had raised her eyes as she listened; she hadn't believed Melanie was capable of this level of introspection, and kept her mouth shut in order to listen to whatever small amount of wisdom the girl had learned about herself.

  "Don't worry, Mrs. Angel. Michael will bore of me. They all do," she said as she hung her head and began to absently play with her pickle.

  Susan almost felt sorry for the girl. She saw a woman before her with no sense of family, not an unforgivable sin, but it didn't help with an estimation of her qualities. She also saw a woman who wanted for affection, but the fact that she got it by enticing men to short-term relationships also counted against her. When Susan thought about it, Melanie's sad state was not her concern; Michael's future was.

  Melanie didn't hear a reply from her lunch companion, and without looking up she continued to talk.

  "If I break it off with Michael before he gets bored or is ready to move on, then he will become more infatuated; at least for a time. It's an odd thing with men. However, I wouldn't worry about it. I'm sure Michael will find a nice woman. He'll end up with a professional similar to Jennifer."

  Susan knew exactly what Melanie meant about men becoming infatuated. She had seen it more than once and could readily understand the wisdom of Melanie's words; she didn't know how Melanie had acquired the wisdom, but she assumed this wasn’t the first conversation the girl had had with an upset mother. Sitting back in her own chair, she thought about the dilemma.

  "Then let's find a way to speed this up," Susan said.

  "I won't break his heart," Melanie replied.

  "That may be what it takes."

  "You will not make me the bad guy in this, Mrs.
Angel." Melanie said clearly and with the first real sign of anger.

  Susan was stunned and couldn't believe the gall of the woman. She glared at Melanie, and Melanie had the nerve to return the look; she even sat back in her chair and crossed her arms. They stared at each other.

  "I don't want you dating my son."

  "I get that."

  They continued to stare, and Susan eventually shook her head in disgust and picked up the check to pay the bill. She took her eyes off Melanie, and when she lifted them again, the girl was subdued like she was supposed to be with her head hung down; Susan glared at her again.

  "Michael will not like me much longer, Mrs. Angel. Once he gets to know me better, he’ll leave me," Melanie said, "They all do."

  "Well then, let him know you better," Susan said, as she stood to leave. "I expect this conversation to stay between us."

  "Of course," Melanie replied. "I learned long ago not to get between a man and his mother."

  Mrs. Angel kept her face cold and nodded at the comment. She saw it as confirmation that Melanie had been talked to by other distraught mothers. That was certainly a sign that Susan was correct. If women in the past agreed with her assessment of Melanie, then she was taking the correct course of action.

  Susan paid the bill and began to head out of the deli. Melanie didn’t join her; Susan didn't care. Before leaving, she paused at the door and turned back to the girl. Melanie appeared distressed, but that was not her concern. Part of her did feel for the child, and as she watched the girl who was just beginning to gather her items, she felt a pang of guilt. Susan was not an evil person, and sighed as she witnessed the pain she was causing another person, but the subtle hints hadn’t worked and more drastic measures had been required. She shook her head and once again told herself that what she had just done was for the best. Turning around, she abandoned Melanie to the deli.

  Chapter 11


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