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Cold Bastard

Page 17

by India Kells

  “The phone. I want the company phone back.”

  At the words, Zoe’s blood turned to ice. She couldn’t give him back the phone! Not only because of all the text messages from Finch, but it was the only way that monster had to contact her, and she didn’t have time to transfer the data to her old phone. With the cell still in her pocket, she shook her head.

  “I said, give me the phone!”

  Slowly turning, she saw his muscled body towering over her, menace pouring out of every pore. He wasn’t kidding, and neither was she. Zoe knew perfectly the kind of man standing in front of her, what he was capable of. She also knew how far she would go to save Lucas.

  When she stayed mute, he repeated, pronouncing every syllable with a snarl. “Give. Me. The. Damn. Phone.”

  Finally getting her voice back, she shook her head. “I can’t.” It was a stupid answer, but the only one that mattered.

  Zoe held his gaze, ready for anything, even hurting him. And it was a harsh reality that before her stood the second most important human being in her life, even if he wanted nothing to do with her anymore. She was prepared for his hatred, if it meant he would walk out of all this alive.

  When he reached for her, she swiftly ducked under his arm, keeping a watchful eye on him. “I’m sorry. I need the phone. I will return it, I promise.”

  With the slow movement of a seasoned predator, he started walking toward her as she carefully walked back. “I don’t believe your promises, so you can stop using that word.”

  Zoe continued to back up. She wasn’t afraid of him, she was afraid of failing Lucas, of failing Archer. All she needed was the phone, and time. She could work out the rest. There was no other possibility.

  Turning the corner, she seemed to have walked back into the living room, and there Zoe caught a glimpse of the door. Archer was still following her, at a distance, but she had to try.

  With all the desperate strength and energy she had in her, Zoe made a mad sprint for the door. It was unlocked she told herself, allowing her to flee down the stairs. Amazed to get the door open, her world turned upside down when she was tackled to the floor. Well, it was more like a tumble as Archer rolled with her, partly softening the fall, but when his arms circled her, it was like metal bands, that were impossible to get free from. With one of his legs trapping hers, she couldn’t move. Even wriggling and screaming at the top of her lungs didn’t help. For a fraction of a second, she felt his arms opening, but it was only to better trap her under his body on the cold wood floor. With his weight over hers, there was no way out. Calm and composed, he looked at her with his icy stare.

  Not a word from him, his entire being closed off. Swiftly, he manacled both her wrists in one of his hands and retrieved the phone from her pocket before letting her go. Zoe was in full panic mode and rolled toward him as he got up. Heaving, she could only get to her knees.

  “Please. Archer. I need the phone. I’m begging you.”

  Oh, she was ready to beg, to crawl, to humiliate herself, whatever was required to get out of this situation. Deep down, she knew tears wouldn’t help. Not against the detached man before her.

  “Please, I’m desperate. I need the phone. If I don’t get it back...” The words failed her, and she tried to stifle a sob with a hand over her mouth. She had to regain control over herself before looking up at him again. Trying to regain her composure was challenging, and fighting for it, she put a hand on the floor.

  There had to be a way to convince him to let her keep the phone for the time being. After a few deep breaths, Zoe realized that Archer hadn’t said a word. Tentatively, she lifted her head and saw that he was crouching before her, only a foot away with still his indecipherable expression. It was as if he had been trying to read her and was in the middle of an inner debate with himself. She lowered her gaze.

  Extending his arms at her, Zoe winced but didn’t move. His knuckles were bruised with nasty splits and scrapes. Fighter’s hands. Featherlight, his fingertips skimmed her cheek, replacing a strand of hair behind her ear. When he tried to make her look at him, she avoided his eyes.

  “Zoe.” Her heart squeezed painfully in her chest at her name said so softly. His large hand cupped her chin and she had no other choice but to lock gazes with him.

  Again, it was like a storm was brewing, but it wasn’t as explosive, more like simmering. “Who put that fear in your eyes, Zoe?”

  She inhaled deeply, shaking her head. “Please, please. I need to keep the phone. It’s temporary. I promise I will give it back to you.”

  Archer kneeled before her, searching her face over and over again. This time, both his battered hands cupped her face, his thumbs wiping away the tears. “Zoe, you have to tell me. If you are in danger, if someone is after you. Is it linked to what happened to Cynthia, and Ellen?”

  Shaking her head, she weighed her words. “I don’t know. I swear, I would never hurt anybody, I wouldn’t hurt you.”

  “Whoever is calling you on the phone, he’s not threatening you directly, but using someone as leverage. Am I right?”

  Ignoring his statement, Zoe touched his forearm. “I can’t tell you more. It would put you in danger. I couldn’t bear it if something happened to you or...” She almost slipped. “Give me the phone, let me go. It’s safer. Don’t get involved, please.”

  Ever so slowly, Archer finally shook his head. “I’m not letting you leave with the phone.”

  At his words, she felt her world was crumbling down, all her hopes, all her sacrifices, turned into ashes.

  “But you can keep it, if you promise to remain by my side. Continue to work until the end of the contract. I want you within sight at all times, and if I’m not there, with one of the bodyguards. You’re not allowed anywhere alone; do you hear me? And you are not putting yourself in danger like you did tonight. Whoever you are facing, we’ll find a solution.”

  His determination, the steel in him floored her. “No, I’m not putting you in danger, Archer. You can’t.”

  “It’s not a negotiation, Zoe. It’s an ultimatum. You want the phone. These are my conditions.”

  Zoe put a hand on his shoulder, but she knew this was all she would get from him. And she could deal with it for now.

  “Okay. I agree.”

  Tension started leaving his body. “Good. I trust you will hold that promise at least. You know what I’m capable of.”

  His hands slid down her neck, over her arms until they finally settled on his thighs.

  “I don’t fear you, Archer.”

  “You should. There is something dark inside me, you’ve seen it tonight. If not for your scream, I was ready to kill him.”

  This time, it was Zoe that reached out to him. “I know. But still, I don’t fear you. I see no evil in you. You struggled, you were hurt, maybe broken, but you are not a bad man.”

  “You’re wrong.” The finality in his voice was heart-wrenching.

  “I know I’m not. The proof is your late wife. A woman loved you enough to marry you and have a child with you. I trust her judgment.”

  As soon as the words came out of her mouth, she regretted them. Not that she didn’t believe every one of them, but Zoe suspected it was the sorest, most tender part of his soul. Even if what she’d said was positive.

  For a brief instant, so brief Zoe knew if she had blinked, she would have missed it, it was like Archer carried the weight of the world on his shoulders and in his heart. It was a quick, but intense, moment. Zoe couldn’t help it when she reached for his hand. Simply placing hers on top of his.

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.” And the moment was gone. Back was the hard man, cold and strong. Convinced he would change the subject, Zoe was preparing another apology, when he spoke.

  “She never wanted to listen to me. I told her about my past, about my dealings, the violence surrounding me, the blood on my hands... she wouldn’t listen. A girl like her, rich, pure, with a heart of gold, should never have fallen for a damn cold-blooded bas
tard like me. That’s what got her killed.”

  The way he stared at his hands, made Zoe ache for him. In a gesture of support, she took them in her hands. “You didn’t kill your wife. You took care of her, you loved her...”

  “What do you know about it!” His tone had turned harsh and defensive. At first, she thought he would jerk away from her touch, but instead he squeezed harder, to the point of bruising. “If I hadn’t loved her, wanted a baby with her, she would still be alive! Still breathing and walking this earth!”

  “And maybe falling for a man who wouldn’t have loved her or taken care of her the way you did. Maybe a stupid selfish guy, who would have beaten her up every day, twice on Sundays. A man who would have bashed his children too, to the point they would prefer to die instead of living like that? Would that have been better? You never know what destiny would have handed you if you had rolled the dice a second time. I know for a fact, that I would have rather died in the womb of a mother who cherished me from a father who loved me than living a life in the hell I was granted.”

  The deadly hold lessened, and she removed her hands, trying to rein back the memories she had let out. Forcing a smile, she straightened. “You had love in your life, and even if you struggled and battled through some tough times, you had a choice to do something with it. Grabbing that power. I will never judge you for the decisions you made, that path on the dark side. I would have done the same thing. Hell, I’m doing it right now. At least love brought you back. You always have a choice, Archer. Never forget that.”

  Chapter 23

  When Zoe got to her feet, it was as if she had run a marathon. There was nothing left in her. Archer stood up too, but with her wobbly legs, she was incapable of walking a straight line, her body threatening to topple over. Her only option was a long L-shaped couch in her direct line of sight

  Her body fell on it and she lay there for a moment, sinking into the cushions. She knew Archer still had the phone, but she felt too tired now to even ask for it. Even too tired to cry. Worry dampened every remaining emotion, and her body wasn’t even reacting anymore. Was she in shock? If she had the energy, she would have laughed. Instead, using the last remaining bit of energy, Zoe turned onto her side, facing the back of the couch and curled into the tightest ball she could manage.

  For a moment, she heard Archer behind her, but there was no way she could move now. Apart from closing her eyes, her body could only pump blood and breathe. Breathing in and breathing out, over and over again. Too bad her brain couldn’t shut the fuck up.

  Voices blurred into an almost deafening level. Finch, Gabrielle, Archer, Lance, Beatrice, Lucas, her father... His angry voice was the loudest. He was always angry at her. There was nothing she could ever do to make him happy. Day in and day out, Zoe had taken on the role of a mouse, making herself as invisible as possible. It didn’t stop the beatings. Nor her perfect grades. Only when one of her teachers told him about her amazing talents with puzzles and languages. That’s when his attitude changed from annoyed to interested. And there was little Lucas, crying.

  Then she was fleeing for her life. Barefoot, her lungs burning, barely seeing in front of her, the sky overcast and lights dimming as her house disappeared in the distance. Constantly looking backward, she stumbled several times until a car screeched to a halt and pain radiated through her left side. A woman with red hair, came rushing, worry and desperation on her face. Words were difficult to get out, but the girl was pleading not to go back again.

  Zoe opened her eyes with the phantom pain still radiating in her side and her heart beating fast, as if she had just run for her life. Sweat pouring from her, her body couldn’t move as fear froze her muscles. After a moment concentrating on the light pouring out of the window and the fuzzy white ceiling, her lungs could draw her first deep inhale.

  Now that the fog lifted in her brain, the events of the night before came back with a vengeance. She had no problem remembering she had fallen unconscious in the living room. And this was a bedroom. A very luxurious one indeed. Not noticing Archer carrying her here, she must have been deeply asleep.

  Her glasses were on the nightstand and beside them, her cell phone was plugged in. Its sight spurred her into gear and she scrambled to see if she had missed a call. Several text messages from Lance, Kai, and Gabrielle, but nothing more. Finch’s silence was both reassuring and unnerving. Did the Hellhound give him the key? There was one last assignment required from her. A bit calmer, she scanned the text messages, mostly from the team. Each of them increasing in urgency. What could she say? To each of them, she wrote that everything was alright, and she would contact them soon. No doubt she would have to face a barrage of questions, but at that instant, Zoe didn’t know what to answer.

  Running the palm of her hands over her face, she realized that she was still grimy and clothed, apart from her boots which were nowhere to be seen. Getting to her feet, Zoe winced at her stiff body, but kept moving with a growing urgency to reach the toilet. Lucky for her, the room had an en-suite bathroom. And quite a nice one too. On the counter, just by the shower, was a pile of clothes. After a closer look, Zoe recognized her own things! A few changes of underwear. Another pair of jeans. Two blouses. Two t-shirts. One dress. Who had gone to her apartment? Archer? Was it really that important?

  Reaching for a fresh blouse, Zoe scowled at the filthy state of her hands. Avoiding the mirror, she decided to start the shower. As steam billowed, she undid her crooked ponytail, stripped and put her glasses on the counter. The first spray of water was blistering, but she welcomed it. Using the little bottles of shampoo and soap, she scrubbed herself thoroughly. It would have been tempting to stay there a while longer, but as she felt like her old, steady self again, the world had to be faced again.

  Dried, dressed in a pair of jeans and dark green t-shirt, she dared to look at her fogged reflection. Pale as a ghost, with a bluish bruise near her temple and dark circles under her eyes, it would take a thick layer of makeup to make her human again. And her scavenger hadn’t thought to bring her makeup kit. Her red hair was clean and falling in soft waves to her shoulders, partially hiding the bruise, and her glasses should camouflage the rest.

  Turning away, she pocketed the cell phone, pushed back her shoulders and went to find Archer.

  Opening the bedroom door, it was the smell of melted butter and toast that made her mouth water, and all she had to do was follow her nose to the kitchen.

  Archer was at the kitchen island, dressed in dark charcoal pants and vest with a dark blue shirt rolled up on his arms. The man was the image of the modern business conqueror, and seeing him, a spatula in one hand, his phone in the other, made her smile. An unexpected image of domesticity. Another of the innumerable facets of the man.

  It seemed that what was on the phone distracted him too much, and Zoe had to intervene to save what was in the pan.

  Before he could react, Zoe grabbed the spatula and saved the eggs from burning.

  “Hey, I had it covered!”

  Zoe turned down the stove and added a little bit of butter to salvage what was left. “Yeah, if the recipe is burned omelet sticking to the pan.” She scrapped up what hadn’t stuck to the bottom. “Care to give me a plate?”

  Arching an eyebrow at her command, he finally turned and opened a cupboard. He handed her one big plate and turned to butter the toast. Well, very dark pieces of bread. With a small mountain of eggs and three pieces of burned toasted, she went to sit at the breakfast bar. Archer poured himself some coffee.

  “You aren’t going to eat?”

  Coming back with a mug in each hand, he handed her one and leaned against the island. “I’ve been up for hours already, preparing for tonight’s event.”

  Reality hit her full force, her fork hanging in mid-air. “How’s Ellen? Do you have news?”

  “She’s like a war tank. I told her to rest, that everything was running smoothly, but she wouldn’t hear about it. She’s at the venue supervising the last details with the eve
nt planning company. Eat.”

  Her fork full of eggs still inches from her mouth, she turned to Archer. “I... we haven’t discussed what you want me to do. The evening, tomorrow’s last negotiation round.” Frowning, a name jumped to her mind. “What about Udi Al-Aamri? You haven’t had a formal negotiation day with him.”

  Archer sipped his coffee, his eyes on her. “So many questions. Eat, now.”

  Distracted, Zoe didn’t hear him and put her fork down. Sighing, he sat on the stool beside her and took a bite of his toast. He chewed and looked at her plate and at her before shaking his head. Grabbing her fork, he scooped eggs and brought it to her mouth. The action was so strange, she put a hand on his wrist. The skin to skin contact was electric, the same as when he’d first touched her. Despite everything that had happened between them, the secrets, it was still there, their connection, intact, reflected in his eyes too. But with all that had happened, she quickly removed her hand, as if burned. It wouldn’t be fair for him, when he learned everything she had done, it wouldn’t be lust that heated his gaze anymore.

  “When is the last time you ate, Zoe?”

  Her mind tried to search for it and failed. Unmoving, Archer waited for her to open her mouth. When she did, he fed her, and her stomach growled in contentment. At least it made him smile. When he scooped more eggs, she shook her head.

  “I can eat by myself.”

  “There’s still a lot you have to prove.” But he gave her back the fork and took his mug. “Eat.”

  Rolling her eyes at his tone, Zoe started eating. They both remained silent until most of her plate was empty. Only then did she take her cup of coffee to take a sip. Archer’s phone vibrated, and Zoe jumped in reaction. She touched the silent phone in her pocket and didn’t dare look at him. Instead, she circled both her hands around her mug and drank slowly, her eyes straight in front of her.


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