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Cold Bastard

Page 20

by India Kells

  His face remained perfectly blank. “You have a vivid imagination.”

  “Without a doubt. But if that’s the case, tell me I’m wrong.”

  “And you’ll believe me, just like that?”

  Zoe angled her head and he made her turn. “I’ll know a lie. I’m not an agent, but I’ll get that gut feeling most women have.”

  “And what if everything I did was to keep an eye on everything?”

  “Well, if it was just keeping an eye out, let me say that you’ve done a crappy job.” The song ended, and he escorted her away from the dance floor. When he spoke next, he almost whispered.

  “It’s your opinion, but from the start, there’s been a mole inside Blackwood Corporation. That much I gathered. And like your friends at Purgatory, I found the links inside the servers, somebody trying to access data. My first guess was Cynthia, the receptionist, but when she died, and the poking didn’t stop, it was obvious that the traitor was still inside. Or another possibility is that it was a very good hacker.”

  Zoe grew pensive. Could that be the reason Finch had never ordered her to retrieve any information about Archer? Because he already had someone working on it? But who? Everyone within Blackwood Corp were long-time employees, with years and years of loyal service. The more she thought about it, the more she leaned toward it being an outside job. “Purgatory is checking on the possibility of a Trojan horse Cynthia may have used to infect the system. It would have opened a door within the server. They are monitoring it, trying to limit the damages while keeping an eye on the intruder.”

  Sam nodded, scanning the area.

  “When are you going to tell Archer?”

  Sam blinked before lowering his head to her. “What?”

  “You heard me.”

  The man stood still for a moment longer. “Archer has to process enough at the moment. The man is a ticking bomb, ready to explode when you think everything has calmed down. Don’t be fooled. When all this is over, he’s likely to blow up from everything he’s been forced to deal with.”

  “So, your strategy is to duck and run for cover. I thought you were a military man, where’s your courage?”

  Sam smiled at her teasing. “I must have left it on the plane.”

  “You’re going to disappear without letting him know? Purgatory is aware of who you are, and if Beatrice is, Lazarus King is. He’s your brother too.”

  “I’m well aware of that. Lazarus has been looking out for me, the same as I’ve done for him. But we’ve always kept our distances.”

  The glare he gave her was a warning to drop the topic. But Zoe being a hard-headed woman risked one more question. “And your other brothers?”

  Lightness returned to his eyes. “What makes you think I haven’t made contact with any of them?”

  Double entendre, evading topics, he had all the personality traits of Finch’s other bastards.

  “And now, I will return to my duties. My brother has chosen well with you. I think that because of you, he has returned to his former self.”

  Zoe followed Sam’s gaze to see Archer glaring at them, his annoyance barely disguised.

  “I did nothing of the sort. It’s all his personality.”

  “I meant since his wife and daughter died. Don’t get me wrong, he’ll always be a cold bastard, but underneath all that ice, something has thawed.”

  And before she could reply, Sam bowed to her and walked away.

  Chapter 27

  Several times, Zoe looked at her silent cell phone, and each time she forced herself to put it back in her clutch. Calling Beatrice for an update was not productive. And if Finch stayed silent, it was a good sign, wasn’t it?

  Mingling the best she could, and keeping her alcohol consumption to the minimum, even if a couple of shots would have done her nerves good, Zoe kept an eye on Lance and Kai. One stayed close to Archer, the other, to her. As time passed and the event was in full swing, tension grew inside her, unbeknownst to everyone else. Finch, the traitor, Lucas; it was enough to make her insane with worry.

  And her feet hurt. High heels looked good, but they made her bitch after half an hour standing, let alone three hours. Men came to her, asking for a dance, but she declined politely. The one man she would have agreed to follow on the dance floor was caught in a tight circle of silver-haired businessmen, in a heated debate from what she could see. From time to time, his eyes locked with her, as if to reassure himself she was still close by, still safe.

  Sam’s words came back to her, about Archer having changed because of her. The thought warmed and frightened her. Part of her female ego was pleased that she could have done that to such a man. After all, Archer was handsome, powerful, rich, dangerous on so many levels, and yet, she had reached him. As time passed, Zoe knew they could never be a real couple, even if Archer’s feelings were sincere. She did love him, there was no doubt about it even if she had never said the words, but she led a simple life. And she had Lucas to think about. She could ask for a transfer, or have Lucas come to D.C. so they could finally live together. A couple more missions abroad and she would be able to have a cash down-payment for a house. Another option was to turn to the private sector, many big companies would hire her skill set.

  She could ask Beatrice for brand new identities once more, both for Lucas and her, so they could finally start to live instead of constantly looking over their shoulders. No longer be the victims of their parents.

  The need for a drink came full force, and Zoe decided to leave the terrace and use the powder room. Obviously, Kai was on her heels, not saying a word, in full bodyguard mode. Finch hadn’t made an appearance and she was glad for it. It would have been torture to play the part of the sympathetic assistant when all she wanted was to gouge his eyes out.

  Making her way to the bathroom area, she saw the line and sighed. If a similar line hadn’t stretched out of the men’s bathroom, she would have made the switch. Kai came beside her and touched her elbow, his mouth close to her ear. “There’s a bathroom reserved for Archer, and all of us for that matter.”

  At last good news! And she followed Kai who led the way into a small side corridor. Knocking on an unmarked door, he waited a second and opened it. It was a two-stall restroom more utilitarian than sophisticated, but immaculately clean. Kai let her enter and told her he would stand outside by the door.

  Relieved, refreshed, Zoe was finishing washing her hands before the large mirror when the door opened to Ellen who wiggled to one of the stalls.

  “Oh! That was close!”

  Zoe smiled as she opened her clutch to grab her compact and lipstick. “One too many cocktails?”

  Ellen’s laughter competed with the sound of the flushing toilet. “Yeah, I guess.”

  She got out and started washing her hands. Zoe finished applying her lipstick and couldn’t help but check her cell phone another time.

  “You know he’s not going to call you on that anymore.”

  The words didn’t make any sense to her, and she looked at the older woman who was rummaging through her small bag until she finally picked up her lipstick.


  “Finch. He won’t call you on that phone, especially since so many people are listening in on the other end now.”

  In any other circumstances, Zoe’s face would have been comical. “You... what... what are you talking about?”

  Ellen started applying a thick layer on her lips. “Oh, my dear. You perfectly understood what I said. You are an intelligent woman, otherwise, Jamieson would never have gone to all this trouble.”

  The wheels in her head started to screech to life once more, making surprising connections. “You’re the mole, you’re the one who tried to access the server.”

  Ellen smiled over the mirror. “Well, it was Cynthia’s job to do that originally. Too bad she was such an incompetent child with a growing conscience. And she knew too much. That sounds so melodramatic, but it’s the truth. You know, you keep your cards close to your vest.” />
  Zoe’s head was spinning fast, and she gripped the counter hard, both to stay upright, but also to keep herself grounded. “What were you searching for in the servers?”

  “Jamieson has an aversion for every one of his children who has any kind of power. Let’s just say that Archer Blackwood will wake up one day with a nasty surprise that authorities will be more than happy to sink their teeth into. And with your help, Jamieson will be able to do something similar to the others, apart from Al-Aamri, but it’s only a question of time in his case.”

  Powdering her nose, Ellen looked so normal. It was so strange to see the woman saying those awful things as if they were discussing the weather.

  “But you know men of power like your father, and I have no doubt you’ve slept with Blackwood by now. For that you surprised me. I never thought he would get interested in a woman like you. Well, everyone has their own kinks it seems. But let’s go back to more important matters, shall we? One last assignment before you are free as a bird, darling.”

  “Stop calling me that.” The words hissed through her teeth, but Ellen clearly ignored her.

  Putting back her makeup in her bag, she retrieved a small case, about the size of a pen, and pushed it in her direction. Zoe didn’t dare to touch it yet.

  “What is that?”

  Ellen closed her bag and faced her. “It’s a syringe. With a very powerful sedative in it.”

  Her mouth started feeling pasty, but she had to ask. “To do what?”

  “Simple. Your last assignment is very simple. Kill Archer Blackwood.”

  “Are you out of your mind?” Zoe felt on the verge of losing it.

  “Keep your voice down, my dear, otherwise your gorgeous bodyguard will come in and start asking questions you won’t be able to answer. Jamieson couldn’t stop the transaction and it seems that Vasiliev won’t be the winning bidder after all. No way he will accept or even tolerate having a son with that much money at his disposal, especially since he knows about him. What a shame. Sometimes ignorance is a blessing, one that may have kept him alive.”

  “I can’t kill him. I’m not a murderer.”

  Ellen looked at Zoe with a hint of amused tenderness that made her want to hurl. “You will be a murderer, what needs to be determined is who stops breathing. Archer Blackwood, or your brother.” The reality hit like a ton of bricks.

  “If this is a sedative, how... How is Archer supposed to die?”

  “Oh, about that, Jamieson was quite specific. You have until sunrise to do it, and to bring proof to the address you’ll find inside the case. And don’t try to fool him, Finch will make sure it’s done. Once he is sedated, you are to stab him in the heart with one of his kitchen knives.”

  Zoe choked, but words poured out of her. “And you? What’s in it for you? Is he threatening you?”

  Ellen laughed, and it sounded so genuine, it bordered on creepy. “Me? Threatened? Oh no, dear child. But what wouldn’t a sister do for her big brother?”

  And with one last look, she was gone.

  Mechanically, Zoe took the case and put it in her clutch. The very last trap had locked her in. The only option left was to receive a call from Beatrice, telling her that Lucas was safe and sound, under the protection of Purgatory. Otherwise... Would she be capable of killing a man?

  Zoe looked up at her reflection. For Lucas, she would be able to kill herself. And that’s exactly what she was about to do if Beatrice failed because if Archer died her heart and soul would too. The perspective made her want to scream, her body was in total upheaval.

  Her entire being was rejecting the idea with such violence, she barely had time to reach the toilet before retching. Tears pouring out of her, she rode the waves of panicked nausea. Her knees buckled and only her hands prevented her from hitting her head on the toilet bowl.

  Someone moved behind her, and she didn’t care. Her body was in rejection mode, and there was no choice for her to wait until it got over it. In what felt like hours, but were certainly no more than a few minutes, it finally stopped.

  “Zoe. Talk to me.” Kai’s voice was from behind her, but she needed another minute or so to be able to move at all.

  “I’m okay. Give me a minute.” Her voice was raw and her throat sore. Kai hovered, obviously debating what to do. Reaching backward with her hand, the big man immediately took her cold one in his. The contact steadied her a little. The door crashed open, and Kai jerked his hand away.


  She whimpered at Archer’s voice, not wanting him to see her like that. Good that the stall was too small to accommodate his tall frame with her already in it. It gave her a minute or two to gather her wits.

  “I’m fine, Archer.” His touch was like a balm, and it helped to slow her galloping heart and clear her head. “Can you give me a paper towel please?”

  Again, she reached from behind and grabbed the towel Archer handed her. She swiped her mouth and flushed the toilet before straightening. Barely turning her head, she wiped her eyes and saw Archer crouching at the stall’s entrance, barely fitting in.

  His hands caressed her back in a soothing line along her spine, but it was the terrified look on his face that brought her back to the present, away from the nightmare, and forced a smile out of her. “I’m fine. I must have eaten something that didn’t suit me. I tend to have a weak stomach when I’m stressed out.” A lie, but she preferred him thinking it was nothing.

  Cool fingers caressed her feverish cheeks and it was tempting to lean into him. Instead, she decided to move. “Help me up. With this dress I’m a hazard.”

  “Take your time, love. There’s no rush.” At the sweetness in his voice, tears threatened to flow again.

  “You should be with your guests.”

  “I’m exactly where I need to be. Don’t be a pain, Zoe.”

  She rolled her eyes and tried to push herself up, but Archer circled her waist and almost made her stand all by himself. She was so glad that her stomach was steady again. That was not a state he wanted to see her in. Zoe tried to bypass him, but he remained there, unmovable, while she still didn’t want to look at him.

  “I feel awful, Archer, just let me freshen up. I promise I’m alright now.”

  Instead of letting her go, he engulfed her in a bear hug, almost squeezing the air out of her. It was nice, and she snaked her arms under his jacket, around his trim waist. Against her ear, his heart was booming hard and fast. He had been scared for her. And she was still so scared for him.

  Inch by inch, he opened his arms and let her go, stepping back to let her out of the stall. One look at the mirror made her want to dash back into the stall: raccoon eyes, caky makeup, hair as if she had played with electricity. Archer at her back, she wet a bunch of towels and started fixing the mess before cupping water, swishing it in her mouth and spitting it out. When she looked again, her reflection appeared human again, which was more than Zoe expected. Only then did she dare meet Archer’s gaze. It was hard to read him, but he wasn’t a happy camper.

  Trying to remain calm and composed, she turned to face him. “See? I’m fine now. I’m ready to go back.”

  He looked at her up and down, hands still in his pockets and nodded. “The only place you’re going is back to the penthouse.”

  That sounded like heaven, but if she could stand, she could stay.


  “If you say one more time that you’re fine, Zoe, I’m gonna get mad. No one who has just been sick is fine. And the party is under control, it won’t be long before I leave myself. Kai is bringing the car around. Go home, relax and I’ll be there soon.”

  She could have argued. In fact, it was in her genes to do so, but instead, she leaned into him, and was rewarded with a kiss on top of her hair.

  “You win. But this time only.”

  A faint rumble in his chest told her he was laughing at her and she pinched his side. Immediately he snatched her fingers away. A little lightness that bolstered her before darkness fell up
on them once more.

  Chapter 28

  Waiting sucked. Zoe decided that was the part of life she hated the most. Especially waiting for the phone to ring.

  Once Archer had whisked her into the limo, Kai had been like an annoying puppy, but she supposed in reality he’d intended to be a caring watchdog. Poor man, he probably would have preferred to take a terrorist down than try to help a woman emptying her guts in front of him.

  As soon as he escorted her to the penthouse and asked for the millionth time if she was okay, and she answered the very same answer, Zoe saw him sigh in relief as she closed the door behind her.

  The empty apartment was so drab and lonely. Zoe almost asked Kai to come back inside, but it would require interaction and she needed to gather her thoughts. Instead, she started switching on some lights, brightening the rooms. Returning to what she supposed was her room, she made a beeline for the bathroom, remembering the deep bath that was now calling her name.

  Water filling up the tub, she started to undress until she saw her clutch with her phone in there with the syringe. One would solve all her problems, the other would mark the end of her. Interchangeably. Shaking her head, Zoe decided to ignore them, and started to remove her dress, as well as the many pins from her hair, wiping off her makeup and brushing her teeth.

  When she immersed herself in the warm water, it was bliss, even if it was only for a short time. The calm was deafening after the music, the noise and the chatter at the party. Ever so slowly, Zoe finally relaxed. This was the fork in the path. She couldn’t let Lucas down, and it was impossible to kill Archer. What Finch and his evil sister wanted was a code that was impossible to decipher. She had done miracles in her two previous missions, but miracles could only go so far. And she had to take back control. Finch was not the only one who could deceive.

  More settled, with a plan finally in mind if Beatrice didn’t call her soon, she let her bath water drain. Rubbing her skin dry, she wrapped herself in a towel and brushed her hair. Normalcy brought color back to her cheeks, her green eyes were clearer despite signs of fatigue on her face. Leaving her clutch with the syringe and cell phone on her bed, she went hunting for something to wear. Normally, she would have chosen one of her comfy pajamas, but instead decided to explore the place, and maybe steal something to wear from Archer’s wardrobe. A silly idea, but she needed something from him right now, even if he was away.


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