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Aura Page 32

by Abraham, M. A.

  He placed a soft kiss against her forehead and replied. "Any man fool enough to beat you would deserve the death he would receive at Thorn's hands." He then rested his chin on the top of her head and went to sleep.

  They woke later than usual and found both Thorn and Aura missing. No one commented, or went in search of them, as it was assumed that they would be together.

  Thorn and Aura were together, but not in the way anyone thought. Aura had woken and had, as was normal for her, slipped away from Thorn for her morning bath. He had felt her leave this time and had followed her. He now guarded her bathing time from the edge of the forest, in case someone happened to come upon her by accident. It was at times like this when he missed Wolf. Thorn felt bad about the wolf’s death. He had proved himself to be a faithful friend.

  Thorn found himself watching Aura, as she cleaned herself and swam, more than he watched for danger and he frowned at his carelessness. Of course he had a portion of an army within a good stone's throw from them, but that meant little sometimes. Experience had taught him that anything was possible. He was definitely going to keep an eye on his wife. It would take them another two and a half days of riding to get home. He had already been shown the error of moving too aggressively. He was not about to make the same mistake twice.

  Aura rode seated before Thorn for most of the day, held against him by an arm that curled about her waist. Signi looked askance at Sillgrim several times before she got him to comment.

  "Why do you never ride with me in such a manner?"

  "Because Signi, we would hold up the speed of our travel. We would not make a mile before we would be out in the woods, otherwise occupied. Perhaps Thorn feels secure with Aura in his arms and finds comfort in it, but I could not do the same thing. Not without stopping to pull you under me several times a day during the trip. You would wonder if you were sore from riding, or from being ridden."

  Sillgrim had remained awed by Thorn's control. How could the man; feeling as he did about Aura, hold her all day and not feel driven to drag her off to be by themselves for a while? It was simply not natural. Sillgrim rode beside Thorn, as an end to the day was announced and watched as he dismounted to help Aura down. He then gave a smug smile at what he noticed.

  It had taken a lot of control for Thorn to be that close to Aura all day without succumbing to urges to relieve his need, but he had done it. He had every right to be proud of himself. After Thorn had seen to his chores, he went to a secluded area of a stream and doused himself. The water was cool and managed to sooth his inflamed desires to a level that he found controllably comfortable. He was determined that he was not going to use Aura as Sillgrim did his sister, so that other men could hear them at night from a distance. There were only two more nights until they got home, he was sure he could wait until then, perhaps even an extra day or two, if he had to, until she recovered from the trip when they finally arrived at their home.

  Thorn had already decided that Signi could use the cottage to live in, until things got started on their home. That way the couple would have the privacy they would need. It would also allow for Sillgrim to retain a bit of his shattered pride. Thorn was sure that losing the war had cost Sillgrim in more ways than one. It would do them good to be on their own. Thorn wanted Aura to move into the house he had build for her, even in its state of incompletion.

  Thorn had seen Signi return the jewels she had worn on her wedding day to Aura and had not commented about them. He had wondered how Aura had gotten them and from who. Was she a Princess who had gotten lost somehow? He remembered asking that question before. He had not received a satisfactory answer. He then decided it did not matter who she had been. She was his now and that was the way it would remain.

  Aura rode her own horse the next day and Signi decided to ride beside her. She chattered in excitement about her future plans and what she expected her life to be like as Sillgrim's wife. She seemed pleased and Aura was happy for her. Towards the middle of the day Signi turned the subject on to a more personal topic and Aura quickly grew uncomfortable with the coarseness of the conversation.

  "Sillgrim says that your relationship with Thorn is next to non existent. Is that true Aura?" Signi asked too loud.

  "This is not the place to discuss it." Aura whispered as she tossed her sister in law a disapproving look. She wondered what Signi was thinking. This conversation was not something Signi would have started in the past.

  "Perhaps Thorn no longer desires you in that way." Signi gave a smug sniff, speaking in retaliation for her set down. After all, who did Aura think she was anyway? Telling her, Signi, that she was not behaving properly.

  Aura made no comment about the remark, hoping that if she remained quiet Signi would catch the hint. She didn’t. So Aura picked up the pace a little until they were riding beside their husbands. Thorn had heard several of Signi's barbed remarks as they had joined him and he shot her a warning look. Signi turned up her nose at him and gave a petulant sniff. She was now a married woman and not subject to reprimand as a child would be.

  Thorn leaned over to pluck Aura from the back of her horse, and transferred her onto his own. From his place behind her he whispered something into her ear and smiled as she gave a short musical laugh. They then moved off to join Edwin, leaving Sillgrim and Signi alone.

  Sillgrim moved his horse closer to Signi's so no one else would overhear them and he snapped at her.

  "Even with my background I could tell that the subject you were attempting to force Aura to talk about was crude and not fit for a lady."

  "The ladies at court speak of these things, I have heard them. I thought that as we were both married it was a subject we could speak freely of."

  "Then you have failed to learn that those at court who actually are ladies do not speak of such matters." Sillgrim did not know about these things first hand, but he thought it was a logical assumption.

  Signi sighed, feeling suddenly meek and guilty then asked, hoping to appease her husband. "What would you have me do?"

  To make matters simple he answered: "Just be yourself Signi, do not try to be one of the women at court. I think we all like you better that way. Think on that for a while."

  Sillgrim pulled on the reigns of his horse and rode off in another direction, to check on his men. Signi rode alone, looking like a beaten kitten. Well, she decided; if he thought Aura so perfect, perhaps she should try to emulate her. She had often heard how Aura used to fall asleep before Thorn got into bed at night. She would see how Sillgrim liked the same treatment. They were just one night away from home. Let him sleep alone tonight. She was going to deny him access to her bed.

  Signi's well-made plans turned out to be a waste of time, for when Sillgrim entered the tent she found she could not feign sleep, even enough to fool him for a moment. He just chuckled at her little game and decided to join in. His wife was not only predictable, but so very obvious in her efforts to retaliate. He also thought she might be a little jealous of the bits of attention that he gave Aura. He could have told her that the sentiment was wasted. He did not want Aura. He was curious about the woman, but he did not lust after her, not anymore. He had Signi and he was happy with his bride.

  "Thorn says when Aura falls asleep before he goes to join her, he just spends the night holding her. It makes him feel closer to her. It would make it easier on me to hold you if you would at least pretend to sleep properly and relax Signi." Sillgrim half instructed, half teased.

  Signi turned to face Sillgrim as she hit his chest. "I thought such things were not spoken of."

  Sillgrim laughed and answered: "Amongst ladies they are not. Amongst men they quite often are. Signi, from what I have heard from Thorn they have a very different kind of relationship than we have, perhaps for them it is best. But it does not mean that it would be right for us. Let them live their lives their way."

  She nodded then asked. "Do you know what the plans are for tomorrow?"

  "Yes," he answered. "Edwin will leave us at first l
ight. Thorn says we are to prepare for a change in the weather, he says we are due for some cold rain and we are to dress with this in mind."

  "It is only a little over a half a day ride from here to Thorn's home. With weather such as you describe I am surprised he does not rise now and rouse the men to get to their homes, instead of waiting until morning." She gave the matter a moment thought then asked. "Does he do this for Aura?"

  "No Signi, he does it for all of us and this includes the horses. We all need the rest. Tomorrow will be soon enough to get home. Everything will turn out, you will see."

  "Yes," Signi answered with a sigh. "We will."

  For once Signi and Sillgrim just went to sleep, silently curled about each other and content to be that way. Signi woke at first dawn and seemed surprised to feel so cared for, why? She almost felt precious. No wonder Aura and Thorn seemed so pleased with their lot in life.

  Early in the morning Edwin bid everyone goodbye and galloped off with his men. In a few hours he would be home with Elizabeth and his family and he could hardly wait to get there.

  Thorn decided to make use of whatever they had left of the good weather and followed Edwin's example. Sillgrim rode alone amongst the men for a while then moved up to join his new family. An hour from home the weather broke and the rains began to fall.

  Sillgrim laughed at Thorn as he once more pulled Aura from her horse, and sat her before him, covering her with his cape. Aura was engulfed in darkness, caught between Thorn and the cape that covered them both. Sillgrim followed Thorn’s lead and pulled Signi before him, to cover her. Their horses were taken to seat two men.

  The people of Thorn's neat little town watched from their huts as the combined forces from Thorn and Sillgrim's army swelled the population. Thorn's men soon dissipated as they had homes to go to. Sillgrim's troops were ordered to make camp. Sillgrim had been told that Thorn would show them where their new home would be. There they would settle, make homes, plant crops and hopefully find a way to live in peace.

  Either way there was no real hurry for Sillgrim to build his new home. The cottage would do for a time, but he did not want to make it a permanent thing. He wanted to be near his people, so he could rule over them properly and guard his lands.

  Thorn smiled as he rode to the middle of the town and called to his people. "I bring you two surprises. First: the company of the new neighboring lord, his lady and his men. You all know Signi, my sister. She is now the wife of Lord Sillgrim, whom Duke Vernon has placed under our supervision. Sillgrim will guard and protect our South East gates. Now," he paused as he opened his cape and got off of his horse, so he could reach up to help Aura off the horse.

  Signi looked at her husband's face and saw a reflection of the admiration shown by the people and she asked. "If Aura would have been free to wed, Sillgrim, would you have married me?"

  He read the question right and gave her a direct answer. "Aura was not for me, I soon realized that. I would never have wed her, but it does not stop me from admiring her. She is a great lady." He then kissed her on the side of the head and reassured her. "She does not have your beauty or passion. We are well matched my wife, and I am sure you will be every bit the lady she is, in time. I do not regret my choice of bride. Never doubt that."

  Signi leaned back against him in gratitude and sighed. She would not disappoint him. She could be every bit the lady Aura was. She would just do it differently. After all, she was born to it, but was Aura? She watched her sister in law, as she got soaked with the rest of the people around her and smiled. She decided it probably did not matter. Aura was just being herself. It was a natural thing.

  Signi called out to Thorn and Aura, as she surprised Sillgrim by sliding off the horse. “We should be getting in, we are getting soaked."

  A few of Thorn's subjects recognized Signi and they flocked about her, as they had done with Aura. Thorn, wound his arm about Aura's shoulders and they watched as his sister greeted her old friends together. Signi was obviously uncomfortable, but managed to appear gracious. Sillgrim smiled at his wife, knowing she sought to impress him with her mimicry. He dismounted to stand beside her in order to encourage her. Signi smiled at him, did a quick introduction then suggested they retire to the estate house, where they could change into something dry, warm up, and get something to eat.

  The foursome made their way into the house and settled. They dried themselves then ate. Thorn watched the looks of surprise that crossed Aura's face, as she looked about at the house he had built. Now she had a real household, with servants to command. He wondered how she would take to that, knowing that she had loved the little cottage for it's cozy intimacy.

  After the meal Thorn took Sillgrim and Signi to the cottage to get them settled. He had sent servants to see to the care of the building earlier and was pleased to see that they had followed his orders so well. He now stood before the fire in the cottage and warmed his hands before getting ready to return to his wife's side as he spoke to Sillgrim. "I thought you might appreciate a bit of privacy as you have been very recently wed." He teased.

  "I think this piece of consideration is as much for you as it is for us, am I right Thorn?" Sillgrim teased back.

  Thorn just gave him a sheepish grin then answered. "You think my home not large enough to lose you in, Sillgrim?"

  "More than," came the answer.

  "That is the idea.” Thorn replied. “In the meantime, I hope you are comfortable. If you need anything you have but to ask."


  Thorn looked through some of the things Aura had brought with her, wondering at the texture and quality of the clothes and other items before dismissing them as unimportant. He then noticed a small stack of jewelry cases placed on the chest.

  He opened each one and spread the cases out to display the jewels. Who had she been? The question struck him again. He looked at the assortment of diamonds, emeralds, sapphires and other precious gems. She had told him that she was the unwanted daughter. He wondered what the daughters who had been wanted owned. He walked up to her side and brushed the petal softness of her cheek with the back of a finger. It no longer mattered, whatever she had been before, she was his wife now and there was no question of how much he wanted her.

  Thorn undressed, doused the light, and climbed into the bed to gather Aura close. He noted the warmth and softness of the feather blankets that surrounded them and smiled as the heat of the covers soaked through him. He approved of her ideas on comfort. It was his last thought before he sighed and fell asleep.

  Dawn broke and with it Thorn noticed a chill. He reached for Aura, to share her warmth, and found nothing. Within moments he was out of bed, dressed and out of their room. He ran down the stairs yelling her name. When he got to the front door he jerked it open. There was a heavy morning mist rolling in from the river towards the house and he could see next to nothing.

  It had happened again, he had just gotten Aura home to lose her again. Thorn could barely breathe his chest felt so tight. Somehow, as he stood on the threshold of their home, he managed to take a deep enough breath to fill his lungs and he screamed her name to the world. The name sounded as if it had been ripped from his throat.

  It was time, Aura noted as she heard Thorn scream her name. She braced herself and took a deep calming breath. She had been standing near the edge of the forest awaiting a sign that he had noticed that she was missing. It had not taken long. She dropped the cape onto the ground. She would collect it later. She then began to walk towards the house with steady, measured, steps. It made her feel as if she was in a theatrical production. And well, when a person thought about it, she was trying to create an effect so the description fit. She got to the edge of the mist and kept walking.

  Thorn saw Aura the moment she began to emerge from the fog and he stood watching her mesmerized by the view. She looked like she was materializing out of the mist itself as she was coming towards him. A breeze lifted the fog. It swirled about her, giving him a clear view of her and he n
oted her state of dress, or was it undress?

  His first inclination was to rush over to her to cover her, she was almost naked, or at least there was not much of the dress to cover her upper body. He did a quick scan of the area then realized that they were alone and that the show she was putting on was for him alone. He slowly smiled in appreciation of her efforts and decided to watch her come the rest of the way to him. As Aura got close enough for him to hear her she began to speak. Thorn listened in wonder at what she said.

  "I have been sent to you through time over many centuries from the future, to be your bride and wife. I have left my life behind of my own free will, to be with you. I will never return to my own time again."

  Thorn said nothing as she reached him. He picked her up and carried her to their room. As he put her down he kissed her then murmured. "You will drive me crazy woman."

  Aura smiled as he said that, pressing close to him as she returned his kisses and guided his hands to her back to teach him how to undo the clasps and zipper of the gown. Thorn gave a throaty growl as her gown slipped from her to form a silken pile on the floor. She was driving him wild, his hands shook so hard he could not seem to get his own pants undone.


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