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Aura Page 33

by Abraham, M. A.

  Aura was not being any help to him, as he fumbled with the ties on his clothing. She was standing next to him, casting him molten looks, touching his shoulders and chest, running her fingers down his arms. He stopped his struggles for a few moments as he captured her and kissed her with a deep growing passion. Her mouth opened in silent invitation beneath his and the kiss deepened, to go on and on until neither of them was quite aware of where they were.

  Aura had not quite expected to be so affected by the teasing of her husband. She had meant to rouse him into wanting her, but from the moment she had touched him it had seemed as if she could not keep her hands off of his body. No matter how fast he moved he wasn’t able to get himself undressed fast enough to satisfy her. They kissed, his arms crushing her to himself and her hands moved from his shoulders to the knot he had created on his trousers when he had tried to undo them. She undid the knot and raised her arms to encircle his neck as he picked her up.

  Somehow, Thorn found, he had managed to get rid of his pants and he was on the bed with his wife. He was frantic in his need for her. He had planned this moment, although it was not happening the way he had imagined. He wanted to love her slowly, showing her what she had missed but he couldn’t wait. He parted her legs, as he devoured her lips with his and entered her.

  Aura’s body moved to meet his and she whimpered in her search for release. Their joining was wild. Frantic. Explosive. Thorn felt her climax a heartbeat after his and as he lay over her, trying to catch his breath while listening to her fight for her own, he chuckled to himself. He had forgotten how abandoned and wanton she could be. God had been kind to him.

  Thorn then remembered her words to him, as she had come to him from out of the mist. "I have come to you from over time, many centuries in the future." Could she be a witch? Thorn wondered then answered himself. It was not possible, but nobody was going to know about this but them.

  Thorn rolled over onto his back, taking Aura with him and she gave him a self-satisfied smile. Well, he thought, why not? She had every right to feel pleased with herself. He was definitely pleased with her. He felt her move against him as she reached to nibble at him from his chin up to his ear and he squirmed as he felt his body reacting again to her love play. He could not believe he was ready for her again and he could not believe she wanted him so soon. He had been sure that he was going to have to exercise restraint with her. Now he felt anything was possible. He was not about to let her take the initiative in their lovemaking. He rolled back over onto her, pinning her beneath him, and gave a wickedly seductive laugh.

  "You play games with a man who knows too much about this sort of thing Aura."

  "I certainly hope so." She teased back with a giggle and a gasp, as he raked a taut nipple with his teeth.

  Aura did not care. Her body was on fire. Thorn’s mouth suckled and kissed at her breasts while his hands stroked her body and it was driving her crazy. Had she gone too far she wondered then decided no, this was the way it was supposed to be. She wrapped her legs about her husband as he entered her again and almost passed out as he repeatedly drove into her. She met each thrust of his with one of her own, until finally, both spent and exhausted, they lay still, wrapped about each other on the bed. They parted for a moment as he withdrew from within her body then covered them with the covers, as the room, which had seemed so stifling a few moments ago, now felt cold.

  Thorn held Aura against himself and kissed the side of her head as he pillowed her against his shoulder. He could feel himself drifting off and he sighed, thinking of the woman he held in his arms. He was going to have a very long talk with her when they woke. He decided they probably had some very interesting things to speak of. He then closed his eyes and slipped off into sleep.

  It had happened, Thorn woke and Aura still curled sleeping within the curve of his arms. He smiled and gave a deep sigh of contentment. Until she woke and they had time to talk, he would pretend that there was nothing at all different about her, or of their being together, for in all honesty, he had to admit, there was nothing strange about the union. There was, however, much that was strange about Aura.

  Aura stirred in her sleep and gave a bit of a whimper and he propped himself up on an elbow to see what was wrong. She appeared disturbed, so with a calloused hand he gently stroked her head, pushing her hair away from her face as he did. Something was troubling her, she was restless and he wondered what it was that she dreamed of to cause her such unrest.

  Thorn gave Aura’s forehead a light kiss and murmured soft words of comfort and love then with a slight wiggling movement he sunk further into the warmth of the blankets to hold her closer. He found that the comfort he offered was a bit like a two edged sword, for the warmth of the bed lulled him back to sleep while he would have rather stayed awake watching Aura as she slept. Her restlessness meant nothing to him, for as long as she lay safe within the confines of his arms, he felt confident that he could deal with anything that might be bothering her.

  Aura could feel Thorn's arms about her, holding her close like a possession he could not bare to be parted from. She could feel the darkness of time creeping about her and she gave a shiver of fear. She felt the draw and her subconscious screamed. NO. This is not supposed to be happening. She woke from her dream with a start.

  Thorn felt Aura’s body jerk as she woke then watched as she focused her gaze on him. In sheer relief she wrapped her arms about him and buried her face in his shoulder. He tightened his hold on her shaking body and stroked the back of her head to offer her comfort. What on earth could she fear? He was not about to ask. She would need time to collect herself before they could speak of it with any degree of coherence.

  It took her awhile to quit shaking and to settle down enough to carry on a conversation. When he was sure that she was able to do so he began.

  "You had a bad dream my love?"

  "There is a draw back to my time when there should be none. I have severed all of my ties, what could be wrong Thorn?" Aura poured out her fears.

  "Perhaps it has to do with me? He wondered aloud.

  Aura looked at him in question. "How? I do not understand." After all it was she who was out of place here, not him.

  "I have told you nothing of my past, nor do I know much of yours. We love each other, we belong to each other, we are good together, but it is not enough. We need a bond. Perhaps full knowledge and acceptance of our pasts, as well as thoughts of our future together is needed. My past is open. I have been a soldier and leader of my people. There have been women in my past as is the way of all soldiers, but they have been no more than that. Until I met you I never really believed a woman could be special, although I did pray that I might be wrong. I also prayed fervidly that God might grant me my soul's mate."

  “I felt a soul mate was more important than just a wife, for it is the soul that lives on and not the body. If it was not for that, there were many women who would have been acceptable as a wife. Perhaps I endanger our relationship by asking for too much."

  He stopped speaking and Aura took over. "You have not told me anything that I didn’t know. I don’t think that is the problem. I am afraid that the trouble is mine. With that in mind I guess it is my turn to tell my story." She sighed then began. "I never knew my real father. My mother hated me. I have never known the touch of any man before yours."

  "You proved that to me the first time I took you." Thorn teased with a smug smile of masculine satisfaction.

  Aura gave him an exasperated frown as she snapped. "Thorn this is serious, it could be important to our staying together for the rest of our lives."

  "You are right, carry on."

  "At the risk of sounding sorry for myself, I will tell you about my life as it was. I had been pushed aside while my mother catered to and pampered my stepsisters. I feel that for the first time in my life, I am loved for myself and I am free to give my love in return. This is not what you want to hear about though, is it?"

  "Aura, you must tell me what you fe
el inside of you. The things you believe I need to hear from you. Not the things you think I want to hear. I might need to know these things, for they might help us deal with each other, to understand the differences between our life styles."

  "Then you will want to know about when and where I came from. I was born in the year nineteen seventy-four. I am now twenty one." She looked at him to see if he doubted her, but his face gave away nothing of his inner thoughts. She continued. "You cannot begin to imagine what it is like to live in my time. The trip we took four days to travel in this time, would have taken us only a few hours in my time. We travel differently. We use horses only for show or hobby."

  She stalled and he gave her some time to gather her thoughts before urging her on. "There is more I know. Do not be afraid."

  She nodded and proceeded. "The air is not so clean, the water not so pure. The people are not as open or trusting. We travel on paved roads by automobiles and other such modes of transportation. We travel like birds in airplanes, over rail by trains. There are people everywhere and despite all the technological advances of our age, they do have their problems. Perhaps even more than you have."

  "There are various forms of entertainment, including television, radio, theaters and such. On the seas we travel in ships large enough to put Vernon's palace into. In this time period I have yet to see a ship I would feel comfortable on."

  "What are these things? Automobiles, trains, planes, television, radio, theaters?"

  "Where do I start? These are things as familiar to me as a walk across your courtyard is to you. Cars, trains, trucks and motorcycles have taken the place of carts and horses. If you wish I could draw you pictures and tell you what they are used for. Planes carry people and cargo from place to place through the air. We watch things happen on shows and movies, while sitting in our homes. We listen to music and reports on the radio."

  She sighed as she looked at Thorn's bewildered face and confessed. "There is so much to describe that I fear I am not doing a very good job of explaining and the more I say, the more there is to tell."

  "It is all right Aura, I understand." It went without saying that there would be many differences between the two cultures, especially if there truly was the number of years between them that she was talking about. The world was ever changing.

  Aura just gave him exasperated frown. "How can you understand any of what I am talking about when you are so far removed from anything that I am speaking of that you could never begin to imagine it? Unless I found a way to take you forward to my time."

  By this time Aura's irritation at what she considered Thorn’s attempt to placate her had dissipated and she buried her face in his shoulder. This time, however, rather than falling asleep, she cried.

  Thorn pressed a tender kiss on the top of her head as he held her, hoping to soothe her fears and he spoke. "I always knew that you were different, that you did not quite fit in. I also recognized that you were having trouble dealing with things because you were not used to them. I never was able to figure out why and after a short time I did not even try. It seems I recognized right from the start, that you were meant for me. You had to be. You were everything I had prayed you would be. Accepting what you were was not a simple thing. I had been alone for a long time and women had tried many things to make me marry them. You could have just have been another like them, despite what I felt about you. You fought our union, which I found puzzling, but then you seemed to accept it quick enough when faced with the choice. My first instinct was to wonder if it had all been a game.

  Aura gave a hiccup as she gave a damp chuckle and commented. "I do not remember being asked who I wanted to marry, or if I would, by either you or Vernon. My objections were real, not some game."

  "I understood that quickly enough. I cannot explain what happened to bring us together, but I will say this. None of the items that you have brought with you have been made here, or anywhere else that I have ever heard of. This proves to me that what you have been telling me is the truth. I doubt if I understand any of it any better than you, but I know it was meant to be."

  “I don’t understand it any better, Thorn. Perhaps it is enough that we accept what has happened to bring us together as an act of God and leave it at that. What else could it be?"

  Thorn moved to make himself more comfortable and replied. "What indeed, for who else could have the power to move a person through time. You will have to admit, it will take a lot of faith to believe in this."

  "Where I come from Thorn, it takes a lot of faith to believe God even exists." Aura told him.

  Thorn leaned over and took her face between his two hands to give her a kiss. "I am unsure whether I have been deserving or not. I truly doubt it, but I have been given you, and so I must believe."

  "I spoke with a priest before I came back. He told me that if what I told him was true, you must have a lot of faith to believe. He advised me also that I should cling to you with all my heart and soul, for in doing so you would help me strengthen my own faith. Thorn," Aura wound her arms about his chest and held him tight. "Never lose your faith, please believe in us, for perhaps it is true that my soul is your soul's true mate just as you believe."

  “That is the one thing in this life I can promise you Aura. I will never quit believing that you were my gift from God.” Thorn assured her.


  Thorn watched his brother and family ride up to the front of the house and he decided that this Yule time was about to be his best, as they would be all together.

  Life for Thorn had undergone a vast improvement since Aura had returned to his life. His house was clean and in order, his food was well prepared, his clothing was clean and mended when they needed to be. It seemed as if she had spent most of her time making their home comfortable. He had no doubt that she was happy. She often hummed as she bustled about and sometimes even broke into song. It was an attitude that was contagious and soon shared by their staff.

  Yes, Thorn sighed as he thought to himself, he was happy in his home and with his life. He had even gotten used to Sid, as a concession for Aura. He had to admit that the snake did keep the place free of mice and rats, rodents that Aura seemed to despise.

  In their preparations for the holiday season Thorn had learned how Aura had gotten her jewels and while he thought the idea quaint, he thought it was a bit extreme. It was also not how things were done in his time, though he admitted the practice did have merit. Christmas was a time of religious celebration, a time for families to get to know each other again. It was not a time to give expensive and frivolous gifts to one another.

  Signi and Sillgrim still lived in the cottage while Sillgrim was building his stronghold, and Signi was beginning to show signs of her pregnancy. Signi had sought out Aura when she had noticed changes that might mean that she was with child and Aura had done a few tests on her before confirming the fact. After learning of her condition she had begged to be allowed to stay close to Aura until after the birth of the child. This was no problem. Sillgrim and Signi’s home would not be finished until early summer anyway.

  Thorn assured them that the house they dwelled in would be available to them for as long as they needed it. He did not want his sister living in a tent with Sillgrim like a camp follower. Sillgrim agreed with him, especially as she carried his child. Sillgrim had never experienced close proximity to a pregnant woman, but he did know what it meant and he was inordinately proud of the fact that he was about to become a father.

  Aura hoped that she would conceive. She thought that perhaps bearing Thorn's child would bind them, and that her feelings of insecurity would be silenced. Thorn laughed at her insecurities. He told her that if she truly believed in their love that she would no longer have reason to fear.

  Aura thought Thorn’s blind faith frustrating at times. He might find it easy to believe, but she had been given no foundation to fall back onto when it came to blind faith. She was finding it difficult to adjust to her new life enough without leaning on
concepts she could not understand. She had no faith in true love. Her experience with parental bonds went no further than her mother and stepfather, and she knew how flawed that was.

  Both Thorn and Aura were at hand to greet his brother's family and Edwin smiled as he teased his brother in greeting.

  "Finally found a way to hold on to Aura, Thorn? I thought I would arrive to find you alone again."

  Thorn laughed, sweeping Aura into his embrace as he replied. "She just needed to decide that she wanted to stay. Her being here now proves that she does." He released her and she blushed.

  Elizabeth had stood off to the side, organizing the children as their father had greeted his brother and sister in law. She smiled as Aura had been swept into Thorn's arms and noted how Aura blushed with pleasure, mingled with awkwardness. She had feared what she might find, remembering the last Yule time they had shared together. She noted how happy Thorn was and said a quick prayer of thanks. Aura was not so transparent, she hid her happiness behind a cloak of shy caution, but it still showed through and Elizabeth knew it was right.


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