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Pulse: Sport Romance (The Boys of Winter Book 6)

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by Violet Vaughn

  “No. Trust me, I’ve been trying to find a way to oust you for a few years now. Your sentimental side’s going to drive Bellae into the ground.”

  I shouldn’t be surprised she would have exhausted every avenue. My sister has wanted to run the company since we were little girls and my mother was working like a dog to get it off the ground. “Damn it. I’m really going to have to do this, aren’t I?”

  “Yup. Hey, I’ve got a call trying to come through. Are we done here?”

  “Yes. Thanks.”

  She ends our conversation without a goodbye, and my phone thumps on the bed when I toss it. I really should have started to find a way out of this sooner. But twenty-six sounded so far away when I first got to Breck. By the time I started to worry, I was so in love with Nick, it was too painful to face the truth.

  And look where that’s gotten me. I sigh, and the air on my bare legs is cold when I throw the covers off to get ready for work.

  When I get there, I make my way to our aisle.

  Nick is sitting on the bench by our lockers and glances up from his phone to raise his eyebrows at me when I say, “Nick.”

  I hand him a latte and a brown bakery bag, which contains a jelly donut, his favorite. “You really had to drive to work by yourself?” I ask.

  “Surprised I can afford gas?”

  Nice. But I deserve it. I don’t dignify his statement with a reply. I twirl the combination on my lock, and it clicks open. Nick stands and walks away while I get ready.

  Jason pops his head around the corner. “You skiing?” He frowns and adds, “Nick is waiting for us.”

  “Sure.” Nick might be avoiding me, but he’s not keeping me from skiing with them. Nothing is more therapeutic than racing down a snow-covered hill on skis. And considering how my life is falling apart right now, I need it.

  I clomp my way over to Casey, Jason, and Nick at the ski racks, and we walk toward the back door that leads to the slopes. Nick grabs my skis from the rack out of habit. He hesitates for a second, and I think he’s realized what he’s done, but he plays it cool and carries them up the stairs for me.

  Jason is one of those guys who finds humor in everything, and he starts teasing Nick right away. We’re in line with other instructors, and he announces, “Make way, everyone. You’re in the midst of royalty.” He winks at me. “Presenting King Nicholas, the next dev team member.”

  Nick punches his arm but can’t help chuckling at his antics. He gives it right back. “Carry my poles, lowly servant.” He hands them to Jason. Jason bows.

  Casey says, “He’s going to be insufferable, Megan.”

  I grin. “No. He’s the one who treats me like a queen.” Nick stares at me, and it must look adoring to everyone else, because an instructor named Eliza says, “Aw, he’s a keeper.”

  He is. But I don’t get that luxury. I paste a smile on my face in response.

  When we get on the chair, Nick is on my left, with Jason just past him, and Casey is on my right. Nick turns to talk to Jason, so I turn to face Casey. “I saw the texts from Lori and Dannika. Looks like we can go dress shopping next Tuesday.”

  “I know. I’m so excited. You guys will have to play Say Yes to the Dress with me.”

  “We should video chat Gretchen too.” Gretchen is Casey’s longtime best friend and moved back east last summer.

  “Definitely. She’s certain to have an opinion.”

  Jason pipes in. “She sure will. Hey Nick, we can go play pool. Sound good?”

  “What? Don’t we go tux shopping?”

  “No way, man. I’m thinking about wearing jeans.”

  Casey sticks her tongue out at him, and I imagine Nick in a tux. It occurs to me that some lucky woman will get to see that someday. A pang of sadness pulses in me, and I wish I could be the one with him when he wears it. I push the vision out of my head.

  We’re almost at the top of the chairlift, and I gaze out at the crystals of snow sparkling in the sun. The sky is the gorgeous blue that makes skiing the Rockies famous. The metal edges of skis scrape along the footrest as we remove them to lift the bar to prepare to slide down the ramp and make our way to the trail. My mood immediately shifts when we get there, and I see the expanse of pristine power.

  This is where the four of us excel. We know each other so well that nobody speaks. I push off, and my skis disappear into the fresh snow. My legs move in an arc that is effortless, and I revel in the sensation of wind on my face and the mist of snow that sprays up to melt on my cheeks. Speed is controlled by the pressure of deep snow and my turns. They’re shallow as I keep my feet under my body to enjoy the ride.

  The trail branches off into small chutes through trees, and we each take our own path to the gully that waits below. Whoops sound as we launch off knolls and small cliffs to become airborne for a second.

  When we break free from the trees, Jason is in the lead and glances over his shoulder to make sure we have everyone before continuing on down to the chairlift. We have time for one more ride before lineup. Nick skis up next to me and says, “That was sweet.”

  I nod and let the smile on my face stay. He may not have completely forgiven me, but a run like that can fix just about anything.

  * * *

  After teaching, I have a shift at Rhinestone Cowgirl, the clothing shop where I work a few nights a week. Nick stays home, and when my key scrapes in the lock, I hear the faint sound of television voices in our apartment.

  He’s on the couch and doesn’t look when I walk in. I pad over softly and lift the remote to click off the show. I say, “You can’t stay mad forever. Talk to me. What are you thinking?”

  He glares up at me, and I think I walked in on an argument we were already having in his head. His words explode from his mouth. “Sure. You want to know how I feel? Like you played me for a fool.” His jaw is flexing as he pauses. “All this time I thought we were working toward a future. You said you wanted a family. You lied to me.”

  Anger practically explodes in his eyes, and I flinch at his accusation. But then I nod, because I haven’t got an excuse. He sighs, and he rakes a hand through his hair. He continues to speak in a softer voice that tells me his anger is fading. He replaces it with snark. “I didn’t realize you were just happy to get laid until you had to go back to your rich lifestyle.”

  I plop down on the couch with a whoosh. “That’s not how it was.” His gaze is intense as I say, “You know how much I love you.”

  “You keep saying that, but you know what? Words are cheap. Even I can afford more than that.”

  I’ve been hearing rich-girl insults for a decade now, but they still get under my skin. “This is why I kept it a secret. People think I have it all because I’ve got money. But you know what? A lot of them can’t seem to see past it to the person I am.”

  I try to stand, but Nick grabs my arm. “Wait.”

  I sit back down to glare at him. He says, “I’m sorry. That was a low blow.”

  I shake my head. “Do you realize that even though we live together, work together, and ski together, you’re the one I want to be with when you’re gone?”

  Nick squints at me. “Really?”

  “Yes, really. The idea of letting you go in April is crushing me. But I haven’t got a choice.”

  I take a deep breath. “My mother’s parents came to the United States with nothing more than the clothes on their backs. My mother honors them by hiring immigrants. Many of them are now working in upper-level management and sending their kids to college on the income.” I gaze into Nick’s eyes and see his compassion. “If I don’t go, the company will fold. How can I let those people down?”

  Nick nods at me but doesn’t say anything, so I add, “I didn’t mean to lie. By the time I should have told you everything, I was too afraid of losing you.”

  He searches my eyes, and I wonder what he’s thinking. I watch the mask he wears when he doesn’t want to talk cover his face, and he says, “Got it.”

  I stand because I’m no
t sure he wants me around. He gets up and pulls me against him by my waist to kiss the tip of my nose. “Babe, let’s try to make the best of our last months together.”

  The lump in my throat makes it hard to breathe, and I know words won’t come out, so I hug him back. And I wonder how I’m supposed to do this.

  Chapter 5

  I hate fighting with Nick, and after a fitful night of sleep, I decide to do my best to get us back to normal until I figure out what to do. He’s still in bed when I get out of the bathroom, and I ask, “Eggs?”

  “Yes, please.”

  Butter is sizzling in the pan when Nick comes to the kitchen. He says, “I’m not working tonight. Want me to bring that salad you love to Rhinestone Cowgirl?”

  “That would be great.” I flip the fried eggs over and hold the pan as I reach for a plate.

  Silverware rattles in the drawer as Nick removes some, and he grabs the toast that popped up. We perform our usual morning routine with practiced ease, and it reminds me of how much I’ve taken for granted. Our life together has been fairly seamless. Sure, we have silly fights over who should clean the toilet, but I’ve never doubted us as a couple. Of course, Nick probably didn’t either. And now I’ve given him a very good reason to question everything.

  The knife scrapes over toasted bread as Nick applies butter as he says, “Stacy is trying out for dev team too.”

  “I know she wanted to. She must be thrilled she got it.” I hate thinking about them training together. Stacy is a bone of contention between Nick and me. When she first came to Breck, she decided he would be hers, even after she found out he lived with his girlfriend. Stacy also has an odd way of knowing just how to make me jealous, and I say, “I swear she’s doing it to try to steal my guy.”

  Nick says, “It won’t work.”

  I sit at our kitchen counter, and yellow oozes over egg whites when I stab my yolk.

  Nick sits next to me, and the scent of his deodorant mixed with musk makes me long to snuggle. I lean against his arm. I sigh, and Nick places his hand on mine. I flip my palm up and thread my fingers in his. I say, “I’m sorry.”

  “Me too.”

  My appetite is gone. I never imagined I’d have to leave the love of my life behind for a family obligation. I wish I could ask him to come, but I won’t make Nick swim in the shark-infested waters of my New York life. Not when he’s living his dream, because all I could offer him would be a job as a househusband and me as a part-time wife.

  Nick takes a deep breath and pulls his hand away. “We should probably go. I’m training again this morning.”

  As we cruise along the road to town, I steal a glance at Nick and picture him driving a BMW or some other fancy sports car that cost a fortune. There is something regal about him, with his strong jaw and high cheekbones. I bet he’d look sexy in a suit, too. My insides twinge with lust. If I thought he could be happy in New York, I’d bring him with me.

  “You’re staring at me.” Nick reaches for my hand like he usually does when we drive places. I take it.

  “I’m picturing you in a suit. I think you’d like where my mind went.”

  “Getting ready for those corporate guys?” I tug on my hand, but he doesn’t let go. “I’m teasing you, okay?” He glances at me, and his voice lowers to the deep rumble he knows I find sexy. “Any thoughts about what I might do with my tie?”

  I snort. “Ah, nope. Not my fantasy.”

  He rubs his thumb over my hand and stokes my desire. “I bet it’s the buttons. You want me to undo them slowly as I stalk you in silence.”

  I shift in my seat. “You’re good.”

  He takes his hand off the wheel to flip the blinker without letting go of me. It ticks as he says, “I’ll have to remember that. Can I make a request about what you wear to work tonight?”

  I place his hand on my upper thigh. “My turn to guess. A skirt I have to wiggle out of?”

  “Um-hm.” He slides his palm up higher, and I push my hips forward to assist his movement. In long underwear with a pair of sweat pants over them, there’s too much material separating our skin, and when he cups my mound, I sigh in frustration.

  Nick makes a quick right turn into a condo complex. I ask, “What are you doing?”

  “I think my girl needs a little release, and I’m going to give it to her.”

  What? “Oh.” I’m dumbstruck but trembling with desire, because we don’t do stuff like this.

  Nick parks behind a dumpster and cuts the engine. When he turns to me, his eyes are dark, and I wonder what I did in that fantasy he just had as he commands, “Move your seat all the way back.”

  I press the button on the side, and the seat slides back as it hums. Nick climbs over the center console to get on the floor by my feet. It’s cramped, and I lower the back of my seat to lie flat so I can slide up higher to give him more room. I use my foot as leverage and move back.

  I ask, “Are you sure you want to do this? It’s kind of awkward.”

  “Shhh.” Nick slides his hands up my outer thighs and to the waistband of my pants. He grabs both layers and yanks at them.

  I glance out the windows to make sure nobody is watching and lift my butt so he can pull my clothes down. “This is hot.”

  Nick lowers his head between my legs and swipes his tongue over my slit. He mumbles, “I can tell.”

  I’ll bet he can, because I must be dripping with need. He lifts my legs over his shoulders and says, “Now. Let me take care of your little problem.”

  The temperature in the Subaru has dropped, and the leather of the seat is cold under my hands as Nick’s talented mouth makes me want to grab something. I pant as he works me into a frenzy. When I reach my peak, I muffle my cries so we don’t draw unwanted attention.

  I let out a content sigh. “You’re crazy.”

  Nick grunts as he climbs back to the driver’s seat. He glances over at me. “About you. Feel better?”

  I pull my pants up as Nick lifts the front of his shirt up and over his chin to wipe my juices off. I say, “Much. There’s napkins.”

  “I’d rather catch a whiff of you throughout my day.”

  His words send a little aftershock through me, and I say, “Your turn.”

  Nick shakes his head. “We’ll be late. Besides, that was all about you.” The engine roars as I straighten my seat.

  I’m not sure what’s going on, but I’m too flustered to think straight. If this is his idea of making the best of the time we’ve got, I’m in.

  My giddiness is hard to contain when we enter the locker room. Nick and I head to the bathrooms, and before we get there, Jason exits the men’s room. His grin covers his face, and he punches Nick on the arm and says, “Did you have an emergency this morning?”

  My ears burn in shame. How does he know?

  Nick asks, “What?”

  “I saw you pull off the access road quickly and followed to see if you needed help.” He waggles his eyebrows. “I never took you for a dumpster diver, so...”

  I close my eyes. “Oh, God.”

  Jason continues. “Casey and I kept on driving.”

  Nick says, “Problem solved.” He chuckles as I bolt through the ladies’ room door.

  Casey is applying lipstick in the mirror, and if I thought I could get away with ignoring her, I would. She winks at me. “Glad to hear you sorted out your problem.”

  I roll my eyes. “Now I know why Nick and I never do stuff like that.”

  “Hey, you’re not going to get crap from me. I’m all for car sex. It’s hot.”

  I smile back. “Yes, it was.”

  “So I guess things are back to normal again?”

  I knew I didn’t fool her with the no-sleep excuse. “As normal as they can be.”

  Chapter 6

  I stretch my legs out in the back of Dannika’s Range Rover and yawn. I’ve been up late studying Bellae spreadsheets and documents most nights this week, and I’m glad I get a day off to go shopping for wedding and bridesmaid dre
sses. The sun bounces off the rhinestones on the ridiculous bedazzled sunglasses Lori found us for the trip and creates a mini light show in the car.

  Dannika joined our friend group last year. She’s my boss at Rhinestone Cowgirl and quite rich with family money. Because she’s originally from the East Coast, I wonder if she’s ever figured out who I am. She sighs as Casey changes the music on the iPod again to find her favorite songs. I think Dannika is tolerating her because she’s the bride to be. And regretting letting her ride shotgun.

  Lori is in back with me, and we both giggle when Dannika slaps Casey’s hand and says, “Stop. Suffer through a full song for me, okay?”

  I jump in before Casey can retaliate, and say, “Casey, tell us what your ideal dress would look like.”

  She turns around, and I know it’s the right question by the way her green eyes sparkle. “Okay, so I have to consider that I’m kind of flat-chested without much of a waist. I need something that gives me an hourglass shape.”

  She rattles on about the design elements she needs, and Dannika pipes in with her ideas. It makes me wish I was planning my wedding with Nick instead of crunching numbers and reacquainting myself with big business. I stop that line of thinking and focus on the happiness of my friend and time with the girls to keep from wallowing in misery.

  When there’s a lull in the conversation, I say, “It might be snack time. Anyone?”

  “Yes,” says Dannika. “Driving makes me hungry.”

  Casey snorts. “Everything makes you hungry. I’ve never seen a girl eat as much as you do.”

  Restraining belts click as Lori and I undo them, and we both reach over the seat to get the cooler behind us. I call out, “Dannika, can you handle Casey if we give her a wine cooler?”

  “Sure, I have an eject button right here.”

  Lori chuckles, and ice rattles as she digs for one. I say, “Give me one of those.” Suddenly I’m not sure how I’m going to deal with seeing my friend prepare for something that brings home the reality of what I can’t have with Nick, and I think it might be easier to be happy for her if I’m a little numb.


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