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Pulse: Sport Romance (The Boys of Winter Book 6)

Page 15

by Violet Vaughn

  “About the same. She’ll cook us a nice dinner, and we’ll relax on the couch in front of movies. Then we’ll go to bed before midnight, because we’ll be too tired to stay up.”

  “That sounds lovely.”

  “That’s what old married couples do. We don’t need the fanfare, just sleep.”

  I smile to myself, imagining Nick and me as an old married couple. “Sleep is a wonderful thing.”

  “And so is love. It’s nice to see you happy again, Megan.”

  “Thank you.”

  I mentally plan my afternoon. While the first thing I want to do is see Nick, we’ll need a proper New Year’s Eve celebration. And that calls for lobster, clams, and plenty of champagne. The alcohol is covered with the never-ending supply my mother keeps on hand, but the seafood will require a trip.

  I pull out my phone to place an order at the fish market, and I ask Reggie to swing by it on my way home. For the rest of our meal, I’m sure I can figure something out with whatever is in the fridge.

  My fingers shake with the anticipation of seeing Nick when I tap out a text to him. “I’ll be home in an hour.”

  “I’ll be the guy on the front step, waiting.”

  I squeal on the inside, thinking about throwing myself into his arms.

  I send him a heart emoji and click off my phone. Holding out my hand, I glance at the ring he gave me months ago. With all my money, it’s still the most beautiful diamond I’ve ever seen. Maybe my world does include fancy clothes, nice cars, and expansive homes, but none of that is what matters. My ring is a perfect example of how important love is, and how important it is to make the right one fit. The stone is cool on my lips as I kiss it with the vision of Nick in my mind.

  The silly grin on my face makes Reggie laugh at me as he pulls in next to the Subaru. I jump out of the car the second it’s in park and race to Nick as he comes toward me with open arms. He swings me around, and I squeal before his mouth meets mine. His kiss is my touchstone as the world falls into place. We break apart, but I can’t stop touching Nick, and I yank him by the hand to get inside quickly. My fingers tug at his jacket to reach the warmth of his flannel shirt underneath.

  Reggie moves around us as I strip off Nick’s coat, and it falls to the floor with a whoosh. While I push him toward the kitchen, he mumbles, “I think I’m the one coming home, and you know what that means.” He scoops me up and carries me.

  Reggie’s amused voice sounds as my groceries thump on the counter. “I’ll just let myself out. Happy New Year!”

  Nick whispers as he continues to the living room, “I’m going to take what I need.” He sets me down, and his eyes are dark with lust as he removes my coat from my shoulders. “I’m going to unwrap you like I’ve been given the most precious gift.”

  I gaze up at him. “I’ve always been yours.”

  “And I didn’t know what I had.” He pulls my shirt over my head and sighs at the sight of what he reveals before he drops to his knees to unfasten my jeans. I kick off my shoes to step out of my pants when he lowers them.

  Tiny hairs stand up on my skin as I tremble with my ache for his touch. He says, “Oh, Megan.” His lips nibble my stomach. “My darling, Megan.”

  I grab his hair in one hand and grip his shoulder with the other as he slides my panties down my thighs to nuzzle my mound. A small cry passes my lips as he swipes his tongue over my folds, and I spread my thighs to allow him better access. But it isn’t long before my legs are like jelly, and he lowers me to the couch to continue. I arch up into the man who takes me places I didn’t know existed, and my cry is loud when my orgasm breaks.

  Nick crawls up to kiss me, and I work my shaky fingers over the slippery plastic of his buttons to remove his shirt. I push him off me so I can sit up and take what I want. “My turn.”

  I straddle his lap to take off his shirt and slide my hands along his strong shoulders and down his chest as I kiss my way toward my destination. His musk wafts up to my nose as I undo his pants and remove his thick shaft. Nick lifts his hips and pushes his jeans down to help me get them out of the way. His boots are still on, and he reaches down to undo them while I unhook my bra and let it slither down my arms when he sits back up.

  I’m on my knees, and the carpet is scratchy under them as I lower my mouth over his cock. The silky skin is smooth on my tongue as I drag it up the length before I suck him in. His sigh is all I need for encouragement, and I give him oral pleasure in the way I know he enjoys.

  When he pulls at me to stop, I grab his jeans, and the worn denim is soft on my hand when I reach for the condom in his pocket. I hand it to him and climb over his lap again. I whisper, “Whose turn is it?”

  He pulls my hips down to enter me quickly and says, “Mine.”

  I throw my head back as I ride the waves of pleasure that consume me. Each one takes me higher, until I reach my peak. Nick’s words are soft and stroke me in harmony with his thrusts, and when I’m about to crash, he flips me onto the couch to drive home my climax and his.

  When we’re done trembling, Nick lifts off me and leans on an elbow to lessen the weight of his body. I trace the line that travels between his pectorals, and the dampness is slippery under my finger. “I think we both took what we needed.”

  “We did.” Nick places a hand on my cheek, and I lean into it as he says, “God, Megan. I missed you so much.”

  I turn my head to kiss his palm. “I know. I’ve been so unhappy without you.”

  “We’re going to have to set some ground rules this time. I don’t want us to end up back where we were last summer.”

  “Agreed.” I wiggle out from under him to sit up. I need to put the seafood in the fridge. I get up off the couch and pad my way over to the kitchen as I say, “I’d already put in motion a way to slow down, and even though I’m not going to move to Breck now, I think I need to stick to my plan.”

  Nick follows me, and the cabinet under the sink clicks open as he deposits the used condom in the garbage. “What was your plan?”

  “Drew and Alex will be in charge of the two arms of Bellae, and I’m going to sit back and take a less hands-on approach. It should free up my time, and I can promise you weekends will be ours.” The refrigerator door sucks shut, and I wrap my arms around Nick’s naked waist.

  He says, “I’ll be responsible for activities outside teaching, so some weeknights I won’t be available, if that helps you at all.”

  I gaze up into his brown eyes. “It does. But let’s promise each other that Saturdays belong to us. Can we do that?”

  “Yes. As much as I’d love to return to the life we had as ski instructors, it’s not realistic any longer.”

  “No. It’s not. But what we have now is going to be just as amazing. I know it. Because now we can plan for a future.”

  “No more secrets?” asks Nick.

  I nod. “And we talk things through instead of letting them eat away at us. Okay?”

  Nick says, “Deal.” He grabs my hips and lifts me up onto the sandstone counter.

  “Hey! That’s cold.” I squirm in his grip as he slides me to the edge and steps between my legs.

  “I know a way to warm you up.”

  I throw my head back as he kisses my neck, and I let him do just that.

  Chapter 29

  Steam rises from the lobster pot as I lift the lid to check on the clams. The aroma of garlic wafts out, and I carry the heavy container to the sink so I can pour the contents in a colander. Nick comes behind me and places his hands on my hips to lean down and nuzzle my neck. “Smells delicious, babe.”

  “This is only the beginning. Can you check the muffins for me?”

  The oven door creaks open, and the muffin tin clatters on the stovetop when Nick removes it. I place the bowl of clams on the counter and break off two hunks of bread for us to sop up the buttery garlic water they sit in. Nick’s and my stools scrape along the floor as we slide close enough to eat.

  “Oh, man. These are good.” Nick licks his
fingers. “I like ocean life.”

  “Do you think you could live here forever?” I take a sip of champagne, and the tart flavor mixes nicely with the taste of clams in my mouth.

  “I do. I fell in love with this place last summer. I’m sure I’ll be able to handle the next five years. What about you? Is this where you want us to raise our family?”

  I stare at him for a second. “You still want to have my babies? I mean... want me to have your babies?”

  He chuckles as he holds a clam out for me to bite. “I know we need time to find ourselves again, but I have no doubt we’re forever. So yeah, I’ll have your babies.”

  I look down at my stomach. “Oh, good. Because it took forever for me to get back in shape this time.”

  Nick nudges me with his shoulder as he dips bread in the clam sauce. “How many kids should we have?”

  I recall how we had a similar conversation three years ago. Only then, it was a fantasy. Now, this is real. “At least two, but let’s see how we feel when the time comes to decide on more.”

  “I like that plan. So what about our wedding? Where should we have it?”

  I tilt my head at him. “Are we really sitting here planning our life right now?”

  “We are.” Nick takes me by my shoulders and turns me to face him. “I meant it when I said we’re forever. I don’t have a ring yet. But—”

  I hold my hand over his mouth to stop him from talking. “Yes, you do.” I slip the ring he gave me off my finger and hand it to Nick.

  He shakes his head. “It’s not enough.”

  I take his hand and thread my fingers through his. “Yes. It is. Every time I look at it, I am reminded of the most important things in our relationship. Love, trust, and respect.”

  Nick smiles at me and unlocks our grasp. “Megan Donovan, will you marry me?”

  I smile as he slips the diamond on my finger. “Nick Merrill, nothing would make me happier. Yes.”

  Our kiss is tender, and Nick holds my face in his hands as he says, “You and me, babe. We can weather any storm.”

  I smile at him as my vision gets blurry with tears. “I’m hanging on tight.”

  As we clean up the first part of our meal, I glance out the window. The snow is coming down heavily, and the ocean is gray and choppy. The power of the sea always amazes me, and I let myself get lost in watching it.

  Nick says, “Do you remember that first night last summer when we went down to the beach?”

  “I sure do.” I reach my hand over and place it on his butt to give it a squeeze.

  “We should go down and walk it first thing tomorrow morning.”

  “Want to do a polar bear plunge?”

  “Are you crazy? Wait. Of course you are when it comes to the ocean. But are you serious?”

  “Maybe.” I glance at him with mischief in my eyes. “Too cold for you, tough guy?”

  “You didn’t just say that.”

  “Oh yes, I did.”

  “Game on. Tomorrow morning, we’re going in.”

  I chuckle and grab the champagne from the ice bucket. The liquid fizzes as I top off our glasses. I hand Nick his and hold mine up. “To the crazy man who always takes a challenge.”

  “To the crazy woman I can’t live without.”

  Later, we’re on the couch, full of seafood and sleepy in each other’s arms. I mumble against Nick’s chest. “We should go to bed.”

  He yawns. “But it’s only ten.”

  I stand up and tug on his hand. “And we know what’s going to happen. I don’t need to wait up for the ball to drop.”

  “Works for me.” Nick lets me lead him up to my room.

  As we snuggle together under the covers, I say, “I love you. Thanks for moving here.”

  But Nick is almost asleep, and his reply is barely a whisper. “I love you too.”

  * * *

  Something cool and soft lands on my face and wakes me. “What?” I sit up to rub my eyes and clear my vision to find Nick standing in a pair of swim trunks. I grab what he must have thrown at me and discover it’s my bathing suit.

  “Rise and shine. We’ve got an ocean to swim.”

  I groan. “Oh, right. Polar bear plunge.” I fall back down and say, “I think that was the champagne talking.”

  “Well then, you’re about to regret your words. C’mon.” The bed bounces under me as Nick crawls over to me. He whips the covers off my body.


  Strong fingers grab my sleep shorts and drag them, along with my panties, down my thighs. I squirm in an attempt to stop him. “What are you doing?”

  Nick reaches for my shirt and pushes it up. When he reveals my breasts, his voice gets husky. “What am I doing?” He lowers his mouth to suckle me, and I arch up into him. Strong hands move down my body, and he strokes between my legs.

  I sigh. “Don’t stop.” He replies by sliding a finger into me, and I let out a small noise.

  Nick says, “About that swim. It can wait.”

  After Nick wakes me up properly, he still insists we take the polar plunge. Having done this before, I know how cold it’s going to be, but I can’t resist his excitement and follow him to the beach in boots and a ski jacket over my bathing suit. I grabbed two oversized towels from the bathroom for when we’re done.

  Our feet slip over the wet snow on the deck as we jog to the beach. I let out a scream as we do, because it’s cold and the wind is biting against my bare legs. When we get to the sand, Nick turns to me. “How do we do this?”

  I kick off my boots, and he follows my lead. I drop my jacket and take off running. “Quickly!”

  I hit the water and don’t stop, because I’m hoping I can get in and out before the pain of the icy temperature hurts too much. When I’m waist deep, I dive in, and that familiar sensation of the oxygen being sucked out of my lungs makes me pop up and gasp.

  Nick is right behind me, and he stands to shake the water from his head and let out a scream. I swim over to him and wrap my body around his. He grips my bottom and laughs with me. I kiss his salty mouth and say, “Sometimes you have to jump in the icy water to get what you want. I love you.”

  “And I’ll continue to do it for the rest of our lives. I love you, too, Megan.”

  Chapter 30

  Snow flies up in the air as the helicopter touches down. The engine is loud, and nobody tries to speak over it. Even though I’m not tall enough to hit the blades, I crouch once Nick and I jump down. My ski boots sink into thick snow as we walk away to a safe spot. Casey, Jason, Lori, and Kaleb rode with us and follow our path. The rest of our party will arrive in a few minutes.

  Lori’s eyes are wide in a mix of fear and excitement. She’s the least experienced skier in the group, but I have no doubt she can handle the run down. Kaleb turns in a small circle to take in the scenery and says, “Wow. Now this is how to get married.”

  The sky is the perfect shade of blue, and we’re so high up that it’s like being on top of the world. I scan the area too. Mountains surround us, and civilization isn’t visible from our vantage point. For a moment, I wish it could just be Nick and me. He puts his arm around my shoulders. “This is so us.”

  Ever since Bellae set the stage for natural-looking makeup, the business has taken off, and the press has been hounding me. I can’t go anywhere without a photo being taken, and the last thing I wanted for my wedding was a paparazzi fest. We figured taking a helicopter up to eighteen-thousand feet would keep them away. And the bonus is we all get a killer ski run when it’s over. “I know.”

  We’ll have a big ceremony for my mother and our families in New York and allow the press to document it. But our real wedding is happening right here in just a few minutes. The chop chop of helicopter blades approaches as the rest of our crew comes. Drew, Alex, Dannika, Christian, and a local pastor who can ski scramble out to join us.

  Kaleb takes everyone’s skis, and I watch as he creates mock fencing with them by sticking each individual ski in the snow. He winks
at me. “It’ll make for better pictures.”

  Casey lifts her phone and says, “Good thinking. Because I’m taking a hundred.” The others have made their way to us, and she grabs the pastor to instruct him on what she wants pictures of before we start.

  Jason is her sidekick and arranges everyone for a group photo. After a few, including many candids of us joking around, Nick finally calls a halt to the production. He says, “Hey, I have a woman to tie down. And if you don’t stop soon, she might ski off without me.”

  “No way. I’m not going anywhere until I’m Mrs. Merrill,” I say.

  Jason claps his gloves together. “Then let’s get this wedding happening!”

  We line ourselves up with Jason next to Nick, and Alex is next to me. She asks, “Do you remember when we were little how we used to fantasize about our wedding day?”

  “And I always wanted to wear red velvet and get married in a snowstorm?” I glance down at my dark-red ski outfit. I suspect my dream came from a fairy tale illustration, but the memory makes me smile.

  “Not that far off, are you?” Alex kisses my cheek. “You’ve always done things with a flair all your own. I’m super proud of you right now.”

  I didn’t think it could be possible, but my heart swells a little more with love for Alex. I give her a quick hug. “Thanks.” The pastor holds up his hands to stop the chatter, and I turn to face Nick.

  He puts his gloved hands out for me to hold. Wind blows snow up to coat my face with a fine mist of it, and I blink as moisture lands on my eyelashes. Fortunately, I’m wearing sport mascara that won’t smudge. I smile that I can’t stop thinking about Bellae products even on my wedding day.

  But when I stare into Nick’s warm brown eyes, all my thoughts become him. He started off as my favorite ski buddy and became the man I wanted to spend my every hour with. When our temporary utopia shattered, we found a way to pick up the pieces and turn our love into a healthy relationship for the rest of our lives. I blink again, but this time it’s for the reaction to my heart pulsing with love.


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