Neil Armstrong: A Life of Flight

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Neil Armstrong: A Life of Flight Page 32

by Jay Barbree

Retired Chief Astronaut Charlie Precourt

  Project Mercury

  John Glenn

  Alan Shepard

  Deke Slayton

  Project Gemini and Apollo

  Neil Armstrong

  Gene Cernan

  Charlie Duke

  Jim Lovell

  Tom Stafford

  Project Space Shuttle

  Robert Crippin

  Franklin Chang-Diaz

  Brian Duffy

  Robert “Hoot” Gibson

  Rick Hauck

  Charlie Precourt


  Nicole Gail Roberts


  Bryce Barbree Harrington, Photo Editor

  Photographic Restoration—Mark H. Widick, M.D.


  J. L. Pickering

  Pictorial Research

  Mike Gentry

  Research Librarian, Johnson Space Center

  Maggie Persinger

  Research Librarian, Kennedy Space Center

  With special thanks to contributors

  Howard Benedict

  Associated Press Aerospace Writer and Historian

  Tom Brokaw

  NBC News Space Anchor

  David Brinkley

  NBC News Apollo Anchor

  Bob Button

  Gemini and Apollo Spokesman

  Martin Caidin

  aerospace writer and space historian

  Gene Cernan

  last on the moon, Apollo 17 commander

  Colonel Bill Coleman

  astronaut affairs, office of the secretary of the Air Force

  Tom Costello

  NBC News space correspondent

  Walter Cronkite

  CBS News anchor and space historian

  David DeFelice

  community and media relations, Glenn Research Center

  Brigadier General Charlie Duke

  Apollo 11 CapCom and Apollo 16 moonwalker

  John Glenn

  first American in orbit and veteran U.S. Senator

  Herb Gold

  NBC space group’s associate producer, Gemini and Apollo

  Hugh Harris

  director, NASA’s public affairs and voice of Launch Control

  Ed Harrison

  chief of information, NASA’s KSC

  Jim Hartz

  NBC News space anchor and Today show host

  Lester Holt

  NBC News space anchor and Today show host

  James Holten

  NBC News space producer and management

  Chet Huntley

  NBC News space anchor

  Bob Jacobs

  NASA deputy associate administrator, communications

  Jim Kitchell

  executive producer, NBC space coverage

  Jack King

  NASA Apollo 11 commentator

  Matt Lauer

  NBC News space anchor and Today show host

  Jim Lovell

  Neil Armstrong’s Apollo 11 backup commander and commander of Apollo 13

  Scott MacLeod

  Korean War F9F Panther carrier pilot and Grumman lunar module instructor

  Lisa Malone

  director of media affairs, NASA’s KSC

  Ralph Morse

  Life magazine’s photographer of the astronauts

  Frieda Morris

  NBC News management of spaceflight

  Danny Noa

  NBC News space producer

  Charlie Precourt

  chief astronaut (retired)

  Alan Shepard

  first American in space and commander of Apollo 14

  Deke Slayton

  chief astronaut and director of flight crew operations

  Lt. General Tom Stafford

  commander of Apollo 10 and Apollo/Soyuz

  Russ Tornabene

  NBC News space producer and management

  Manny Virata

  television networks press site coordinator

  Bob Watkins

  Grumman lunar module team

  Harold Williams

  NBC News Manned Spacecraft Center

  Brian Williams

  NBC News space anchor


  The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

  abort mode

  aeronautical engineering

  Agena rocket

  chased by Gemini 8

  docking with

  as target rocket

  undocking from Gemini 8 in emergency

  Agnew, Spiro T.

  aircraft carriers, launches from

  Aitken basin, on the moon


  Albrook Air Force Base, Panama

  Aldrin, Buzz

  and Apollo 8

  on Apollo 11 flight

  with Apollo 11 in background

  background of

  chosen for Apollo 11

  on the Eagle

  EVA skill of

  on Gemini 12

  landing on moon

  in lunar module simulator

  on Neil’s personality

  in quarantine

  recruited as astronaut

  return to Earth

  science experiments on the moon

  scientific credentials of

  training for Apollo missions

  weather report from space

  Aldrin, Joan

  American flag on the moon

  Anders, Bill

  animals in space


  Apollo 1, launchpad fire that killed three

  Apollo 7

  Apollo 8

  crew of

  in flight

  heading for launch

  interior of

  lunar orbit

  mission of

  outdoes the Soviet effort


  scouting the landing approach for Apollo 11

  White House ceremonies for astronauts

  Apollo 9

  mission of

  Apollo 10

  Charlie Brown command module

  mission of

  scouting the landing approach for Apollo 11

  Snoopy lunar module

  Apollo 11

  backup crew of

  components of

  crew of

  crew of called “Misfits”

  dominating the news

  life aboard (eating, sleeping)

  mission of

  plan for lunar landing

  training for

  —Columbia command module

  flight around moon

  undocked from Eagle

  —Eagle lunar module

  camera and photography

  descent to moon

  discarded in lunar orbit

  discarded items from, photographed from space

  docking with

  “the Eagle has landed”

  “the Eagle has wings”

  flight around moon

  inspection for damage

  landing legs

  at launch

  on the moon

  return to Columbia

  TV broadcast from

  —the flight

  go-ahead for launch (July 16, 1969)

  waiting launch



  in flight

  in Earth orbit

  headed to the moon

  behind the moon, out of touch

  in lunar orbit

  return to Earth

  debriefing the crew

  Apollo 12

  crew of

  mission of

  traces of moon visit photographed from space

  Apollo 13

  crew of

  lunar module of, astronauts’ refuge in

  Apollo 14,
traces of moon visit photographed from space

  Apollo 15

  crew of

  traces of moon visit photographed from space

  Apollo 16, traces of moon visit photographed from space

  Apollo 17

  liftoff from moon

  parachuting to ocean landing

  traces of moon visit photographed from space

  TV camera of

  Apollo missions

  commander position

  LM pilot position

  training for

  Apollo Project

  grounded after launchpad fire

  Apollo spacecraft

  components of (command module, service module, lunar module)

  construction of

  improved version after Apollo 1 fire

  Apollo/Soyuz mission (1975)

  Armstrong, Dean (Neil’s brother)

  Armstrong, Eric Alan (Rick) (Neil’s son)

  Armstrong, Janet. See Shearon, Janet

  Armstrong, June (Neil’s sister)

  Armstrong, Karen Anne “Muffie” (Neil’s daughter)

  birth of

  death of, from brain tumor

  effect of death on Neil

  moon memorial of

  Armstrong, Mark Stephen (Neil’s son)

  Armstrong, Neil

  (1947–1955) Aviation Midshipman Program

  (1950) flight training

  (1951) Korean War pilot

  (1955–1962) test pilot at Edwards

  (1957) birth of first child

  (1959) birth of second child

  (1961–1962) applies to become astronaut

  (1962) accepted as astronaut

  (1963) birth of third child

  (1964) house fire, children rescued

  (1966) Gemini 8 mission

  (1967) visits LBJ at White House, learns of Apollo 1 fire

  (1969) on Apollo 11 flight

  (1969) on the Eagle, landing

  (1969) on the moon

  (1969) return from the moon

  (1971) retires, buys a farm, teaches aeronautics

  (1986) on commission to investigate the Challenger accident

  (1994) divorce from Janet

  (1994) marries Carol Knight

  (2012) death following heart bypass surgery

  apocryphal yarn about Mr. and Mrs. Gorsky

  and Apollo 8

  astronaut training

  boyhood interest in flying, first flight and pilot’s license

  cabin in San Gabriel Mountains

  as CapCom

  celebrity status


  chosen for Apollo 11

  on combat mission in Korea

  congressional testimony of, on space exploration

  contribution to space flight

  conversations from space

  and death of Karen Anne Armstrong

  experience as test pilot

  flight hobbies (gliders, propeller planes)

  friendship with John Glenn

  Gemini 5 backup

  a Gemini Nine astronaut

  home life

  interviews and news conferences

  investigating the Apollo 1 disaster

  landing on moon

  “one small step for (a)man, one giant leap for mankind”

  pranks played by

  rescue of two-year-old girl

  role model to astronauts

  small-town roots of

  space exploration advocate

  speculates on his future

  teenage years playing band and chasing girls

  training for Apollo missions

  —character and personality

  decision making, cool under pressure


  keep-your-distance impression

  lacking (self-stated)

  other astronauts’ opinion



  respect for life

  small town virtues


  with Apollo 11 in background

  in aviator gear

  in cockpit of Eagle

  in cockpit of Gemini spacecraft

  in cockpit of X-15

  on commission to investigate the Challenger accident

  ejecting from the LLTV

  after ejection from fighter jet

  entering Apollo 11

  family life

  in flight

  on Gemini team

  jungle survival training

  in lunar module simulator

  at Mission Control

  in quarantine

  in simulator

  in spacecraft

  in spacesuit


  taking phone call in spacecraft

  training for Apollo missions

  with X-15 rocket plane

  Armstrong, Steve (Neil’s father)

  Armstrong, Viola (Neil’s mother)

  asteroids hitting Earth

  Astronaut Maneuvering Unit (AMU)


  American and Russian, bond between

  as America’s ambassadors

  Chief, position of

  deaths of

  as former celebrities

  houses and housing of

  recruitment of

  reunions of

  training of

  astronomy, history of

  Atlantis shuttle

  Atlas rocket

  attitude control

  aurora borealis

  B-29 bomber

  B-52, drop-and-launch from

  Baikonur Cosmodrome

  Bales, Steve


  Barbree, Jay (author)

  friendship with Neil

  investigates Challenger accident

  space reporting of

  Barbree, Jo

  Bassett, Charles

  Bean, Alan L.

  Beddingfield, Sam

  Belyayev, Pavel

  Benedict, Howard

  Big Bang

  biological isolation garments (BIGs)

  Borman, Frank

  Brand, Vance

  Brokaw, Tom

  Brown, Curt

  Burton, Bob

  Bush, George H. W.

  Bush, George W.

  Butchart, Stan

  C-47 plane

  Caidin, Martin

  Cape Canaveral

  astronauts at

  JFK and John Glenn at

  Launch Control Center

  launches from

  and launchpad fire investigation

  rocket complex

  shuttles flown from

  spectator crowds at

  view of, from space

  capsule communicator (CapCom)

  capsules, manned, Neil’s aversion to

  Carpenter, John

  Carpenter, Scott

  Carr, Jerry

  Carter, Jimmy

  Cernan, Gene

  last man on the moon

  Chaffee, Roger

  death in launchpad fire

  memorial to, on the moon

  recruited as astronaut

  Challenger shuttle

  destruction of, on launch

  Chang-Diaz, Franklin

  Chicago, Illinois

  Choco Indians


  Cleveland, Ohio

  Clinton, Bill

  Coastal Sentry Quebec tracking ship

  Cocoa Beach, Florida

  Cold War

  Collins, Mike

  and Apollo 8

  on Apollo 11 flight

  with Apollo 11 in background

  background of

  chosen for Apollo 11

  in Columbia awaiting Neil’s and Buzz’s return from the moon

  on Gemini 10

  on Neil’s personality

  pilot of Apollo 11

  in quarantine

  recruited as astronaut

  return to Earth
/>   training for Apollo missions

  Collins, Pat

  Columbia. See Apollo 11, Columbia

  Columbia Accident Investigation Board

  Columbia shuttle

  loss of

  computers, of lunar lander

  Conrad, Pete

  Constellation project

  Cooper, Gordon

  Covey, Dick

  creation (theological)

  Crippen, Robert

  Crossfield, Scott

  Cunningham, Walter

  DC-3 plane

  Discoverer surveillance satellite

  Discovery shuttle

  Discovery Television

  Dobrynin, Anatoly

  docking in space


  Doolittle, Jimmy

  Douglas, Bill

  Douglas Skyrockets

  Duffy, Brian

  Duke, Charlie

  Dyna-Soar plane

  Eagle. See Apollo 11, Eagle

  Earth, the

  eventual death of

  formation of

  gravity of, and escape velocity

  view of, from space

  view of, from the moon

  Earth-Moon system

  flight windows (opportunity to fly)

  need to explore

  origin of, at beginning of the solar system

  view of, from Galileo planetary craft

  Earth orbit


  Edwards Air Force Base

  Edwards High Speed Flight Station/Research Center

  8-ball (equipment)

  Einstein, Albert

  Eisele, Donn F.

  Eisenhower, Dwight

  Eisenhower, Mamie


  instructions for

  at jet speed

  lifetime limit on number

  from LLTV

  El Lago neighborhood, Houston, Texas

  Ellington Air Force Base, Texas

  Enos (chimpanzee)


  escape velocity

  Essex aircraft carrier

  Evans, Ron

  executive overload computer error

  Explorer I satellite

  Extra Vehicular Activity (EVA)

  difficulties of, overcome by Buzz Aldrin

  first (Soviet)

  F9F Panther

  F-82 research plane

  F-104A Starfighter

  Fighter Squadron 51 (VF-51)


  docking in space

  Extra Vehicular Activity

  humans on Earth

  landing on moon (American)

  man in space (American)

  man in space (Soviet)

  rendezvous in space

  satellite (American)

  satellite (Soviet)

  flight medicine and physiology

  Florida, cold snaps in

  Ford Trimotor

  free return trajectory

  Freedom 7 spacecraft

  Freeman, Faith

  Freeman, Ted

  Friendship 7 spacecraft

  Fucci, James

  future, lack of vision for

  G force

  g limiter

  G load

  Gagarin, Yuri


  first flight to space

  hero to Neil

  memorial to, on the moon



  Galileo planetary craft

  Garman, Jack

  Garriott, Owen

  Gemini 3

  Gemini 4

  Gemini 5


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