Devi's Bliss: Books 4-6
Page 26
“I don’t have any kids.”
“No?” Was that disappointment?
“No. I don’t.”
“Oh.” His brow furrowed in confusion. How could something like no kids throw someone off like that?
“It’s just that most women come in here because—”
She stopped listening. He was going toward the old baby weight excuse for having a fat ass. But that wasn’t her excuse. Did he think she was beyond hope?
“Does that mean you can’t help me? If I don’t have kids?” She was half-joking and half- wanting him to throw her out. That would be a way better excuse than quitting.
“No! Not at all!”
Of course. He wasn’t going to let a paying client go.
“C’mon over here. We’ll get you started on the treadmill.”
She stepped up on the massive contraption and was faced with a spaceship’s worth of controls and blinking lights. Bear pressed a series of buttons so fast she’d never be able to replicate the pattern, and the surface started moving under her feet. She took a couple steps to catch her balance, and she was off. Walking, not running. But still.
“Okay, Jewel. We’ll have you on the treadmill for a while. I’ll be back when your time is up.”
And he was gone.
Jesus. She’d paid all this money just to have him turn on the treadmill for her? And adding insult to injury, she faced a TV blasting one of those morning shows she hated. There was no remote control in sight. To see where Bear had gone, she twisted her torso while her legs kept up with the treadmill. She spotted him talking to the other trainer, looking at her. And pointing.
Good grief. Could this suck any more? Ungodly early, on a treadmill to nowhere, with some dickwad trainer who didn’t know what to do with a woman who didn’t fit his Mommy Makeover profile.
As she turned her back on the trainers to face the annoying morning show hosts, her hand hit one of the thousand buttons on the dashboard of the machine. The treadmill suddenly started rolling faster. And she wasn’t ready for it. She quickened her pace, relieved she’d caught up with the speeding machine. But when it went even faster, she tripped over her own feet and went down.
She landed in a ball at the end of the treadmill, which kept rotating as if waiting for its next victim.
Bear, his gossip interrupted, rushed to Jewel. He looked completely horrified. “Jewel! Are you okay? Here, let me help you up.”
She untangled her limbs slowly, on the lookout for blood or broken bones. With his free hand, Bear reached the machine and pressed a couple buttons that mercifully brought it to a stop. It beeped and whirred a last few times, as if to show it was still boss.
“I’m fine,” she said. “It just scared me. But I’m fine. You know, I think I’ll call it a day. We can do more next time.”
Bear seemed beyond relieved. Probably couldn’t wait to get her out of there before she realized she had a broken bone or had permanent nerve damage and sued his perfect-eyebrowed ass. She limped to her car, more hurt by humiliation than anything.
On the drive home, she passed Colonial Donut. An apple fritter was calling her name. Surely that would make the morning’s disappointment go away.
Don’t do it.
She swung the car around the empty street and parked right in front.
Chapter 7
Enough. No more goddamned crap food.
Jewel’s fellow coworker, Aurora, had brought cake and ice cream to the spa to celebrate Gaia’s birthday. Resisting the cake was no problem, but Jewel’s mouth watered as she watched everyone chow down on the frozen deliciousness.
“Jewel? Are you sure you don’t want any?” Noelle asked as she scooped the vanilla bean ice cream onto the last slice of yellow layer cake.
“Nah, I’m good.” Jewel tried not to look at the little paper bowls everyone in the staff room held.
“Thank you, guys, this is the best birthday ever,” Gaia said.
“Okay, back to work, ladies,” Devi said, waving her hands for emphasis. The staff room quickly emptied except for Jewel, who plopped into a cushy chair, and Gaia, who sat next to her.
“I’m very impressed you skipped the cake.”
Jewel rolled her eyes.
“So how’s the writing going?” Gaia asked.
“Pretty well, I think.” Actually, some steamy scenes were whirling around her head at that very moment.
“What do you mean, pretty well?”
“I’m getting a lot of words down on paper, so that part is great. I’m just a bit nervous about going back to class. I just think it would feel so weird.”
Gaia shook her head. “For heaven’s sake. Just do it, would you?”
“I may. I’m still thinking about it.”
Gaia got up to dress for her next client. Jewel grabbed her laptop, and started banging away on the keyboard. The inspiration, its source a mystery, was nevertheless unstoppable.
Shanna was on her way to Mr. D’s office, but something felt off. She was accustomed to being the one in control, the seducer, as evidenced by today’s very short skirt. But as soon as Mr. D got the idea that she had a wild side, he’d sprung into action on his “arrangement,” which she was about to find out about. Had she gotten herself in too deep? He’d not proven to be the desperate, horny older man she’d assumed he was. Instead, it appeared he was quite the player, knew what he wanted, and knew how to get it. She felt like the one being hunted instead of the other way around. The shoe on the other foot didn’t feel so comfy.
And if she wasn’t in control, would she be able to get what she wanted?
As she approached Mr. D’s door, she stopped short of knocking. There was a female voice coming from the other side, talking and laughing.
What the hell?
Turn around and leave? Forfeit a passable grade point average, which, if it sank any lower, would put her out on her butt next semester?
“Mr. D?” she called.
The female voice from the other side quieted, and the door swung open.
“Shanna!” Mr. D said, with a beaming smile.
But Shanna looked right past him.
Standing just behind him was the Goth chick who sat in the front row of every class. Her hair was dyed a deep blue-black and she wore Betty Paige bangs. Her eyes were ringed in heavy kohl, her nose and lip pierced, and her arms were covered in full-sleeve tattoos. A snug tank top was tucked into her low-slung jeans, and her huge belt buckle was about as badass as they came.
And she was gorgeous.
Tiny nipples strained against her knit top, and her piercing black eyes made Shanna forget that Mr. D, silver haired fox or not, was even in the room.
“Hey, I know you,” the Goth chick said.
Shanna extended her hand. “You always sit in the front row.”
“Yup, that’s me. Helps me concentrate. I’m Roselle. Nice to meet you.”
Not wanting to be left out of the stare-fest, Mr. D elbowed his way between the two. Shanna felt him brush against her. Did he already have a freaking hard-on?
“Ladies, ladies. So happy to have you here this afternoon. Please, take a seat.” He perched on the corner of his desk and gestured to the two chairs opposite.
Shanna hung her anorak and backpack on the dusty coat tree in the corner. The rickety stand did not like the added weight, and looked even more pitiful than before. Roselle slouched in her chair, one leg over the arm, leaving her blue jean-covered legs spread wide.
“Thanks Mr. D,” Shanna said with a smile. Was that confidence wriggling its way back? Maybe she was more in control than she realized.
“I’m glad you two know each other. Now I want to propose something that I think will help us all.”
Shanna looked at Roselle, who wore a thin, amused smile. With her chin slightly tucked, her gaze bore into Mr. D from beneath the fringe of her heavy eyelashes. Shanna pinched herself to stop staring at her classmate’s nipples.
“What I propose, ladies, is
that the three of us have some adult fun.” He looked from one to the other with hope written all over his face.
Roselle tilted her head. “Mr. D, have you ever done anything like this before?”
Oh, she was good. Build that tease.
He leaned toward them, unflappable. In fact, he looked like he’d just won the lottery. “Yes, Roselle, yes I have. And you?”
She leaned toward him as if she were sharing a big secret, and whispered, “Yes, Mr. D. Yes I have.”
Was she mocking him?
They both turned to Shanna, who realized it was her turn. “Oh, me? Um, no. I mean, you know, I’ve been with guys. Just no girls.”
Roselle looked to Mr. D, and his smile only grew bigger. He clapped his hands together in satisfaction.
“So Shanna, are you game? I know you really wanted to work on that grade issue. And Roselle is just here for the good time.” His gaze slid to Roselle. “Isn’t that right, gorgeous?”
“Sure ’nuff, Mr. D.”
“I…I’m in. I mean, I’m happy to play.” She looked at Roselle, who winked. Yeah, everything would be fine. Actually, probably more than fine. “Let’s have some fun,” she said, sitting up in her chair and smiling.
The thought of running her hands over Roselle’s small breasts and tight nipples made her panties wet. And teasing Mr. D promised to be a good time, too.
“Alrighty ladies, let’s begin.”
Jewel steered her car onto the campus of Marin College. After a week of furious writing, she’d decided to go back to class. Her doubts had faded, or at least had taken a break long enough to give her the balls to get her butt to class. Having Gabe in the classroom might be a distraction, but when did a little distraction kill anybody?
She climbed the stairs to class and grabbed a seat next to Monika.
“Hey, good to see you. Why’d you run off like that after the last class?”
“I needed to get home. Let the dog out,” Jewel said, as a warm blush washed over her face.
“You have a dog?” Monika asked.
Jewel changed the subject. “How’d your writing go this week?” she asked.
Monika’s face brightened. “Really well. I wrote for an hour every day. Got a lot done.”
“Me, too! It hasn’t been easy, but I’m getting some good stories down.”
“Naughty ones?” Monika smiled.
“You know it!”
The room went still as Gabe entered the class. Jewel’s heart pounded.
Jesus, he’s hot.
How was she going to sit and listen to that man for fifty minutes?
“Good evening, everyone. Who had a good week writing?”
Half the people in the room raised a hand, and everyone looked around to see who’d been productive and who’d been a slacker. There were nervous titters throughout.
“I see some people didn’t get much done. What got in your way?” he asked, looking around the room.
A young woman spoke up. “I’m not sure, Mr. Carter—”
Mr. Carter, my ass.
“I just wasn’t feeling it, I guess. Is that what’s known as writer’s block?”
Gabe laughed. “I’m not sure I believe in writer’s block. What I think people mean when they refer to it is that they didn’t plan their book ahead, and aren’t sure where to go next.”
Heads around the room nodded.
“Shall we dive into planning your book? Sounds like it’s the perfect time,” he said.
Heads nodded again.
“Okay, let’s hit it.”
Fifty agonizing minutes later, the class was riled up, eager to get behind their computers and apply their latest lesson. As the class stampeded out the door when time was up, Jewel hung back, pretending to look for something in her notebook.
“You coming?” Monika asked.
“You go ahead. I have a couple questions for the instructor.”
“Okay then, happy writing. See you next week.”
“Thanks, Mon.” When the classroom was empty, save for the last couple female students batting their eyes and asking Gabe stupid questions, Jewel closed her notebook and gathered her things.
She sauntered to the front of the room but hung back, waiting for Gabe to get rid of the others. When he’d convinced them to try his planning method, and that it was unlikely they’d be able to get into his pants, Jewel approached him. They left, disappointed.
“Good lecture, teach,” she said.
“Glad you liked it, Miss Naphine. What did you find most useful?”
“I definitely need to do more about fleshing out my conflicts.”
Looking around to make sure all the other students were gone, Gabe said, “I think I can help with that.”
Her palms were sweaty. Was this another role play? Or the real thing? Or was there even a difference?
He walked over to the classroom door, pushed it shut, and locked it. He leaned his back against it and beckoned her with his finger.
Jewel decided to play. “Yes, Mr. Carter? Or is it Corrigan?”
“Cut it out,” he growled. “Time for me to kiss you.”
“Is that so?”
She’d been waiting for this all night.
He took several languid steps toward her. She took several back.
“Are you afraid of me, Miss Naphine?”
She gave him a smile. “Maybe. A little.”
Oh, this was fun.
“Well, good. Because you should be.” He caught her, lifting her chin. His lips touched hers, soft and exploring.
Her heart jumped into overdrive. He’d grabbed a fistful of her hair with such force that she gasped. His mouth ground down on hers and she stumbled back. His passion coursed through her down to her toes.
“God you’re beautiful,” he said, after coming up for breath. “I could hardly keep my dick down during the class. All I could think about was bending you over this desk—”
“Like this?” she asked
She broke from his grip and turned toward the desk, leaning onto it with her hands and pushing her ass back against him.
He growled lightly. “Fuck, yeah.”
He slid into her behind, cupping her heavy breasts as he ground his erection against the crack of her ass.
“Oh god,” she moaned. “You’re so hard.”
He gripped her tits tighter. “I know, baby. And you’re going to take care of it for me.”
Her pussy throbbed at his words. She knew what he had in store, and she also had a few ideas of her own.
The handle on the classroom’s door jiggled. They froze.
“Cleaning crew,” someone called from the other side of the door.
Gabe straightened up and cleared his throat. “We’ve got a bit more work to do. Can you come back?”
The voice on the other side was quiet. Then they heard fading footsteps. No need to provide an audio show for an old janitor.
Gabe spun her around to face him. “Now where were we? Oh yes.”
She ran her hands to his silver hair and grabbed thick fistfuls of it. Her mouth fell on his and opened, receiving his lips and flicking tongue.
His hands kneaded her ass, then wandered up, stopping at her breasts.
“Love your curves. God, you’re hot,” he said, tweaking her nipples.
Her heart took a little leap.
Fuck those stupid diets.
He lifted her skirt in a fistful of material, his hand inching into her panties through the lacy leg opening. He searched until he found her bald pussy, his fingers diving between her slick lips. He tickled her hard nub and then found her opening, burying two fingers deep inside, his palm massaging her clit. Her moaning grew and her breath rasped. She ground against him to intensify his touch.
“Fuck me like that, Gabe. Fuck me.”
His fingers slid in and out of her silky pussy while his other tortured her nipple. Her breath came harder, and all she could see were dancing lights. Her crie
s grew louder and she began to shudder.
“Oh god, Gabe. I’m coming.”
She bucked against him to increase the sensation that rocked her from head to toe. She finished one orgasm, only to be overtaken by another. And then another.
With wobbly legs, she wilted into his arms. Her breath calmed, and as she recovered, her hand flew to his fly. God, he was hard. “Gabe?”
“Yeah, baby?”
“I want to suck you right here as if the whole class were watching.”
He threw his head back and laughed. “Love it. Let’s go.”
She turned her back to the room with its scattered empty chairs and occasional piece of stray trash; Gabe faced a room that had minutes earlier been full of students hanging on his every word. Jewel put a notebook under her knees. From her new position on the floor, she reached up and made quick work of untangling him from the folds of his blue jeans, shirttails, and boxer shorts.
“Here’s my prize,” she murmured, gazing up at him, his erection freed.
“Baby. Let me see your tits while you’re sucking me.”
She pulled off her shirt, unhooked her bra, and threw both garments to the ground. She held her breasts to him as if in offer.
“Mmmm. These tits.” He pinched her nipples, soothed them, and then pinched again. She forced herself to focus on the task at hand.
And it was a big task.
She took the length of his cock, her fingers barely closing around it. Rubbing the velvety exterior against her cheek, she left behind a glistening streak of precum. She ran her finger through it and drew it to her mouth, savoring the salty sweetness. Pulling the head into her mouth, she sucked just the tip, in and out, her gaze glued to his.
“Goddamn, that feels great.” He lifted his hands from her nipples to cup her head, and with fistfuls of her hair pushed her down the length of his shaft, which bounced against the back of her throat. She gagged, and sucked him deeper.
With a deep breath to relax and open her throat, she reached for his sac, which she took with a firm grip. He sucked his breath through pursed lips and groaned loudly, thrusting his hips against her.
His groan graduated to a roar. Hopefully, no one in the hallway could hear. But on the other hand, who cared?
His cock exploded, pumping hot semen into her mouth. She took it as quickly and smoothly as she could, dizzy and with a new ache in her pussy that she was dying to relieve. Swallowing all he had to give, she then cleaned him with her tongue.