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In My Skin

Page 17

by Shannon McKenna

  After she dried off, the contents of those shopping bags was a revelation. Luke had guessed right on the bra and underwear sizing, and the shoes were right, too, but he obviously liked women to wear tight, sexy stuff. Underwear that left her butt cheeks on display. Brightly colored, silky bras that propped her tits up. Low cut, V-necked tops. Clinging, low-rise stretch jeans. Pastel pajamas with cartoon kittens on them.

  Kittens? Like, what the fuck?

  Two stretch lace outfits, one a hot hooker red, the other in demure and bride-like ivory. Hmm. Some interesting internal conflict there. She could have fun with that.

  She hoped. Talk about mixed messages. He’d been so cold and off-putting when she tried to kiss him. Practically shoving her away. Then again, he was still mad, and he had reason to be. She couldn’t just snap her fingers and make his mad go away. That never worked.

  However…she could definitely accelerate the process.

  The room had one queen-sized bed. If he was lying next to her on it, no way was she leaving that guy alone. Not even after violent trauma and the wound still throbbing painfully on her thigh. Crazy, but so what. She was alive and kicking and in one piece, thanks to him.

  She wanted to feel something good and true and excellent. Luke fit the bill.

  Bye-bye, cartoon kittens. They could wait for a Netflix and popcorn and sex-with-socks-on night. She was going with the hot red stretch lace. Just as she was. Unretouched.

  And in the mood for some intense sexual healing.

  Dani wriggled into the outfit. Hoisted her boobs up for maximum lift. Hiked the panties up extra high. She pushed the door open, stepped out and struck a pose.

  For nothing. Luke was in a digital trance. One hand manipulated a tablet, the other was tapping madly over the laptop’s keyboard. He’d looped his devices into a chain and his brain was the connector. No attention to spare for sexy lingerie.

  But she wasn’t giving up. By no means. “How’s it going?”

  “So far so good,” he said. “I’ve pinpointed the location of the second shipment, and the combination for retrieving it. All the backup equipment needed to activate the slave soldier and make it function. Coordinates for the pickup of the wetware are included.”

  She tugged at the lacy shoulder strap, adjusting it. Luke still hadn’t noticed what she was wearing. “What the hell is wetware?”

  “It’s a Manticore term. It refers to the slave soldier. He could be dormant, possibly suspended in fluid. There’s a file on him. I89VY262. I haven’t gone through that one yet. C drive on the laptop, if you’re interested.”

  “I am interested,” she said. “But later.”

  “The equipment is in a self-storage unit at an E-Z-U-Store in Serrati Flats, California,” he said. “About a hundred and fifty miles north of here.”

  “I suppose you want to get going right away?”

  “No, we’ll wait.”

  She was startled. “Why? Aren’t we in a hurry?”

  “You went through hell today. You need a decent night’s sleep. In a real bed.”

  Well, bless his heart. How sweet. The bed part he’d gotten right.

  She walked toward him slowly. Swaying her hips. Still nothing. He was locked and loaded in data processing mode. His eyes reflected squares of blue from the screen. A stream of files rolled constantly down it. Like she was peering directly into the data churn in his brain.

  He was about to get forcibly reminded that he was not a robot.

  She stepped between him and the desk and sat down on his lap.

  Luke went rigid. “Holy fuck, Dani.”

  She leaned in so her tits were right below the level of his nose. Nipples on red alert from being so close to him. She put her arms around his neck, running her fingers slowly through his hair. Inhaling his hot male scent.

  “I like the red outfit the best,” she said, her voice low and husky. “Do you?”

  Luke put his hands around her waist, fingers splayed wide. Holding her as if she were made of blown glass. “You don’t have to do this. That stuff I bought for you—I just thought it would look hot on you. You owe me nothing.”

  She gazed down at him, taken aback. “I never thought I did,” she said coolly. “That’s not what this is about.”

  “No? So this isn’t another mercy fuck for the psycho who’s gone off his meds?”

  She recoiled. “You asshole!” She smacked him, not hard. Just a stinging little tap to the cheek. He could have blocked it easily, but he didn’t.

  He was silent for a few moments. “You get a free pass today, after what happened,” he said evenly. “But don’t do that to me ever again.”

  “Then don’t put words in my mouth. I never said that, never thought that about you,” she told him.

  He was silent. Reading her. Which she found infuriating. She could beat him at the silence, though. Because his dick definitely wanted to talk. She moved slightly, sliding over his muscular thighs. Up, down. Down, up. Hello, dick.

  “Understood,” he said.

  “OK. Well, then. Where does that leave us?” She settled herself deeply onto his lap again. He was so thick and hard and hot, with a stellar erection pressing against her ass. His heat melted into her, sending a deep, hot pull of raw craving through her body. “Do you want to start this conversation again from the top?” she asked.

  His face was still unreadable, but a muscle pulsed in his jaw. “Yeah, I’d give this conversation another shot,” he said slowly. “If you’re offering a do-over.”

  “I am,” she said. “Choose your words carefully. Don’t fuck it up.”

  He was silent again, for several minutes this time, studying her face. His scrutiny was hard to bear. She felt like she was missing a protective layer. Hell with it. She wanted this bad. She shifted on his lap so that the pulsing ache between her legs was positioned strategically right over his cock, and gave him some bedroom eyes. Threw in a little teasing, lip-licking action to get a sexy glisten going. Because she felt like it. Because no lip gloss.

  “I need to be sure of you,” he said slowly.

  “Huh?” She was baffled. “Sure of what?”

  “Exactly what you want from me.”

  She laughed. “Are you still confused? I’m wiggling around on top of your hot cock, Luke. How clear do I need to be?”

  “Tell me exactly what you want,” he said. “I am making zero assumptions, after everything that just happened.”

  She rolled her eyes with a sigh. “Could you just relax?”

  “No,” he said. “I can’t. You saw what I did out there. I’m wound up like a spring. Relaxing is not an option for me. And I do not want to fuck this up.”

  “Honestly, Luke, I don’t think you could,” she told him.

  “Indulge me anyway.” His voice was adamant.

  She didn’t know where to begin. She kept her chin up, her eyes locked boldly on his. Pulling him in. Come to me now.

  “I will indulge anything you want, buddy,” she said. “Tell me your fantasy about how you’d like to get this going, and I’ll tell you if it jives with mine. Show me yours and I’ll show you mine.”

  “You too chicken to go first?”

  She gave him a smoky, mysterious smile. “What do you see yourself doing with me when you close your eyes? Tell me. That would really turn me on.”

  He slid his hand down over her back, the rough spots on his hand snagging on the delicate fabric. “I want to go down on you,” he said. “I want you to open up your pussy lips until your clit pops out, and lick it and suck on it until your juice is all over my face and I’m all wet too. I want you slippery and soft, legs splayed out. Squirming and begging. Coming against my face. I want you to be wet and soft and ready, because it’s going to be a long hot night. And I am in one hell of a goddamn mood.”

  Her face was hot now, her breath choppy a
nd uneven. She fought to keep her voice light and teasing. “Sounds interesting.”

  “Does it? How exactly? Be specific.”

  “OK. How about…hot. Sexy. Wet and dirty and incredibly fabulous.”

  “That’s much better,” he said. “Does it jive with your fantasies?”

  “It’s a perfect fit.” She was squirming on his lap. Trying to play it cool. “And it works with the lingerie.”

  “Yeah? I had a hell of a time picking the colors.” He studied her body, his hands sliding over her, cupping her breasts. Making her tremble. “There was a black one, and a purple one, and a peach colored one. A brown one, and a sort of bronze color. They all would’ve looked awesome on you.”

  “You chose right,” she assured him.

  “I should’ve gotten them all,” he said dreamily, caressing her hip.

  Her laughter was cut off by his fierce kiss. She froze for just a second, startled, but his ardor melted her instantly. Heat pulsed through her. Wave upon wave of hungry yearning.

  He pulled away, his breath uneven. “Whoa. You make me so hot. I feel like I haven’t had sex in years, every time.”

  “Me too,” she told him. “Except for me, it actually is years. Before you, I mean.”

  His eyes widened. “No way. But you’re so fucking hot.”

  She gave him a secret smile. “I’m picky. So it’s been…wow. Almost two years.”

  “Huh,” he muttered. “What happened? What did he do to piss you off?”

  “I found out he had a girlfriend and a three year old son in another city.”

  “That’s bad,” Luke said. “Lying prick.”

  “He sure was.” She slid her fingers into his hair. “But I shouldn’t judge him. Who knows? I might be screwing a married man right now and I don’t even know it.”

  He looked alarmed. “No way. I’m sure I would know if I—”

  “Yeah? Really? Would you? What makes you so goddamn sure?”

  He scowled. “I’d feel it,” he said. “Like a voice in my head. Telling me to take out the trash and pick up my socks.”

  “Hah. You don’t know,” Dani said. “You have no clue. Most men have no clue even without the excuse of amnesia. And let me tell you something else, buddy. Guys who look like you? They have to beat the ladies away with a great big stick. You have women in your past. I’d bet you body parts. So don’t shoot your mouth off until you know for sure.”

  “Oh.” He looked dubious. “So, ah. Does this mean that we have to stop?”

  “No,” she whispered. “I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it. For now, let’s live the moment. Birth control’s covered, and my bloodwork is good. So go for it.”

  He dug his fingers into her hair, nuzzling the side of her face hungrily. “I’m immune to everything, with my genetic mods,” he told her.

  She nodded. “OK.”

  “Is it?” he asked. “It’s only OK if you believe my story one hundred percent. What a choice. Either I’m a psycho maniac or else you’re fucking a genetically modified freak. What’ll it be?”

  She shoved at his chest. “Oh, shut up. I believe you, OK? Amnesia and all. I believe every last goddamn word you ever told me. I think you are absolutely for real.”

  His eyes were fiercely intent. “You trust me, then?”

  “With my life,” she said. “You’ve saved it twice. You didn’t have to.”

  The kiss sucked them in again, a vortex of uncontrollable need, and suddenly she was clinging to him, twining and gasping. “Oh, God,” she whispered. “Oh, Luke.”

  He lifted his mouth from hers, kissing her cheekbones, eyelids. The bright blossoming heat of those kisses sent delight rippling through her body.

  “So?” he murmured. “Lead the way.”

  “Me?” She blinked, disoriented. “You just told me what you wanted! I’m all for it. Do it! Proceed!”

  “Tell me,” he said. “Every move. Spell it out. Word by word.”

  “What the hell? Are you playing power games?”

  “Call it whatever you want. If you want something from me, reach out and take it.”

  She gave him a narrow look. “Come on, Luke. Are you punishing me?”

  “I don’t know. Let’s get on with it. Later, you can tell me how punished you feel when I’m swirling my tongue real slow around your clit. While I find that secret place inside your pussy and stroke it with my fingers or my cock. God, I love that. I can’t wait to tongue-fuck you into a screaming orgasm.”

  “You bastard,” she whispered. “Not fair.”

  “I don’t give a shit about fair,” he said. “I just want to make you come.”

  “You are very bad.” She slid off his lap, and grabbed his hand, pulling him up off the chair and toward the bed. “And I’m not even sure where to start.”

  His lips curved, in a slow, taunting smile. “So I’ll just wait around until you figure it out,” he said softly. “I’m not going anywhere. Neither is my boner.”

  She thudded on the edge of the bed, struggling to recover her dignity. Giggling or joking around did not fit with the commanding goddess persona that he seemed to require of her tonight. She kept her face stern as she leaned back onto her elbows.

  “Take off your clothes,” she ordered him.

  His grin flashed. “That’s better.”

  “No backtalk from you. Keep your mind on what you’re doing.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He grinned as he kicked off his shoes.

  It didn’t take him long to get naked, and when he did, her main challenge was not to gape at how freaking fine his beautiful body was. So massive and ripped. Not an ounce of extra fat. So lean and lithe and cut, and every muscle looked like it had a job it was supremely ready to perform.

  He seemed still, but his tension was betrayed by his taut jaw, his fists clenching and flexing. His burning eyes and his big, stiff cock, dripping precome. Oh, yes.

  He deserved a little teasing, so she stood up, unhurried, dragging her fingernails down over his chest. Savoring the coarse scrape of his chest hair, the complex texture of the scars that covered him, and the velvety patches of unmarred skin between them. She moved on to his tight nipples, the muscles of his pecs. His taut abs. The treasure trail leading down to the dark thatch of pubic hair, and the thick phallus jutting from it.

  She squeezed his cock, milking it. Clasping her thighs together as he arched and groaned in helpless response. “Now,” she said throatily. “Take off my panties.”

  He dropped to his knees, dragging the skimpy red lace thing down slowly and flinging it away. Then he just waited there for her next move. Not giving an inch.

  Staring at her, bare-assed, ladybits on display, and she had to run everything.

  She sank down onto the edge of the bed, and gracefully opened her legs, showing him her pussy lips. Opening herself, dipping her fingertips into her slick, sensitive well. Looking at him made her wet. The hunger in his eyes could make her come then and there.

  She petted herself, showing off her clit.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful,” he said.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  He looked like he was an inch from losing it. Which was fine with her. Either she made him suffer and writhe in agonized anticipation, or she made him snap and lose control.

  It was all crazy hot. It all worked.

  She thrust her fingers inside herself. Made them glisten. Pulling her mound up so her clit protruded. Working it delicately with her fingers.

  “My pussy is totally slick from thinking about you,” she told him.

  “I see that,” he said. “My mouth is watering.”

  “Good.” She gave him a slow, dangerous smile. “So lick it.”

  He did, and so much for her tough talk and her domineering routine. The second he put his mouth to her, it all dis
solved. It was too good, that warm luscious glow, the licking and sucking, the tender flutter of erotic pleasure…and oh yes …

  He held her open and licked and lapped. Keeping her still was a challenge with all her frantic writhing, but Luke was equal to it. She couldn’t stay still with that screaming intensity building, rising…until the energy burst, shattering her.

  She came back to her senses cradled in his arms. He was tucking her into bed. Then sliding in himself, covering her with his hard body. The sheets against her back were chilly but the hot, sensual weight of him pinning her to the bed made up for it.

  He kissed her. Demanding, devouring kisses. Her legs wrapped around him eagerly. The sheets tangled, the blankets fell as he pushed his cock inside her, sinking so slow. Impossibly deep and thick, the heavy sliding strokes. Arms braced, eyes locked.

  She was wide open to his body, each deep, heavy thrust a sliding caress. Each stroke of his cock ignited a desperate need for the next one. Her body felt charged and full, glowing with light, thrumming with awareness. The waves of sensation built and broke and then built again, bigger every time.

  Finally he reared up onto his knees, fucking her with long slick strokes while he worked her clit tenderly with his thumb.

  “One more,” he said thickly. “Give me one more and I’ll come with you this time.”

  As if she could help it. As if she could choose. She was high on the crest, and the wave broke over her, an endless pulsing surge.

  He shouted as his own pleasure exploded, collapsing over her.

  They stayed that way, locked together, sweat-soaked and panting. His back heaved. She could barely breathe, but her legs would not release their hold on his hips.

  She wanted to keep him right where he was. Way down deep.

  Luke finally rolled to his side, pressing the small of her back to keep his cock still inside her. She still felt the hot blood pulsing in his cock, deep inside her. He stroked the damp curls at her hairline and tugged one ringlet, letting it spring back into place.

  “Even your hair has attitude,” he said.

  “Yeah, that’s me,” she murmured lazily. “Attitude everywhere you look.”


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