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Page 9

by Peter Wood

  Thoughts whirled through Jarra’s mind. Could he do it? Yes, if he used his weekends, but that was his best time with Mirri and his doctor wouldn’t allow it anyway … And his university work would suffer. He looked to Darri but strangely he was nodding in agreement.

  ‘I can’t fit it in with all my Uni work, Darri. It’s too much to do. I’ll get exhausted.’

  ‘No, you won’t. Because Durrebar is right and working with Yirgella takes priority over University. If we defer your course you can manage four days out here quite easily. Jarra, you’d never forgive yourself if you missed an opportunity as exciting as this.’

  Darri was right and Jarra dampened his surge of excitement. He needed to keep calm if he was going to get through all the questions for Yirgella which were filling his mind.

  ‘I’ll make sure that every bit of work you do here is accredited with your university. My status as head of the project will ensure that.’

  ‘And I’ll arrange for tutors for the encryption and any other areas where you have a need.’

  That would be just about everything by the sound of it. Thank goodness for Darri. He’d be lost without his help.

  ‘And I’ll arrange for living quarters so you can stay overnight if you feel the need.’

  ‘That is an excellent idea, Durrebar. Please allocate quarters large enough to allow for Mirrigan, Darri and at least two other guests. Jarra must be supported while he works here and I hope Mirrigan will make frequent stays.’

  Jarra laughed and grabbed Mirri’s arm.

  ‘What is happening, JJ?’

  ‘Everything, Mirri. Yirgella and Durrebar have a new home for us here at Alkere and they want us to stay sometimes.’

  ‘Can Karmai and Aunty Alira come too?’

  ‘Of course they can.’


  ‘What does it mean?’

  Darri was making a special report to Alira about Jarra and Mirri’s eventful meeting with Yirgella.

  ‘No-one knows exactly, but it certainly puts Mirrigan in a special place with the project. Yirgella’s exact words were, “I name Mirrigan as my friend”, and to me it sounded like a formal announcement rather than a friendly comment. Durrebar thought the same.’

  ‘It almost sounds ceremonial. Do AIs do that? I’ve never heard of it.’

  ‘Neither has Durrebar or anyone else on the project and it’s got them quite excited.’

  ‘And Yirgella wants to see a lot more of Mirrigan?’

  ‘Not as a particular request. He just made him very welcome and arranged things so there was room for him to stay with Jarra. It’s Jarra he wants to see at least four days a week to work on Mirri’s project.’

  Alira didn’t understand that.

  ‘Mirri’s project? What does that mean? Does Yirgella want to make a study of Mirrigan?’

  ‘No, that’s Jarra’s name for it. Mirrigan started the whole thing by asking Yirgella to go exploring with them.’

  ‘Mirrigan asked? That’s amazing!’

  ‘You think that’s amazing? Wait till you see them talking. They laugh all the time and guess what they call each other?’

  ‘Darri, I have no idea what Mirrigan would call an Artificial Intelligence … apart from his name.’

  ‘Well, they are Mirri and Yirgy.’


  Alira laughed.

  ‘I can’t wait to inform the Council. How did Durrebar react?’

  ‘Surprised. Completely. We think it was an important moment for him.’


  ‘Jarra and I had quite a talk about it and we think Mirrigan made Durrebar think of Yirgella as a person instead of a project. Well, not a person, but you know what I mean. When you next update the Council it would be an eye-opener for them to watch 15 minutes of Mirrigan’s meeting.’

  Alira thought for a moment and then nodded.

  ‘For me, too, by the sound of it. Darri, I’m worried that four full days at Alkere will be too exhausting for Jarra.’

  ‘He knows how to look after himself.’

  ‘Yes, but he’ll be even more motivated about this than he was for the proposal. He’ll put a huge amount of extra time into it.’

  ‘Tell me about it. I’ve already arranged with his university for four dedicated tutors in the areas he’s most concerned about.’


  ‘Yes, Durrebar contacted them about the importance of what Jarra’s doing and they’re providing all the support we could ever want. Word has spread there about Yirgella and they’re eager to be involved.’

  ‘They know he’s fully functional?’

  ‘They already suspected but, with the administration being informed by Durrebar and four lecturers almost directly involved, the knowledge will spread like wildfire.’

  ‘Hmm. We knew it was inevitable, but I’ll talk with Durrebar. It means more trouble.’

  Chapter 9

  ‘Jarra has to play.’

  ‘Not now, Mirri. When I finish these specifications for the 3D printer.’

  Mirri laughed and his powerful arms lifted Jarra from his seat and carried him to the big mat. There was no point in protesting and Jarra had to start laughing himself when the irresistible force sat on him and started gently poking him in the stomach.

  ‘You great big lump. I’m going to squash you flat and tangle your arms in knots.’

  Mirri laughed even more and tried tangling his arms for himself.

  ‘Funny, JJ. Arms don’t tangle.’

  ‘Yes, they do. I’ll make them.’

  And, of course, somehow Jarra was able to turn the tables and become the conqueror. That would never change.


  Because it was part of who Mirri was, exploring expeditions happened two or three times a week, though with so much going on it wasn’t always easy to fit them in, and the four days at Alkere made things even more difficult till Jarra found a new explore place near the project which only required a 5-minute drive in one of the transport vehicles.

  Today wasn’t exploring. It was swimming, and Jarra was floating lazily on his back watching Mirri powering back and forth with his laps of the pool. Mirri’s current major interest was an enthusiasm for water sports and under the watchful eye of one of his helpers he was tackling all this diving and swimming with his usual full-on involvement. He was good at it, too, though not a star like he was with his running, and Jarra, who shouldn’t even jump from a diving board, marvelled at the easy way Mirri learned complicated dives with somersaults and twists. The helper said the trampoline, which had been part of Mirri’s action room ever since he was tiny, made it easy for him. That would be right but Jarra knew that with Mirri’s reflexes and coordination it would be easy anyway.

  Jarra started off calling him Superfish but that was changed at Mirri’s insistence to Superdolphin because he remembered from their trip to Monkey Mia with Karmai that, ‘dolphins are like people, not like fish’. When Mirri finished his lap and duck dived, Jarra stopped his floating and put a foot on the body beneath him as if to hold it down then laughed when Mirri manoeuvred to lift him on his shoulders.

  ‘Is this a dolphin ride?’

  ‘Shoulder ride. We have to go home.’

  Across the pool, up the steps, and then to their gear, the ride lasted till Mirri knelt far enough for Jarra’s feet to touch the tiles and he could stand.

  ‘How many laps, Mirri?’


  ‘It was sixteen. You were lazy today.’

  ‘Not lazy. Aunty Alira is waiting.’

  That was true, and since it wasn’t Alira’s normal day to see Mirri the unexpected message on Jarra’s InfoPad had intrigued them both.

  ‘She will talk about Yirgy.’

  ‘She might but I don’t think so. We talked about Yirgy yesterday so it might be something else. We’ll find out soon anyway.’

  After a shower and change Jarra and Mirri headed for the lifts with Mirri leading the way because he’d done this particul
ar journey many times recently and knew exactly where to make the two changes needed to get home. The first change, after a short horizontal trip, was to a vertical lift and a rise of four levels, and the second change was to another even shorter horizontal trip before their exit only 50 metres from home. Lift systems were vital to the functioning of all Communities, public or private, and mostly worked without fault. Jarra remembered occasional hold-ups at his old Community but never anything in Mparntwe, so it was quite a surprise when the lights dimmed, their vertical lift slowed and halted, and a warning sign lit up to say they were between levels.

  ‘What is happening?’

  ‘I don’t know, Mirri. The lift stopped too soon and we can’t get out. We’ll have to wait for it to start up again.’

  Just as Mirri began to say something the lights brightened, movement recommenced, and a few seconds later the indicator lights for their proper stop were blinking.

  ‘We’re home.’

  Well, after the short walk they were and as soon as he opened the door, Mirri rushed to give Alira a hug, completely ignoring the stranger next to her.

  ‘Aunt Alira, we went for a swim.’

  ‘Yes, I know, and were there any dolphins there? Jarra told me that sometimes he sees a Superdolphin.’

  ‘Jarra is tricking. The dolphin is me.’

  ‘You’re the dolphin? Well that explains why it’s a Superdolphin.’

  Mirri wasn’t really listening. With the important procedure of the welcome hug and greeting finished, his focus was on the new element in his familiar environment. The stranger standing quietly next to Alira was being closely examined.

  ‘Mirrigan, I would like you to welcome Jarara to your home. He is a very special person and I would like you to meet him.’

  Jarra’s interested lifted. For Alira to make a big deal like this meant something unusual must be happening.

  ‘My name is Mirrigan and I welcome you to my country.’

  ‘My name is Jarara and it is my honour to meet you, Mirrigan.’

  The name clicked in Jarra’s mind as someone from the InterWeb connected with music.

  ‘Jarara is not Jarra.’

  Alira and Jarara didn’t understand and Alira looked to Jarra.

  ‘No, he’s not, Mirri. Our names are nearly the same but you can hear the difference.’

  Jarara smiled and Jarra liked him.

  ‘Jarra is a very good name, Mirrigan. Did you know that it means a gum tree?’

  ‘Jarra is a gum tree?’

  ‘Yes, and my name is Jarara which means a rock with water flowing over it.’

  Mirri processed that then smiled.

  ‘Jarara is a waterfall … What is Aunty Alira?’

  Wow, he’d really caught on and was enjoying this.

  ‘I don’t know that one, Mirrigan.’

  ‘My name means quartz. It’s a hard white rock. We’ll show you some on our next explore.’

  ‘Aunt Alira is a rock.’

  ‘That’s right, Mirrigan, and Burnu is a tree and Karmai is a spear.’

  Mirri laughed because he liked that so much then asked for the meanings of the rest of the family names.

  ‘You left one out … Mirrigan.’

  ‘Did not forget. What is Mirrigan?’

  Mirri was looking at Alira but it was Jarara who answered.

  ‘Your name is something which people love to watch and think about. Mirrigan is all over the sky when the sun is hiding.’

  Mirri thought, then said, ‘Moon?’

  Jarara shook his head.

  ‘All over the sky. Thousands looking down.’

  Now Mirri knew.

  ‘I am stars!’

  ‘Yes, Mirrigan is a star. It is a beautiful name.’

  ‘I am a star?’

  Mirri looked to Jarra for confirmation and received a nod, then looked to Alira who had just touched his arm.

  ‘Mirrigan, Jarara has travelled all the way from Kurtaji at Normanton to talk to you about something special. Would you like to listen to him?’

  Kurtaji was the name of the First People Community at Normanton.

  Mirri nodded the emphatic agreement he accorded to any request from Aunt Alira.

  ‘Jarara says good things. I like to listen.’

  Jarra wanted to listen, too, and nodded to reinforce Mirri’s agreement. There was a moment of hesitation and Jarra thought Jarara looked nervous.

  ‘I’m glad you like to listen because I do, too, and I have some music I made for you. Would you like me to play it with my soundboard?’

  ‘Yes, please. What is a soundboard?’

  Jarara pointed to several carry-packs and for the next few minutes showed Mirri how they unpacked and fitted together. Jarra noticed Alira frowning at her InfoPad.

  ‘Sorry, I had this set for no interruptions. It must be something quite important for the override to cut in.’

  The frown deepened.

  ‘Jarra, you were using the travel lifts. Did you notice anything unusual?’

  ‘Yes, there was a glitch of some kind and we stopped between levels for a couple of seconds.’

  Alira gave a thoughtful nod but said nothing more because an experimental little melody sounded and Jarara was looking to everyone for a go ahead.

  A sudden crack of sound made Jarra jump with surprise then a strong pounding rhythm filled the room and a strangely familiar melody joined in overlay. Mirri’s body was moving in response and Jarra watched, entranced at the way the movement and sound joined as if they belonged to each other. Recognition flooded in, then amazement. They did belong. The melodic overlay was Mirri’s song from the race track podium, or at least a version of it. More understanding brought even more amazement. This music was Mirri’s race, the crack of the starting pistol, the pounding energy of motion, the sense of strain and speed, the jarring collapse and tumble, and a final melodic cry of exultation.

  The music stopped and Mirri nodded and clapped. Jarra and Alira stared in wonder.

  ‘More please. Can you play some more?’

  ‘I would love to, Mirrigan. Did you like your song?’

  Jarra didn’t expect Mirri to catch on but he did.

  ‘That is my song?’

  ‘It certainly is. You gave it to me and now I’m giving it back so you and your family can enjoy it whenever you like.’

  Mirri was confused. Jarra was, too, till Jarara went on.

  ‘I was told about a boy whose happy song held thousands of excited people spellbound and when I listened it was so special I had to play it my own way.’

  ‘It was your wind race, Mirri. Jarara liked it so much he made it into a song.’

  ‘Your race, JJ. You made me be the wind.’

  Jarara looked at Jarra and then at Alira who explained.

  ‘Yes, that’s right. When Mirrigan and Jarra are together all sorts of special things happen … Do you remember when Jarra took us to the Valley of the Eagles, Mirrigan?’

  ‘The King of Eagles talked to us.’

  ‘And you talked back. Mirri, would you be happy if we showed Jarara? He makes songs and he thinks your voice is music. He’d love to see your eagle talk.’

  Mirri nodded, happy with anything Alira asked of him.

  ‘More music first?’

  Jarara had a big smile now.

  ‘Yes, let’s have music first. Would you like strong music or jumping music?’

  That was interesting. He knew Mirri’s term for dancing music. Alira must have had quite a talk with him. Mirri asked for jumping music, of course, and as soon as it started was moving and bouncing the way he always did. The life and exuberance caught Jarra, too, and if Alira and Jarara hadn’t been there he would have joined in with his own more reserved type of movements. This music was wonderful and Jarra was surprised when Alira, who still had her InfoPad out, touched him on the arm and indicated the next room.

  ‘I have to leave for an emergency meeting of the Council. That glitch you experienced in your lift affected the wh
ole transport system and our security people are saying it was deliberate sabotage, probably directed against Yirgella, so don’t go anywhere till we have an all-clear. I’ll get back as soon as I can but till I do you need to take my place as host for Jarara. After he finishes playing could you show him the Eagle greeting? As you heard, he’s been inspired by the unique nature of Mirri’s singing and he’ll be here for four or five days getting to know him and very much hoping to experience one of his singing moments.’

  ‘Does he want to make more songs like the race one he just played?’

  ‘I hope so, but he says he won’t even know till he’s heard for himself. I must go, Jarra, and if I’m delayed in getting back just follow your normal routine and involve him however much you’re comfortable with.’

  Jarra watched Alira leave and stayed for a while, thinking, before returning to the interesting sounds coming from the next room. Sabotage against the whole travel system? What did that have to do with Yirgella? People could have been killed just like the recent breakdown in Asia. Yes, that was it. They blamed an AI for those troubles and maybe they were going to do the same thing here, except Yirgella didn’t have anything to do with the lifts or anything else in Mparntwe. It didn’t make sense. Maybe Alira would know more when she returned from the meeting.

  The music stopped and Jarra heard Mirri’s laugh and some conversation. It was time to get on with what Alira had asked. Four or five days would mean Jarara could go exploring with them at least twice, if Mirri was happy about it. That would give the best chance for him to hear any singing first-hand. Where would be the best place to take him?

  ‘JJ, this is the best music and Jarara wants to see my action room.’

  Mirri was certainly excited and very happy about Jarara, and with demonstrations of his prowess with the trampoline and various other equipment and features, more than half an hour passed before Jarra’s big display screen came to life with the ComPatch clip of the eagle and Mirri singing to it. Mirri laughed with his usual delight at seeing the Eagle King again but Jarra was feeling some ambivalence about an outsider sharing such a special time and he carefully watched Jarara’s response.


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