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One Red Rose

Page 3

by Julie Garwood

  She jumped to her feet. "Oh, Adam, I can't do it. I just can't."

  "You can't what?"

  "I can't marry you. I wish I could, but I can't. I wanted to explain right away, but you've been avoiding me all week long, which makes me think you don't really want to marry me anyway, and this personal matter wasn't something I wanted to talk about in front of your relatives. It's all so awkward, isn't it? Your mother put both of us in such a peculiar position. Are we engaged or aren't we? No, of course we aren't. Will it surprise you to know that I do want to marry you, or at least I used to want to marry you? For heaven's sake, don't look so surprised. I'm telling you the truth. Everything's changed though, and I can't possibly marry you now. No, it's out of the question, and even if you did want to marry me, well, eventually you'd find out about the trouble I'm in, and then you'd be horrified you ever entertained the notion. Do you see? I'm saving you from making a terrible mistake. I'm so sorry to disappoint you. Truly I am. You're just going to have to get over me. Broken hearts do mend. There, I've had my say. We can't get married, no matter how much you want to, and I apologize for deliberately misleading you. It was insensitive and cruel of me."

  She finally paused long enough to take a breath. She knew she'd made a mess out of her explanation, and even while she had been rambling on and on, she'd kept telling herself to stop, but she couldn't seem to make herself do it. He probably thought she was crazy. His expression didn't give her a hint of what he was thinking, and she could only conclude that he was too stunned to react at all. Some of the words she'd blurted out kept repeating inside her head. Dear God, she'd started out telling him she didn't believe he wanted to marry her, and by the time she'd finished, she was insisting that his broken heart would mend. Oh, yes, he had to think she was demented. Mortified, she turned her attention to the wall behind him, pretending great interest in the framed map hanging there.

  "I have to 'get over' you?"

  She was relieved there wasn't any laughter in his voice when he asked the question. She gave him a weak nod and said, "Yes, you do."

  "I see. You said you misled me. When exactly did you do that?"

  She continued to stand and stare at the map while she answered him. "The night we met, I introduced myself as your bride. That was a falsehood."

  "Ah, yes, I remember."

  She dared a quick look at him. The warmth in his eyes had a strangely calming effect on her, and she began to relax.

  "Are you always so self-assured?"

  He laughed. "No."

  "I think maybe you are. You don't get riled easily, do you?"

  "No, I don't. Did you want to rile me?"

  "No, of course not. You really do have an odd effect on me. I'm very relaxed around your family, but you…"

  "I what?"

  She shrugged and then decided to change the subject. "Your mother didn't tell me what a nice-looking man you were. It doesn't change anything. I still can't marry you, and I wouldn't marry any man just because he was handsome. I've learned from experience that appearances are misleading."

  "Mama Rose didn't tell me how pretty you were. Why don't you sit down and tell me about the trouble you're in. Maybe I can help."

  "Trouble? Why do you think I'm in trouble?"

  Her voice rose an octave, and she seemed astonished that he would ask her such a question. He held on to his patience. "You just told me you were."

  She didn't remember. "I spoke out of turn. I was in such a hurry to get everything said, and I was very nervous. I'm sure you must have noticed. I was talking a mile a minute, but I so wanted you to understand. And I was concerned about hurting your feelings. I didn't, did I?"

  "Hurt my feelings? No, you didn't," he assured her with a smile he couldn't quite contain. "I might be able to help you, Genevieve, if you'll tell me what the problem is," he insisted once again.

  She shook her head. She didn't want to lie to him, but she didn't want to tell him the truth either, for then he would be involved and could very well end up in trouble too.

  "I don't have a problem."

  She didn't think she could have been more emphatic, yet from his frown, she knew he still wasn't convinced. Once again she tried to get him to talk about something else.

  She nodded toward the wall behind him. "Your mother showed me that map right after she purchased it for you. Why did you frame it and hang it on your wall? That wasn't what she wanted you to do with it. You were supposed to take it with you when you set out to see the world."

  He knew she was deliberately evading his question, and that only made him more curious to find out what was troubling her. He wasn't usually intrusive, but she was a guest in his house and a close friend of his mother's, and if she really was in trouble, then he should try to help. He couldn't imagine that she was involved in anything serious though. She was such a sweet, innocent woman, one who undoubtedly had been sheltered by her family. What possible trouble could she have gotten into?

  His mind leapt from one possibility to another. "Did you leave a suitor pining after you when you left New Orleans?"

  The question gave her pause. "No," she answered. "I wasn't in New Orleans long enough to meet anyone. Why would you ask me such a question?"

  "I was just curious."

  "Are you always this curious with all your guests?"

  "Only the ones, I find myself engaged to," he teased.

  She hastened to correct him. "You were engaged, Adam, but you aren't any longer."

  He laughed again. "That's right," he agreed. "How long were you in New Orleans?"

  "Two weeks."

  "Just long enough to see the sights?"

  "I wasn't there to see the sights. I was singing in a choir, but then I decided it was time for me to leave. Now it's your turn. Answer my question and tell me why you haven't left here to travel the world. I know you wanted to, because I read all the letters you wrote to Mama Rose."

  He raised an eyebrow in reaction. "You did? Why would you—"

  She wouldn't let him finish. "I love Mama Rose, and I wanted to know everything I could about her family. It was something I could share with her. We met at church," she added. "Then I joined the choir and traveled from place to place."

  "You have a beautiful voice. Did you ever think about teaching music?"

  "No, but I did think about a career on the stage. Then I came to my senses. I sing in church, and I occasionally sing to babies," she said with a smile.

  "Now it's your turn to answer a question. Tell me, why haven't you gone out to see the world?"

  "I can see the world every time I turn my head and look at a map, and I can go from port to port by simply opening one of my books and reading."

  "It isn't at all the same. You've become too complacent, Adam. Think of all the adventures you could have. What happened to your dream? You've forgotten about it, haven't you? Your mother didn't forget, and that's why she gave you the map. She showed me all the presents she was bringing to her sons and her daughter, and every one of them had special significance. Mary Rose continues the family tradition by wearing her mother's brooch, and Douglas carries his gold watch with him. Travis told me he takes his books everywhere he goes. Why, just last night he was rereading The Republic. I haven't seen Cole's compass yet," she added.

  Before she could continue, Adam interjected, "He hasn't seen it yet either."

  She looked perplexed. "I don't understand. Why hasn't he seen it? Didn't Mama Rose give it to him?"

  "Both the compass and the gold carrying case were either stolen or borrowed from Mama Rose."

  "Which was it, for heaven's sake? Stolen or borrowed?"

  "It depends on who you ask. Cole insists it was stolen, but the rest of us think it was borrowed. I'll admit that when Mama Rose first told us what happened, we all thought it was stolen, but since then most of us have changed our minds."

  "Tell me what happened," she insisted. She sat down, folded her hands together, and waited for him to begin.

  "Mama Rose w
as waiting for a train at one of the stations on her way here. She showed the compass and the gold case to a man who was traveling with her. He was also headed for Montana," he continued. "According to Mama Rose, the two of them became friends and confided in one another."

  "Your mother's a good judge of character."

  "Yes, she is," he agreed. "She told us that he looked out for her on the journey and was very kind to her."

  "He gained her confidence, and after a while, she began to trust him," she said with a nod that suggested she understood what had happened.

  "Yes, she trusted him."

  Her voice was edged with sadness when she said, "I bet I know what happened then. He betrayed her, didn't he?"

  Adam found her reaction to the story intriguing. He had expected her to be a little curious, but she seemed upset about it.

  "Cole thinks he did betray her," he said. "Is that what happened to you, Genevieve? Did you trust someone who betrayed you?"

  The question startled her. She quickly shook her head in denial. "We're talking about your mother, not me."

  "Are we?"

  "Yes," she insisted. "I do find the story disturbing," she admitted. "Has anyone notified the authorities about the theft? They might be able to get the compass back."

  "So you think he stole the compass?"

  "Yes, I do. The gold case is very valuable. I'm telling you, Adam, you just can't trust anyone these days."

  He was trying not to smile. She had formed her conclusion without knowing half the facts. She and Cole had a lot in common. Like his brother, Genevieve was willing to think the worst.

  "You sound as cynical as Cole."

  "I am cynical," she said. "I'll bet the authorities also think the compass was stolen. What did they have to say?"

  "It's complicated."


  "The man who has the compass is the authority."

  Her hand flew to her throat. "What's this?" she demanded.

  "A U.S. marshal has the compass. His name is Daniel Ryan."

  She was astounded. "The thief's a marshal? How shameful. Your dear mother must be devastated."

  "No, she isn't devastated at all. She's convinced herself that he never meant to keep the compass. There was a crowd trying to get on the train, and she and Ryan were separated. He just happened to be holding the compass and the gold case at the time. She believes he'll bring Cole's gift here as soon as he finishes his more pressing business. Cole thinks Mama Rose is being very naive. From the description we have of Ryan, it does seem peculiar to all of us that he could be pushed around in a crowd. He's a big man with muscle."

  "Is he as big as you are?"

  Adam shrugged. "If the description's accurate, then yes, he is."

  She mulled the story over in her mind for a moment and then condemned Ryan. "He stole it all right."

  "Then you also believe Mama Rose is being naive?"

  Genevieve stood up and began to pace around the room. "She has to have faith in Daniel Ryan, and you should let her."

  "Why?" he asked.

  "Because otherwise she would have to accept that she had been duped, and that's very difficult for anyone to admit. She would feel foolish and stupid, and blame herself. Yes, she would. She wouldn't be able to sleep worrying about it."

  She turned at the window to look at him and knew by his expression that her outburst had been a bit extreme. She took a deep breath and tried to explain herself, "You must think it strange that I would become so passionate on your mother's behalf. It's just that she's such a good-hearted woman and it wounds me to think that anyone would take advantage of her. I wouldn't advise going after Daniel Ryan though, because it will only make matters worse."

  "Why would it make matters worse?"

  "Because in the end, it would be his word against hers."

  "And you think that because he's a marshal, the law would be on his side?"

  "Yes, of course," she replied. "It's naive to think otherwise. Ryan holds a position of power and influence over others, and if Mama Rose doesn't use her wits to figure a way to outsmart him, then all will be lost."

  Adam stood up and came around the desk. "Tell me something. Did you use your wits to outsmart…"

  He stopped in the middle of his question when Genevieve headed for the door.

  "Don't run away. I'll stop prying into your personal life. I promise."

  Her hand was on the doorknob, and he could tell from her frown that she didn't believe him.

  "Your affairs are none of my business," he insisted. "I just thought I might be able to help."

  "I don't need your help."

  He leaned against the desk, folded his arms across his chest, and nodded. "Obviously not."

  She took a step toward him. "It was very kind of you to offer. Please don't think I'm not grateful."

  "I don't."

  She visibly relaxed and moved closer.

  "You smell like lilacs. I like it," he said.

  She smiled. "Thank you," she said. "And thank you also for offering to help. It was very kind of you, but since I don't happen to have a problem, I don't need your assistance."

  She wasn't a good liar. She couldn't quite look him in the eyes when she insisted she wasn't in trouble. He wouldn't challenge her though. He knew she'd head for the door again if he didn't agree with her.

  "No," he said. "You don't have a problem, and you don't need help."

  "That's right."

  "Mama Rose doesn't need help either. She made all of us promise not to go after Ryan, but now that we know where he is, Cole's having a real hard time keeping his word."

  "Where is the marshal?"

  "About a hundred miles from here, in Crawford," he answered. "He lives in Texas, but he's working out of the office there while he rounds up a gang hiding out in the hills. Word has it, he's determined to take them back to Texas to stand trial."

  "Couldn't one of you go to Crawford and have a little talk with him? I'm sure he'd give you the compass once he knows who you are."

  Adam shook his head. "We have to wait until he brings it here because we promised we would. I figure he'll get around to it one of these days. Besides, the circumstances changed, and Cole's the only one who still wants to go after him."

  "How did the circumstances change?"

  "Ryan saved Travis's life."

  She was astonished. "Tell me what happened."

  He told her the story of Travis's encounter with the O'Toole brothers. "They ambushed him, shot him in the back. If Ryan hadn't gotten there when he did, Travis would never have made it."

  "I wish you had mentioned this earlier," she said. "I have to revise my opinion now. Why, he probably didn't steal the compass at all. The man proved that he's honorable by coming to Travis's rescue. Shame on you, Adam, for making him out to be guilty."

  The sparkle in her eyes told him she was teasing. She really was a beautiful woman, and that smile of hers was doing crazy things to his heartbeat. He found himself wondering what she would feel like in his arms. If he kissed her the way he wanted to, he knew he'd shock her sensibilities, but that didn't stop him from thinking about it.

  "You made him out to be guilty."

  Her remark jarred him out of his daydream. "I what?"

  She repeated her statement. He shook his head. "I did no such thing. You drew your own conclusions before I could give you all the details."

  She burst out laughing. "I got all riled up for nothing. I won't worry about Mama Rose any longer. I've taken up too much of your time. You're needed outside," she reminded him. She glanced back at the map once again. "You should take the map out of the frame. Your mother doesn't want you to give up on your dreams, and neither do I. You should see all the wonderful places you've read about before it's too late, and if you ever find your way to Paris, be sure to look me up."

  She turned to leave. He didn't know what compelled him to do it, but he grabbed hold of her hand and pulled her back.

  "You're going to France?"
  "Yes. My grandfather lives there, and he's all the family I have left now."

  "When will you leave?"

  "In a couple of days."

  The news that she would be going so far away bothered him, and he couldn't understand why. He should be happy to be rid of her, shouldn't he? And now that he thought about it, why hadn't he been elated when she'd told him she couldn't marry him? He had intended to say those very words to her.

  Adam knew he wasn't making any sense, and that made him angry. He immediately let go of her hand and watched her walk away.

  Then he got up and went back to work. His involvement with Genevieve Perry was over.

  Chapter Three

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  It had only just begun.

  Quite a crowd attended the party, and everyone seemed to be having a good time. Adam and Cole stood near the bandstand watching the couples dance to the gyrating, foot-stomping sounds of Billie Bob and Joe Boy's Band. Isabelle and Douglas came twirling past, and right behind them were Travis and his wife, Emily. If their laughter was any indication, the four of them were thoroughly enjoying themselves. Mama Rose was delighted by all the commotion. She sat at one of the picnic tables, flanked by Dooley and Ghost, two family friends, and all three of them, Adam noticed, kept time to the music by clapping their hands and tapping their feet.

  Cole nudged his brother in his side. "Isn't that Clarence riding down the hill?"

  Adam squinted toward the mountain. "It looks like him."

  "We invited him, but he turned us down because he had to work the telegraph office. Someone has to be on duty all the time. Maybe he's bringing a wire to someone."

  "Maybe he got someone else to work for him," Adam suggested.

  Douglas and Isabelle came dancing past again. Cole waved to them and then said, "I never thought Travis or Douglas would ever get married, and now look at them."

  "They're happy and they found good women. What about you, Cole? Do you think you'll ever get married?"'

  "No," he replied, his voice emphatic. "I'm not cut out for marriage. You are though. What happened with Genevieve? Did you have your talk with her?"



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