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A Werewolf's Saga Books 4, 5, & 6 (A Werewolf's Saga Boxed Sets Book 2)

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by Michael Lampman

  He smelled others coming as well. Where this lovely nightwalker seemed afraid, he could really care less. Only what she said stuck to him, and now, he knew that he didn’t—couldn’t let it go. “What do you mean by that?” He crossed the remaining several feet between them and stopped right in front of her. “If you knew him, then you know what I need. I have questions, a thousand of them rambling around inside me.”

  Hearing him, still not truly believing he was what he said he was, she could still hear the need in his voice. He longed for something; she could see and feel that easily. But there was more going on here than he obviously knew about. “We must go. They’re coming back with others. These are dangerous times, Jimmy—Jimmy isn’t it? We have to survive.”

  He understood nothing of what was happening, but what he already told her. “I need to know so much more. I could use your help.”

  Listening, she paused, only long enough again to sniff the air. The scents were gaining in their intensity. They were nearing them to the point to where they might actually get to them before they could escape. “We must go.” She turned to the nearest wall, put both palms to it and looked back to him. “You are a black wolf, that’s obvious. You are still a son of Kalima, if not him, and besides, I do owe you one for doing what you did for me.” She looked to the wall and her own hands, but only briefly, and turned back to him. “We will see each other again Jimmy. We’ll talk when we do.”

  Hearing that made him take a huge breath, but it wasn’t enough. “When? How will I find you again?”

  “I’ll find you.” And with that, she turned to the wall and with one giant burst of strength, flew up it.

  Watching her scale the wall, looking almost like some magical rope pulled her up from above her, would have caused him to gasp with seeing it, but with everything she said rolling around inside his head, it didn’t. Instead, he just stood there dumbfounded and even more confused. Why does everyone I meet keep doing that to me? First the pack, and now her…they just keep leaving me just when I need them the most. He huffed some of that feeling back inside him. I’m getting sick of this shit. He looked up, and saw only the eight or nine stories of the building she climbed above him. As for the nightwalker, well she was gone. I didn’t even get her damn name. He looked back to the opposite wall behind him.

  The smells of the other walkers were now so strong that he almost felt like gagging. If they weren’t on this block, they were going to be soon. It was time for him to go. He didn’t have any other choice.

  He turned and headed back the original way he came, away from the stench. He ran back to the street, and paused only long enough to conclude that he had to head back home. The streets now felt dangerous. They felt hidden.

  I will find her again. He thought looking down both ends of the street. That idea gave him some comfort, but it also gave him worry. He now knew that there were others in town, but now, they knew that he was there too. What she said also made him have to think. He had to plan what to do. He had to ponder what just happened. He had to find out more about what was going on before more of them found him.

  He turned left, and did just that—he headed back to Collins’ home.


  Redford Forge didn’t change in all the time she was gone. Everything felt the same as it always had. She expected that. Small towns rarely do change, but with that said, things did feel different for Rachel. Things felt somewhat hollow. She felt a deep longing. Being home again felt even worse.

  She stayed in the Roadside Hotel in Old Forge for about a week waiting for him. She waited, keeping to herself. She kept in the room, but he never came. Thinking about it alone didn’t surprise her much. She didn’t expect him to come back and see her after all. Things were dangerous for him after that night in the barn. The police were still looking for him after he walked out on them in the morgue. But even knowing this in the end, she did hope he would. When that week passed, she did the only thing left that she could do. She drove back home. Now being back, she felt even more alone than she ever thought she would feel.

  She tried not to think about him, but she couldn’t help herself. Everywhere she turned, everything she saw, everything reminded her of him. The most benign things always seemed to do it too. She just couldn’t seem to help herself. It seemed hopeless, but she did try to do it. After about a week, moping around her house, spending the time doing nothing really, she then decided that it was time to make good on her promises to him. She decided to erase anything that could hurt him from the world.

  First, she cleaned out her computer, erasing everything she had about her research in replacing the cells. That wasn’t all that hard to do really, so she finished it quickly. When she finished with that, she destroyed what was left of the drug by emptying the vials she had down the sink. She then smashed the vials to pieces before throwing them away. Now, all she had left was what was at the former Ravenswood Labs. How she was going to do that, was now foremost on her mind.

  She thought about making her way out there to talk with Mister Ross. She thought about reasoning with him about the dangers of such a drug. Some part of her believed that he would help her by destroying it, but another side of her knew the truth. He wouldn’t. He couldn’t do something that might make it difficult to get his prize back. Knowing that, her next option was simple. Just to head over there, and do it herself. She did still work for him. She should be able to get into the building. She should still have access to the material. At least she hoped she still did. After all, she didn’t know for sure, and that was her problem. She had no idea how to do it, or where to begin to start doing it.

  After some time and some even more thought, she decided just to try. She would go over to the labs, go in like normal and just go from there. Play things out as they happened. She would find what she had to and destroy it. She decided to do it tomorrow night when the office staff left and the place was deserted. With the time set, she left her home and headed out to get something to eat just after noon. She would then wait for the night to come.

  Leaving, she grabbed fast food and brought it home. She ate very little of it. Finished she lay back on the sofa and waited for the clock to turn. Soon it would be time. Soon, she would have her chance to set things right.


  He made it out of the city quickly, and just as quickly, he made it up north. He made it back to her.

  Being this close to her again made him feel rather odd. He felt almost like he was standing back in a memory. He felt like he went back through time.

  I have to do this. He knew it was going to be hard to do when he first thought about it, but now, seeing her again, it felt even worse. The more time that passed, it made the memories fade, but now they were there again. They were stronger than ever. She looks just like she always did. She hasn’t changed. She’s just as beautiful as ever.

  He watched her quietly. He watched her from across the street. He watched her from behind her, ducking away whenever he felt her turn. Everywhere she went, he kept her in his sight. He knew that he had to do it, but it felt hard. He wanted to hold her again. He wanted to hear her voice. He wanted her to hear his.

  I have to stay calm. I have to stay collected. That’s what made it all feel so much worse. He wasn’t sure if he could. He never was calm before when he was this close to her. He was never good at staying away. But no, he had to force those thoughts aside. He had to be sure she would be safe. He would do whatever it took to keep her that way. And thankfully, she never noticed him watching her. She never noticed that he was there. That fact made him feel good. He couldn’t let her hurt again. He had to make sure that he set things right.


  The place hopped. People were everywhere. The sounds of talking, shouting, dancing filled the stale air of the room almost like a thick blanket. Feeling it, hearing it, smelling it, Brandon loved all of it. This is my type of place. He walked inside, and headed straight to the bar.

  When he became this—well for the lack of a better
word for it—monster, he thought that he would never again be able to have a stiff drink. Being a fan of horror movies ever since he was a little kid told him that there were certain rules about being a vampire. Remembering that, he thought that he had it all figured out. What ended up happening was that all of those rules turned out to be downright wrong. He found out that he could still enjoy a good beer. It didn’t affect him at all, which was fine with him, he hated getting drunk, but he could still drink them. He could even eat food, fruit only—that he didn’t like all that much, but at least he could still do it. He could still do anything as long as it was liquid. Solid foods no longer agreed with him, so it seems, but pretty much everything worked.

  His healing capabilities also seemed to be accelerated but he could still be injured. The wound he suffered in the barn in the fight against that Gary guy healed faster than a human’s would have, it still took time, but it healed fast. Unlike Sasha, who healed from her wounds in the matter of days, his took a couple of weeks. He could live with that—it was still better than a human was—but it did mean that he had to be careful.

  Another difference was that he could still move about in the sunlight, he just had to watch out how long he was in it. It seemed that it gave him nasty sunburns more than ever, but that he didn’t mind either. He was more of a night hound anyway. He still pretty much felt the same as he ever did, except now, he felt so much more—well—alive. He felt strong. He felt proud.

  He also found the part of being able to see in the dark so much fun that he didn’t truly know how to describe it. He also loved the fact that he could smell everything, no matter how subtle the scent was. He could hear everything too, which made conversations with people all the more fun for him. The sensations he felt became multiplied ten times over as well. That worked for him too. Pleasure was always his keys to life, so feeling more of it, like he now did; only added to his keys. To him, it felt like the difference between driving a Ford Mustang and a Chevy Cavalier. Being a human was the Cavalier and being a vampire was the Mustang. They were both basically the same idea, except for one key thing—the power was greater. The speed was more.

  The one part he still had trouble with was the part about needing blood. Luckily, Sasha helped him with that. It meant that he didn’t have to hunt. He didn’t have to kill. Doing that, he didn’t like to think about it. Quite frankly, he wasn’t sure if he could do it. But, as said, Sasha helped him every time he needed to feed. She would slit her wrist, fill up a glass for him, and let him drink it. She would then heal again like nothing ever happened. That seemed beyond cool to him. It showed him that she cared. Besides, her letting him feed on her blood like that, was a nice way to get to know her—at least, that’s what he told himself. In fact, spending time with her was really something he began to like the most about what he was. He always thought she was hot, that was never in doubt, but he was beginning to like her more than that. She was a nice girl. She seemed to balance him in many ways. Where he was unruly at times, she was calm. He liked her for that. But, the one thing she couldn’t give him was what he really needed sometimes. It seems that vampires need two major things in life. The blood part she helped him with, but the other part she didn’t—and that was sex. Now, with her blood making him full, the time was right to get to his second need.

  Reaching the bar, he snuck in between two rather large men and placed his hands to the top of the counter with a reverberating slap. He ordered a bottle from the rather shabby smelling man behind the counter and from there looked to the crowds. He wasn’t really sure what he was looking for, but with his senses alive and flowing, he knew he would find it sooner rather than later. In other words, he would know it when he saw it. And, it didn’t take all that long at that.

  She watched him come in, and step to the bar. She didn’t even wait to approach him when he reached it. She came in behind him just when he finally got his beer. “You’re new here aren’t you?”

  He smelled her of course step behind him. Her scent carried her with a sense of ease. He turned and couldn’t believe what she looked like either. She was far too beautiful to come for him.

  Her skin looked smooth, and she carried a high perfume that seemingly tried to tickle his nose. Her face seemed sculpted with high cheekbones that flushed out her eyes. And did those eyes flare with a deep brown that seemed to dance with a smoothness of velvet. Her long, well made up hair flowed just above her shoulders, making her face look like smooth silk. In fact, she looked like a goddess. She looked even heaven sent.

  “I am.” He smiled. A tingle flowed through his arms, up to his shoulders and headed straight down his spine. It didn’t stop there, and only carried its way to his legs and headed straight to his groin. God, I do love the sensations. He breathed in her flowery scent. “I’m Brandon.” He nodded.

  She nodded back. “Samantha.” She gracefully pushed her way between him and the heavy, large man on his left and came to his side. “It’s always a pleasure to meet a new friend.” She placed her right hand on his shoulder and her left hand brushed his left thigh.

  The tingle flared again. “You always come here?” His voice crackled some. To help stop it from continuing, he took a swipe from the bottle. “Do you come here a lot?” His words still crackled some, but this time stopped just before he finished the question. He felt thankful for that. He still took another swig though, just to make sure it didn’t come back again.

  She nodded again. “I do sometimes, but not often.” She let her chin bow some, and her left hand again touched his left knee. This time, she kept it there. “So Brandon.” She looked back up, kept her chin down, and only brought up her eyes.

  He melted with the look.

  “What brings you here tonight? Looking for anything in particular?” Those eyes batted at him with a graceful glare. Her voice nearly purred. Her hair dipped some, down over her forehead and it made the silky look of her face look almost calming. She looked almost hypnotic.

  He knew being what he was had its benefits—he did see the way women looked at him—but at times like these, it still blew his mind. Vampires had an almost endless animal attraction to humans. Sasha told him that all walkers do. It helps in their hunts. It helps them to attract their prey. Right now, feeling this beautiful woman standing next to him, he could care less why she did it. He just loved all of it, now, more than ever.

  “There are a few reasons for me.” He swigged another gulp, nearly finishing the bottle. “In particular, I’m looking for a little companionship.” He smiled.

  She returned it. “What a coincidence. So am I.”

  The hand moved up his thigh and stopped oh so close to where he hoped it wouldn’t. “Are you now?” He tried not to wince from her touch, but still did. “Then what are we still here for?” That’s better. At least try to act like the dominate species, and stop being such a wimp. He flashed her another smile.

  “That’s just what I was thinking.” Her hand moved from his thigh and grabbed his hand. She pulled him back away from the bar before he truly knew what happened.

  “You are eager aren’t you?” He tried to sound confident but yet again, with everything else so far, he failed. “Where would you like to go?” He tried to swallow but couldn’t. He tried to think, but couldn’t do that either. That’s when he decided that the best he could do was just go with the situation. He had nothing else to lose.

  “I have a place down around the corner.” She pulled him through the crowd, his arm out in front of him, and hers behind her, as they moved.

  Before he knew anything else, they were now outside. They headed down the sidewalk, and right where she said it was, she pulled him through a door.

  She led him up a small flight of stairs and through another door and into a small room.

  Along the wall to the right of the door, she pulled him to the only thing in the room, the bed.

  He was on his back and her on top of him before he saw anything at all.

  “You are so sexy.” She press
ed her lips to his with such strength; he could almost feel his own teeth hit his tongue.

  “Who are you?” He managed to breathe. At first, she wouldn’t even let him to do that, as her hands flew up his shirt and began to caress his nipples.

  “I am like you Brandon.” She pulled his face up. Even with the little light in the room around them, he was still able to see her eyes turn to an orange colored deep red.

  “No shit!” He felt somewhat shocked, but with her strength, he really wasn’t all that much. She was obviously a vampire. It explained everything all at once.

  “And I want something from you.” She pulled the bottom his shirt up to his neck and with a tongue that looked longer than her face, licked him from his belly button up to his chest.

  Seeing it, he felt somewhat in awe, but again wasn’t. He has seen too much to be shocked by anything anymore. “And what is that baby?” He felt more than just turned on, he felt downright ready to explode.

  “Your friend Jimmy.” She looked back to his face. “Is he still here?” She smiled.

  His excitement vanished just about as fast as she spoke it. “Excuse me?”

  She pushed herself up until she was now on her knees just in between his.

  As she did so, two young looking, and large looking men at that, came into the room from the only door that he knew there was. They came behind her and stopped, standing at the foot of the bed and his feet.

  Seeing them, he became too confused for words. “I’m not that kinky.” He pushed himself up to his elbows, and looked at each of them in turn. “Why do you want to know about Jimmy?” he had to ask. He knew that this was too good to be true. He now felt played. He felt used. He could have accepted the used part, but not the part about being played. There he drew the line and wouldn’t go further.


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