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A Werewolf's Saga Books 4, 5, & 6 (A Werewolf's Saga Boxed Sets Book 2)

Page 12

by Michael Lampman

  Sasha looked back to him when he came to the steps. “Jimmy?”

  She looked nervous, maybe even a little scared. He felt the same way, if not more than she did. “They’re coming from everywhere. I can feel them surrounding the house. I can smell too many of them to count.”

  He joined her at the bottom of the steps. “We’re going to have to split up. Go to the back of the house. Keep them away from the door. Keep them away from the windows the best you can.” He turned back to the roof. Being a one-story house made Brandon easy to see, as he stood right on top of the house’s peak. “Brandon?”

  Brandon looked down. “Damn dude, they’re like every fucking where.”

  “I know. I need you to bounce between us. I have a feeling that they’ll concentrate on the both of us, Sasha and me. Keep them off the roof. Keep them off our backs.”

  “Got it. I shall do my best.” He smiled, and crouched down, bending low to his knees.

  Satisfied, Jimmy looked back to the woods. He watched Sasha take off towards his left and continued watching her as she disappeared around the side of the house. Looking back to the trees, he could see the hint of a red glare move around several of them, in several places. I see three, maybe four. He took a deep breath. He felt about as ready as he was ever going to get.


  They came fast. Brandon watched several people flow around the trees. Unlike a werewolf, he saw people not with their auras but in their blood. He could see their blood flow through their bodies and through their veins. He could see their very hearts beating inside their chest. The blood itself looked like it was glowing from within them. It made the people almost look like their skin was transparent. That’s a cool way to see folks. I didn’t know that I could do that. His eyes flowed with a deep red. He never let them do this before, and now that he did, he wished he did it sooner.

  On his left, he could see what looked like dogs bouncing along the ground. He could see their shapes. He could see them almost like seeing heat. They glowed with almost a white color that made them almost sparkle in the dark. He watched them run around the trees. He watched them run towards the back of the house. He could see three of them in fact.

  This is gonna be fucking interesting. He looked down at the back of the house and saw Sasha standing there full and proud. He could tell that she was looking in the direction of the wolves. That’s good baby. You see them too. He turned to the front of the house and towards Jimmy.

  Jimmy was likewise looking directly at the three vampires coming through the trees.

  That’s good. He sees them too.

  He looked up towards the sky. He could see the stars sparkle all above him. The sky looked almost gray, making them stand out to him with perfect detail. He looked around them, looking for anything else that might be with them and moving. Whatever will be coming after me I can bet it will be coming from above me? He took a deep breath. He felt ready. At least he hoped he was.


  “We should leave.” Ross stepped to Rachel. He looked concerned.

  “We’re not going anywhere.” Robert nudged her towards the center of the living room by taking her right hand and pulling her there with him. He looked to the bay window and then to the front door. He then looked to the hallway just behind him. “If we have to, we go to the back hallway. We go to the center of this house. We stay away from the windows. We keep away from the outside walls. If we stay in the center, it’ll be safer than being in the living room or one of the back bedrooms.” He looked back to her.

  Rachel looked to Ross. “Did you bring them here?” She had to ask.

  He shook his head forcefully, no. “I wouldn’t do that Miss Garland.” He looked back to this Robert that he truly began to dislike. “We don’t have to do this. We can get back to my car. We can get out of the area. We can go where you need to go to be safe. There’s no need for any of this.”

  Robert shook his head. “We’d be worse off sitting in a car heading down the road. It’d be too easy for them. We wouldn’t be safe.”

  Ross puffed and looked back to Rachel. “We don’t have to do this. We don’t have to risk them getting hurt, any of them.”

  Rachel sighed, long and deep. She looked back to Robert. “I’m sorry Bobby. I know you did what you had to do.” She tried to smile but it didn’t feel right on her face so she stopped it in mid move. She truly didn’t hate him, hell she loved him in fact, but she still felt unsure if she would ever forgive him. The pain of watching him die was all too much.

  The lack of trust in her seemed, and felt, even worse. He understood everything she felt. He did feel it. “I know.” He smiled full and sure. "You have to trust me Rachel. You have to trust him. He won’t be hurt. The girl, Sasha, won’t be hurt. Even that strange guy on the roof can’t be hurt. They are strong. You must have faith in them.” He took her right hand into his and squeezed her ever so gently. “I can absolutely promise you that you won’t be hurt either. You’re far too important to be so.”

  She squeezed him back.

  “Here,” He reached into his blazer’s side pocket and pulled out a gold colored necklace, and held it out so she could see it. “I want you to wear this.” He pulled it in front of her and wrapped it around the front of her neck. He faceted it behind her head tightly.

  She looked at him and it, and let him do it by helping to hold her shoulder length black hair up so he could do it. “What’s this for?” She just had to ask.

  “It’s for luck. It’s to help protect you.” Done, he faced her again. “It will protect you like nothing else could.”

  “Is it silver?” She only knew certain things, and silver and the way it affects werewolves, was one of them.

  “It’s better.” He watched her drop her arms back to her side. “It’s gold.” He gave her a smile.

  She could only trust him. She had no other choice.

  Outside, she could hear people talking at the front of the house. One of those people, she could tell was Jimmy. He was talking with several people she had never heard before and that made her feel worried. It’s started. They’ve finally come.


  Jimmy watched three people with deep red halos surrounding them step out into the moonlight right in front of him. They were the same three women that came after Rachel the night before. Seeing them again, he readied his feet for whatever he had to do. Taking a deep breath, he could smell others all around him. They weren’t alone.

  “Hello Kalima. Long time no see.” The middle woman smiled. Her fangs were exposed. Her deep red eyes glared.

  Jimmy stood at an angled stance ready, able. “The name’s Jimmy.” He looked at each of them watching for any hint of movement—any hint of a charge from them. “But Kalima’s here and he says hi.” He noticed the woman on his far left with what looked like heavy makeup across one side of her face. “It’s nice to see you again.” He bowed his head some. “I see that you fixed yourself up some since last night.”

  “Now that wasn’t very nice. Jimmy—was it?” The middle lady grinned.

  “What brings you ladies out on such a fine evening?”

  “Oh we wanted to see if Rachel Garland was home. We wanted to spend a little time to get to know her better.” He could see her look at the house. “We were hoping to have a girl’s night out kind of thing.” She looked back.

  “I see. She’s a little tired from last night. You should come back tomorrow. Let’s say…oh…high noon. That way the sun is nice and bright for the three of you.”

  The middle woman laughed.

  To him it did sound genuine. He didn’t care either way, but just found it rather amusing, that’s all.

  “Well, I think we’ll settle for tonight.” She looked around him. She looked back to the house, more obviously to the roof. “I see the wanderer is here too. You remember him, don’t you Kalima?”

  “Kalima does.” He clenched his fists. He swallowed a dry mouth several times.

  “That’s great. It feels like one bi
g happy family reunion then doesn’t it. You, us, him, his lovely sister, everyone back together again. Especially, you having the two wanderers back again. You know the one who fucked you over really good.” She laughed again.

  Two wanderers. He kept swallowing, trying hard to keep his composure some. He couldn’t let them see his surprise at hearing that. Am I surprised? Am I really? He finally took a deep breath. “You ladies should go home now. It’s getting too late for visitors.” He forced himself to look at them again. Inside, his mind went racing fast. Is Rachel a wanderer? Is that what Robert was holding back from me? In a weird way, it made total sense to him. He looked inside and felt Kalima feeling the same way. If you would show me what happened, if you would tell me something, I wouldn’t have to go through this you know. I would understand. I would know what the fuck I’m doing.

  “I can see that you don’t remember that, do you Jimmy.” Felicia took one-step forward, but kept it to only one. “Or maybe, that old black haired traitor inside you just didn’t tell you. Which is it? How odd that he wouldn’t? How cold of him for keeping you in the dark like this?”

  He blinked some. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” They might be reading my thoughts. Michael could, so maybe one of them can too. He closed his mind. He left it go blank.

  “Or, is it that old wanderer inside the house back doing his dirty old tricks. He was always a good one to play with your head. After all, he did so well with you before you were born to our world.” Her laugh now seemed to echo through the trees with force.

  Don’t think. Don’t think. Don’t think. He kept repeating it. It seemed like the best way to do it.

  “You should ask him sometime Jimmy. You should ask him about what he did to Kalima.”

  “I think you gals should go now. Play time is over.” He clenched his fists so hard that he felt them go pale. “I’m done playing.”

  Before any of them could say anything else, the sound of a heavy roar burst through the air, breaking it and bouncing off the trees. It sounded deep. It sounded pissed off.

  That’s Sasha. She’s being attacked! The fight is beginning. Jimmy looked back to the three women, lifted his arms up and pulled off his t-shirt over his head. He then tossed it to the ground at his feet. “It’s go time.” He undid his pants. He looked back and found Kalima’s eyes staring back at him, looking wide and ready to fight. Come to me Kalima. Come and let’s get this over with.


  They came fast out from the trees. At first, Sasha didn’t see them. She could smell them, but she didn’t see them. She didn’t expect to see them running on all fours. She didn’t expect them to be so low to the ground. When she did, she had to blink several times to get them to register correctly in her thoughts. What the fuck are they doing? What are they? She never saw wolves like this before and it made her worried some. She also suddenly felt nervous. How the hell do I fight these things? They’re so low to the ground; I might not be able to get them. Seeing three of them, she breathed low and deep. She suddenly realized that she didn’t have a choice. She had to fight them, like it or not. They weren’t going to stop.

  She looked inside herself and called on the eyes at the back of her mind to come forward. They answered her quickly, and pushed her away with a seemingly calm ease.

  The wolves came out into the moonlight as her eyes flared to a deep, bright yellow. They didn’t hesitate, coming right at her, and jumped her fast.

  One moved around her right side and went right for her legs. A second one went straight for her hips, while the third went for her shoulders. They smacked her just as her skin turned to a charcoal black.

  She went down backwards from the impact, just as the one at her legs clawed her calf. She screamed, a sound that at first sounded human, but turned to a moaning growl as she hit her backside to the dirt, not three feet from the back door. Her black claws on her hands extended when she swatted at the wolf as it now bit down into her thigh. This time she roared as her snout came flushing out from her face.

  The wolf flew from her legs, tearing two equal sized gashes through her flesh, almost running down to her knee.

  She roared again, sounding like a large tiger, echoing through the trees. She now looked fully formed as she went to the wolf that was closest to her face. She grabbed it with force, taking it by the sides of the head as she lifted it off her chest.

  The beast kicked at her, trying to get at her chest, maybe even her neck. She was obviously too large for it to reach her, so she pulled it off and with one large heave, she tossed it out in front of her.

  She watched it fly through the air and watched it as it then smacked a tree about twenty feet from her pawed feet.

  The beast yelped out as it slid down the tree’s trunk to the ground below it. It fell to its side with a heavy thud.

  Free, she looked for the other wolf that had hit her waist and bounced off her somewhere to her left side. She found it as it circled around to the back of her, and headed for the back door of the house.

  Quickly she noticed that these wolves, these animals, had tails. Even in her wolf form, she felt shocked. She’d never seen a wolf with a tail before. It marveled her some, but it did give her an idea. Seeing that they looked ragged with little hair on them, making them look more like lightly hairy snakes, she grabbed it with all the force in her right hand and squeezed just as the beast’s front paws reach the bottom of the door.

  It yelped, feeling its tail grabbed. It yelped by the force of the squeeze. It yelped again as she pulled it up and away from the door. It cowed when she pulled it up as she stood up.

  With a simple twisting motion of her wrist, she flung it out towards her right, and again threw it off back towards the trees.

  Again, she watched the animal smack another tree, this time maybe four or five feet from where the other one landed. That’s when she noticed that that one was coming at her again just after it picked itself back up to all fours.

  She watched it run at her again. This time she was ready for its jump, and caught it just as it reached the front of her chest. This time, it managed to kick its hind legs at her and reached her belly with a strong and sudden blast.

  Four cuts gashed her stomach down to her hips.

  This time she yelped out. The pain flew through her like fire. It bellowed down to her hips, and flew down her legs.

  Her yelp echoed through the trees. They bounced off the walls behind her and seemed to shake the very world beneath her. In fact, it boomed.

  With both hands, she pushed forward with every bit of strength she had.

  The beast flew in the same direction, but this time it fell to its belly, and also this time, it quickly regained its feet.

  With her hands free, she rushed them to her belly and palmed it with both of her hands. The pain evened some, but it still felt strong. It continued its flare. It made her entire body begin to shake. Her palms came back moist to the touch.

  Suddenly, and terrifyingly, she could see her human eyes beginning to slide forward from the back of her mind. She of course knew that serious damage done to her body would cause the change to reverse. She would turn back to her human form. Realizing they were coming, she pushed back with the wolf’s eyes. She did everything she could to keep from changing back. She practically roared for them to go back to where they were. Thankfully, they did slide back. Gratefully, she kept the wolf’s eyes forward. Mercifully, the wolves didn’t take the chance to come at her again so quickly. She looked from her palms back up in front of her and watched them standing there, still and motionless.

  The wolves now gathered themselves together. They curved themselves into a slight semi-circle, slightly moving from her left to her right. They looked like they were preparing for another charge. They looked like they were planning their next jump.

  She took the time they gave her to catch her breath. She also took the time to ponder their next move. She looked to their eyes, and readied herself for whatever they planned to do next.

  Jimmy turned into the black wolf as the three vampires flew out to a blur all around him. Each of them seemed to split up and head off to his left and right. He wasn’t sure of much more than that. All he saw was their haze. All he saw was where they were when they disappeared. His ears perked up when he felt the first blow to the right side of his face. It struck him with such force that his head went back to his left. Instantly a burning fire flowed over his cheek to the end of his snout. He could feel his blood ooze out and fall to the fur on his chest. He roared a deep bellow that shook the air. The second blow came to his chest, causing yet another burn just below the muscles, moving from his right to his left, almost to his shoulder. This blow made him flinch. It forced him to step back. He nearly lost his balance, but thankfully, he didn’t. He did spin around some though, and that made him lose his sense of direction. But it also helped him see something coming at his face.

  Just to his left, he caught the blur. Seeing it, he reacted with one sold swing of his left arm. He extended his claws and felt the impact of them into a tender feeling flesh. The blur stopped in midair and with it, the one with the blonde hair stayed.

  Her blood flew. It coursed. It splattered as she fell to her knees from the blow to her chest. She didn’t make a sound.

  He looked to his hand and saw blood splattered all over his fur. A handful of white flesh covered his palm. He felt it all ooze around his fingers. He looked down, seeing the woman lying towards his feet and could see that she was now missing her left breast.

  She looked up to him with the hint of tears in her eyes. It made their red color stand out even more against her white face. Blood creased the left side of her mouth. Her chin looked splattered with it.

  Seeing his chance, he went for her throat. He had to finish her. He had to cut down the odds. He had to even this fight, but he didn’t get the chance.


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