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A Werewolf's Saga Books 4, 5, & 6 (A Werewolf's Saga Boxed Sets Book 2)

Page 17

by Michael Lampman

  Robert removed his hand and let him look at it. “Some metals effect walkers more than others. It affects them in different ways. Gold hurts and burns nightwalkers, while silver does the same thing to moonwalkers. With a nightwalker, the silver won’t kill them but will weaken them immensely. It acts almost like a sedative to them.”

  Sasha nodded. She looked at Brandon and then back to Jimmy. “They gave us that drug Rachel gave you in the mountains, didn’t they?” It made sense.

  Jimmy nodded. He turned his attention back to looking at Robert’s wound. He opened his jacket and unbuttoned his shirt. The white of the shirt looked completely soaked and the hole looked ragged. Blood was coming from the hole. “This doesn’t look good.”

  Robert took a deep breath. As he did so, an iron taste filled his mouth. He knew it was blood. He also knew that he was bleeding to death.

  “How long does the drug last?” Again, Sasha needed to ask. She wanted nothing more than to go out there and kill every single one of them that hurt them. She wanted to tear them apart. She wanted the wolf. She needed it to do it.

  “Hours…maybe days.” Jimmy took off his shirt. He folded into a ball and placed it up to Robert’s chest. He had to stop the bleeding. He had to apply pressure to it to do it.

  Robert appreciated the gesture. “Thanks.” However, he had more important things on his mind. “What Ross said…the thing about Devish…we have to do something Jimmy. We have to do it before nightfall.” He winced. Finished, he took another deep breath.

  Jimmy sighed some, long and deep. “If he’s back, why do they still need her? What’s the point?”

  “You don’t understand Jimmy. If she goes back to him, the world will never be the same again.”

  “Make me understand.” He sat back, holding his shirt with as much force as Robert could stand to have it.

  He grimaced, more for what he was about to say than the pain itself. “There are only four people who could have blocked her memory Jimmy. I didn’t do it, so that only leaves the three others that were there that night.” He swallowed some of the blood flowing in his mouth. “She wouldn’t block herself, so that leaves you and Devish himself.”

  Jimmy thought. He nodded.

  “Devish is my best bet. He knew he was finished when Kalima changed sides. He knew what Rachel knew. They were together Jimmy. She knew everything he did. It makes sense that he blocked her.”

  “But why? Why is that so fucking important? She’s not that same person. She can’t be.”

  “That’s what you don’t understand.” He swallowed again. More blood this time went down than the last. “She was bad Jimmy. You don’t stop being that even when you can’t remember it. If he gives her that back, then she will turn to it again. She might be different, but she will be what she was. She’ll do what they started together.”

  Jimmy shook his head strongly. In doing so, he moved his right hand.

  The pain made Robert flinch. “We have to prevent her from becoming that again. We have to stop them from taking her back.”

  “Sorry.” He released the strength of his grip. “And how are we supposed to do that? Without the wolves in us, Sasha and I aren’t much use. With a bullet in Brandon, silvered and drugged, and you’re here bleeding to death, what good is either of us?” He bowed his head. He had no idea where to go next.

  “Jimmy? Kalima was the most powerful walker I’ve ever seen. He was the strongest that ever walked this earth.” He paused, swallowed again, and started again after it. “But before he became a walker he was also a wanderer. He was the strongest one of those too. If he did pass on his soul to you, and I have no doubt in that, than he also passed on that to you too.”

  Jimmy shrugged. “What about the drug. It inhibits me from feeling him.”

  “It might do that to the wolf, but I doubt it does the same thing to one of me. If it did they would have shot me with one too, but they didn’t. They told Ross what to do. He shot me with silver not the drug.”

  That did make sense. “So you’re trying to tell me that I can move shit too. That I can control the wind, the lightning, and other shit like that?” He thought back to Kenny and all the things that he could do. The memory of the dream he had when he woke up in the morgue after being shot by Gary. He remembered seeing Kenny and Kalima together in that forest. Kenny told him that he was one of them. He found the place where those like him go in between death. Suddenly, everything made sense, if it ever could.

  “I am.” Robert smiled.

  “How do I know?”

  “I can teach you Jimmy. I can show you how to use it. I can help you know.”

  Jimmy took a deep breath. “Okay. What should I try to do?” What could it hurt?

  “Something easy…like take out the bullet in my chest.” He laughed some with that one, but it came out like a gag more than anything else did.

  “What do I do?

  Robert felt relief overflow him. He felt better already. “Close your eyes. Picture the hole in my chest. See it in your mind.”

  Jimmy did what he told him to do. He closed his eyes. He pictured the hole. He could see it clearly.

  “Now, feel the bullet. Picture it in the hole. See it with the blood. See the metal. Feel its coolness, its strength.”

  He could see it, sitting and surrounded with skin and flesh. He could almost feel it touch his skin. It felt cold. It felt wet with blood.

  “Now feel it within your fingers. Feel how round it is. Feel its metal between your fingertips.”

  Again, he felt it just like he saw it.

  Robert clenched his teeth. He could feel the bullet begin to twist some. He could feel it begin to move. “Now, when you have it firmly, pull it back through the hole. Pull it out of me.”

  He could feel it strongly between his index finger and thumb, and with it there, he pulled. He pulled it back. He pulled it out.

  Robert held his breath. He could feel the bullet slide through his skin. He could feel the pain of it go with it.

  Jimmy opened his eyes when he finished and watched it fall down onto Robert’s lap. “I’ll be a son of a bitch.” He smiled. He couldn’t believe that he did what he just did. He felt more than a little amazed, he felt downright exacerbated beyond his own thoughts.

  Robert finally breathed. He picked up the slug with his right hand and held it up. “You did great Jimmy.” He smiled to his friend.

  He smiled back. “Now what? You still have a hole in your chest.”

  “Him.” Robert pointed to Brandon with a simple rising of his left hand.

  Sasha looked rather shocked, and felt hopeful at the same time. She hoped it meant that Jimmy would do the same for her love.

  Jimmy thought the same way. “You want me to take out his?”

  “No.” Robert dropped his arm again. “His blood has wonderful healing properties. Just a few drops of it on my wound would help stop the bleeding.”

  Jimmy became astonished. “I thought walkers and wanderers didn’t mix.”

  Robert laughed again, stronger this time. “As long as he doesn’t bite me, I’ll be fine.”

  Jimmy nodded, turned around, more like a top, and reached for Brandon. Being that his right hand had blood already all over it, he used his left and rubbed some of Brandon’s onto the tips of his fingers. Covered, he spun back around to Robert. He dabbed the tips of his finger with the blood into Robert’s hole. With even more astonishment, he watched the hole itself begin to stop bleeding almost instantly. It even smoked some, or was it more like steam.

  Robert clenched his fists. It smoked because it burned like fire. Thankfully, it stopped rather quickly.

  “Now what?” Jimmy sat back, as Robert sat up towards him.

  “Now I do to your friend what you just did for me.” He smiled feeling much better already.

  Jimmy sat down, and watched Robert crawl towards Brandon.

  Sasha let him come, but she had her own condition on her mind as well. “Can you do the same thing with us, Jimmy
and me?”

  Robert leaned over Brandon. He looked at Sasha and smiled. “Fluid is a little different than a solid but I should be able to. I’ll try to anyway.”

  She smiled back.

  Jimmy sat back to the wall and watched. He suddenly felt hopeful. He suddenly felt right. If this works, I’m going to get to Rachel, get her out of this hellhole, and then I’m going to tear these bastards apart. He felt ready. He felt able. He was ready to do anything he had to do to save her and set this right.


  Joshua Gates had no idea what was going on here, but he didn’t really care about it either. He was being paid a lot of money to do it, so why bother thinking any more about it. All he had to do was stand guard at the door. All he had to do was wait for Mister Ross to come back and tell him what to do. It seemed simple. It seemed easy. He figured he could do it with his eyes closed. It didn’t bother him either way.

  Standing there in the hallway, looking at the wall across from him, he didn’t expect the sound of a click coming from behind him. At first, and it took only a second, he thought it was door that he was guarding becoming unlocked. But it couldn’t be that. It shouldn’t be, but as the door slid open, he realized that it was.

  When he turned to the door, all he saw next was a flash and a blur come straight to his face. A sharp razor like feeling came to his neck, slashing his throat so fast that it didn’t even hurt. What it was, he didn’t know that either. Whatever hit him sent him back to the wall of the hallway that he was just staring at a second before it happened and he just hit the wall. He just slid down it until he was sitting on the floor. He didn’t have the time to see it. He didn’t have the time to react. He just seemingly died just as fast as it happened.


  Brandon didn’t waste time. As soon as Robert unlocked the door, he pounced. He flew at the first thing he saw, a man wearing a black suit and carrying a gun, and hit him, pinning him back to the wall just behind him. On him solidly, he went straight for the man’s throat, plunging his top fangs through his artery within a second of a second. He sucked the man’s blood down without any other thoughts about doing anything. He just let his hunger go. He just let his rage and speed do the thinking for him.

  Jimmy followed Brandon and stepped out into the hallway as the man went down. He turned left. He looked right. No one else was there. “The hallway’s clear.” He turned back to the others.

  Sasha came out next helping Robert through the doorway and stopped just behind Jimmy when Brandon stood up.

  “That was just what the doctor prescribed.” He wiped his chin and lips with the back of his left hand. Almost nothing was on it. He liked that. He didn’t miss a drop.

  “I’m happy you feel better.” Sasha gave a smile.

  “Better? I feel stronger than ever.” He looked to Jimmy. His senses were alive like he never felt them before now.

  “It’s the blood Brandon. The more you drink, the stronger you get.” Robert looked past Jimmy down the hallway back towards the first room. He only hoped that Rachel was still there. As far as he could tell, she was.

  Brandon nodded, sticking out his chest. He felt like he could tackle an elephant, if it struck his fancy to do it.

  Jimmy thought this was all wonderful for his friend, but Rachel was still strongest on his thoughts. “This way.” He started down the hallway. He turned left at the first turn, and from there, peering around the corner, he could see the door. All he could do is hope that she was still in there. “No one’s around.”

  He turned the corner. He led the group cautiously as they came to the door. Jimmy went to the left side of it and Brandon went to the right. Sasha stayed at the wall directly across from it. Robert stayed behind Sasha.

  “Can you get the door?” Jimmy tried the knob but found it locked.

  Robert closed his eyes.

  Almost instantly, the door clicked with a low metal on metal sound.

  Jimmy tried the knob again and this time it opened. He went into the room first.

  Rachel saw him, turning to the door just after he opened it. “Jimmy?” She rushed him, flying into his arms in full run.

  He grabbed her and held her tight. He released the embrace after about a second. “Are you all right?”

  She nodded. “You and the others?”

  He nodded and turned, showing her the door behind him.

  She looked, and saw Robert with his arm around Sasha’s waist. She saw Brandon behind them. She left Jimmy, stepped right in front of her Bobby and gave him a smile. She looked to the shirt covering his right shoulder. She saw the blood. She saw the paleness of his face. “And you?”

  “I’m fine. I will be better sooner rather than later.” He smiled to her with a full heartfelt look.

  “We have to get you to a hospital.” She returned the look.

  “No need. Your friends took care of it for me.”

  That made her smile again. She truly did believe him.

  “Guys?” Brandon stayed in the hallway, and what he heard, coming towards where he thought the front door was, he could hear several people coming. “We have company coming.” He stood out in the center of the hallway and faced the direction of the sounds full on. He readied himself for whatever was about to come to them.

  Jimmy nodded. “It’s time to go. We have to get you out of here and back to New York.” He took her waist with his left arm and led here out to where Brandon was.

  Down the hallway, two men stopped. They were two of the men that came in during their capture. Their black uniforms swayed over their frames. They saw Brandon first. They saw the others just behind them. They both reacted by raising their rifles up.

  Jimmy saw them do it. “Remember they’re armed with silver.” He turned and looked back to Robert. “Can you see another way out of here?”

  Robert nodded. “We go back the way we came.” He turned.

  Sasha let him go. She joined Brandon.

  Jimmy led Rachel to Robert. Rachel took him under the arm and turned him with her. They headed back down the hallway away from the others.

  Jimmy turned and noticed that Brandon and Sasha weren’t coming. “Guys, we have to go.”

  “We’re not getting out of here being chased with bullets. Go, I’ll stay and draw their fire.” Brandon stayed fixed. His eyes locked onto the two men as they looked like they were ready to fire. He couldn’t believe how slow they did it too. He saw them in slow motion. He could see their hearts beating, their blood running, their very lives ticking away through everything, skin, clothes, everything.

  “Brandon?” Jimmy moved towards him but stopped when several large, banging firecracker sounds boomed towards them all around the hallway. Bullets bounced off the walls. Some whizzed right by his head.

  “Go!” Brandon blurred. He bounced. He jumped to the ceiling and crawled along it towards the two men firing.

  Sasha grabbed Jimmy’s arms. “I’m not leaving him.” She smiled.

  He turned to her and grimaced. “You can’t fight bullets?” He feared that one statement more than everything else about this did.

  “I’ll be fine. Someone has to watch his back.” She took off her shirt. Her eyes flared yellow. Her body started cracking as her bones rolled under her skin.

  Jimmy let her go. He didn’t have the choice. He knew her better than that. She wouldn’t leave Brandon. He knew she couldn’t.

  He turned and followed Rachel to the corner of the hallway, ducking bullets whizzing around him as he ran. He turned back some when he reached her.

  Sasha was now flushed with her black hair and fell to all fours as she fully turned. She took off, running on the floor towards the smoke and sparks of the weapons.

  He watched her only briefly. He worried like a father. He didn’t want to leave her but he knew he had no other choice. She can take care of herself. She always could.

  “Jimmy, we’ve got to go.” Robert stopped with Rachel and he pulled on his arm.

  Jimmy nodded, and the three
of them ran down the hallway.

  Robert led the way.


  The two men continued firing, aiming at nothing really. Every time they thought they saw something, they shot at it, but apparently hit nothing at all. Whatever it was, whatever was running on the ceiling upside down, it just disappeared as fast as it was there. To top it off, it was also getting closer. To make matters worse, something huge and black was now running straight at them too along the floor. The one on the right, Will Greenly, fired low. The one on the left, Jimmy Douglas, shot high.

  Brandon clawed his way on the ceiling, bouncing from wall to wall, until he came close enough to jump. He came down on top of the one on the left. The man’s rifle drew low. Several shots fired right at the side of his friend’s head. Several bullets found their aim, and he watched him as half of his head blew off in chunks. It splattered on the walls. Flesh flew everywhere. What was left of him fell flat and went straight down like a lump of nothing.

  Sasha joined Brandon at the left man. He went for his head, and she went for the waist. The man, unknown to them and they didn’t care, became caught in between. All he probably felt was his chest torn out of him as her claws tore through him like paper. His intestines spilled out over his pants and they fell to the top of his feet in a pile of pink and red.

  He might have felt his neck squeezed and sharp nails torn into it from both sides. He might have felt it twist as his head came off cleanly from his shoulders. After that happened, they knew for sure that he absolutely felt nothing else.

  Finished, Brandon came down right beside Sasha.

  She stood up to his right. She looked enormous standing beside him.

  He loved that and more. “Not bad, if I do say so myself.” He smiled up to her with an enormous blood splattered grin.

  She moaned some, sounding like a long lost pet that had finally found a home.

  “We better head off back to Jimmy and the others.”


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