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A Werewolf's Saga Books 4, 5, & 6 (A Werewolf's Saga Boxed Sets Book 2)

Page 30

by Michael Lampman

  Jimmy huffed out with a cool breath. “You know this is right Robert.” He looked back, heard the sounds, heard the strength of her roar, and with it, he smiled. It told him that she was fine. She was taking the fight to them. She’s tough. They’ll realize that soon enough.

  Robert now shook his head. “I don’t. Devish wouldn’t have told him anything. He would have kept his plans to himself. You’re just doing this to find her.” He stressed his voice, trying to make his point.

  This time Jimmy let his anger fly from his chest. “Whether or not I’m still looking for her, and I’m not, she’s your sister too. You should also want to find her.” He turned to him with a shudder.

  Robert’s own anger grew. “I love my sister Jimmy. I want her back too, but I know what happened last time. We have to stick to a plan. We have to gather the strength to challenge him.”

  Jimmy understood this. He understood Robert but he also had ideas of his own. “Maybe that’s why we have to do this. Break the plan. Keep Devish off balance.”

  Robert nodded strongly. What Jimmy said did make sense. “You’re right.” He looked back towards the back of the building and could see several shadows move across the grass. From where he stood, he could see a chain-link fence not that far away, and watched those same shadows flow over it too. “We have a couple of people moving towards the building.” He motioned in the same direction with a nod of the head.

  Jimmy turned and took a deep breath. He smelled the air and could tell that the two men were running towards the back of the building. The smell vanished just as fast. They must have run inside. He turned back to Robert. “We have to go. At the back of this place is a loading dock. We can get in through there.” He left the corner and ran across the grass.

  Robert followed him.

  They moved until they reached an area with a large platform at the side of the building. It looked like a typical type of dock, high enough for a truck to back up into the building.

  Jimmy was the first to reach it. “When we get inside they might be using silver. Do you think that you can eliminate the guns?” He looked back behind Robert and saw that they were still alone. With the scent of the two men still there but shallow, he could tell that they must have run to the dock and went inside the building from there. He could even see their scents run up to the door. What Brandon and Sasha are doing must be working. They’re all running to them. They’re giving us the chance to get inside. God, did he love his friends more at that moment than he ever had. He felt pride for having them. He had pride for everything they were.

  Robert nodded. “I can move any object. I just can’t move people.”

  Jimmy sighed. “Can you do it or not?” He had to stress. He knew how he felt about this. He knew that his heart wasn’t in it, so he needed to know that he would do what he asked him to do. He with all frankness, he needed his help, whether he was in it or not.

  Robert understood this. “Yes. I can move their weapons.” He looked back to the dock. He looked back to Jimmy. He heard a difference in his voice. Ever since he’s remembered about his life he seems to have changed some. He acts different, almost stronger—maybe even with a cocky confidence. Whatever he now knows or feels, he is different. I have to watch him. I might have to remind him of who he really is. He knew that memories were strong. He also knew that sometimes remembering them caused confusion to the person having them. He just didn’t know how they would affect him. He would have to wait to find that out.

  Jimmy nodded, turned and grabbed the floor of the dock, and pulled himself up onto it with ease. He then turned back, grabbed Robert by the arms, and pulled him up with him.

  Together they both went to the door. Jimmy went for the handle of it first, tried it, but it wouldn’t open. “Can you unlock it?” He turned back.

  Robert nodded, let his eyes turn blue, and concentrated on the lock. Within his mind, he saw it open.

  Jimmy felt amazed when he heard the lock click. He reached back to the door and tried the handle again, and this time, it opened with ease. “That is so cool. You must be someone that really makes people nervous.” He smiled.

  “Why do you say that?” Robert blinked.

  “Nothing really. Just that I think it’s cool with what you can do.”

  Robert smiled as he followed Jimmy through the door and both of them headed into the building, and headed straight for the labs.

  Thankfully they found no one else there. All of the armed guards must have made their way towards the front of the building. Brandon and Sasha were playing their parts well.

  When they came to the double doors, which headed into the office side of the building, they stopped.

  Jimmy took another deep breath and even from there, he could smell the hint of decay on the air. He recognized the scent. “We have company in here.” He could tell that it was coming from beyond the doors. “There’s a vampire here in the building, just up ahead from us.” He could smell it along with the scent of a man, a man with a fine scent. “It’s with Ross. He’s being protected by one of them.”

  Robert nodded. “I expected as much.” He thought about this and shared his thoughts. “You may be right about all of this. If they’re protecting him then he just may know more than what I thought he did.”

  Jimmy agreed, feeling more confident than ever about their plan. “We’re going to wait for them here. They will avoid the fight out front. They’re coming this way.” The smell grew stronger. It was only going to be a minute before they would come to them.


  Richard Ross sat in his office, reading all of the reports from his team’s work for the day. Already he could see that they were ahead of schedule. This felt right. If they could stay this way then he knew that he would get everything he wanted. It would also keep him alive. Ever since he made the deal he feared that part of this the most. He feared failure. He feared his own death. Sometimes he didn’t feel that it was worth it, but on days like these, he felt it was. They were getting closer. They almost had what they were working for, and he couldn’t be happier for it. He also felt relieved.

  He finished the current page when something shook the floor beneath his feet. The sounds of a crash blasted the air. The sounds of gunfire came just after that. The sounds of a roaring bellowing sound followed everything and hearing it—hearing that obvious animal—he stood up fast.

  “That sounds like one of them.” He left his desk and headed straight to the hallway. He stopped directly beneath the doorway and looked outside. He looked to his left; saw nothing, so he turned to his right. The sounds of even more gunfire came from that direction. Hearing it he smiled. “He’s here.” It all made sense. The wolf must have returned. He must have come home. “I have to see him. I have to find him.”

  He left the doorway and headed towards the stairs. Only the thoughts of seeing him again were now on his mind. When he reached the stairs he felt himself stop. This is when it dawned on him about what he did. “He’s not here to come home.” He looked down the stairs from the railing and saw the broken glass. He saw the backend of a car crashed into the wall. The tall counter of the lobby was gone. “He must be here for the woman. He must be here for Miss Garland.” The idea clenched him hard. “She’s not here. He must know this.” He looked directly down and could see someone lying on the floor, just near the bottom step. All he could see was a pant leg. Seeing only this, he didn’t know if he was alive or not. “Why did he come here? Why would he do this?” He only knew one thing. He had to think. He had to think fast.

  “Mister Ross?” Amanda, Rachel’s former assistant heard the crash from her lab. Since Rachel left she continued with her research. She continued with their plans to find a cure. She was also there for more important things than that.

  He heard her voice from behind him but didn’t turn. He couldn’t even move.

  She rushed to his side. “Mister Ross?” She stopped on his left and took his arm within her hand. “We have to go.” She pulled him towards her. />
  Her strength felt beyond normal, and he noticed it instantly. “What are you?” He looked at her with wide eyes. He felt befuddled beyond words. Too much was going on that he didn’t understand.

  Her eyes now blared with a deep flashing red. “He’s coming for you.” Two long fangs protruded from her upper lip.

  Seeing her, now knowing everything she was, he blinked. “They sent you here to watch me, didn’t they? You’re a spy.”

  “We have to get you out of her. The black wolf is here. He will be coming for you.” She pulled, not allowing him to resist her. She knew what she had to do. She was there to protect everything that they were trying to do. She was there to protect their secrets. She was there to watch the humans and keep them controlled. Now with the black wolf back, she only had one thing left to protect. She had to get Ross out of there. He knew too much. He wouldn’t be a match for the black wolf’s strength. He wouldn’t resist his attempts to find out everything.

  She pulled him on, moving down the hallway and headed back to the labs. She had to hide him. She had to hide the truth.

  He did move. In fact she almost dragged him with her.

  When they reach the double doors to the labs, she stopped.

  Through the windows of the doors she could see someone moving towards them from the other side of the labs. Seeing him, feeling him, smelling him, she knew who it was. “The Wanderer has come back too.” Her heart flipped heard within her chest. Fear exploded throughout her mind. With both of them there, she didn’t have a chance.

  Robert saw her and let his eyes flare blue.

  The double doors opened fast.

  With a flash of speed, she managed to pull Ross back away from the doors just before they smacked him and instead they just crashed into the walls.

  Carrying him, she backed up to the center of the hallway until a new harsh smell came from behind her.

  She turned and saw him. With it she gasped.

  Jimmy stopped almost three yards from them. He stayed in his human form. He had to stay calm. He had to stay relaxed. Being in wolf form, he knew that he would lose much of his ability to think. The wolf would act only on instinct. He needed his human side. Standing there again, he couldn’t believe everything that was now running around inside his head. Seeing those doors again felt like reliving a nightmare, but now, being the man he was, everything felt right. He was now in control. He was now the alpha of this building and he knew it.

  Ross saw him next. “My boy?” He smiled. He looked so strong. He looked so in control. He looked powerful, standing there and watching him.

  Amanda now felt cornered. She hissed with a high-pitched and magnificent sound that seemed to bounce off the walls.

  Hearing her, it sounded like fear. It sounded like an absolute dread.

  Jimmy smelled it. She reeked with a horrifying terror. She’s scared out of her mind. That’s cool with me. Run. Run back to your master and leave him here.

  “There’s nowhere to run Nightwalker.” Robert came behind her and stopped at the doors. He kept ready for anything that she might do. With Jimmy there, he stayed calmer than he ever thought he would.

  Amanda turned.

  She looked at Robert, saw his blue eyes, and then turned back to the black wolf. “You will lose traitor. You will lose this fight.” He hadn’t yet changed, but she still felt dread. She was no match for him. She was no match for the wolf. If he decided to strike her, she knew that she would lose. Realizing how trapped she was, and knowing that her death was now so close, she did what came up in her mind next.

  She turned and ran. With nowhere else to go, she kept to the wall. Hell, she flew right through it.

  Jimmy watched her crash through the wall, leaving only a hole where it once was. Feeling her fear and smelling it strongly, he let her go. That was easier than I thought it would be. She left Ross there. She flew without a fight, and he felt happy to have both.

  Robert didn’t agree. “Jimmy?” He rushed to the hole and turned back to him when he was halfway through it. “We have to stop her. We can’t let her get away and warn him.” He stopped when he noticed that Jimmy wasn’t following him. Hell, he didn’t even move.

  All Jimmy did was shake his head. “We have what we came here for.” He nodded towards Ross.

  Ross kept his eyes on him, and the smile never once left his face. It felt like magic, having him there again. He missed it. He missed the smell. He missed him.

  Robert shrugged. He knew that this was a mistake, letting her go like this, but he also knew that without Jimmy with him, he wouldn’t find her. With that being so, he stepped back to the floor and walked back to Richard Ross. When he reached him, behind Jimmy, he could see Sasha and Brandon coming towards them from down the hallway.

  Brandon reached Jimmy first, with Sasha coming up behind him. She stayed in her wolf form.

  “We took care of everyone…” Brandon allowed his blue eyes to come back again. His teeth likewise turned back to normal. “…I think.” He looked back down the hallway and past Sasha and easily saw that no one else was there. He could hear no one else coming either. With his hearing he could almost hear the bugs chirping outside, so he knew that he was right.

  Sasha took a heavy and gasping breath.

  “You didn’t hurt anyone too badly did you?” Jimmy walked up to Ross and stopped only a few feet from him. He truly didn’t want to hurt anyone. He felt for them. He felt for everyone. They were only doing their jobs and that meant that they didn’t have to die because of it.

  Brandon chuckled some before he explained. “Not too badly.” He looked back to Sasha. “We at least didn’t kill anyone anyway.” He looked back to Jimmy with a smile.

  Seeing all of them, Ross breathed in all of their scents. God did he miss all of this so much. “You did all of this to get to me?” The smile finally left his face. “Why would you risk so much coming for me?” He couldn’t believe it, unless it was because of the creature that took away Rachel. This, he could believe. They wanted her back, but he knew better than that. It was too late. She would no longer be the woman they all knew.

  “You’re going to help us with a few things.” Jimmy locked his eyes onto Ross’ awkward looking stare. He could see nothing but wonder in his eyes. Standing this close to him, everything the man did to him and let happen to him, came rushing back into him with a jolt. Did he hate him for it—somewhat? Did he want to hurt him for the way he hurt him? Maybe. Did he want to know what he knew? Absolutely yes. Having the last thought made everything else slide away.

  “Why would I do that?” Ross couldn’t release the look. He looked so strong. He looked beyond perfect to look at right. He looked better than ever. “Why would I help you Miter Walls?”

  “I have something that you want.” Jimmy bowed his eyes some, but kept them locked onto Ross’ face. “I have something that you have always wanted.”

  Ross smiled. “And what would that be?”

  Jimmy blinked. “Me.”

  Ross’s smile once again grew enormous. He couldn’t believe what he just heard. However, he wanted to hear it more than anything he ever did. Now hearing it, he couldn’t wait to hear more. He couldn’t wait to make the deal to have it.


  The night felt calm and collected. The city turned with a calmness that seemed so quaint. Everything was coming together better than he expected. Arriving at the hotel, Vincent stepped out of the car with a strong and cautious stride. He felt confident but he also felt uneasy. Being around them, the elders, always made him feel nervous. You will not feel this way tomorrow. You will be the most powerful elder after then. The thoughts felt right. They always did.

  Walking up to the front doors, the doorman opened them for him. Nodding to the human, he smiled. All of your kind will be doing this soon. You will bow to us as gods again. You will worship us again. You will sacrifice to all of us again soon. You will grabble at our feet. He continued moving through the doors and into the lobby. He walked towards a sma
ll seating area just across from the main desk, and there he sat down on one of the three sofas arranged around the floor. He positioned himself so he could watch the doors, and there he waited. The wait didn’t take very long.

  A tall, pale white, older looking man came through the doors. The suit he wore looked fine and custom made. The three people with him, one man and two women, looked the same. The older man walked with confidence. Those with him, surrounding him, looked around them as they moved.

  Seeing them, Vincent stood up. “Chancellor?” He left the sitting area and made his way to the group with his arms up slightly to greet the older man. A gesture, which made him feel weak and feeble. He hated the politics of the clans. He hated what he had to do to make them feel formal. It was a human thing. It felt dirty doing it, but he did it anyway.

  “Ah Vincent. It is so nice to see you again my friend.” Dorna, the head of the Porsta Clan of Europe, opened his arms as he approached him.

  They met just inside the lobby and embraced. One kiss went to one cheek and one to the other. They held onto each other by the shoulders during the kisses. Finished, they released the embrace just as fast.

  “It is good to see you as well Dorna. It has been far too long since our last meeting.” Vincent smiled, playing the game better than most ever did.

  Dorna smiled too. It vanished fast. “I was so sorry to hear about Michael’s death. It really vexed me so.”

  Vincent nodded softly. “I thank you for your kind words.”

  Dorna now smiled again. “I am happy that you have taken his chair. You were always such a dear friend to all of us.”

  “Thank you Dorna.” Vincent bowed his head. “I am pleased that you made the long journey safely. I do hope that it was not a misguided one at that.” He dropped his hands to his sides. It was time to get to the plan. It was time to start the game.


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