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A Werewolf's Saga Books 4, 5, & 6 (A Werewolf's Saga Boxed Sets Book 2)

Page 45

by Michael Lampman

  Kenar nodded. “Of course.” He smiled. His plan is coming together.

  Robert shook his head. “How are we getting there?” He looked back to Sharlia.

  She stopped as the front door opened and looked back. “I will gather my family and we will come back here. My plane will take us to Europe.”

  Robert nodded. He looked back to Jimmy. “And you?”

  He looked up. “I’ll find my way.” He smiled.

  Robert could just shake his head.

  “Fine.” Kenar moved to Danny and took his right arm and led him in to the living room, and brought him to the sofa. “We will see you in a few hours then.” He nodded to the young man; saw his strength, and it made him give him a smile. For everything that happened, he showed complete calm. He showed confidence. He admired all of it. He admired him.

  With all being said, they said their goodbyes.

  Sharlia and Brandon left first. Sasha kissed him good luck, and then joined Jimmy as he headed to the door.

  Robert turned back to Joseph when all of them left. “Now what?” He felt numb. He felt lost. He was more than just both at the same time, and it showed. In some ways, he felt disjointed. He felt more alone than ever.

  “We call to the others.” Joseph took his grandson’s right arm into his.

  Danny just relaxed. He could do nothing else.

  Robert nodded. He likewise, or so it seemed, didn’t have the choice.


  The car stood there on her left. He looked so good with the bright moon shining down over them. He looked so soft, yet strong standing there beside her. He looked so sexy. He looked so right.

  She walked up to him until he took her by the arms. They kissed. She dove into his lips with everything she had. They embraced with power. She tasted his essence, feeling her toes curl within her shoes. It felt beyond wonderful. He felt like heaven would feel. He felt better than that.

  She could not believe how she felt with him, as she tasted his power. She felt like strength as well. She felt like the most important thing in the world.

  When they broke the embrace, it was right then that she never thought the same again. She would never want to be away from him. She would never let him leave her. She would never let herself disappear from his side.

  Just as the feelings of Jimmy’s strength wrapped around her, she saw his image beginning to fade within her mind. Rachel hated seeing this. It meant that he was doing just what she didn’t—what she couldn’t—let him do. He was leaving her. He was leaving her side.

  Seeing the cold stoned walls only added to the feelings now flaring through her soul. The dim glow of the flames burning all around them only added to those dreadful fears.

  This is the place. This was the time. I can’t see this again. I can’t feel this pain. I can’t do it. I won’t.

  However, she was helpless to stop them, and seeing her father again, she realized how right she was.

  He held her in his arms, as they came crashing through the doors of the room. The humans, those damned nasty beasts, rushed at her beloved father fast. Without sharing his strength, she felt helpless to stop them. She felt worthless. She felt completely caught off guard.

  The humans drew their swords.

  She watched the silver flare across her eyes. Seeing the color, and knowing what it meant, she let her blue eyes flare. She may not have their strength of body, or of muscle and bone, but she did have something that they did not have. She had a power that none of them could ever possibly understand.

  As the humans came at him, she raised her arm to all of them and let that power fly.

  One of the humans came within that power almost instantly, and with it, she lifted him off his feet. Without another thought about it, she flung him back to the wall near the door.

  The human male hit the wall hard enough that his head smacked the stone. An overpowering splattering sound followed the crash. The sound was his head caving in to the wall. Blood splattered everywhere and flowed to the floor. He was gone so fast.

  With speed, and completely outnumbered, four more humans rushed her fast. One grabbed her arms, and another took her feet. Immobilized, she could nothing but scream.

  With her secured, the two other humans rushed her father. One managed to swipe him across the chest with his sword. His blood spilled instantly from the wound, as another sword flung towards him from behind.

  Her father did not have a chance. The sword behind him plunged straight through his chest, directly where his heart had been, and pierced his body. His blood blew everywhere. His breaths grew short almost instantly, as he died before he hit the floor with his knees.

  “No!” She screamed watching him die right in front of her. Her heart broke as she watched him strike the floor. With it all, the hatred for this blasted her mind. Her anger went in only one direction because of it. “Rochie, you son of a bitch!” He led them there. She knew that he did. No one else knew where she was. How could he do this to me? How could he lead them here to kill our father? How could you? How dare you hurt me like this?

  The images faded until she now saw herself lying outside. The bright moon was shining down towards her face. Someone was with her, she could not see who it was, but she knew that it had to be a man. He was lying on top of her, and they were passionately embraced.

  His naked body felt so warm on top of hers. She could feel his strength. She could feel his heart beating next to hers. Her feelings were one of completeness. She felt so right.

  Who is he? She did not know. She could not see his face. He looked black to her. He looked like he was almost blank.

  “I love you Rana.” His voice sounded soft. He sounded passionate. He sounded so right, even though she could not recognize his sounds.

  In the end, she felt only one thing. I loved him. I cherished everything that he was. She did not care that she didn’t see who he was.

  “Rana?” Another voice came out from the darkness, and this one, she did recognize who it was. It was Devish, and he was calling for her from outside the dream. Realizing this, she opened her eyes.


  “Rana, my dear?” Devish leaned against the side of the bed, but stayed standing. She looked so peaceful laying there that he did not want to wake her up, but knew that he had to do it. “Rana?” They had to move on. It was time to go.

  She rolled over from lying on her side and looked straight up to him. “Devish?” She felt fogged over. She also felt weak. The dreams, and everything she felt, swarmed over her completely. So much so, she did not know what to think. She was not even sure if she was still sleeping or not.

  Seeing her face, looking deeply into her eyes, he saw her longing. He saw everything but the one thing that he truly longed to see. He could not see her mind. He could not read her thoughts. This always made him feel angry, but at the same time, wanting. He loved her in more ways than he ever loved another. This alone made him hurt. This alone made him ache. Without her, he was nothing. He did not know why, but at the same time, he did. It was all about who she was.

  “I am here my dear Rana.” He sat down on the side of the bed. “What did you dream?” He reached out with his right hand and cupped her beneath her chin. He held her eyes to his. Again, he felt himself melt some by looking into those beautiful eyes.

  She heard this and shook her head. “I saw something…” She was about to answer him but after seeing the man, and feeling the way she felt with him touching her, she stopped herself cold. She could not do this to him. She knew how Devish felt for her. She knew that it would hurt him, with her thinking about another man like this, so she could not do it. She would never truly cause him pain, and she was not about to start it now. “It was nothing.” She sat up, and pulled her knees up to her chest.

  As she sat up, he let her go. “I see.” He bowed his head. “I just saw.” He looked back up. “I saw the passion in your eyes.” He smiled.

  Being in his human form always made her feel nervous, but at the same time, it ma
de her feel relaxed. She liked him like this. It made him less intimidating and frightening, all at the same time. Hearing him, she closed her eyes, but only briefly. She had to make sure her mind was still locked to his. When she felt confident that it was, she opened them again.

  “It was just…,” she started, and again, stopped herself from explaining anything else. The idea of her father’s death helped her do it. “I saw my father’s death again.” She bowed her head.

  He again reached to her chin. “I do understand how that hurt you, my dear Rana. This is why we are continuing down this path.” He gave her a smile. He could understand this. It explained her breathing. It explained her heart racing. It explained everything he felt from her body, so he left it at that.

  She appreciated the effort. “I miss him.” She did. He always gave her anything she ever needed, and when they took him from her, her life changed forever. With this thought, the pain that her brother caused her came back again with strength. The heat of which blasted through her heart, and it raced to her face.

  The heat, he felt. It even forced him to let go of her chin. “What have you been able to see from your brother?” He sat back some. Whenever she thought of Rochie, she always turned angry, maybe even a little violent, so sitting back was more for his benefit than it was to hers. He was also more afraid of her than he ever let on—especially to her.

  She matched his stare. “He is planning to bring them here.” She always had trouble in reading him. She could not see what he saw, but only felt it. With this, she felt his eagerness to get to them. She felt his weakness in his love for her too. “He needs to get here. He needs to find me.” She fought her feelings to keep them contained. It worked some, but not by much. She hated him too much not to try.

  “He is coming then.” He stood back up. “And what have you felt from him? What, if anything, have you felt from Kalima?” He placed his hands on his hips and watched her closely.

  She followed him up to his face. “I can’t read him. Kalima is black to me.” She pulled her feet to the side of the bed and stood up slowly. “You know I can’t see his thoughts.” She felt suddenly perturbed by this. He knew better than this. Why he would ask her something that he already knew bothered her. It also made her angry.

  He saw her anger in her eyes. “I understand my dear. Kalima has always been able to block his thoughts from me as well. I was hoping that he would share them with you. He does love you, you know?”

  She saw Jimmy standing by the car again that night they were attacked by Gary in the barn. Her feelings for him felt stronger than ever, and realizing this, she had to blink several times to shake off the feelings. She did love him, she knew this, but with her memories unlocked, her hatred for him was growing stronger yet too. Both, however, made it hard for her to breathe some times. How could she ever love someone that hurt her like that, she would never understand it. This was now stronger on her mind too.

  “I am sorry my dear, but with that love he will come for you. It is our strongest weapon against him. We must let him do it.” He smiled. “We must use that love.”

  She bowed her head, thinking, but saw Vincent step into the room behind Devish, and with him there, her mind went blank again. She calmed instantly because of it too.

  “My Master?” Vincent stayed at the doorway to the room. He hated the interruption, but Devish called him there in the first place, so he thought nothing else about it.

  Devish turned to him and nodded. Samantha was also there, standing behind Vincent. “Ah Vincent, I have something for you to do for me.” He took him by both arms and held him firmly.

  Vincent sighed. “What can I do for you, my Master?” He did not know what was coming so he prepared himself for anything. He just was not sure about anything anymore.

  “Several members of the Sharlia family have lived. I need you to head to the family’s cove and find them.” He dropped his hands back to his sides.

  Vincent felt truly surprised by this. “How my lord? Samantha informed me that all did not survive her attack.” He felt disappointed, and with disappointing his master, problems could come for all of them, and he knew it. If Samantha did not accomplish her task, he feared the most. He feared for her. As he answered, he turned back to her, and showed her his fear.

  She took a deep breath as she stayed behind him and winced her fear back out.

  “There are no worries my friends.” Devish nodded to her. “All that you must know is that there are a few of them still living. I need you to take some of our friends with you and deal with them. I need you to finish those that can stand against us.” He smiled.

  Seeing the look, it made Vincent breathe again. He nodded. “Yes my lord. I will take care of it for you.” He even felt all of the blood flush back into his face after leaving it briefly.

  “Good.” Devish turned to Samantha. “My dear Samantha, I need you to head back in to the city. I need you to find something for me. I need you to bring him to my home.”

  Samantha blinked several times. “Who do you wish for me to bring?” She had no idea. All she knew was that Devish wanted her to go to Scotland and prepare for the upcoming fight. With this new task, she knew nothing else, but that.

  Devish gave her a smile. “I need a human. You are going to go and get him and bring him with you. Then you may head to my home and prepare.”

  She nodded. She swallowed several times too.

  Devish then turned back to Rana. “All will be well for us when we make it back to my home. Being there will bring us life again. It will be the end. Time will begin again after it.” He passed her a smile.

  Hearing this, she returned it.

  Vincent left, and headed on his mission.

  Devish turned to the door, went through it, but stopped and turned back around from the hallway. He looked back to Rana. “You will have everything clear again my dear Rana. When we are there, and you are back again, where you belong, everything will feel right again. I promise this to you.”

  She nodded and watched him leave the room with Samantha. She stood there briefly and the thoughts of the dreams came rushing back in to her mind. Seeing Jimmy again, standing there, stronger than ever, caressed against her heart. She nearly melted because of it, but caught herself just as fast. No. I will not let him get to me again. She took a deep breath, and when it cleared, she left the room. It was time to head back home.


  “Where are we going?” Sasha had to ask as they made their way out of the city and headed through the forests just south of the Catskills. She still had no idea why she was even there. She knew nothing, and now, she wanted to know. She did not have the choice anymore.

  Jimmy just passed a tree, and once he saw a small clearing within the trees, he stopped. The image of Cassandra was still there, and she was stronger than ever. The feelings of others were there too. There were so many images that it was hard for him to keep all of them straight. He saw faces, but he did know who they were. He could remember Michela. He could remember Sebastian. He could remember Elisa. He could remember Nana. Now seeing the clearing, he remembered other things as well. “We are going to a place where I told them to find me. We’re almost there.”

  Hearing this, she stopped. “Find who?” She did not stop because he did, but instead, it was because of what she heard. In fact, it surprised her. Shocked would have been a better word to describe it. “Who are supposed to find us?”

  “Before I tell you all of it, I first have to teach you to do something.” He looked from the clearing and back to her. With the night still powerful around them, her aura sparkled like a fire blaring through the blackness of water. It almost seemed to bellow within its brightness. It made her look more beautiful than she already was. “I need to show you how.”

  She was more confused than ever. “What do you have to teach me?” She met his stare. Ever since he, what could she call it—found himself, she still saw Jimmy within his eyes, but now, right at that moment, he seemed different. He seemed
like someone else entirely, and it frightened her some. She had never seen him like this before. She did not know what to think.

  He took the three steps to her, behind him. He saw her fear. He understood it, and knew that he had to explain. “We black wolves have the ability to block our thoughts from those who would listen to them. It’s a learned trait that I have to show you how to do it. Without it, others can see what you think. They will know what you know.”

  She understood this, but also had other things on her mind too. “Are you still Jimmy? Or do I call you Kalima?” She knew Collins. She knew Jimmy. She knew some of what Kalima was by both of them, but now, she wasn’t all too sure of which one he was anymore. She felt the need to understand this—to understand him first, so she had to know.

  He smiled with this. He laughed some because of it too. When he finished, he began, “I am all of them, but at the same time, I am Jimmy more. I will always be Jimmy, so yes, that is my name.”

  She nodded, understanding him the only way she knew how to. She understood what she could. “How did you do what you did? Collins could never do that—heal someone so completely like you did.” She continued with her thoughts, trying to understand everything else too. That fact that he healed her, well this boggled her mind.

  He kept the smile. “I have always had gifts that outweighed everything others could do. It’s my biggest gift, and at the same time, it’s my biggest horror too.”

  “Your biggest horror?”

  He pouted some with this. “It’s the reason why we’re here in the first place.”

  She shrugged. “I don’t understand.”

  He looked down at his feet. His own aura flowed all around his feet, and he found himself focusing on it as he answered her. “My gifts of healing exceed even the Blood Walkers. When they found what I could do, they wanted it. They envied it. They killed for it too.”


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