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Pursued by a Werewolf (Mystic Isle, Book 4)

Page 13

by Blake, Selena

  “I wonder what the guys did all day.”

  She twirled a blonde curl around her index finger and then studied the strands.

  Avery watched her newest friend closely. Her angelic features couldn’t hide the longing in her voice. Why was it that women let themselves get so wrapped up in men and relationships? Then again, Avery was as guilty of it as the next woman. First with Robert…and now with Hunter.

  “Did I say something wrong?” Pearl asked, hands clasped between her knees.

  For a princess she sure was good at second guessing herself.

  Avery offered her a reassuring smile. “No. Not at all. I was just thinking.”

  “It is easy to get lost in thought.” Pearl paused and then smiled. “Especially where men are concerned.”

  Avery laughed. “True.”

  She might have her hang-ups, but Mystic Isle was still paradise. The men were smoking hot. And one in particular…he was head and shoulders above the rest in so many ways.

  A loud bang jolted them upright. Deep voices and more heavy footed stomps across the cottage’s porch announced the men’s arrival. “Speak of the devils.”

  Izzy and Ceara stirred, blinking and stretching.

  “Rise and shine, sleeping beauties,” Avery said as she strode for the door. She’d just reached for the handle when there was a knock on the other side that made her heart skip a beat. Maybe it wasn’t the guys. Maybe it was a group who’d gotten the wrong cabin.

  She looked through the peephole. To her relief, Hunter stood there, tall and ridiculously handsome. After flipping the lock, she swung the door wide.

  Hunter and Maxim were holding Shade up.

  “Hi Avery,” Shade said with that killer smile of his. “Is my fiancé still here?”

  He was charmingly sloshed.

  “She is. Come on in.”

  “We threw an impromptu bachelor’s party,” Hunter explained to the women as they escorted the demon into the cottage.

  Outside, the last wisps of daylight colored the night sky. She shut the door and then opened all the curtains. At the far end of the cottage she propped the French doors open, letting in a salty ocean breeze.

  She turned to find Hunter heading her way, all quiet confidence and gorgeous muscles that filled his polo shirt to perfection.

  “Have a good day?” she asked. She so wasn’t used to this staying up all day business. But that was the point of a slumber party; stay up when you’d normally be snuggled in your bed.

  An image of her and Hunter snuggled together in his bed filled her mind. Despite the twisted sheets, the mental picture had an innocence to it. But there was nothing innocent about the way he got her motor going. Nothing innocent at all.

  “It’s getting better by the second,” he murmured.

  He didn’t even have to touch her. His words did the caressing for him.

  Holy smokes it was getting hot in here. Did his eyes normally glitter like that? She didn’t think so. The phrase ‘eat you up’ came to mind.

  She resisted the urge to fan herself and changed the topic. “What’d you guys do?”

  Peering around his broad shoulder she saw Shade sacked out on the couch, Izzy in his arms. Ceara was settled on Maxim’s lap, chatting with Pearl. Despite the riot of emotions involving the man in front of her, it was good to be surrounded by her friends.

  “This and that.” He slung an arm over her shoulders and pulled her against his side. “I want to hear about your slumber party. Was it everything you’d hoped it would be?”

  She held out a foot and pointed her toes, showing off the fire engine red toe nail polish.

  He growled low in his throat and a shiver coursed over her skin.

  “We gave each other pedicures and drank wine. Pearl ate like two pounds of candy, the lucky girl. And then we had a meeting with Rosanna about Izzy’s wedding. And we read magazines and looked at wedding dresses until we were ready to puke. All in all, a successful slumber party.”

  She specifically left out the game of truth or dare that had made Avery reconsider everything she knew to be true, including her feelings for a spectacularly handsome - and warm - werewolf.


  She looked up at him. “I want to hear about this bachelor party.”

  How sweet was it for the guys to throw Shade a party? Her heart melted a little. But it was just further evidence to what her conscience had been telling her. Hunter Ciolek was one of a kind.


  His eyes were glittery again and she inhaled a steadying breath.

  “Do I need to be?”

  The strong arm around her shoulders pulled her closer until her front met his. “Never.”

  The single word set something free inside her, something wonderful and scary at the same time. She had the strongest urge to kiss him and something inside her wouldn’t be denied. Stretching up, she steadied herself against his chest. He leaned down, cupped her cheek in his hand and his lips met hers half way.

  Peace washed through her as their lips touched. He was gentle but firm, telling her exactly how much he wanted her. He poured desire into the kiss and quickly swept her away.

  Catcalls made her pull back. Wide eyed, she stared up at Hunter, shocked that she’d lost control in front of their friends and family.

  “You guys don’t mind if I steal Avery for a while do you?” Hunter asked in that rich velvety voice that made her knees weak. To top off the ooey-gooey sensation, his gaze never left hers as he spoke, showing that she had his full attention.

  “Take her!” Pearl called.

  “Go get a room,” Maxim teased.

  Hunter raised an eyebrow at her in challenge. She didn’t back down. She might regret that decision later but right now her confidence was sky high, just like her libido.

  He slid an arm around her waist, turned to the open doors and gently tugged her outside. She was trembling. With excitement, desire or a combination thereof she wasn’t sure. But she loved the feeling, adored the anticipation of being alone with her wolf again.

  Side by side they strode down the steps into the sand. She loved that she could go pretty much anywhere on Mystic Isle and not have to worry about wearing shoes. And she loved how the island seemed to bring her once carefree nature back, quietly whispering that she didn’t always have to be practical. Nor did she have to worry about forever or play loose and easy to have fun. With Hunter by her side, there was no need to guard herself every minute of every day.

  “Steal me away, huh?” she said when they were halfway to the water’s edge.

  He squeezed her. “You bet.”

  “Where will you steal me off to?” she asked pulling away and walking backward in front of him.

  He gave her a heated look. She didn’t need stars, moon or lamplight to see the expression on his face. Her vampire sight and the heat in his eyes was plenty.

  “Where ever I want.”

  Cocky and handsome. She sighed. She was such a sucker for cocky and handsome. Laid back and handsome worked too. He worked.

  “Oh yeah?” she teased.


  “You’ll have to catch me first.” She started running before the last word left her lips. Laughing, she raced up the beach toward the private north-west shore. Knowing the sand closest to the waves would be the hardest, she darted toward the water. The firmer footing gave her a boost of speed.

  She was several hundred yards from the cottage when a strong arm wrapped around her waist and she lost her balance. They collided, a mass of tangled limbs, and landed in the salty froth. She laughed so hard she swallowed a mouthful of water.

  Moving deeper into the gentle waves, he held her up so she could wipe the hair out of her eyes. Feeling joyous, she threw her arms around his shoulders and held on tight.

  It felt so good to laugh, to feel free and frisky and playful. The same feelings she’d had the first night they were together and yet, there was something more, something deeper between them. She was do
ne questioning their connection.

  Instead, she wrapped her legs around his hips and lifted her lips for his kiss.

  This wasn’t a sweet in-front-of-friends-and-family kiss. It was hard and demanding. The kind that showed they couldn’t get enough of each other.

  She was soaked to the bone and didn’t care. This was where she’d wanted to be for a long time and it felt right, perfect.

  His hands slid beneath the shirt plastered against her torso, caressing and heating her skin. He rained kisses across her cheeks, down her nose, along the edge of her jaw. “I need you Avery,” he said against the column of her throat.

  “I’ve needed you every day for the past twenty-one months and I’m done hiding it, done pretending that we don’t matter. That this…” He traced a thumb over her lips. “Doesn’t matter. If you don’t want this say so now.”

  Cocky, laid back, handsome…and a man who knew what he wanted, yet the vulnerability in his voice touched her. How could she turn down this strong, wonderful wolf? There was only one word on her lips.


  He kissed her again as he carried her out of the water onto the beach. She returned kiss for kiss, hot, open-mouthed, pouring everything she felt but did not dare say. He groaned and the sound rumbled through the solid wall of his chest to her nipples.

  She purred deep inside, shimmying against him. He held her easily, hands cupping her ass, holding her tight against his hips. The long, hard evidence of his desire lay squarely between her legs and she soaked in his heat.

  Locking her ankles behind his back, she couldn't resist grinding against him. Just as it had last time, the eager movement drove him wild. He growled, low and long.

  Once again she was amazed by his strength, the fact that he didn't waiver as he held her. Didn't strain or stumble or lose his grip. She felt perfectly secure in his arms, worry free, able to enjoy each sensual glide of his lips against hers.

  She sucked his tongue into her mouth and threaded her fingers through his hair. As long as she lived, she would never get over how delicious and raw sex was with Hunter Ciolek. He was a perfect delicious fire. Warming her. Claiming her. Seducing her.

  With one arm holding her to him he dropped carefully to his knees then leaned forward. Cool sand met her back but he stayed pressed against her front. Breasts flat against his chest, he ground his cock against her.

  “Too...many...clothes,” she said between fabulously sloppy kisses.

  He rose up on his elbows and stared down at her. The moon lit the sky back-dropped him in a bright navy blanket full of twinkling stars. His eyes were a brilliant green, full of desire and the tightness in his jaw spoke of a barely controlled need. She'd always loved that about him. How he went for what he wanted, took what he needed. He didn't play the slow and sweet card when hard, hot, and fast were on tap.

  Rising further, he took the front of her tank top between his hands. She watched the transformation come over him, saw the sharp nails protrude from the tips of his fingers. A tendril of fear raced through her as he used his thumbnail to slice a slit up the front of the taut fabric.

  She swallowed hard and licked her lips. Trembling beneath him, she saw the wolf lurking just below the surface.

  “I would never hurt you,” he said. Had he read her mind? Or did he notice the anxiety flowing through her?

  “I've never seen...” She swallowed again. “A were.”

  With a single claw, he carefully brushed the ruined shirt out of the way and leaned over her, inhaling deeply. He watched her closely as if he could detect the slightest lie. “Do you want to?”

  “Is it-- painful?”

  He knelt between her thighs again, his hands sliding down her stomach. It was obvious that he took great care to keep from scratching her. What did it say about her that she found the danger arousing?

  “Yes,” he said simply. No sugar coating it.

  She liked that.

  “Do you have control?”


  Before he could rip the soaking wet yoga pants from her hips, she placed her palms against the smooth plain of his abs. “Show me.”

  There was a long pause as he stared down at her. Then he rocked back on his heels and stood. The full change was faster than she'd anticipated. His muscles bulked up, his bones cracked as his features took on that of the wolf. A soft dusting of gray fur sprouted over his shoulders, arms and legs. The claws remained. The polo shirt and shorts ripped.

  He took another step back and dropped his head.

  Heart in her throat, she stood and took him in. She'd imagined something...more sinister. An abomination, as the myths suggested. Not the beautiful creature before her.

  A perfect blend of man and beast. Not dripping with drool but alert, focused on her. Deadly, yes, but completely controlled too.

  She shrugged off what was left of her tank top and let it drop to the ground.

  “May I?” she asked, reaching out.

  He nodded and stepped into her touch.

  If possible, he was even warmer now. The hair covering much of his skin was ultra-fine and silky soft. She couldn't resist petting him, but the growl that rumbled out of him had her taking a quick step back.

  He followed, taking her hand in his, holding it against his heart. The organ beat a rapid thump-thump-thump against her palm.

  She closed her eyes, absorbing the feel of him. The heat. The rhythm of his heart.

  Her other senses took over. The sound of the waves lapping at the shore intensified, a delightful soundtrack for a breathtaking moment. His hand slid down her arm to her waist and south over her hip bone. A quietness came over her. It was almost as if time were standing still just for her, for them. There was no tomorrow. Nothing to worry about. Just sky, sea, sand. And him. He'd shown her the truth. The beast that lingered. The creature of myth...that wasn't so mythical.

  But rather, legendary.

  Beautiful. Powerful. Dangerous.

  But she didn't fear him. Wasn't scared of the inhuman strength, the sharp teeth she knew lingered in his mouth, or even the claws at the end of his fingertips. As he'd said, he wouldn't hurt her. And she knew him well enough to trust that. To trust him.

  Opening her eyes, she stared the long way up to meet his gaze. A curious glint sparkled in his eyes.

  More sure than ever before, she stood up on her tip toes, cupped his muzzle in her hand and kissed his cheek.

  “Thank you for showing me,” she whispered, staring into those beautiful eyes that had captivated her from the first. His hand fell away from her hip as she took a step back. The sand shifted beneath her feet as she slid her hands down her sides, hooking beneath the elastic of her yoga pants and pushed them down.

  She wanted to say something witty. Sexy. Something that would make him groan or bring him to his knees. But words eluded her so she knelt and then laid back.

  He didn't break eye contact as he shifted back to his human form.

  The next thing she knew he was in his human form again and tan skin was plastered against hers. His sinful lips claimed her in a hard kiss that brought another wave of moisture between her thighs. He cupped the back of her head, holding her where he wanted her. She wrapped her legs around his hips, not wanting to waste a second now that she finally had him where she wanted him. His magnificently hard cock slid against her; quick, shallow strokes that teased her mercilessly.

  She raked her nails down his back, kissing and nipping his lips.

  He moved south and claimed a nipple with the heat of his mouth and her back arched beneath his masterful ministrations. While his lips were soft, the taut tip of his tongue flicked the hardened peak over and over, exciting every nerve ending in her breast. Just when she thought she couldn’t go any higher, he used his teeth to pluck the thoroughly aroused bud. Air stalled in her lungs as sweet pleasure/pain exploded inside her chest. The sensation didn't stop there, but fed her entire nervous system.

  Hot and needy, she felt a little crazy and was more tha
n ready for him to be inside her.

  “Take me.” She didn't recognize the breathless voice begging him.

  He ignored her plea.

  Switching breasts, he gave the other the same wonderful treatment. Driving her wild, making her twist beneath him and cry his name. She tightened her thighs around his hips, needing his attentions. Needing--

  “Careful, vamp. We don't want sand everywhere.”

  And just like that, she laughed. Laughed even while she was thoroughly and completely seduced. Only Hunter would think of such a thing. Horny and protective at the same time.

  Damn, that was sexy.

  “Then perhaps I should be on top,” she whispered.

  He looked up from her breast and smiled. No. Grinned. The grin of a wolf who had his prey right where he wanted her.


  Hunter rolled to his back, bringing the beautiful vampiress with him. She settled her pussy against his cock and slid forward. Slick with her juices, she rotated her hips forward, up, back, and forward again in a continuous loop that had him tossing his head back. Torture. Sheer torture.

  He closed his hands over her hips and started to lift her onto his cock. He needed to be buried in that sweet little body more than he needed his next breath.

  “Now, now.” She halted his progress with a hand over each of his. “I'm not done with you yet.”

  He loved the throaty purr that took over her voice when she was aroused. In his whole life he'd never heard something so sexy.

  She skimmed her palms up his stomach and stopped to tease his nipples with her fingertips. He tightened his grip on her hips and groaned.


  “That's my name,” she cooed, bending over him. Her lovely dark blue eyes met his as she licked a path from his belly button to the center of his chest. The position sent her pussy away from his cock but her lips were making up for the loss. “Don't wear it out.”

  Sometimes she didn't make sense, but he liked that about her. Her history colored her life now just as his did. But she was far more interesting. Her Americanisms fascinated him. He'd spent time in her country, but the shopping malls and fast food restaurants hadn't prepared him for a whirlwind like her.


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