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Other People's Bodies

Page 28

by Amy Cross

  "What are you doing?" I ask.

  He doesn't reply, but in his hand there's a cigarette lighter.

  "You don't have to do this," I say, realizing that there's no way I could out-run the explosion. "It's me," I add, stepping closer as I hear Edward run into the room behind me. "It's Elizabeth. I'm back. You know what he did to me, don't you? He changed me, but you must be able to see the truth". I kneel next to the wheelchair. "I know what he did to you, and I'm sorry. Can you hear me?" I wait for a reply. "Say something, Luke. I can see it in your eyes. You recognize me. Try to think back to when we were happy, Luke. Before Edward destroyed everything".

  Staring back at me from beneath the bandages, Luke's eyes seem empty and devoid of all the passion and anger I remember. Still, I'm convinced there's a hint of recognition in there somewhere. He knows it's me, and I'm convinced I can get through to the man I fell in love with all those years ago. Luke might have been a bad husband, but he's not a monster, not like his brother. Deep down, there's still a part of him that understand this is wrong. There has to be. That side of him can't have vanished completely.

  "Get away from him," Edward says. "Run, Elizabeth. You can't trust him".

  "I trust him more than I trust you,Edward," I reply, maintaining eye contact with the wrecked and ruined man who, despite everything that has happened, is still technically my husband. "I get it now. You've been at war with each other since you were children, haven't you? Every time one of you hurt the other, there was an escalation. You won't be happy until one of you is dead. Or both of you. Look at what he did to you, Luke. Look at what he did to me. How much further can this go?"

  "He can't even talk," Edward continues. "He's a mess"

  "He'll never let you go," Luke whispers. "He'll never let either of us go".

  "He doesn't have a choice," I reply. "He doesn't get to decide".

  "I'm sorry," he says. "At least it's over now".

  "It doesn't have to be," I tell him. "Let me help you. We can get out of here".

  "Elizabeth," Edward says, "we have to get leave. This place is full of gas. He's lost his mind!"

  "Go," Luke whispers, before turning to Edward and opening the lid of the cigarette lighter. "It's over," he says calmly. "No-one else is going to get hurt. We went too far, but I'm not going to let us destroy any more lives. Don't you understand, Edward? This was always going to end with both of us dying".


  Five years ago

  When I open my eyes, I realize that I'm in a small, dark room. At first, nothing makes sense, and I can't even remember who I am. Sitting up, still feeling light-headed, I pause for a moment before a slow, creeping sense of terror starts to move up through my body and everything comes flooding back. It wasn't a dream. Edward really did drug me, and now...

  I take a deep breath.

  He's insane. That's the only explanation. I've always know that Edward is a little strange, but I never thought he'd lost his mind so completely. I thought he was in control, but now it's clear that there's something very, very wrong with him. Looking back on the events of the past few days, it's hard to believe how dumb I've been. That moment with Edward in his office, when I allowed him to undress me, must have tipped him over the edge. I don't know why, but he's clearly obsessed with me, and his war with Luke has spiraled out of control. Sure, Luke's a violent, vindictive asshole, but that's nothing compared to the madness of Edward. I swear to God, I think Edward might actually be a psychopath.

  Getting to my feet, I stumble naked across the cold, damp room. There's a small window on the far side, just a few feet across and maybe a foot high, and I soon realize that I'm in one of the storerooms at the back of the hotel. Looking out at the dark, moonlit night, I realize that the last thing I remember is feeling a needle in my neck. Whatever Edward's planning, I have two choices: either I panic and wait for him to come and get me, or I find a way out of here.

  I pause, forcing myself to stay calm. There's no point screaming. It's unlikely that anyone would hear me, and I'd only end up alerting Edward to the fact that I'm awake. He probably thought I'd stay unconscious for a little longer, so right now I might just have a small advantage. After all, his plan can't be to simply lock me in a storeroom and forget about me, so he must be planning to move me at some point. Maybe he thinks he can persuade me to see things from his point of view, or maybe he's going to find somewhere to hold me prisoner, but he'll definitely be back, and I probably don't have long to come up with a plan.

  Having checked the door and found that it's locked, I figure the only way out is through the window. The storeroom is mostly empty, but eventually I'm able to force one of the light fittings away from the wall, which should be enough to break the glass. My first couple of attempts, however, are useless: the window seems to be reinforced in some way, and I'm starting to think that I'll never manage to get out of this place. Finally, I try smashing the corner, and the glass shatters, showering my naked body with tiny slivers. I kick as much of the glass away as possible, and then I haul myself up and start pulling myself through the window.

  Just as I think I'm finally going to get out, my foot slips; I reach out to keep myself from falling, but a jagged piece of glass rips part of the flesh on my left arm, and I tumble back down onto the concrete floor, letting out a cry of pain as I land on several pieces of glass. The pain is intense, sending shockwaves through my body, but I know I can't give up yet. Forcing myself to get up, I pick some shards out of my back before climbing up to the window again, ignoring the blood that's seeping from my damaged arm as I finally manage to pull myself outside, dropping down and landing on the damp grass.

  I'm out.

  Holding my arm up in the moonlight, I see that there's a large gash running through the skin, with blood pouring out and dripping onto the ground. I open and close my fist a few times, to make sure that the damage isn't too bad, and finally I realize that I can't allow this injury to slow me down. I don't care how much blood I lose: I have to keep running. As I look more closely at the wound, however, I realize that the glass has cut deep, exposing some of the tendons. If I'm not lucky, this could be permanent damage.

  With my arm hurting like hell, I glance over at the hotel. It looks so calm and quiet, but I can't go back there. There's no way I can trust anyone at that place; for all I know, Edward might have persuaded them all to get involved in his little plot. I don't know whether Edward has planned any of this in advance, but it's clear that I can't afford to underestimate him. Even Cole, who seemed to be on my side from the beginning, might have betrayed me. The only person I can trust is myself. Limping away from the storeroom, I make my way along the side of the car park. Although the nearest town is many miles away, I figure this is my only option. If I run all night, and if I don't pass out from blood-loss first, I might just be able to get to safety and call the police.

  "Hey!" a voice calls out.

  Turning, I spot Rachel running toward me. I barely have time to react before she grabs my arm.

  "What are you doing out here?" she asks, reaching into her pocket. "We gave you enough to knock out a fucking elephant".

  "You have to stop this!" I shout, hoping that even if I can't get through to Edward, I might be able to get Rachel to help me. After all, she can't be as bad as Edward. There has to be a vestige of humanity left in her soul somewhere. "Think about what you're doing. You have to help me!"

  "It's okay," she mutters, pulling another syringe from her jacket. "It's going to be fine. You just need to relax and let Mr. Bannister take care of everything".

  Before she has a chance to knock me out again, I raise my arm and smash my elbow into her face, breaking her nose and sending her tumbling down to the ground.

  "Edward!" she calls out, as blood pours down her face. "Edward!"

  As I run across the car park, I suddenly become aware of a figure hurrying toward me, and moments later Edward grabs me by the shoulder.

  "Why are you fighting this?" he shouts. "You have t
o calm down and come with me! This is madness, Elizabeth! Do you think for one moment that I'd ever hurt you? This is about saving you! I'm going to make you happy!"

  "No!" I scream, pushing him away and turning to run. In the darkness, I don't even know which way I'm going, but I'm certain I have to get as far away from Edward, and from the Heights, as possible. Racing through the tall grass at the far end of the car park, I soon find myself near the old summerhouse. There's a lighthouse in the distance, and I figure that maybe I can find a phone and call for help. It's a long shot, but if I don't find a way out of here soon, I'll be lost forever. It's as if the Heights is some kind of bubble filled with insanity, and I need to fight my way out or I'll end up trapped with these freaks.

  "You don't understand!" Edward shouts. "I'm trying to save your life!"

  Without looking back, I make my way through the undergrowth. I can hear Edward still calling after me, but I know I have to keep running. After a moment, however, I come to a halt as I realize I'm right at the edge of the cliff. Looking down, I see the waves crashing against dark, jagged rocks that line the cove. The lighthouse is too far away, and I'm losing too much blood from my arm. Finally, figuring I've got no choice, I decide to try climbing down to the beach. Lowering myself over the edge, I struggle to gain a decent grip, but eventually I'm able to start the slow climb. It's hard to believe that I can make it all the way down, but it's a better option than letting Edward catch up to me.

  "You're making a mistake!" Edward shouts, suddenly appearing a little way above me. He reaches down, trying to grab me, but I manage to move away. When he tries again, however, I'm not fast enough and he manages to get a firm grip on my damaged left arm.

  "Let go!" I scream, trying to get free.

  "I'm trying to save your life!" he replies, tightening his grip as I pull away. "You've got this all wrong. Do you really think I'd try to hurt you?"

  "Don't you fucking touch me!" I shout, trying once again to pull free. I can feel my arm straining, and the pain is intense. It's almost as if I'm in danger of dislocating my shoulder, but I figure I'd rather have my entire arm torn away than let Edward Bannister get his hands on me again.

  "Please!" he shouts.

  Feeling a sharper pain around my arm, I hear the sound of the skin tearing. I try to hold on to the side of the cliff, but it's too late and suddenly something seems to come loose around my elbow. I feel my arm slipping out of its skin until finally I fall away, tumbling down into the darkness. Before I can scream, my naked body slams into a rock, and the last thing I feel is the sickening sensation of my skull cracking before everything goes black.



  "No!" Edward shouts, grabbing my arm and pulling me back toward him. Losing my footing, I drop to my knees and land hard on the gravel of the car park, before instantly getting up and trying to push him away. "Elizabeth, stay calm!" he continues, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me close. "There's no way he'll do it. He doesn't want it to be over. Trust me, I know my brother. The last thing he wants is to die. He'll hang on to his miserable life until the moment when I decide it's time for him to die. He doesn't get to choose!"

  "Is that what you think about everyone?" I reply, still struggling to get free. "Are you in charge of us all?"

  "Control the mind and you control the body," he says. "Luke would never kill himself. All he cares about is -"

  "Tell him yourself," I say, spotting Luke wheeling himself into the entrance hallway.

  "I told you," Edward says, with a hint of a smile. "That weak little -"

  Before he can finish, there's a flash of light in Luke's left hand as he flicks the button on the lighter. The air around him is briefly filled with a bright blue flame as the gas ignites, and I watch as a massive fireball rips through the building, blasting the walls down and knocking both Edward and myself off our feet as a huge blast shakes the ground. The entire car park shakes for what feels like an eternity as pieces of debris are thrown hundreds of meters from the hotel, and finally the intense wall of heat flares for a moment before dying away.

  Getting to my feet, I stagger forward before stopping and looking back. The Heights is on fire, with flames consuming the ruins. I look around, trying to work out what happened to Edward, but there's no sign of him and I figure I just need to get out of here. Turning, I run across the car park, but by the time I reach the far edge I can already hear something behind me and moments later I'm grabbed around the waist as Edward tackles me to the ground. Instinctively, I try to push him away, but he's got a firm grip and all I can do is try to kick him in the chest.

  "Why won't you listen to me!" he screams. "I love you!"

  Pausing to get a better aim, I slam my foot into his face, knocking him back and causing him to loosen his grip. I manage to crawl away before getting back to my feet, but he grabs my ankle and pulls me down again.

  "It's too much for you," he says, putting a hand on my throat. "You'll calm down later. You just need some space and time to get used to what's happened. It's okay, though. We've got all the time in the world. We'll go away together. I'll explain it to you again!"

  Determined not to get into another discussion with him, I grab his face and slam him into the ground, trying to knock him out. All I can think about is the fact that I need to get away from this madman, and right now I don't care whether or not he lives. The hotel is still burning, and all that remains of this nightmare is Edward himself, who seems incapable of understanding that he needs to let me go. As the roof of the hotel collapses, bringing down an entire wall, Edward grabs my head and pulls me closer.

  "I admit I've made mistakes," he continues, twisting one of my arms behind my back and ignoring the gasp of pain that slips involuntarily from my lips. "I could have handled things much better. I should have realized you wouldn't be strong enough to deal with the fallout once you learned the truth. Maybe it's not going to be possible for you to reconcile the two sides of your personality. Don't worry, though. I'll make sure you get the treatment you need, and we'll wipe Laura Kingston from your mind. She'll no longer exist, and you can get back to being Elizabeth. That's what you want, isn't it?" He twists my arm a little harder. "Of course it is," he adds. "I'm going to give it to you".

  Spotting a light in the distance, I realize that a car is making its way toward the scene. I guess someone saw the explosion and decided to come and help, but it might be too late.

  "I'm disappointed in you," Edward says, getting to his feet and starting to drag me along the ground. "I really thought you'd come around and see things my way, but you've obviously been indoctrinated by other people. Were you talking to someone on the staff? One of the receptionists? That guy behind the bar? You might as well tell me. Did someone try to persuade you not to trust me?"

  With the car still several minutes away, I decide that it's now or never. I need to find a way to get free from Edward and make sure that he can't come after me.

  "Tell me you love me," Edward continues, leaning closer. "I know it's true, but I need to hear the words come from your lips. After everything I've done for you, surely you can see that we belong together. I can do it again, if necessary. You just need to realize the truth, Elizabeth. You need to -"

  "I love you," I say suddenly.

  He stares at me.

  "I love you," I say again. This is it. My only chance. I need to distract him, and this is the only idea I can come up with right now. "I love you, Edward Bannister. I love you with all my heart, and I want to stay with you and have your children and be your wife".

  He stares at me warily for a moment, before finally a faint smile crosses his face. The poor, pathetic bastard actually believes me. I don't know what the hell is going on in his mind, but for a moment it's as if I'm getting a glimpse at his desperate need to be loved. This isn't about me. He'd have felt this way about any woman brought home by Luke, and this moment has been building since long before I ever came to the Heights.

  "Now go to hell,"
I add, before pushing him to the ground and swinging my knee into his face with a sickening crunch.

  I get to my feet and start to run, but I pull up short as I realize that I'm right at the edge of the cliff. I stare down at the sea, and for a moment I'm struck by a powerful sense of deja vu, as if I'm been standing in this exact same spot before. Hearing Edward getting to his feet behind me, I turn just in time to see him reaching out to grab me. Stepping aside, I watch as he loses his footing and stumbles forward. For a moment, he seems to be suspended in mid-air, poised to fall. He reaches out to grab me, but I pull away and watch as he tumbles over the edge. Could I have saved him? Maybe. Then again, I might have ended up going over with him. Either way, it's too late now. All I can do is stand and watch as his body smashes against the rocks. There's no way anyone could survive such a fall. It's over.

  "Laura!" a voice calls out from over by the car park.

  I turn. It can't be, but...

  "Laura!" Cole shouts, running from his car and heading toward me.

  I stagger toward him, but finally all the pain of the past few hours starts to overcome me. I look over at the burning hotel before my legs give way and I drop to my knees. Cole puts his arms around me and I stare at the distant fire until, finally, I pass out.


  Six months later

  Opening my eyes, I stare up at the white ceiling and feel that familiar feeling wash over me again.

  It's over.

  This happens regularly. At least once a week. I wake up early in the morning, just as the sun's coming up, and I'm overcome be a feeling of relief. It's as if I still can't quite believe that the nightmare of the Heights is over, as if I'm expecting to wake up and find myself back there, still in that pokey little room and still working for Edward Bannister. No matter how much time passes, I seem completely unable to truly accept that everything has changed. Perhaps time will heal everything and I'll eventually be able to relax, or perhaps I'm going to be like this forever. Either way, the feeling of relief is so powerful, I can feel a faint tremor in my bones. I swear, not a day goes past that I don't at some point thank God that I made it out of that madness.


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