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The Elderine Stone

Page 11

by Lawson, Alan

  “Ok, I will, or at least I will try. There is no harm in trying. Besides there is not much else I can do now that I am stuck here”

  “She is evil” Sherbit said rocking back and forth on the ground “I don’t want to go back there”

  “Sherbit you’ll be ok, besides you have me looking after you, the hero” Jason said this with a brave sounding voice, imitating a typical hero pose.

  “See Sherbit you have nothing to worry about.” Emily said kneeling down to rub Sherbit’s back. “You will be fine I promise.”

  “Maybe we should go now” Jason said, remembering the past events. If they were right in their assumptions, someone would soon catch up with them and try to put a stop to their plans before they even had the opportunity to put them into action.

  “Yeah we have found everything we could find out here” Emily walked over to the Indexing stone “Come and stand in the circle you two”

  When all three were standing safely within the circles perimeter, Emily placed her hands on the stone.

  “Search Complete”

  The buzzing noise surrounded them, the ground vibrated, but this time they knew what was happening. Even Sherbit who had been terrified last time was now humming his usual tune.

  The noise and the vibrating stopped. Once again they were standing back in the library entrance chamber. Nothing much had changed since they had left it earlier, except for two young looking people who quickly turned away as soon as Emily, Jason and Sherbit appeared back in the room.

  “Well that’s everything. We should leave the city now before we attract any unwanted attention.” Emily said as she lead the way towards the door, passing by Devon and Grimble who were nervously looking at one of the containers hoping that they wouldn’t be noticed. The three friends smiled at the librarian on their way out.

  “Grimble this is your entire fault, we have missed them. Look! They are leaving.” Devon said as he slapped Grimble across the head.

  A loud shush came from the direction of the librarian at the desk.

  “You almost got us caught too, standing there staring right at them” Devon lowered his voice to a hiss, but still punctuated his complaint with a series of sharp slaps.

  “But master…!”

  “No ‘Buts’, Grimble. We will check the Indexing Stone to see what they were looking at” Devon walked towards the Indexing Stone with Grimble slowly walking behind him. Devon placed his hand on the stone and said

  “Immobile. Previous search”

  Devon clearly had used these devices before, but being the kings son, and having to study quite a bit this was to be expected. Instead of being warped into a different room, A metal like plate attached to the wall above the stone shone, then a list of books that were in the last search appeared. Most names contained Elderine, Order of Elderine and a few contained brief notes on the Dark Lady.

  “So they are planning to go north” Devon said forgetting the silence rule. “We have to stop them Grimble, we can’t let an outsider take the honour that is rightfully mine”

  “Yes Devon, we should stop them, but shouldn’t we be following them now?”

  “Yes Grimble, following them sounds good” As soon as Devon had said it he realised what it meant, they had let the three friends out of their sight, but at least he now knew where they were heading. They were on their way towards the ruins of the old Elderine City, The Lost City, at the foot of the Mingus Mountains.

  “Well let’s get going Grimble. We have no time to stand around waiting.” Devon motioned as he walked towards the library exit.

  On his way out he stopped at the librarian, and lowered his hood.

  “Next time you tell me to be quiet; I shall have to have a word with my father.”

  “Oh sorry you’re Highness! I didn’t recognise you! My apologies!”

  He bowed low, and Devon made a gesture indicating the librarian to stand up.

  “It is alright. This time! Next I won’t be so favourable”

  Devon pulled his hood up again and walked out of the library; Grimble just gave a nervous smile to the now shaken librarian, and followed Devon out.

  Chapter Eight: A hooded Figure

  The air was much cooler outside. It refreshed and lifted the sprits of the young friends who were now eager to start their quest. Standing side by side they enjoyed a gentle breeze blow passed them. The sensation sent cool tremors down their backs. The library had been rather stuffy. The air had been warm and dry, almost suffocating. It was such a liberty to be able to breathe fresh air again.

  The once busy streets, which were previously crowded by teachers of magic and their students, were now fairly empty. The majority of the previous crowd were now probably deep in thought, focusing on their classes or studying the ancient magical archives. Jason wondered for a brief moment, why couldn’t someone else from this world defeat the Dark Lady and why did it have to be him. The many users of magic, the King’s guards, or even an army of both could surely go up against the Dark Lady and have a much greater chance of success. Then again maybe the stories were true, maybe only the hero could defeat her, or a member of the Order. It didn’t matter though Jason knew he had to go north. After all, there was no where else for him to go. He had no other choice, if an alternative did pop up he would surely take it, but as far as he could see there was no way out of this one. Here he was a stranger in a strange and magical land, following two new friends. They had dropped everything for him, so he wasn’t going to give up on them now.

  Emily led the way back through the streets of the library district towards the door that would lead them onto the busy merchant area. They all felt a little uneasy, as if their surroundings were caving in over them, or as if hundreds of eyes were watching from the windows, peering into their minds to uncover their plans. It was a silly thought really. Some townsfolk were still walking around the streets, but they were too preoccupied with their own personal business to pay any attention to the three friends. They now had a hint of what they needed to do, and it was important that they started their quest as soon as possible. What they did know had been reaffirmed. The scriptures had spoken about the Hero, and now they were more than certain it was Jason.

  As they continued to walk, they discussed what they had uncovered in the Great Library. They spoke at an audible level but at the same time took much care to ensure no one overheard them. Fearing the worst, or rather that the streets of Haspar had more ears than walls they decided it best that they should postpone any further discussion about their discoveries. At least until they were safely out of the city boundaries. They all felt the same feeling, as if an uncomfortable cloak of observation had been cast over them as soon as they left the library. They desperately wished to remove this.

  “You know we really should pass by my home.” Emily mused breaking the silence “It would give us a chance to rest, and think things through before we continue on our journey north. Plus it would allow us to gain some privacy from everyone else so we can really think about what we should do when we do reach the Dark Lady.”

  “That would be a great idea.” Jason replied before pausing, as if he remembered something important then he continued “Although, perhaps not. Won’t your grandfather be there? After all I thought he was against the whole idea of me being the hero?”

  “Well yes he could be. Though I have a feeling he won’t be there. In fact there is a much greater risk of him being here in Haspar, as I’m sure he would have come to tell the king about your arrival.”

  “Well then I guess it’s settled. It would be nice, I think, if we could rest there before we start the long trek north, I haven’t had a good sleep in a while” Jason stretched and yawned “I hope your parents have plenty of food stocked up.” Sherbit nodded whilst rubbing his stomach with his bony hand, Emily and Jason looked down with a grin.

  “Oh yes, yes, there must be food for us to eat” Sherbit said which a much more serious tone.

  Jason and Emily laughed as they walked through
the door leaving Sherbit standing a few paces behind still rubbing his stomach.

  “I’ll take that as a yes then... yes??”

  There was no reply, Sherbit sighed and ran through the door after his two friends.

  Emily and Jason were standing at the other side looking up the street. They were quite surprised at what lay before them. Busy shoppers shuffled along the market stalls, each looking for any bargains that they could lay their hands upon. The market place had nearly tripled in size since they left earlier. The people were so tightly squashed together that most could barely move.

  “Wow look at all those people” Jason said “maybe we should find another way around them? It might be quicker in the long run, besides I don’t particularly fancy being squashed to death in the process of trying to reach the city gates.”

  “I agree.” Emily replied thoughtfully “I remember seeing a side street when I was talking to the guard earlier perhaps it will lead to the city gate, if not at least it will direct us away from the crowds.”

  “Its worth a try, anything has to be better than being squashed between that horde of shopaholics”

  “Shop-a-what-now?” Emily replied in a confused tone along with a very blank and vacant expression painted across her face.

  “Oh never mind” Jason said with a laugh “Let’s just find this side street and get out of this city, I’m starting to feel like a rat in a cage never mind the feeling of being watched.”

  It was true in a way, as not far behind, Devon and Grimble stood pretending to admire some unusual objects that lay sprawled across a wooden market stall. Jason had glanced over at them a view times but didn’t seem to pay them much attention.

  Devon of course had been listening carefully to every word spoken by the three friends and was now planning what he and Grimble should do. The very fact that the three friends planned to leave the city caused a certain deal of weariness for Devon, as he knew that if his father even found him outside of the Palace grounds he would be in trouble. Devon was not going to let something like this slip away so easily. He felt it was more his duty to follow them to the north It was his duty to protect the interest of the remaining members of the Order. He was their chosen one and he was not about to step aside and let this outsider take his destiny.

  “What are we going to do when they go to her house?” Grimble said as he admired a rather shinny object, from a basket.

  “Well we will have to follow them and then wait around until they leave again.”

  “What if they stay a long time?”

  “I don’t think they will.”

  “And sire what if, her adults are there?”

  “Grimble be quiet! You ask too many questions, and it’s her parents not adults.” Devon began to mutter to himself about the lack of intellect he had to deal with, and why his parents hadn’t entrusted his protection with something a little more suitable for his needs.

  “Okay sire I won’t ask anymore questions, but what if…”

  Devon didn’t give him a chance to finish as a swift blow across his head stopped him from saying or asking anything else.

  “Now be quiet and listen.”

  They both stood and watched Emily lead Jason and Sherbit towards a side street then they slipped into the shadows.

  As soon as Emily had reached the side street she had peeked down to see if it looked safe enough for them to enter. It would be foolish at this stage now they had an idea of what they were supposed to do, to be lynched and carted off to goodness knows what sort of ending. The alleyway didn’t look unusual, though strange music was being played and laughter could be heard, from a building that looked much like a tavern, well a building that tried its very best to at least resemble a tavern. It almost pulled it off. The guard who had helped the friends previously in the day with his riddles to assist them was no longer in sight, if they needed any help now it would be useless trying to call for someone. Even if they did, the noise from the crowd of busy shoppers would be more than overwhelming.

  “Okay this is it” Emily said as she took another look down the alley “It really doesn’t look that bad, and I’m sure it will lead us to the gate or at least past the crowd.”

  “Well there’s only one way to find out” Jason said as he started to walk down the street boldly leading the way.

  Emily laughed “Jason you have become really brave, that hero thing must be kicking in now. I told you it was true”

  Jason smiled back at her trying to hold his own private fears within.

  “I’m not afraid to go walk down this alley, I’m a hero too” Sherbit said as he ran in after Jason.

  Emily laughed again as she walked down after her too brave friends.

  The street was rather shaded which made it a lot cooler than the open market street, it was a welcomed change, but the street still felt eerie. The three friends walked closely together, obviously Sherbit and Jason had lost what little bit of bravery they had within a few moments of entering the side street.

  The further they walked the narrower and darker the side street seemed to become. The walls in parts were green and slimy looking where they had been water stained. Moss grew over some bricks where the plaster and paint work had fallen off from age and neglect. The music from the tavern was getting increasingly louder, as the din of the busy crowd was almost unheard.

  “Maybe the shop-a-havocs have gone” Sherbit said whilst his teeth chattered with nerves.

  “Don’t be silly Sherbit, besides I’m sure we are almost at the end of this street, the gate is probably just around this corner.”

  Just as Emily finished speaking someone or something jumped out in front of them causing all three to jump back in surprise.

  The figure in front wore a purple robe. Whoever it was had a hood pulled up over their head hiding his or her face. The hooded figure didn’t say anything, just stood silently and waited, blocking the path forward for Jason and his friends.

  “Excuse me, could we pass?” Jason said trying to sound as brave as he could, although the nerves could be easily heard on his voice.

  The figure stood firm and didn’t move. Jason waited a while for an answer but there was no response. Feeling an urge of bravery come over him again, he decided to walk around the figure.

  “Wait” the figure said, it was a woman’s voice. Her voice was polite and her way with words associated her with the educated. “You can’t go yet, I have something for you, and I must tell you something before you travel north.”

  “How did you know we were going north?” Emily asked surprised that this strange figure seemed to know more than she should. She mentally kicked herself for revealing the truth in their plans.

  “I know many things Emily, I know that you three seek to destroy the Dark Lady, and I know that Jason here is the prophesised hero.”

  “But…” Emily didn’t get a chance to finish what she was about to say.

  “You must listen I don’t have much time, Jason take this, you will need it. I can’t tell you what it is or what does, but in time you will know when to use it. You must discover its magic yourself” The lady reached into her pocket and withdrew a small golden chain with a pendant on the end. In the centre was a small sky blue gem. She handed it to Jason.

  “I must warn you, that there are many who would seek to stop you in your quest, even those who you know as close friends. Emily I’m sure that you feel it, your magic is warning you of a danger close to you, you must be careful of who you trust.”

  The cloaked lady looked around, almost as if she was nervous to be here. There was a rattling noise as something was knocked over within the shadows.

  “I must go. Leave the city as soon as you can. Take care. Know that we all depend on you, even if there are some out there who are too stubborn to admit it. My love goes with you all, may Averin watch over you on your journey” she turned and ran into the tavern.

  “Wait” Jason tried to stop her but she didn’t stop. “Quick we have to follow her! Who was

  “I don’t know” Emily replied “Though I think she may be on our side, and we could certainly use the help of someone like her.”

  Jason placed the pendant in his pocket then ran into the tavern followed by Emily and Sherbit.

  The tavern was bustling with patrons who were happily chugging mugs of what would appear to be alcoholic ales and beers. Jason looked around the room, there were dirty looking men sitting around even dirtier looking tables. Several woman were plotted around the room in-between the men or sometimes in groups with other woman. The lady with the purple robe wasn’t anywhere to be seen.

  The landlord caught sight of Jason and Emily and Sherbit as soon as he peeked around the door frame.

  “Well now, look what we have here, ‘tis not often that we would see three young folk such as yourselves in this kind of establishment.”

  The music stopped and everyone quickly turned round to see what was happening.

  “We are just looking for a lady” Jason replied trying to break contact with the land lords overpowering stare.

  “Well there are a plenty of ladies in here, though you do seem a little young about the face lad”

  “No. No we were talking to a Lady with a purple robe. We saw her run in here”

  The landlord looked around, “Trying to find a purple robed lady, the fella says, anyone seen one”

  There were a few replies of no, and a few laughs.

  “Well there you go fella, there is no purple robed lady in here, and as far as I can remember there never has been, and I don’t suspect there ever will be, well not for a while anyhow”

  “But Sir, we saw her run in”

  “It must have been a trick of yer eyes boy. Now if I can’t be getting you something, please be getting on with ya, I have many a customers to serve, impatient lot at times.” The landlord turned to talk to another customer who was pushing an empty ale jug and a clatter of coins in his direction.


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