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Long Lost (Masters and Mercenaries: The Forgotten Book 4)

Page 22

by Lexi Blake

  “So you want the data in order to sweep the whole thing under the rug?” Ezra sounded like he wouldn’t believe any answer he was given.

  “We want to know who worked with the McDonalds. German intelligence wants to know who from Kronberg knew what was going on,” Sparks explained. “There will be repercussions. They won’t be public. Yes, we want to keep this out of the press, but we’re not going to allow anyone to treat our soldiers this way.”

  “German intelligence brought a Kronberg employee with them.” Tucker stepped out into the great room. He didn’t like the idea that the Agency might sweep it all under the rug. He certainly didn’t like the idea that they would go into this wide-eyed.

  Sparks’s expression softened and he stepped forward, holding out a hand. “You must be Tucker. Connor Sparks. It’s good to meet you, and let me assure you the president is working on clearing your name.”

  “I don’t know my name.” He sighed, but he shook the man’s hand. “But I appreciate anything you can do for me and my brothers.”

  “Jax is fine,” Solo said. “I’m trying to make sure he stays that way. Damon is checking on him, and they let River visit him yesterday.”

  “Jax is in a holding cell,” Ezra pointed out. “I assure you he’s not fine.”

  Sparks stepped back. “Unfortunately, I can’t get involved in freeing Mr. Seaborne. According to all our records, he doesn’t exist. Neither do you, Tucker. It’s why it’s so important we figure out what happened and how she hid your identities.”

  “And if the CIA helped her do it?” Nina stared at Sparks.

  “Then the Agency will have a shake-up they won’t see coming,” Sparks promised. “From the accent, I’m going to assume you’re Ms. Blunt. Former Interpol. You have to understand why it’s important the president isn’t involved. Your own organization is actively looking for these men.”

  “Former organization,” Nina replied. “And yes, if Interpol knew the president of the United States was even thinking about harboring men with red notices, there would be a scandal. I understand that, but I would be careful with MI6 and the Germans. I’m sure they’re telling you Kronberg is helping with their investigation, but that’s a major German corporation and that means they’ll protect them like the asset they are.”

  “They don’t want the list of names out any more than we do,” Sparks said. “We can work with them or against them. Allies are funny things. They can turn on a dime, but sometimes it’s best to keep them close. This is Solo’s op. The president has complete confidence in her.” He glanced down at his watch and then back to Solo. “You’re sure you want to do this? I don’t like the look in your ex’s eyes. You know we expect him back in one piece.”

  “Then you should take him right back to the US,” Ezra swore. “Because I can’t assure you that he’ll leave this house alive.”

  Tucker knew he was missing some important part of the conversation. He didn’t think the “he” they were talking about was Sparks.

  Solo sighed, a long-suffering sound. “I’ll keep them apart. I’ve got a room ready for him. The owner of this place has some interesting hobbies. There’s an actual jail cell in one of the rooms. I checked it out and it should hold him nicely.”

  “Hold him?” Something was going on that he didn’t understand. “I thought you were bringing Ariel up so she can put me under hypnosis.”

  “She’s on her way up here now,” Solo said. “She and Robert are bringing up some more people Ezra won’t like.”

  Ezra’s eyes were like laser beams focused on his ex-wife. “What the hell have you done? Have you forgotten that these men are my responsibility?”

  She frowned his way. “Talk to Damon and Tag. They approved the plan because it’s the only way we keep MI6 from pulling out the big guns.”

  “They already raided The Garden,” Ezra shot back. “How much bigger are those guns going to get?”

  Sparks whistled. “You said he was a do-gooder, Solo. You didn’t tell me he was naïve. I didn’t know you could work for the Agency for that long and still be so innocent.”

  Solo turned to Ezra. “A lot bigger, and you know it. I promise you that everything I’m doing is to protect Jax and Tucker. And you.”

  All he knew was he wanted to work with Ariel. If this was about her getting to come up here, he was going to weigh in. “I need to figure this out. We know the intel is probably somewhere in Paris. At least we’re certain that’s where I lost it. I need something to spark my memory. The drugs Green gave me seem to be working, but it’s not fast enough.”

  “Because you were never patient,” a deep voice said.

  A chill went up his spine and he watched as Levi Green was guided through the door by two men he’d never seen before. Guards. They were probably CIA agents and they’d been sent to transport Green here. His hands and feet were locked in heavy chains and he’d lost weight from the last time he’d seen the man. He looked lean and hungry, as if the past few weeks had robbed him of his ability to pretend to be anything but the predator he was. He’d never understood how much of Green’s mask came from the clothes he wore. He normally was very stylish, presenting himself as something of a hipster with his pork pie hats and suspenders. He had a cool vibe he cultivated.

  He hid behind. This was the real man, and his eyes practically ate Solo up. His hair was longer than usual, and it tumbled over his forehead as though he’d recently thrashed around. “Hello, Solo. I knew you would come for me eventually. You know, darling, you didn’t have to put me in chains. I would have come willingly. Don’t I always help you when you need it? When you’re lonely and wanting, I’m always there for you.”


  Ezra had gone still. Not the kind of still that happens when someone’s tired. It was the kind that happened right before a man committed a vicious murder.

  Solo stepped between the men. “Spare me, Levi. You know why you’re here. And I’ve got a nice cell with your name on it. Gentlemen, if you’ll follow me we can get this exchange over with and you can head back to the States.”

  “I’m serious.” Sparks was watching Ezra like he might lose his shit at any moment. “If you can’t protect him, I need to take him back with me. He’s been working with the Agency and he’s got a surprising amount of intelligence we need.”

  “Because he’s been playing everyone for years,” Ezra said between clenched teeth.

  “And you know as well as I do that if he’s got the right information, he can buy his way out of a lot of trouble,” Sparks said with a sigh. “He’s got a deal. If he can help Tucker Jones find the information we need, the Agency will be willing to reconsider his incarceration.”

  A completely humorless laugh came from Ezra’s throat. “Isn’t that handy. He causes the problem in the first place and now he’s also the solution. That sounds about right.”

  Sparks stared at Ezra, his eyes sharp as he took the former operative in. “He doesn’t know?”

  Solo’s jaw went tight. “I haven’t talked to him about it.”

  “Mr. Kent or Fain or whatever you choose to call yourself,” Sparks began, “you should give her some more credit. She held the line on this one. She wouldn’t give up your location so we can get this done unless we agreed to give you your job back. If this mission goes well, you’ll be back at the Agency with full pay and benefits. You’ll get your old job back and the records will reflect that your firing was in error.”

  “I don’t want my old job back. And this is a mistake. He’s got something up his sleeve and it will all go to hell in the end.” Ezra turned and walked away.

  Solo took a long breath as though banishing whatever it was she felt. “The deal still holds. I get you what everyone wants and Ezra, Tucker, and Jax get their records erased. They get a clean slate. What they do with it is up to them.”

  “Agreed.” Sparks shook her hand. “But that man has problems. Problems you can’t solve.”

  She sniffled slightly and a smile curved her lips up.
“You only say that because your wife wants to set me up.”

  A brilliant smile came over Sparks’s face. It completely transformed the man from dangerous to joyful. “She’s got lists. I promise I’ll go through them and weed out all the crazies.” His smile dimmed. “Be careful with him.”

  “Beck or Levi?” Solo asked.

  “Both,” Sparks said with an almost pitying smile, as though he knew what it meant to be in a hopeless situation. “When this is over come out to the house. Lara’s quite good at matchmaking. It’s time to move on.” He started toward the door he’d walked in through. When he turned back, the friendly guy was gone and the operative was back in place. “And Solo, you know what happens if he gets out.”

  She nodded. “You have to disavow any knowledge of the mission and I get to be the bad guy. The good news is I’m pretty good at that role. Just ask Beck.”

  Sparks nodded at the two men who had hands on Levi Green. At Sparks’s nod, they released him and fell into line behind the boss, leaving Green standing there in chains, a smirk on his face.

  “He’s right about moving on, but he’s wrong about letting his wife fix you up. Lara Sparks can’t possibly know what you need,” Levi said. “But I do. And I forgive you for hauling me in. You were only doing your job and I’ve been a bad boy. Tucker, it’s good to see you up and about. I knew you would come through. So ye old memories aren’t coming back as fast as we would like. We can fix that. Or should I call you Steven now?”

  “That’s not my name either.” All in all, he would have preferred hypnotism to having to work with the man who’d pretty much tried to kill all his brothers.

  Green’s eyes flared. “Ah, so it is working.”

  “If that man knows everything, why doesn’t he tell us what we need to know and we can all move on with our lives?” Nina asked.

  “Where would the fun be in that?” Levi asked, holding out his chained-together hands. “Hello, we haven’t had the pleasure of being introduced. I’m Levi Green. You can call me Levi.”

  Nina didn’t take the proffered hand. “The fun would be in us all getting to go home.”

  “And miss spending time with my best girl? Never. This is foreplay for me and Solo. I’m a patient man. Why don’t you take these things off me, baby? You know I’m not going anywhere. I intend to give you everything you want and then I’ll get what I’ve been waiting for all these years,” Levi promised.

  “I’m not letting you out of the chains and I swear to god if you touch me, I’ll make you regret it.” Solo stalked over to him. “You’re here for one reason and one reason only. You’re going to help Tucker remember what happened and where he left that intelligence he stole from Kronberg. You’ll do it because you were there.”

  “Oh, yes, I was. I was there far longer than anyone imagines. I was there in the beginning,” Levi replied. “But merely telling him who he is and why he did what he did wouldn’t spark his memory. We have to do this my way or no way at all.”

  His past was standing right in front of him and all he could think about was the fact that he didn’t want Veronica anywhere near this man. Levi Green was toxic. He was like the devil, always looking for a way in, and once he got there he corrupted everything he touched.

  I have a way for you to get everything you want. You’ll be doing a service to your country, too. You’ve seen what she’s doing. You’ve been affected directly by it. What would you do to get a little revenge?

  The words floated through his brain. Insidious. They’d been insidious. He’d wanted to walk away but Green had gotten him. Green had convinced him he could get everything he needed if he only did this one small favor for him.

  “Are you okay?” Nina put a hand on his arm.

  Green’s chains jangled. “See, being in the same room is helping, isn’t it? You need me to walk you through it all. I can’t simply tell you. You need to experience it because I have no idea where that intel is. I only know that you had it.”

  “I was meeting you that day,” he heard himself say, but he was doing exactly what he wasn’t supposed to do. He was looking deep inside. It was right there. He could feel the wind on his face, know how excited he was because soon he wouldn’t have to lie to Roni anymore. He was going to get his life back. He was going to get his…

  He’d been looking for something. Something important. Something. Or someone.

  “You’re close, aren’t you?” Green was staring at him, a fascinated look on his face. “Dig a little deeper. It’s right there, man. I gave you the drugs that should rebuild the connections.”

  His gut was starting to clench, pain pulsing through his head.

  “Hey, you don’t look so great,” Nina said.

  “Tucker, let it go,” Solo ordered. “Ariel taught you how to handle this.”

  “You’re almost there, man.” Green egged him on, but the problem was he was right. He was almost there. It was so close he could taste it. “Reach for it.”

  “Tucker, what’s happening?”

  Only one voice could bring him out. “Roni?”

  A low chuckle reminded him they weren’t alone. “Well, that explains a lot. I assume this is Solo’s doing? Hello, Veronica. Long time, no see.”

  Roni gasped beside him and her face flushed. “Lewis? What are you doing here?”

  Solo looked to Roni. “You know him?”

  Roni nodded. “He was dating my sister when she died. Was killed. Did he have something to do with my sister’s murder?”

  “If I did, I probably had help,” Green said with a wink. “Shouldn’t we find out who that was?”

  Tucker’s heart felt like it sank to his stomach because Green was staring straight at him. Like they had a secret.

  God. Had he had a hand in killing Roni’s sister?

  His knees buckled and he stumbled toward the bathroom. He was going to be sick.

  * * * *

  Two hours later Veronica was still shaking as she sat down at the table in the dining room. The world seemed to have upended and she wasn’t sure she liked where she’d landed.

  Tucker reached out and slid a hand over hers. He was still pale. She’d chased after him, leaving Solo and Nina with the man her sister had introduced her to as Lewis Green. Her mind was still whirling, but at least Tucker seemed to be better now.

  “All right, let’s get this over with since we’ve got more company coming,” Ezra said as he took a seat. “Did Solo tell you she’s letting MI6 and the Germans send a rep up here?”

  Tucker’s hand tightened on hers. “What? Why the hell did we leave The Garden if we’re inviting them to hang with us?”

  Solo sat beside Ezra. From what Roni could tell they’d spent most of the last two hours yelling at each other when Ezra wasn’t yelling at Big Tag on the phone. “We left The Garden so we would have leverage. We’re now using that leverage to force better conditions. MI6 and BND have agreed they do not need to question Sandra Croft. She’s being issued a new passport as we speak and we’ll handle the records of her coming back into the country. Also, we’ll deal with Violet’s citizenship. She’ll be granted dual citizenship and two passports, one US and one German. You understand what this means?”

  Despite how upsetting it had been to see that man again, something good might come from it. “I can talk to my mom?”

  Solo gave her a smile. “FaceTime with her. Let Violet see you. The deal I’ve worked out is that MI6 gets to keep Jax for now. We keep Tucker. All three agencies get to interview Levi Green. Robert and Ariel are on their way up here with a couple of representatives. They don’t know where the location is, and they won’t have freedom to roam while they’re here. I’ve taken down any pictures or mementos they might use to identify the house. It’s not perfect but it’s all I’ve got and with any luck, between Ariel and talking to Levi, we’ll figure out where that data is.”

  “And if McDonald took it with her?” Tucker asked.

  Solo’s eyes darkened as though she’d gone through that nightmar
ish scenario in her head way too many times. “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. I’ll figure out something that will satisfy them. I’m not going to let them take Tucker. And honestly, Ezra already knows how he’s going to break Jax out.”

  Ezra’s lips quirked up in a feral smirk. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “I’ll help you if it comes down to that,” Solo promised. “But if I can avoid a worldwide execution order on your head, I will. Now, Nina’s babysitting. I gave her noise canceling headphones so she doesn’t have to listen to Levi talk.”

  “You should have given her a cattle prod.” Ezra seemed to perk up. “Hey, Weston’s got some crazy shit in this place. It’s like his dungeon in the woods. I bet he’s got one.”

  “I bet he does,” Tucker said with a smile that kind of scared her.

  She shook her head. “Will someone tell me who this guy is? I met him twice when he was dating Katie.”

  Solo and Ezra shared a look she didn’t understand.

  “What?” she asked, a knot in her gut. Once again something was going on that she didn’t quite understand. She was on the periphery with no real knowledge except whatever that look meant, it would likely rock her world.

  Solo’s face cleared. “Nothing at all.”

  “They think your sister might have been CIA,” Tucker explained, his eyes tired. He’d had a rough afternoon. After throwing up for a while he’d lain in bed with the lights off and a cool rag on his head, trying to get rid of a migraine. She’d lain next to him, changing the rag every now and then, her head resting on his chest and listening to the steady beat of his heart.

  “Katie wasn’t a CIA agent.” It was completely ridiculous. “She was a journalist. She had a degree and started working freelance as soon as she graduated.”

  “When did she meet the man you knew as Lewis?” Solo asked.


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