Songbird Freed

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Songbird Freed Page 4

by Lisa Edward

  He exhaled a ragged breath. “I was so worried. I thought you would … Never mind, it doesn’t matter now.” He shook his head. “You’re back here with me.” Then he paused as doubt flashed in his eyes. “You are back, right?”

  My first instinct was to laugh and make a joke of such a silly question, but the look on his face told me to treat his insecurities seriously.

  “Yes I’m back, of course I am. I never really left. You were with me every step of the way with your beautiful letter. It gave me so much strength.” Cupping his stubbled jaw in my hands, I softly kissed his lips. “I was always coming back, there was never any doubt. This is where I belong.”

  I felt the heaving of his chest before I saw the tears welling in his eyes, then his lips were on mine, and all I felt was pure love. “I’ve missed you so much, babe,” he whispered between kisses. “I want you, so much.” His breath was against my ear as his lips moved to my neck. His body pressed against mine. “I need you, baby. I need to know you’re still mine … completely.”

  Oh God, I couldn’t think straight as Cole’s tongue traced the curve of my collarbone. I knew there was a reason we shouldn’t be doing this now, but I couldn’t remember why.

  “Come up to the bedroom with me,” he growled in my ear.

  Crap! Our dads are in the living room.

  “We can’t,” I managed to utter between sighs as my head dropped back.

  “The couch?” Lips were travelling to the other side of my neck. “The kitchen bench?” He pulled back for a moment. “Fuck it, right here on the floor. I don’t care where.”

  “No,” I sighed, “Our dads are in the living room.”

  I thought that would stop him, knowing we weren’t alone.

  “So the bedroom it is then.”

  There was a squeal that cut through my hormone-induced haze, jolting me back to the present. “Eeek! I thought I heard voices.” Kelli came waddling in, beaming from ear to ear.

  I raced over to her and wrapped my arms around her as best I could, considering she seemed to have grown to twice her size in the last couple of weeks.

  “He missed you so much,” she whispered in my ear. “Thank goodness you’re home. He’s been so miserable.” Kelli gave me a sad smile. “How was Riley?”

  I hesitated, trying to think where to start, but she just squeezed my hand, indicating to Cole with her head. “You can tell me later, and I’ll tell you all about this.” She rubbed her stomach affectionately.

  “Oh my God, look at how big you’ve gotten.” I couldn’t help it—I had to touch her tummy.

  She just giggled. “I know, I’m enormous. I can’t wait for Peanut to get out.”

  “What are you doing here?” I asked her excitedly before turning to Cole, laughing. “How many more women do you have stashed in the bedroom?”

  He winked at me. “Kelli was in her room, having a nana nap.”

  “In her room? What do you mean?”

  Looking between the two of them, they shrugged at me then grinned at each other.

  “I’ll let you explain the living arrangements,” he said to Kelli as he started making his way to the living room. “I’m going to go say hi to Dad and John.”

  “Cole asked me to stay until I’ve had the baby.” She beamed. “I was so relieved. I was having panic attacks, worried that I’d go into labour and be on my own. You should see what he’s done to the spare room. He needed something to fill his time while he pined away for you.” She grabbed my hand, dragging me down the hallway before flinging the door to the spare room wide open. “Ta-da!”

  It was magnificent. The walls were a pale terracotta colour with a mural of a carousel, complete with bejewelled prancing white ponies, covering one wall. White wooden furniture filled the room, and in one corner was a plush rocking chair.

  I looked around, my mouth open in amazement.

  “I know, right? Can you believe what he’s done in here?” Kelli was practically beside herself. If she wasn’t just about to pop, I have no doubt she would have been jumping up and down like an excited child.

  “This is …” There were no words. The room had been transformed in the space of a couple of weeks from a drab spare room with no personality, to a child’s dream come true.

  “It’s not for forever, of course, but he said I can stay for as long as I want,” she gushed.

  Wrapping my arm around Kelli’s shoulder, I squeezed her into my side. “You can stay as long as you want and if that’s forever, then that’s fine with me.”

  “He has a surprise for you, too.”

  Again, Kelli grabbed my hand and we made our way into the living room where Victor, Dad and Cole were huddled together, speaking in hushed voices. As we entered, Cole looked up quickly, a deep frown etched into his brow.

  I was just about to sink into the couch beside him, but Kelli still had a firm grip on my hand. “No, this way, Tars.” She steered me to the doorway of the dining room, then let go of my hand and stepped back so I could take in the gorgeous, shiny, black baby grand piano, which sat perfectly in the corner of the room.

  Cole wrapped his arms around me from behind. “Welcome home, baby.”

  Looking over my shoulder at him, I scooped one arm around his neck, pulling his head down towards mine for a lingering kiss. “Thank you so much.”

  It was just what we needed in the apartment; just what I needed. I could play day or night, whenever I needed to unwind or wanted to practice. Racing over to it, I ran my hand across the satin smooth finish, before taking a seat on the long stool and opening the lid.

  Cole came over and sat beside me, his legs straddled on either side of the stool. He wrapped his arms around my waist, kissing my shoulder softly.

  “Are you sure this is where you want to be, Tara?” he asked quietly, his brow furrowed.

  “There’s nowhere else I want to be. I love you, Cole. I’m where I belong, and I think you’re where you belong.” My hand ran down his thigh, feeling the strong muscles through his jeans. “I’m worried about Riley, though, and I probably always will be. That place … it’s so depressing, and he was so lost and alone.”

  His fingertips ran over the back of my hand and slowly started making their way up my arm. “Do you need some space?”

  Panic suddenly gripped me. “Do you want to cool things down, Cole?”

  He chuckled softly. “My beautiful girl, I’d like to be on top of you right now with absolutely no space between us.” His face nuzzled my hair, inhaling deeply. “You smell so good.” Soft lips caressed my shoulder again before he sat upright. “But Dad said things were really intense for you over there, and I know you well enough to know that when you are stressed, you like your space to figure things out in your head.” He softly kissed my temple. “So I’m asking, not because I want it, but because maybe you do—do you need me to leave you alone for a while to think everything through?”

  The fingertips I was watching trace up and down my arm became blurry as my eyes teared up.

  Cole noticed my tears. “Oh God, you do want me to give you space?” He gripped my hands in his, pulling me around to face him. “How long do you need?”

  I couldn’t breathe, my heart was pounding so hard. “About three seconds. You’re not going anywhere,” I croaked. “Seriously, how did I get so lucky?”

  His furrowed brow eased as my words sunk in, and he exhaled sharply. “Oh, thank fuck for that.” He cupped my cheeks, kissing me quickly on the lips. “I don’t want to leave you alone, not even for three seconds.”

  “So don’t.” Gazing into his emerald eyes, I felt that swell of love again in my chest. “You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me, Cole. I don’t need time to think things through or decide what I want or need … You’re right here, so I’m right here.”

  Sighing deeply, Cole rested his forehead against mine, his hand travelling up my thigh, squeezing my hip. “You have no idea how much I’ve missed you.” Soft lips grazed my hairline. “I couldn’t sleep without
you beside me. I just … I just felt lost, like I was treading water, waiting for you to come home.” He nuzzled my neck once more, making me shiver. “Please don’t leave me again.”

  “I’m here for as long as you want me to be. I’m not going anywhere.”

  His body finally relaxed as strong arms wrapped around me, pulling me into him.

  “Are you going to play that thing, or just sit there?” Kelli called.

  I looked over to see Kelli, Victor and Dad standing in the doorway watching us, all with grins on their faces.

  “Did you want to play something together?” I asked Cole.

  “No, wait,” Kelli chirped, “Play something for Tara.” She grinned at me mischievously. “He’s been playing soppy love songs into the early hours of the morning and wailing away, all melancholy.” She giggled, and I couldn’t help joining in; her laugh was infectious. It seemed staying here with Cole had been good for both of them. He had needed some company and a project to keep him busy, and she was happier than I’d seen her since Coop had died. The glint in her eyes was coming back, and I was sure it had something to do with the constant banter between the two of them.

  “Have you been wailing, babe?” I asked with a smirk.

  “Apparently.” He cast Kelli a sideways glance. “Who invited her again?”

  “You did, remember?” she called back.

  The piano stool was almost as long as the piano so I could have stayed sitting, but I wanted to watch Cole play, so I stood and went over to where the others were leaning in the doorway.

  Cole cleared his throat and cracked his knuckles. “Okay, well, I wasn’t planning on playing this in front of everyone, but here goes.”

  As soon as he began playing I recognised the song, but as he started singing the words to ‘All of Me’ by John Legend, I realised he was feeling every word. All our ups and downs, everything I had put him through over the last eight months—he had loved me through it all, with the patience of a saint. He had been there as a friend when I had needed him to support me, and protect me, and love me, flaws and all.

  Kelli rubbed my arm comfortingly, leaning in towards me. “I know, I cried the first time I heard him sing it, and he wasn’t even singing it to me.”

  Wiping the tear that had spilled out over my lashes, I squeezed Kelli’s hand. “I’m so glad you were here for him, and that you’re here now.” I rubbed her tummy. “Come on, little peanut, you can come out now.”

  Cole finished playing, and looked over at us cheekily. “That was me … wailing.”

  “It was beautiful.” I made my way over to perch beside him.

  “You play something,” he said, shuffling over.

  I always needed to clear my mind when put on the spot, but the only thing swirling in my head was that I loved Cole. But when did I fall in love with him? It wasn’t a light-bulb moment, or a grand gesture—it was almost as if I had always loved him.

  “Okay,” I said, grinning, cracking my knuckles to mimic Cole. “Can you play the guitar with me?” The only song I could think of was ‘That’s When I Knew’ by Alicia Keys, and it needed guitar as well.

  We played a few more songs together and separately, before Cole leaned over to whisper in my ear. “Come with me.”

  Cole took my hand and led me to the kitchen, while Kelli and our dads went back to relax in the living room. When we got to the area behind the island bench, we stopped.

  “I have another present to show you.”

  Raising my eyebrows, I wondered what type of present would be kept in the kitchen. Looking up at Cole’s face, I realised he was looking down, so I followed his gaze. He flicked open the button on his jeans, making my heart flutter at what I knew lay beneath. I let out a soft moan, fighting the urge to reach out and help undo and remove his jeans completely.

  He sighed. “I was so worried you wouldn’t have that look of hunger on your face for me anymore.”

  “Were you really worried I wouldn’t come back to you?” I hated that he had been so stressed about me going away.

  He shook his head. “No, not worried—more like terrified.” He brushed a stray hair behind my ear, caressing it softly. “I always felt like I was the consolation prize because you couldn’t be with Riley.”

  I could see from the strain on his face he wasn’t joking.

  “It was never a competition between the two of you. The more I got to know you, the more I realised there was to love.” I stroked his cheek. He leaned into my hand and closed his eyes briefly. “You’re the one I want to be with, the one I need to be with.”

  He turned his head slightly, kissing the palm of my hand.

  God, I loved this man.

  “So,” he said sheepishly as he opened his eyes, “I got this while you were away.”

  He lifted his top and I could see script writing poking out the top of his boxers. A groan rumbled in Cole’s throat, as I hooked my finger in the waistband and pulled them down lower, while he stood perfectly still.

  Written in an arch under his boxers was Tara’s Toy.

  I laughed with delight at Cole’s tattoo of devotion and the way he had declared his love for everyone to see. I also couldn’t help the beaming smile that lit up my face as I ran my finger along the obvious swelling in his pants.

  “So this is mine?”

  “I’m yours; every inch of me,” he said softly.

  The sexual innuendo wasn’t lost on me. “Every inch?” I asked seductively, running my hand along the bulge again.

  He nodded, his pupils dilating so his eyes were nearly black.

  “There are a lot of inches there.”

  The corner of his mouth curled up in a lopsided smile. “Keep rubbing it, baby, and there’ll be a couple more.”

  Smiling, I looked back down at the tattoo. “So you were worried I wouldn’t come back to you, but you still got my name tattooed in big bold letters.”

  Cole ran his fingers into my hair, angling my face up to his. “How you feel doesn’t change how I feel.” He dropped his forehead to mine. “I am completely and hopelessly in love with you. Whether you want me or not, you have my heart, always.”

  His lips met mine, gently at first, but I wanted more. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I pulled his head down to mine. He groaned, his kiss becoming more urgent, his tongue searching my mouth. His hands ran down the sides of my body to my hips, and then he lifted me effortlessly up onto the bench. My knees were pushed open as his hips wedged between them, his arms pulling my torso to his.

  I knew from previous experience, this bench was the perfect height, as I rubbed against the bulge in his jeans. My head dropped back as soft lips caressed my neck making me moan softly.

  “You know we can see you, right?” Kelli called out. “We’re still right here.”

  Lifting my head, I met Cole’s eyes and we both laughed. He pulled me to him, engulfing me in his huge arms.

  “I think we’d better stop … for now,” he whispered.

  Pouting exaggeratedly, I asked, “So when do I get to play with my new toy?”

  He gave me a cheeky wink, then looked over my shoulder to the living room.

  “Kelli, would you mind calling everyone to see if they want to catch up for dinner at Songbirds before we play tonight?” Cole took my hand and helped me down off the bench, then started leading me towards the hallway.

  I had a sneaky look over at Kelli. She had one eyebrow cocked. “So now he thinks I’m his secretary,” she grumbled good-humouredly as she pulled her phone from her pocket.

  Cole chuckled. “Tara’s going to go freshen up.”

  “Has she forgotten where the bathroom is?” Kelli asked with a smirk.

  Cole glanced at Kelli. “I’m just going to help.” Then he muttered under his breath, but just loud enough for us all to hear, “Who invited her again?”

  Laughing, I let Cole lead me up to the bedroom and en-suite. It felt so wonderful to be home amongst the people I loved in the surroundings I adored. There was no doubt
where my heart lay, but my thoughts still drifted to Riley and all the suffering he had endured. Would he ever be happy again?

  AS SOON as we were in the bedroom, the door was closed and my back was pressed hard against it. Cole’s hands slid down my arms until his fingers were laced with mine, and then he lifted them over my head, holding me captive with his body.

  Warm breath heated my skin as his lips caressed my neck, sending a heat of a different kind spreading through my core. Determined hands slid down my body, pulling at my clothes, unbuttoning my jeans and tugging them down over my hips. His kisses moved down my chest, the stubble on his jaw grazing my breasts then down my stomach to my panties. Running my fingers through his messy hair, I looked down at the man kneeling before me as he gripped my hips, kneading my flesh. A warm, wet tongue licked across the top of my underwear as he roughly slid it down my thighs.

  My breathing was out of control as I fisted his hair. “Stop,” I panted, “not that.”

  His gaze raised to meet mine, one more soft kiss skimming my inner thigh. “Why not?” he asked breathlessly.

  “I need to freshen up.” I ran my hand over my face, trying to compose myself. I’d been on a plane and sitting in airports for the better part of two days, and didn’t want him down there until after I’d showered.

  “I don’t mind,” he murmured, pushing his hands between my legs to open them wider.

  “And I love that you don’t mind, but I do.”

  The look of rejection on his face tugged at my heartstrings. Taking his hand, I pulled him back to his feet, and then I led him over to the bed.

  “Relax.” I gave him a playful little push down onto the bed and disposed of his jeans quickly. He laid back, his eyes never leaving my face.

  I held his hands over his head, wrapping his fingers around the slats in the bed-head. “Leave them there, okay?”

  His grin broadened. “You’re the boss.”

  “Yes, I am,” I said with feigned authority. Straddling his hips, I ran my hands over his chest and across his shoulders. The muscles were so hard, but at the same time, his skin was so smooth. I traced the peaks and valleys of his perfectly defined abs, then shimmied down until I was lying between his legs. With one final look up at his face, I planted soft kisses across the arc of the new tattoo that told me he was mine, then flicked his piercing with my tongue.


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