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Piecrust Promise

Page 18

by Nanette Kinslow

  Lee nodded and let her lead him to the dining room. The hotel was inviting and well-built. Lee decided he would inquire about some people he knew that would be staying at the hotel. It seemed worse all the time. When he had wired Corinne’s family he thought the pie baking contest would be something they would all share together. Now he didn’t know what he would tell them.

  Miss Paula set a slice of blueberry pie down in front of him and Lee could not help recall the dark round fruit oozing down Corinne’s door. He turned the pie and took a bite.

  “Well, not too bad, eh, Lieutenant?”

  Lee nodded and took another bite. Miss Paula’s pie had a firm crust and the berries were large and sweet.

  “I can still expect your friend will be bringing her pies in the mornin’?” Paula looked at him, an inquisitive expression on her face.

  “I don’t know, Miss Paula, and that’s the truth. The last I saw of Corinne’s pie it was flat against the other side of a door I had just slammed.

  “No!” Miss Paula gasped. “Are you tellin’ me you had a disagreement with that lovely girl?”

  Lee considered his response. “I wish it were that simple,” he said.

  Miss Paula lowered herself into the chair across the table from the lieutenant while he explained what had happened between him and Corinne. All of it. She seemed kind and listened attentively. Maybe Miss Paula knew how to win Corinne’s heart.

  Chapter Seventy-Si x

  Corinne checked her reflection in the big mirror Lee had put in the bedroom. She’d risen very early, quickly made a new blueberry pie and donned her new dress. The soft cornflower blue reflected the blue of her eyes and set off her dark hair as it fell in soft tendrils over her shoulders.

  She had dressed more carefully than any time in her life, even lacing up a corset and cleaning under her fingernails. Corinne barely recognized herself. The dress showed off her figure, flattering her full bust and slender waist. She looked quite pretty, she thought.

  While the fair was in town, she decided, she would try to find Lee. If she saw him maybe she could explain. She could not go looking the way she felt inside, pitiful and miserable and empty.

  Corinne loaded her pies into the wagon, spacing them prudently before hitching up Boomer. By the time she reached the contest tent she had come dangerously close to missing the deadline.

  Two young men helped her take her pies inside where they were labeled and then taken to the judging table. Once all of her pies were safely inside, Corinne walked out behind the tents. In less than an hour the judging would begin. Then there was one more contest and the winners would be announced. Several times Corinne took a step or two out from behind the tent and considered going around front, but changed her mind. What would she say to Lee if she did see him? She knew that there was only one thing she could say and she was terrified of that.

  Lee saw her step from behind the tent, biting her nails and repeatedly tucking her hair behind her ears. She was beautifully dressed, her hair brushed to a soft shine and her figure stunning. Lee considered that maybe she really was happier alone.

  When the announcement was made that the pie judging was about to begin, the crowds that had been milling around outside entered the tent. Lee watched Corinne pacing nervously outside. He was certain she’d win and he knew she was terrified. He stepped away, fighting the urge to go to her with words of support and encouragement. He’d go inside like the others and do what he had come to do.

  Corinne took a deep breath and worked up her nerve. She walked to the tent entrance, then changed her mind and walked towards the back. She heard the announcement that all of the pies had been tasted and the winners would be announced once the next contest was completed. Corinne bit her lip hard and stepped inside.

  The massive tent was completely packed with people, families and couples and children and babies with tables of food everywhere. She worked her way over to the table where the judges had sampled the pies and she recognized her own battered tins immediately. Almost every one of her pie tins was completely empty, while many other tins had been barely touched. Corinne wondered what bearing that might have on the judging.

  She heard the announcements begin for the next contest and tried to wriggle through the crowd to go back outside.

  “We will now begin the pie eating contest!” the barker called out from the front of the tent. “The local favorite, Olaf Goodson is here.” Corinne heard the man calling out the names from his list as she worked her way towards the exit. “Also, we are pleased to welcome First Lieutenant Lee Highland from Fort Reno ready to dive into our competition as well!”

  Chapter Seventy-Seven

  Corinne held perfectly still, listening. She was certain she must have heard wrong. She pushed her way through the gathering trying to get closer. The tent was packed, most of the crowd pushing forward to watch the contest. Corinne repeated “excuse me” a dozen times before she finally reached the ropes that separated the crowd from the contest table.

  There, at the long tables lined with several young men, two burly older fellows and one, rather masculine looking woman, was Lee.

  He wore the whitest shirt Corinne had even seen and he sat before a bubbled-over fruit pie, the baked drippings melted dark and syrupy over the lattice. Corinne knew immediately the pie was filled with blackberries. If he put his face into the pie he would be stained a deep blue for days and his shirt would be completely ruined. Corinne could not imagine what he was thinking and worked her way along the rope.

  “Lee!” she whispered loudly to him as she got closer. “What on earth are you doin’?” She leaned over the rope.

  He looked up at her, his grey eyes serious and determined.

  “You told me that the day you saw me in a pie eating contest you would change your mind about me,” he said. “This is my last attempt, Corinne. If you won’t have me after this I’ll leave you to be alone as you please.”

  Corinne put her hand to her chest.

  “You don’t need to do this. I was wrong. Your whole face will be blue. You’ll ruin your shirt! You don’t have to do this to prove yourself. It’s not you, it’s me. I’m the flaky one!”

  “Ladies and gentlemen!” the announcer called out. “The contestants cannot use their hands. Anyone who puts their hands on the table at any time will be immediately disqualified. No exceptions!”

  “Lee, please! I’m sure you don’t want to do this!” Corinne pleaded.

  The announcements continued. “When the pistol is fired the first time, get into your pies and start eating. When the pistol goes off again, sit up straight and stop eating.”

  “Lee,” Corinne leaned over the rope. “Come home, please. I love you.”

  The pistol fired.

  Chapter Seventy-Eight

  Lee plunged his face into the pie, immersing himself in the tart blackberries before he realized what Corinne had said to him.

  He gulped down the berries quickly.

  He thought about all the things he had said to her, and he regretted bringing up her son in anger.

  He gulped down more pie.

  Was she saying she loved him because she meant it? Because she thought it was what he needed to hear? Or simply because she wanted him to stop? He’d made the pie baking contest too important. Instead of waiting until she had just won it, he’d pushed her.

  He gulped down more pie.

  Was signing up for pie eating enough to prove himself, as Miss Paula had suggested? He remembered Corinne’s words. The day he signed up for a pie eating contest was the day she’d accept him.

  Lee knew that loving her was all that mattered.

  The pistol fired.

  Lee sat up, choking on the tart berries, his nostrils filled with sugary syrup. He could not open his eyes. Someone handed him a wet towel and he wiped his face.

  Corinne stood facing him across the ropes, and he could see her now. Her face was twisted with concern. Then she smiled. She raised her brows and a warm grin spread across he
r face. Corinne put her fingertips to her lips and began to chuckle through her tears.

  Lee wiped his face, clearing his nose and trying to make out her words.

  “Ladies and gentlemen! We have a winner!” The announcer’s voice boomed.

  “This year’s pie eater extraordinaire is… Olaf Goodson!”

  Lee looked around as the crowd applauded enthusiastically. He hadn’t won the contest but he hoped he had won something else. He looked back to Corinne’s face and could see her eyes filled with tears.

  “I love you!” Corinne yelled over the din of cheers.

  Lee could barely hear her voice, but he did hear it. She smiled. Lee looked into her eyes and there was no hesitation there. Her heart was open and he knew at last it was his.

  Lee whooped and planted his boot on his chair and then the table. He stepped up and leapt over the announcer and onto the ground. Lee ducked under the rope and took Corinne in his arms. The spectators shouted out and applauded loudly.

  “I love you,” Corinne said softly and Lee Highland pulled her to him and kissed her eagerly.

  “Marry me!” Lee looked into her loving eyes.

  “Yes,” Corinne said. “I will.”

  Chapter Seventy-Nine

  Lee shook hands with a hundred spectators. Soldiers and farmers, merchants and pioneers. There were families he had helped on the plains and young men he commanded and trained. Corinne stood at his side filled with pride. He smiled at her often and she could feel her heart swelling with love for him.

  “Good try, Lieutenant,” one man said.

  When Corinne looked up and saw Daniel and Barnette with little Elijah working their way through the crowd she looked up at Lee in shock.

  “I asked them to come so they could be here for the pie judging. I thought Daniel ought to be here.”

  “Oh Lee, that’s so wonderful! I really do love you. Thank you.” Corinne reached up and touched his cheek. His face was still blue from the berries but she thought he had never looked so handsome.

  Corinne hugged her brother and his wife warmly and kissed Elijah’s forehead.

  “Good job,” Daniel said, shaking Lee’s hand sincerely.

  “You don’t know the half of it,” Lee smiled broadly. “Corinne has just agreed to marry me!”

  Barnette squealed and kissed Lee and Corinne on the cheeks warmly. “How excitin’!”

  “I guess the eatin’ contest worked, eh?” Daniel winked at Lee.

  Corinne just shook her head. It was clear to her that everyone had known how Lee had felt about her all along. She reached up and kissed Lee’s cheek.

  “Ladies and gentleman!” the announcement began again. “Please turn your attention to the tables on the other side of the tent! We are about to announce the winners of this year’s pie baking competition!”

  Corinne looked up at Lee and Daniel nervously. “Here we go,” she said.

  Lee took her hand and held it to his lips, kissing it reassuringly.

  Daniel nodded to her confidently.

  Corinne stood on her tiptoes and looked over the crowd.

  “I’m terrified,” she said.

  Chapter Eighty

  A hush fell over the tent as the announcer called out the names of the winners in the pie competition. He called honorable mentions first, then third place and then second place in each category. Corinne tried to focus on what kinds of pies were winners, listening for her name.

  There was a coconut custard pie that took honorable mention as well as a persimmon and a spinach pie but Corrine’s name was not called. The announcer moved onto third place winners. An eggnog pie won in the custard category and then Corrine’s name was called in the nut category for her Texas Pecan. Lee whooped but Corrine bit her lip and waited while more winners were announced.

  Second place winners were next and Corrine’s name was announced in the meat category. She was glad to take second place but still she winced. Lee whispered in her ear, “Your chicken pie is first place in my book.” He squeezed her hand reassuringly. She had thought she had a good chance for first place herself.

  You could feel the tension in the air as the crowd anticipated the announcement of the winners of the more major awards.

  “Before I call out the first place winners from each category I want everyone here today to know that this was a blind tasting test. Not one of these judges knew who made what pies. Each pie was judged on its own merit. The competition was quite stiff for this year’s fair and I am proud to be calling out the names of the following winners!”

  “First place for the best nut pie goes to Dana Alvin for her tempting Southern Pecan!” Applause roared through the tent. “For her delectable Chicken Vegetable Pie, first place in the meat and vegetable category goes to Alice Alder!” Again the crowd applauded enthusiastically.

  Corrine began to fidget. She’d already been eliminated from first place in the categories announced so far but she had a chance in all the remaining categories.

  “And now the first place winner in the fruit category is… Eve Hawkins for her amazing blueberry pie submission. I’m sure Eve will find several venues in town that will want to feature her pies.”

  Lee caught sight of Hawkins on the edge of the crowd watching him and Corinne furtively, his face twisted and bitter. Corinne thought about her first blueberry pie sliding down the door. She knew the one she had made hastily that morning was not one of her best efforts.

  There were just two first place categories left.

  Corinne looked up at Lee. She might win yet, but it didn’t matter, she thought. She had what she really wanted. She could always find someone to buy one of her pies. What was even more wonderful was that she had Lee. When he looked at her lovingly she felt fulfilled and safe. For the first time in her life she felt complete. She held his hand firmly.

  “First place for a sugar pie goes to… Corinne Greslin for her incredible Black Bottom Rum pie.”

  Corinne reached out and squeezed Daniels’ bicep firmly. “Yes!” she laughed.

  Daniel leaned to her and whispered. “It’s not over yet you can still win another one.”

  Corrine was glad for the first place. It gave her a better chance for one of the grand prizes.

  “For the last first place ribbon in the cream pie category, the winner is… Miss Corinne Greslin again for her enchanting Egg Custard!”

  Corinne gasped out loud.

  “I told you so!” Daniel whooped.

  “Good job,” Lee said. “I’ll have to have one of those custard pies!”

  The crowd milled about excitedly as the contest neared its climax. The announcer collected new notes from the judges and called for the audience’s attention.

  “Calm down now folks so everyone can hear who the grand prize winners are!

  “We’ll begin with the award for Best Crust. The winner of twenty five dollars and the handmade pastry cutter all the way from Germany is… Corinne Greslin for the fine Egg Custard Pie!”

  The tent erupted in applause and Corrine and Barnette hugged each other and danced about.

  “I wonder if that pastry cutter will be any less dangerous on the table of yours,” Lee laughed.

  “The award for Best Looking and the winner of the hand carved rolling pin and twenty five dollars is… Dana Alvin for her Southern Pecan, my personal favorite!”

  Several people congratulated Dana heartily and the tent shook with applause.

  “For the Best Filling the winner of the custom embroidered apron and twenty five dollars cash is… Alice Alder for her Chicken Vegetable. Congratulations Alice!”

  The audience applauded heartily and then came to a hush as the top prize was about to be announced.

  Corrine held her breath and looked up to Lee. He put his arm around her and squeezed her tight.

  “I love you, Corrine.”

  The master of ceremonies looked out over the crowd and held up the paper slip with the final announcement on it.

  “This is it,” he called
out. “The big grand prize winner of the First Annual Washita River Country Fair Pie Contests for Best Overall Pie, who will receive a hundred dollars and a contract to supply Miss Paula’s hotel with all the pies she can bake is…”

  He waited a moment for the suspense to build, took a deep breath and said, “Corinne Greslin for her Black Bottom Rum!”

  Corinne could not believe what she was hearing. All around her everyone was congratulating her, applauding and complimenting her win.

  “That’ll do alright for your box of ribbons,” Daniel called out winking at her proudly.

  Lee swept her into his arms, spinning her around and setting her back onto her feet. “You did it, Corinne!”

  Corrine stood up on tiptoe and kissed him boldly.

  The announcer went on. “Ladies and gentleman every one of the judges agreed adamantly that this woman’s pies are among the best they have ever eaten! Congratulations Miss Greslin! We all look forward to coming out to the hotel for a piece of your pies! Congratulations to all of today’s winners. Please make sure to see us after the fair to discuss arrangements for all of the pie makers!”

  Corinne could not believe that she had won. She had made each pie carefully while her heart was breaking and now it had all changed.

  She was being hugged and kissed and she fought tears of joy. Corinne’s face hurt from smiling. She said, “thank you” a thousand times. Corinne was sure she shook hands with every person in the entire territory. They were her neighbors and her friends and she hoped many of them would eat her pies. She was a part of something today as much as the day she had ridden Boomer in the land rush. She was not one pioneer, she was part of a whole new community and a new life. When Eve Hawkins approached her she knew immediately who she was. In her eyes she could see the hunger and desperation and thankfulness. At her side were two small children and she balanced a toddler on her hip. Corinne knew that a chance to sell her pies might save Eve from hunger and destitution. She even thought that maybe they could help her save herself from Tupper Hawkins. Corinne decided she would do everything she could to help her.


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