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Page 14

by D T Dyllin

  “All right, well they’re waiting.”

  I gulped, sudden nerves causing my stomach to churn. I didn’t let them stop me though. Instead I lifted my head high and walked out through the sliding glass hospital doors. A podium with a microphone was set up in front of a sea of media. Flashes went off, and two security guards flanked me. A hush fell over the crowd as I stepped up to speak. “Hi,” I said, my voice reverberated a bit before it was adjusted. “I’m guessing all of you here at least know who I am.” I cleared my throat. “I’m Alexa James, and yes I’m a porn star.” A few chuckles were heard and quickly silenced. “Although most of you know my name and what I do for a living, I can guarantee that none of you know who I am as a person.” Cameras flashed and whirled. “First and foremost, I am a feminist. Yes, I can see a few shocked expressions among you, but I can assure you that I am in fact what I claim to be… a feminist. You see, a feminist is simply someone, male or female, who believes that women deserve equal rights and opportunities. I believe that.”

  I paused and tried to gather my thoughts, I knew what I wanted to say but I was having a bit of difficulty communicating what was in my head. “When I was a teenager, I was obsessed with sex.” More chuckles. “Yes, I know a lot of us were, at least if we’re being honest with ourselves. Of all the things I could do in this world, I was drawn to the porn industry. I saw nothing wrong with it. My body my choice. Isn’t that what feminism taught everyone? And yet, that’s not really the case, is it? People judge me and other women like me. The men in the industry don’t have quite as hard a time, but I can’t really speak for them, nor do I intend to today.”

  I picked up the glass of water on the podium and took a sip. “Devlin Saint and I have known each other since we were children, and we have quite a tumultuous past. We ultimately broke things off when I made the decision to pursue porn and move to L.A. I haven’t heard so much as a peep from him in years…until I returned here to Pittsburgh for a visit. When I first saw him I was still holding onto my juvenile feelings of what I perceived as love. But then he showed me he wasn’t worthy.” A flash of his abuse in Erotic Exotica played across my mind briefly. “I was here with David Jonez and his crew, they were in the beginning stages of filming a documentary about the porn industry, and I was to be the star. David and I went to the same high school, but we weren’t friends back then. Well, to get to the point, David and I began to develop feelings for each other and Devlin didn’t like it.” My mind then pictured David’s broken body in the hospital bed and I choked back a sob. “David is here, now, in this hospital because after Devlin’s failed attempt to send him to jail for assault, he hired thugs to beat the crap out of him. And I’m the one being judged? Just because I’m a porn star doesn’t mean that myself and the people around me can be treated poorly.

  “Devlin Saint tried to rape me. That was the reason David was in court to begin with. He protected me. Now some would say that because I’m a porn star and I have sex for money that means that I asked for it. Let me explain this to everyone. I always decide who I have any kind of relations with and just how far it will or will not go. Anyone who thinks that I’ve lost that right is an anti-feminist. My body, my choice, and Devlin Saint tried to take that away from me. This is the friggin’ twenty-first century people, it’s time that women actually got treated equally. Sure we get to vote, but the antiquated attitudes towards women haven’t changed much over the years.”

  I clenched the podium, my nails digging into the pliant wood. “Bottom line, Devlin Saint needs to pay for what he’s done. This isn’t a love triangle or any other sensational romantic story. The real story is that I fell for the wrong man before I fell for the right one.” I had my audience’s rapt attention. “That’s right. I am declaring to all of you here today that I am in love with David Jonez. I had my PR rep call this press conference because I wanted you all to hear a slice of my side of the story. I don’t deserve to be judged and punished; the man I love doesn’t deserve to be punished because my life choices are less than conventional. I’m not the villain in this story. David is not the villain in this story. Devlin Saint is.”

  Reporters started talking and some began calling out questions to me. I raised my hand to silence them. “I have one more thing to say. I’m also announcing to the world today…you all are hearing it first…” I swallowed and swept my gaze over the crowd one last time. “I’m giving up porn.” The crowd went crazy at my words. “And I also want you to know that I’m not giving it up because of the negative media attention or because—“ I raised my hands up to air quote. “—I’ve seen the light. No, I’m giving it up because there’s a man in this hospital that can’t stand the thought of me being with anyone else but him. And for the first time in my life, I’ve found someone worthy of my personal sacrifice.” With that I turned and walked back into the hospital.

  I almost ran headlong into David’s lawyer Carmella in my haste to get back to David. She smiled at me. “I was wrong about you.”

  “What?” I blinked at her, not sure what to make of her change in attitude towards me.

  She jerked her head in the direction I’d just come from. “I heard what you said, and I’ve come to the conclusion that I was wrong about you. I may not agree with what you chose for a career, but I have to say that you made some very valid points. You’re just not what I thought a porn star would be.”

  I quirked an eyebrow at her. “You mean a dumb, oversexed gold digger?”


  “Well I am oversexed.” I couldn’t help but tack on.

  “Go see him, he’s awake and waiting for you.”

  Her words wiped all other thoughts except for David from my mind and I took off at a dead sprint. When I got to his room I burst through the door and skidded to a stop at the side of his bed. His swollen eyes parted enough for me to see a glimpse of his baby blues and it took everything in me to keep from throwing myself into his arms. “David!” I exclaimed. “You’re awake! I’m so—“

  “Is it true? Are you really giving up porn to be with me?” he rasped. “Carmella sent a nurse to tell me that—“

  I scurried up into bed with him and placed my head on his chest. “Oh yes—yes. For you—I’m giving it all up for you. Just get better, okay?”

  “I’m sorry I’m so tired,” he mumbled. “I was hurting so I asked for stronger pain meds. Maybe I should have waited to see you first…I’m just so tired.” His hand came up to settle in my hair. “Love yo…” His voice trailed off as he fell back to sleep.

  David had just told me that he loved me. He was going to be okay and we would be together. I snuggled tighter into him and wiped the happy tears from my eyes. I didn’t need every man I met to adore me; I just needed one man to adore me more than everything else. Quality over quantity was what I was getting with David. I wasn’t even sad about the prospect of leaving the porn industry.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  Alexa had insisted that I would get better faster in the comfort of a home. Since both of ours were in L.A. she had me moved to her Aunt Suzy’s house. I was placed in Alexa’s black decorated room, and both her and Suzy fussed over me day and night. Once a day, a nurse came by to check on me, but besides that it was significantly more pleasant than it would have been at the hospital.

  I was putzing around online, trying to keep myself amused when Alexa sauntered in the room wearing a tiny nurse costume. The dress barely covered her ass, and her tits weren’t contained either. I took one look at her and got rock hard. “What’s going on?” I asked while still eyeing up her tight little body.

  She sashayed over to me with a mischievous grin on her face. “My name is Marie and I’m your nurse today.” I raised my eyebrows at her. “Alexa James…and her Aunt Suzy are out for the evening. Alexa didn’t tell me where she was going but her aunt is on a date with her boyfriend. Neither of them will be back all evening.” Okay, I got it. Alexa was playing my naughty nurse while Suzy was out on a date w
ith Eli. I wasn’t really sure what Alexa hoped to achieve, I wasn’t going to be much good to her while I was still all beat up.

  “Yeah? Well that was very thoughtful of Alexa. I’ll have to thank her later.”

  “Yes, she’s a very good girlfriend.” Alexa nodded in agreement. “But for now you need to sit back and relax so that I can take care of my patient.” I shut my laptop and slid it onto the black nightstand beside me.

  “First I have to check over all your injuries.” She pulled back the black sheet and gave my chest and arms a cursory glance. “Oh!” she exclaimed, gaze zeroed in on my erection showing in my basketball shorts. “It looks like you might have some swelling. I better check it out.” She slid her hand into my shorts and grabbed my dick. I groaned. “Oh yes, I’m going to need to take care of this before it gets worse.” Alexa gently pulled down my shorts. She climbed onto the bed and brought her face within inches of my throbbing cock. “Oh you poor thing, this kind of affliction is very painful. You’re very lucky I know exactly what to do. Leave everything up to Marie.” She spun around, hiked up her dress, and plunged down onto me. I may have stopped breathing for a second. She leaned forward and gripped my legs, which were one of the areas that didn’t have any bruising. She was so wet and I bucked in encouragement for her to start moving. Taking my cue, Alexa began riding me, each stroke of her sweet pussy was like heaven. She kept on riding, slow but steady until I felt her quiver around me and cry out my name. That was all it took for me to follow her over the edge.

  I dropped my head back on my pillow and gasped for breath. “Fuck, that felt good.”

  Alexa climbed off me and snagged a few baby wipes from the nightstand. She started wiping me off. “What’s with you and baby wipes, anyhow?” She seemed to use them for everything. To clean up after sex, to wash off makeup, to cool off when she was hot...

  “Oh, that. Well, I guess it’s just something that I picked up from porn. Baby wipes are very convenient for a lot of stuff on set. And once you see how well they work, it’s only a matter of time before it just makes sense to use them at home too.”

  Huh. “I guess that makes sense.”

  When she finished cleaning me, she pulled my shorts back up. “Is it weird?” she asked, her face turned away from mine.

  “Is what weird?”

  “That I was a porn star for all those years? I mean even the little things, like the baby wipes are a part of my every day life.”

  I could sense some anxiety coming off of her. “Come here,” I commanded. She almost shyly approached me and sat next to me on the bed, her gaze averted. “Tell me what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing’s wrong.” Alexa picked at her nails.

  “Then tell me why you just asked me that.”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. I’ve been wondering lately if it ever bothers you that I’ve been with so many men…and women.”

  With a bit of effort I reached up and tipped her chin towards me. I met her stormy eyes head on. “I don’t give a shit how many people you’ve been with. You’re with me now, and I love you.”

  She tucked herself under my arm and hugged me tightly. I grimaced but didn’t say anything. “I really don’t know how I got so lucky to find you,” she murmured against my chest. “I love you so much, David.”

  I kissed the top of her head. “Stop letting doubts get to you. If I was going to leave you I would have already.”

  “Thanks a lot.” She nipped playfully at my nipple.

  “It’s the truth.”

  “So…have you heard anything from Carmella about the whole Devlin situation?”

  “She’s supposed to call me tomorrow. She said she should have some news then.”

  “Alexa—“ I’d been wanting to ask her to marry me. Of course I was hoping it would be more romantic, or a better situation than with me laid up with injuries, but the day I’d been jumped I’d set out with a purpose. A purpose I’d yet to fulfill. Carmella had brought me the ring the other day, stashing it in the nightstand for me. It’d been retrieved and documented. Her cop friend bent the rules a bit and let me have it back earlier than what was customary. “Alexa—there’s something in the nightstand I need you to get for me.”

  “Oh, of course.” She jumped up and slid the drawer open, peering inside. “What did you need, baby?”

  “Can you get that small box that’s in there?”

  She reached in and produced a white ring-sized box. “This?” she asked while eyeing it speculatively, and yet still completely clueless about it.

  “Yep. Now will you open it for me please?”

  She gasped as soon as she saw what was inside. “What—what is this David?”

  “Alexandra James, will you make me the happiest man alive and be my wife?”

  “Oh my God!” she shrieked, her feminine glee nearly rupturing my eardrums. “Oh my God!” she shrieked again. She looked at me with tears shining in her eyes. “Of course I’ll marry you!”

  Chapter Thirty-Nine


  A few minutes ago I’d been doubting the longevity of my and David’s relationship, and then he proposed. I couldn’t have been more surprised. I continued to stare at the ginormous pink diamond set in platinum and my body started to shake. “I can’t believe—I just can’t believe it!”

  “Put it on and see if it fits.”

  “Oh, yes, of course!” I removed the ring from the box and slipped it on my finger. “Fits like a glove.” I whispered, in awe of the pink perfection sparkling at me.

  “Come here,” David commanded for the second time that evening.

  I slid into bed next to him and leaned up to gently press my lips to his. His face was healing nicely but I was still afraid to kiss him too hard. “I love you,” I murmured into his mouth.

  “I really wished I could have done that in a more romantic way, but I don’t have a ton of options at the moment. I was going to wait but I thought it was the best way to show you how I felt with you questioning my feelings.”

  I gazed up at him with my head on his chest. “How did you get this in here and how long have you had it?”

  “I bought it the day I was jumped. Carmella brought it to me when she was able to get it back from the guys who took it.”

  What? I couldn’t believe he’d been jumped on his way back from buying a ring to propose to me. I hated Devlin just a little bit more after hearing that information. “I was honestly worried you’d say no. Or at least tell me I was moving too fast.”

  “Are you serious?” I asked incredulously. “I gave up porn for you and you thought I might say no?”

  David chuckled. “Well I was more hopeful after you gave up porn, but when I bought the ring that wasn’t the case.”

  “And you were going to ask me to marry you anyways?” My heart swelled. He really did love me for me.

  “Yeah, although I’m not going to lie to you and say I don’t like it better this way…with you only being with me.”

  “Knowing that you accept it so completely—this may sound weird but—if I hadn’t already, knowing that would have made me give it up all over again.” I pulled away from him and slid down his body.

  “What are you doing?”

  I skimmed my hand over his dick and it immediately hardened. “It’s time for Marie to check on your ailment again. She’s—I mean—I’m a dedicated nurse and I will not let you suffer on my watch.” I dipped down to free David’s pulsing length and then I took it fully into my mouth. I smiled around him as he groaned. Now that I was going to be his wife, I needed to start practicing my wifely duties.

  I gave David some of his pain meds and left him to sleep a little while later. I wanted to get changed out of my little outfit before Aunt Suzy got home from her date. I’m sure she was aware that David and I had sex, but there also was no need to rub it in her face.

  I decided I’d watch a little TV to unwind. I settled myself in the living room and started scrolling through the guide to find something to watch. The l
ocal news was showing up in the tiny viewing box and I hadn’t bothered to mute it. That’s when I heard something that immediately caught my attention. “Devlin Saint was voluntarily committed to a rehab facility for drug addiction. There’s no news on how this will affect the pending legal suit against him, although some theorize it will only aid him in his cause. It’s thought that with him being set on the course of rehabilitation, leniency could…”

  “That no good son of a bitch!” I growled. “He’s clearly trying to manipulate public opinion.” The house phone rang and because I was so focused on the TV, I was startled and I jumped. “Hello?” I answered breathily.

  “Alexa, this is Carmella. I’ve been trying to call David for the past few hours but it goes straight to voicemail. Your phone as well.” I could hear the agitation in her voice.

  “Oh yeah, sorry. We were…busy.” I bit my thumbnail nervously. “I guess you’re calling about Devlin and his little vacation to rehab?”

  “You’ve seen the news?”

  “I was just watching it now. I gave David his meds and he’s sleeping. What will it mean for the case?”

  “It means they’re offering a settlement. A very substantial amount of money, ownership of Sinfully Yours Films, and a promise to not pursue anything legally against either of you in the future. Devlin isn’t going to be allowed within a five hundred foot radius of the two of you. But that also means the two of you will need to sign a promise of your own to not pursue anything else with Devlin in regards to all the recent incidents in Pittsburgh.”

  I blew out a huge breath. “I’ll talk to David. Maybe you should come by tomorrow. I have a feeling he’s going to want the deal. It’s a good idea, right?”

  “It’s the best we’re going to get. If we pursue it further it looks bad and if we end up with a jury then we’re screwed for that reason. I know neither of you may like it, but it looks like Devlin is going to get off without jail time either way.”


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