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Page 18

by D T Dyllin

  I hit send and held my breath. After a few rings the phone clicked on and—a woman answered. I recognized her voice immediately. My heart turned to ice in my chest. It was Natalie. I just sat there not saying anything, listening to my heart pounding in my head.

  “Alexa? I know that’s you. David has caller ID.”

  “Oh, sorry, I didn’t hear anyone pick up. Who is this?” I was trying to sound casual, like I didn’t care that another woman had picked up David’s phone.

  “This is Natalie.”

  “Oh.” I didn’t know what to say to that. I’d already known it was her, but she didn’t know that I’d recognized her voice. Now that she was aware that I knew who she was…well she knew I wasn’t a fan and I wasn’t about to pretend I was. “Please put David on the phone,” I said curtly.

  “I’m sorry, he’s in the shower at the moment. And frankly I know he’s not going to want to talk to you. He’s already moved on. I will say that I have to thank you though. You did me a favor by walking out on him and making it so easy for me to get him back. Also I should thank you for showing me what he really likes in the bedroom. Things were never as good as they are now, the first time around. I—“

  I couldn’t listen anymore. My worst nightmare had come true, and yet when I’d left, hadn’t I thought it was exactly what was going to happen? David deserved to be with someone like Natalie. She was better than me in probably every way possible. I swallowed down my heart and pride. “I’m happy for you two, really. David deserves to be happy. I obviously wasn’t the right choice. I’m glad I could make things better for him.” With that, I hung up the phone, and threw it across the room, smashing it.

  I got up from bed, stripping off my clothes as I went. I climbed the stairs to Ginger and Brian’s bedroom feeling numb but determined. I nudged the door open since they hadn’t even bothered to close it. Hoping probably, as I had suspected, that I would join them.

  Ginger was on all fours while Brian did her from behind, doggie style. Neither one of them had noticed me standing there yet. “Is the offer to join you still open?”

  Brian stopped thrusting and both of them turned to look at me. They then looked at each other before back at me again. “Come here, baby,” Ginger cooed. “Bring that sweet pussy over here.”

  “Wait, I just wanted to say one thing first. I don’t know if I’m ready to be with another guy all the way just yet. So Brian you can watch me and Ginger together, and of course you’re going to fuck your girlfriend. Just let me be the one to initiate anything between the two of us, if I decide I’m ready.”

  Brian’s face fell slightly, but he nodded his agreement. Ginger motioned to the spot in front of her. “We’re here for whatever you need, Alexa. Now get over here.”

  I walked over to the bed and slid in under Ginger, moaning when she took her first lick. “Fuck, I love watching the two of you together,” Brian said as he began pounding into Ginger again.

  A few hours later I left Ginger and Brian sleeping in their room, while I returned to my temporary one. I couldn’t sleep because I was pissed at myself. I hadn’t been able to let Brian touch me. I’d tried. I’d wanted him. I’d gotten wetter thinking about him sliding into me while I went down on Ginger, but ultimately I just couldn’t. I didn’t even know why. I’d let him come on my tits though, so Ginger could lick it up and then me some more. Brian was down for the count way before Ginger was done playing. Maybe that was why she wanted some extra company in the bedroom. It’d been fun, but not enough to make me forget about David, not even for a second. I’d pictured him watching Ginger and I together, rock hard. Then I’d imagined him fucking my ass while she went down on me. Never once could I even bring myself to imagine the two of them together. I flopped on my bed and shook my head. I clearly hadn’t left him soon enough. I was already ruined.

  Chapter Fifty-One


  I’d come back from my meeting with the P.I. that was going to find Alexa, to discover Natalie sitting on my front stoop. She’d probably heard about Alexa leaving me somehow.

  “What are you doing here, Natalie?” I asked with annoyance as I made my way up the walkway.

  “I just wanted to talk to you, to see if you’re okay.”

  Yep, she’d heard. “I’m fine. Thanks for asking. Did my mother send you?”

  She stood and ran her hand through her long brown hair. “No, she doesn’t know I’m here. I’d have to explain to her how I know what I know.”

  I quirked an eyebrow. “And what’s that? What do you think you know?”

  “Alexa and you aren’t together anymore.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest. “How exactly do you know that?”

  “I saw the new video on her site. I made an educated guess. There’s no way you’d be with her if she was making films again.”

  I hated how smug she looked. “Maybe I’m okay with her being with other women. I actually think it’s hot.” I gave her the once over. “You want me bad enough to go through Alexa? She lets me do other girls as long as we do them together.” I have no idea why I said that. Maybe it was for the reaction I knew I would get from Natalie.

  She gasped and her eyes widened. “You can’t be serious.”

  I smirked at her. “As a heart attack.”

  Natalie raised her chin and scrunched up her face. “I don’t believe you. You’d never be into that.”

  When I’d initially broken things off with Natalie, I’d had nothing but goodwill towards her. We’d ended on a positive note, and I could imagine myself even chatting with her if I ran into her in public. But now—it was the combined effort of her and my mother that ultimately drove Alexa away—I hated her. “You don’t know me, Natalie. At least not the way you think you do.”

  “That’s not true!” she cried. “David please, just give me another chance.” She dropped to her knees and fumbled for my zipper.

  I jumped away from her. “What the fuck are you doing?”

  “Isn’t that what you like?” she asked with confusion. “Just let me show you that you don’t have to be with a porn star to have your needs met sexually.”

  “Is that what you think? You think I was with Alexa because she would blow me right here on the front lawn, with the chance of everyone seeing?”

  “Then what is it about her?” Natalie croaked, still on her knees.

  “It wasn’t that she would do me anywhere, it was that she was so passionate that she couldn’t not do me anywhere. She loved me and wanted the whole world to know how much.” God, if she was in front of me right now, I’d tell her I’d do anything to keep her…anything.

  “She’s not good enough for you!” Natalie sobbed, falling to her hands.

  “Alexa would never do to me what you and my mother did. If she thought I was happy, legitimately happy with someone else, she’d let me go. Because that’s what it means to love someone else completely.” I balled my fists up at my sides. I’d never wanted to hit a female more than I did in that moment. “It’s your fault she’s gone. And the only way I’d ever forgive you for causing her to leave is if you helped me to get her back. So you see, Natalie, either way…I’ll never be with you.”

  “Daavid,” she sobbed.

  “What I don’t understand, is why you didn’t put up this much of a fight when I broke things off with you.”

  “I told you, I thought you’d come back. I thought…I don’t know… that you would miss me.”

  “No, I miss Alexa though, and I’m going to get her back.” I whirled around, uncaring that Natalie was sobbing on the ground now, and unlocked my front door. “If you’re not off my property by the time I’m out of the shower, I’ll have the cops remove you.”

  Twenty minutes later after a long shower, because I was thinking of Alexa, of course, I was shocked to find Natalie not only in my bedroom, but naked on my bed. “How the fuck did you get in here?” I demanded.

  “It doesn’t matter. I’m here now and I’m not taking no for an answer.” She
opened up her legs and dipped her hand to caress herself.

  My nostrils flared with anger. “It matters. I’m only going to ask you one more time—How the fuck did you get in here?”

  “You didn’t close the door, it didn’t lock. Maybe you did it subconsciously, maybe you wanted me to come up here.” She flipped herself over and offered me her ass. “Please, David, I need you.”

  “You’re mental. That has to be the only explanation—you’re certifiable. What do I have to do to convince you that I don’t want you anymore?” I tugged at my hair and ground my teeth together. When she didn’t respond and kept moaning and waving herself at me I finally snapped. I stalked towards the bed but instead of doing what she hoped, I grabbed her by the hair and flung her to the floor. Alarm skidded across her face at my brutal treatment of her. “Get the fuck out of my sight!” I yelled.

  Natalie’s alarm quickly morphed to anger. “She’ll never come back to you. She left you and now she’ll never come back.”

  Something about the way she said it made me take notice. A feeling of dread wheedled its way into my system. “What did you do?”

  She stood, and started gathering her clothes, careful not to make eye contact with me. I reached out when she came near and grabbed her hair, yanking her to me. “What the fuck did you do?”

  Her lips turned up into a spiteful smirk. “She called your phone when you were in the shower and I answered. I let her know that you’d moved on…with me.”

  I stared down at Natalie in horror. How had I never known what a hateful person she was? Although there was a reason for the saying: There is no fury like a woman scorned. I had no time for her bullshit any more though. I had to call Alexa back. I had to make her understand that Natalie lied, if she even answered her phone.

  “Fuuuck,” I swore.

  “Good luck with getting her back now.” Natalie laughed as she left. “Call me when you’re ready to talk. I’ll be waiting.”

  I called Alexa no less than ten times in a row, not wanting to accept that her phone went to voicemail each time. Should I leave a message? Finally I decided I’d leave her yet another one. I’d left more than I could count for her since the day she’d walked out on me. “Alexa, it’s David. Please, call me back. Whatever Natalie told you was a lie. I didn’t even know she was here. She snuck in the house while I was in the shower and was waiting for me when I got out. She answered my phone so that she could fuck with you. Please, you have to believe me. Just—please call me back. I miss you. I love you. Fuck—Alexa you’re killing me. I need you. I saw the video. Don’t—“ My voice cracked. “I swear to you, I’ll do whatever it is that you need sexually to make you happy. Just please come back to me.” I hung up the phone and slumped to the ground. If she didn’t call me back, which I highly doubted she would after what Natalie had said, then my last hope was the P.I.

  Chapter Fifty-Two


  I sat solemnly getting my hair and makeup done for my first full-length film since announcing my planned return to porn. In the chair next to me Ginger was being prepared as well. The last couple of days, while staying at her and Brian’s house, I’d slept with her several more times, but I still hadn’t let Brian touch me. I didn’t know what was wrong with me but I was going to have to get over it fast.

  “You ready for today?” Ginger asked with a smile. “I’ve been looking forward to it all week.”

  “If you had to choose to only be with men or women for the rest of your life, which would you choose?” I asked, genuinely curious. Ginger just seemed way more into women then men, which made me wonder why she was in a relationship with a man. Or maybe it was the only way to have multiple women and still have a man. I didn’t know, that’s why I was asking her.

  She shrugged. “I love Brian. But if he asked me to give up pussy I’d have to say see you later. I guess that means I’d choose women. How about you?”

  “Men, definitely men.”

  “Men or man?” Ginger said with a smirk. “Because you’ve been riding my face and licking me dry the past few days but not once have you wanted a piece of Brian. I think you’d pick David over everyone. Although selfishly I’m glad he’s out of the picture because otherwise you wouldn’t have been getting hot and heavy with me. I remember before him that you never did a woman off screen unless it was in the occasional threesome. Could us ladies have gotten so lucky as to have had him switch you completely? Maybe you’ll only do men on screen from now on, and stick to women in your private life.”

  I clenched my jaw so tight it hurt. “I asked you not to mention his name to me ever again.”

  “Sure, whatever. Just know my bed’s always open to you.” Ginger got up, her makeup and hair already done. “See you on set.” She grinned at me before sauntering off.

  “See, that’s the real reason why I don’t date women, they’re all bitches,” I said under my breath. My stylist chuckled but didn’t say anything. When she was done a few minutes later I joined Ginger on set.

  All the talent was standing around talking to our director Jimmy, and of course Tony, who was overseeing everything. “So,” Jimmy said to me. “First we’re going to film the club scene. We have a bunch of extras and everything ready to go. Then Sasha will seduce you, right on the dance floor, where Ginger will join in. Then we’ll film the hotel scenes, where the rest of the girls will join you. We’ll do the pool and shower scenes last so we don’t have to redo your hair after it gets wet.”

  We all made our way over to the club set where strobe lights and corny porn music was filling in for house music. There were at least forty extras, which was pretty impressive. “Now,” Jimmy called. “Alexa, you and Sasha start by dancing with each other in the center of the room. Let the rest happen organically when we start rolling.”

  I nodded and grabbed Sasha’s hand. We’d worked together several times before and always had fun. She was a hard worker and because she was taller than me and a bit more buxom, I always felt thinner next to her, which I liked. “And rolling!” Jimmy called.

  I started dancing with Sasha, moving my hands down her body sensually. I was pretending I really was in a club and I wanted to fuck this beautiful blonde in front of me. She kissed my neck and I sucked on her nipples through her dress. She moaned, arching into me. I slid my hand up the back of her thigh and into her already wet—

  Suddenly my head was jerked back by my hair. “What the fuck?” I muttered, letting go of Sasha to come face to face with—David. I froze. He was dressed like the rest of the extras in club gear, so that explained how he’d gotten on set. I met his shockingly blue gaze and tensed. “You have no right to be here or to touch me.”

  “I do. You’re mine, and you’re not fucking anyone—man or woman—but me. It’s just you and me, Alexa. Just the two of us.”

  His lips came crashing down on mine and I had no choice but to open up for him. I sucked his tongue into my mouth and moaned as his taste and spicy scent surrounded me. Home… I was home. He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I’d missed him so much. So—so much. Tears began to track down my face even as I fumbled to open his pants. I needed him inside me—now. He walked with me still wrapped around him to the edge of the set where there was a wall. David dropped me to my feet and spun me around. He went to his knees and arched my ass back so he could suck my clit. “No one eats this pussy but me,” he growled against my flesh. My hands curled into the wall as I made animal like sounds. David slid up my body and plunged into me. I screamed and rocked back into him. He reached around me, one hand pinching my right nipple and the other dropped between my legs.

  The man I loved was fucking me in front of all these people. I could feel all eyes on me. Just the thought pushed me over into one of the most intense orgasms of my life. My vision actually went dark for a minute. A moment later, David pulled out and pushed me to my knees so I could finish him off. I lovingly sucked him dry, while riding my hand for another orgasm.

  After David came, he p
ulled me into his arms. “Alexa. I hope I just showed you that I’m willing to make films with you. They haven’t stopped rolling.” I glanced over to see Jimmy and Tony’s eyes focused on us, all the cameras pointed our way. I should have known that was the reason why no one stopped what had just gone down between David and I. “Be with me, be my wife. Whatever happened when you weren’t with me—I don’t care. But from now on, it’s just the two of us.”

  I may have done a lot of dumb things in my life, leaving David being one of the biggest ones, but I wasn’t a complete idiot. I was going to take my second chance with him. I wasn’t going to question him about Natalie, or any other woman for that matter. What he’d done when we were apart was his business, and my fault. He was here, fighting for me, and I would fight for him. Even if my biggest obstacle was myself. I’d push all my fears aside to be with David because he was worth the risk. That and I was tired of being afraid. If I married him and tried to build a life with him and then everything fell apart, at least I could say I gave it my all. But, if things worked out—I could spend the rest of my days with the man I loved. Nothing else mattered anymore accept the possibility of that reality. I’d already found out what it would feel like to try and exist in a world post David, it was time to find out what it would truly be like to have him one hundred percent. This time around I wouldn’t let my neuroses and insecurities keep me from hanging on to him with everything I had. I may still think he should be with a better person than me—but I’d given him a chance at freedom from me. He’d come back, so he was all mine.

  I looked up into his beautiful blue eyes and smiled. “Let’s go to Vegas.” I wanted to make David, my sexy geek--all mine officially. No more waiting.

  “What for?”

  “So we can get married today, dummy.” I smacked at his arm playfully.


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