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Awakened by the Giant

Page 13

by Evangeline Anderson

  He nodded. “But I didn’t know what the urge was then—I had no name for it. Now I know—-all along I just wanted to kiss you—wanted to kiss your sweet little pussy. I’m going to kiss you now, Madeline.”

  And with only that warning, he bent forward and covered her entire pussy in an open-mouthed kiss, making Madeline jump and moan.

  His mouth on her was hot and wet and completely addictive, just as it had been on her nipples. She could feel herself opening under his gentle touch, her outer pussy lips spreading even wider for him to expose her tender inner folds. She could feel the heat of his mouth and the warmth of his tongue but he didn’t lick her—just held the kiss for a long, breathless moment. At last he drew back, keeping his promise to give her just one kiss. But then he spread her pussy wide with his thumbs and bent forward again.

  “Calden,” she whispered breathlessly. “I thought you said…just one kiss.”

  “But I only kissed your outer pussy,” he pointed out, looking up at her. “Can I not also place a single kiss on your inner pussy? You seem very sensitive just here…” He traced the swollen bump of her clit gently with one fingertip, making Maddy jump and moan.

  “I…I am,” she gasped. “Because that’s my clit—kind of the female center of pleasure.”

  “I want to try kissing you there,” Calden murmured. “I want to see how you react to a kiss in this most sensitive area.”

  Maddy bit her lip. “You mean…another experiment?”

  He nodded.

  “I want to see if kissing your clit will make your juices flow even more. I feel this would be extremely valuable knowledge to have.” His eyes were heavy-lidded as he looked at her. “Also, I want to taste your juices right from the source.”

  “You…you do?” Maddy caught her breath. The way he was talking to her in that soft, growling voice and the way he had her spread out naked on the bed as he leaned over her, made her feel so helpless and hot she could scarcely breathe.

  “Yes, Madeline—I do. Please, let me make the experiment—let me kiss and taste your pussy again to see if you will make more of your sweet juices for me when I do so,” he murmured.

  “All right.” Maddy gave up even trying to stop him. “But if you do that you might…might make me come.”

  His eyes widened. “Do you mean orgasm? As you did when I first washed you off with the water hose?”

  “Exactly.” She nodded.

  “Good,” Calden growled and then he was leaning forward to kiss her again.

  First he laid another hot, open-mouthed kiss against her spread pussy and then it seemed that he couldn’t help himself because the next kiss involved his tongue. Before she knew it, Maddy found that her thighs were split wide with his broad shoulders holding her open as he lapped and sucked her inner folds until she moaned and arched her back.

  “Oh, Calden!” she heard herself crying. “Oh God, yes…yes, please! Right there—right there! Don’t stop, please. I’m close—so close!”

  The big Kindred was sucking her clit into his mouth and tracing around and around the swollen bud with his tongue until Maddy could barely remember to breathe. With every swirl of heat around her core she felt herself spiraling closer to the peak, getting closer to losing control.

  “Calden…Calden!” She found she was sobbing his name, thrusting her hips up to meet him as he continued to taste and lap and eat her like she was the most delicious treat he’d ever had. Almost—she was almost there—so close to the edge she could almost taste it but she needed something more to get her over the edge…

  As though reading her thoughts, Calden reached between her legs with one big hand and she felt him stroking her carefully. Then two long fingers slid deep into her pussy, stretching her wide and making her moan and gasp and buck her hips shamelessly as the pleasure at last crested inside her.

  “Oh…Oh!” Maddy cried, pumping herself on his invading fingers. “Oh, Calden, yes—you’re making me come…come so hard!”

  She heard a growl of approval from the big Kindred as he continued to ride out her orgasm, lapping and sucking her inner folds until Maddy was gasping and twisting her hips away because the sensation was just too much, too intense.

  At last he looked up at her, his mouth and chin shiny with her juices. Slowly he withdrew his fingers and sucked them clean before speaking.

  “Gods, you’re beautiful when you come, Madeline.” His voice was still hoarse with desire. “And your juices are so sweet. I have never had such a pleasurable experience as feeling you come against my tongue.”

  Maddy gave a little gasp of exhausted laughter.

  “Then…the experiment was a success?”

  He nodded thoughtfully.

  “Indeed it was—I was able to ascertain that you do indeed make more of your sweet juices when I lap and suck your pussy and clit.” He demonstrated by licking her again, making Maddy moan as her hips jerked.

  “That was wonderful, Calden,” she whispered. “I know you’ve never done it before but I certainly couldn’t tell—you have mind-blowing technique.”

  “I am glad you liked it,” he murmured. “I have never made a female come before you—because I have never been with a female before you. But I find that I enjoy the experience very much.”

  “I certainly enjoyed it too,” Maddy admitted. She bit her lip. “Although…maybe I shouldn’t.”

  “Because of your mate? But I thought you told me the two of you did not really care for each other,” Calden objected. “That the two of you were only ‘trying’ to love each other.”

  “We were but we weren’t doing a very good job of it—I think we had just grown apart too much.” Maddy sighed. “I probably shouldn't have mentioned it. Sorry for bringing you down.”

  “Bringing me down where?” He sounded mystified.

  “I mean lowering the mood. Saying something depressing.”

  “You should say what you want—what you feel,” Calden said. “The moment of orgasm is an intense physical release which can lead to an emotional release as well—as we found out last time,” he added dryly.

  “Right.” Maddy gave a little laugh. “At least I’m not crying all over you this time—that must be a relief.”

  “If you need to cry, you should cry,” he told her. Getting up, he came to sit beside her on the big bed and put an arm around her shoulders. “Why should you censor your emotions because of me?”

  Maddy stared at him in wonder.

  “Calden, you’re amazing.”

  “I am?” He frowned. “How?”

  “Where do I start?” Maddy mused. “Well, aside from being nine feet tall, muscular, with gorgeous glowing topaz eyes and amazing oral technique, you’re actually sensitive to a woman’s feelings. I mean my husband, Pierce, was a scientist too, you know—like you. But he was always so impatient with emotions. He valued logic and reason and anything else was extremely irritating to him.”

  “Just because I am a scientist doesn’t mean I can’t have emotions or let others have theirs,” Calden said, frowning. “Did your mate really object so much to you expressing your feelings?”

  “Let’s put it this way—if I got upset and wanted to talk something out, he would leave the room. If I started crying, he would leave the house.” Maddy sighed. “I told myself when we got married that he was just repressed—from an uptight family—and I would change him in time. But of course I never did.” She shook her head. “My mom tried to warn me. She always said,‘The only time you’ll ever change a man in any way is when he’s a baby and you’re changing his damn diaper.’ And boy, was she right.” She laughed sadly.

  “I do not know what a ‘diaper’ is but I am sorry your mating wasn’t what you hoped for,” Calden murmured. “Maybe if your bond had been stronger…”

  “Bond?” Maddy frowned. “You mean our emotional bond?”

  “No.” Calden shook his head. “I mean your soul bond.” Then, apparently seeing Maddy’s look of confusion he said, “Don’t your people form a te
lepathic bond with their mates when you join together? A bond that allows you to hear each others’ thoughts and feel each others’ emotions?”

  “Uh, absolutely not,”Maddy said, frowning. “That would have driven me crazy, being inside Pierce’s head all day. And he would have hated being in mine too.” She looked at Calden. “Are you telling me that your people form that kind of a bond?”

  He nodded. “So I’m told, anyway. I have obviously never experienced it myself. But supposedly a Kindred is able to form a bond with any female he joins with permanently. My people say it is the Goddess’s way of putting two people together for life.” He made a skeptical face. “But I do not believe that—I think it is just a product of Kindred biology and our need to tie our mates to us securely.”

  “Wow…” Maddy shook her head. “I’ve never heard of anything like that before. But I guess…with the right person it might be kind of nice.”

  “It’s better than ‘nice’—it ties those who are bonded together for life and allows them a deeper understanding of each other than is possible in any other way.” Calden sounded almost wistful as he spoke of the Kindred bond.

  “You sound like you wish you could have that with someone,” Maddy said softly. “Like you wish you could find the right girl to bond with.”

  He shook his head. “I never thought I would want such a deep attachment to anyone but lately…” He reached over and stroked a strand of hair out of her face. “Lately I’m beginning to understand why my Kindred brothers went in search of new brides to bond with. Why they wanted so desperately to find the right females.”

  “Oh…” Maddy felt her cheeks getting hot at his gentle touch and the way he was looking at her. Their eyes locked and somehow she found she couldn’t look away.

  Surely he couldn’t be thinking of bonding with her, could he? After all, the two of them were completely incompatible due to their size difference. They might enjoy a lot of physical pleasure together but they would never be able to consummate a sexual relationship—which she guessed was part of what it must take to form the bond he was talking about.

  “Um…where did your people go? I mean, are you still in contact with them?” she asked, unsure of what else to say.

  Calden sighed. “I joined the Mentat station five standard years ago and they were going in the opposite direction. They are long gone and the last time I went out to my shuttle and tried to raise them on the long-distance vidscreen, I got no reply.” He shook his head.“I told myself at the time that I did not care but now…now I am not so sure.”

  “You miss them?” Maddy asked softly. He had that wistful tone in his deep voice again.

  “I do. It would be nice to talk to my old friends and find out if they have found any females as they hoped to do. Maybe…get some advice about the matters I have on my mind.”

  “Well if you have a ship, maybe you could go find them,” Maddy suggested. “I mean, if you have an idea what direction they went. I know it’s a long shot though—space is so vast.”

  Calden shook his head. “My work is here. In fact, I’m beginning to think I want the study of your world’s creatures to be my life’s work—I want to devote my whole career to studying them.” He looked at Madeline. “And I hope you’ll help me.”

  “I would love that, Calden,” she murmured.

  The idea of living and working with the big Kindred, of helping him understand the biology of the Earth’s many animals which would otherwise be lost forever, was immensely appealing to her. But she didn’t like the idea of him giving up on his dream and never seeing his people again.

  “Are you sure you couldn’t find them if you looked—the other Kindred, I mean?” she asked.

  He shook his head again. “I could search a thousand years and never find them.” He cupped her cheek and looked into her eyes seriously. “I’m just glad I found you, Madeline.”

  “Thank you.” Her heart was drumming fast against her ribs as she looked up at him. “I’m glad you found me too, Calden.”

  They had slipped down from their sitting position against the headboard and were lying on their sides in the big bed, facing each other. Maddy cuddled closer and the big Kindred welcomed her into his arms eagerly, drawing her to him and pillowing her head on his muscular bicep.

  Maddy sighed contentedly, her knees drawn up against his flat abdomen as Calden stroked her naked side and back with one large, gentle hand.

  Just the way I was stroking Snuffy and the other little branthas earlier, she thought, which made her smile. She felt a drowsy kind of contentment but she was well aware that the big Kindred had given her a mind-blowing orgasm and she hadn’t done anything in return.

  “Calden,” she murmured sleepily, looking up at him. “I want to touch you too—want to make you feel good the way you made me feel good.”

  “Mmm, that sounds very intriguing.” He gave her a lazy smile. “But I think for now, you look all tired out, nieka. It’s been a long day—why don’t we get some rest?”

  “Don’t you want me to touch you? And what…” Maddy yawned. “What does nieka mean?”

  “Little one—tiny one.” Calden stroked her cheek again. “And of course I want you to touch me but for now, I want you to get your rest.”

  Maddy gave a sleepy laugh.

  “You know, ‘little one’ is the last nickname I would have had among my own people. I was always too tall—too big—compared with most Earth guys.”

  “They must have been puny creatures then,” Calden rumbled. He reached down and pulled the silvery sheet up over the two of them and then called, “Lights off,” in an authoritative voice. “Good night, nieka,” he murmured. “Rest well.”

  As long as you’re with me, I will, Maddy thought but was too sleepy to say it out loud. She was sure that in the morning she would realize all over again how inappropriate what they had done together had been but for now she just wanted to relax and enjoy the new closeness she felt to the big Kindred. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt so safe and cared for in a man’s arms—she’d certainly never felt this way with Pierce, not even after years of marriage.

  This isn’t right and you know it, Maddy! You shouldn’t be feeling this way, whispered a little voice in her head. You ought to be feeling guilty that you’re the only one who survived the wreck of the Kennedy and grieving for Pierce. You ought to be worried about the future. What’s going to happen to you here? What are you going to do with the rest of your life?

  But Maddy didn’t want to hear any more about what she ought to be doing. The fact was, she felt too warm and safe and happy in Calden’s arms to care. His spicy scent along with the delicious aroma of the blossoms which still pervaded the air seemed to lull her into a feeling of safety and contentment. She pushed the little voice aside, ignoring the warnings it tried to give along with the guilt, and drifted off into a dreamless, peaceful sleep.

  Calden held her for a long time before he also allowed himself to sleep. Gods, she was beautiful, his little Earth female. And the way she had responded to his touch was…well, there wasn’t a word in his vocabulary to describe it. It went beyond anything he had ever seen or felt or experienced. He felt like he had been only half-alive until Madeline came along—going through life only half awake.

  Only she didn’t just “come along,” whispered a little voice in his head. The droids found her remains—remains which are currently still in storage in your lab—and you cloned her, Calden. How happy do you think she’d be to let you touch her and pleasure her if she knew the truth—and knew that you’d been keeping it from her? You have to tell her—you can’t hold it back much longer. Especially now that you’re falling in love with her.

  The thought brought him up short. In love? Was he really falling in love with the curvy little female?

  Calden supposed he was. He certainly had all the symptoms he had always read about with dry indifference back on his days aboard the Mother Ship—the desire to protect and provide for her, the need to ple
asure and taste her, the longing to always be near her and never apart from her. Weren’t these all the symptoms of love?

  How well he remembered thinking such an emotion was ridiculous—implausible. He had read about it in the same detached way he might read about a deadly disease which had very specific symptoms but which he himself was highly unlikely to catch.

  And now I’m catching it and I don’t even care that I’m sick, Calden thought and had the urge to laugh. But was he sick? He very well might be—why else would he be contemplating falling in love with a female who had started out as a specimen and whom he was incompatible with?

  You won’t be incompatible for long if the bonding fruit plant bears fruit, whispered a little voice in his head. Bonding fruit makes everything possible, doesn’t it?

  That was certainly what his friend, Ren had believed—which was why he had insisted on Calden taking the seed of the bonding fruit plant in the first place. But the plant had been drooping—almost dying—until Madeline had touched it. Then, suddenly, it had sprung to life and produced blossoms. Could fruit be far behind?

  Calden frowned. Why had the plant reacted in that way to Madeline’s presence? Had it somehow sensed that it was finally needed? And was it needed? Should he attempt to bond with Madeline? Should he try to make her his and tie their lives together permanently?

  But you swore an oath not to—not to take a mate or have any kind of relationship with a female while you live and work aboard the Mentat station, he reminded himself.

  True, but who’s going to know that you’re having a relationship—that you’re bonded? whispered a tempting little voice in his head. No one but you knows about the bonding fruit and what it makes possible. And no one knows what happens in the privacy of your quarters. Privacy in one’s private quarters is sacrosanct—that much is promised by FATHER itself when a new member joins the station.

  Would it be possible to have Madeline admitted as a member of the scientific community and then bond with her secretly and live and work here aboard the station side by side?


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