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Protected by the Biker (Grim Reaper MC)

Page 9

by Savannah Rylan

  I clenched my jaws, ready to do the same. My moment of release inside her felt like a new kind of freedom. I came roughly, hard, spilling my seed into her, shooting it deep enough where she could feel it.

  "Yes, Thorn, Yes!" she screamed as we came together. We were both moving, my cock in and out of her, while her pussy exploded with more of her cum.

  Ensley sank back, I grabbed her by her waist as she lay down on the counter. I kept thrusting, I still wasn't done. The more I looked at her, at her body; I felt like I could go on forever; like I could keep coming forever.

  Her orgasm ended before mine, and she was looking up at me with a smile as I dribbled the last dregs of my seed inside her. I crashed on top of her, and she giggled as she wrapped her arms around me.

  "Wow! That was amazing," she murmured in my ears as I lay there, with my cock still sunk inside her. And I knew then, that she had never been treated right before. Ensley Adams deserved to be treated like the princess that she was.


  This was the first time that I'd just had sex with a woman, and I was in no hurry to leave.

  By the time Ensley and I had untangled ourselves from each other, we had finally got our breathing back to normal too. Her face was still flushed, and now she shied her gaze away from me as she pulled down her dress and ran a hand through her hair.

  I pulled my jeans up and tied my belt. I didn't bother with the rest of the clothes now, I was feeling too hot anyway.

  "Are you hungry? Do you want some lunch?" she asked and I shrugged my shoulders. Then both our gazes drifted to the kitchen island together, and we burst out laughing.

  "I won't cook there, don't worry," she said through her laughter, and I went and sat down on her couch. I watched from there as she opened the fridge and scanned its contents.

  "I'm not the world's best cook, but I think I can manage some pasta," she said, peeping around the open door of the fridge.

  "That'll do," I said and sat back in my seat, following her around the kitchen with my eyes.

  She knew she was being watched. She continued to blush and smile and nervously play with her hair, as she tried to bring the pasta to boil.

  "Okay, can you stop looking at me please?" she said abruptly but had a wide smile on her face.

  "Who me?" I said, feigning surprise.

  "Yes, you!" she mockingly rounded her eyes.

  "Why should I do that? This is a free country," I retorted, and she rolled her eyes.

  "I can't concentrate on cooking with you looking at me like that," she said and bit down on her lip.

  "Looking at you like what?" I asked, and she rolled her eyes again. She had no idea how absolutely adorable she looked when she did that.

  "Like you're going to devour me," she said, and I smiled.

  "I'm just giving you fair warning," I said, and she turned away from me with a jerk, and started chopping up tomatoes. I was beginning to enjoy watching her cook. The way her body moved, how graceful she was. How her ass shook when she chopped.

  "I can feel you watching me," she called out, and I finally looked away from her.

  "All right, I won't look at you anymore. I don't want you losing a finger," I said.

  "Thank you!" she exclaimed, just as we heard her phone ringing.

  She wiped her hands on a tea towel and went over to her writing desk where her phone was. I couldn't help but look at her again. Her eyes were bright and shining, her body looked amazing in that innocent looking dress.

  "Hello, this is Ensley Adams," she spoke into the phone. There was an excited lift in her voice when she spoke now, and I felt good knowing that it was me who was making her feel like that.

  "Hi? Who is this?" she said, and now her brows were crossed. I jumped off the couch and rushed towards her. We had both been so caught up in feeling good and the rush of sex, that I wasn't on full alert. She shouldn't have been answering any calls right now!

  "Hello?" she screeched into the phone, just as I pulled it away from her. There was absolute fear in her eyes. The exact opposite of how I wanted her to feel.

  "Who the fuck is this?" I growled into the phone.

  I could now hear what Ensley was hearing. There was the sound of heavy breathing at the other end.

  "How did you get this number?" I barked. The heavy breathing continued.

  "Enjoy your time with Ensley while you can. I'm coming back for her, tell her to be prepared."

  The voice was heavy, that of a man and the heavy breathing told me that he was a smoker and had probably been drinking too.

  I ended the call. I didn't need to hear any more.

  Ensley had run into her bedroom, and I chased after her. She had thrown herself on her bed, and I crouched down beside her. She was sobbing into her pillow.

  "It was him, wasn't it? It was Ryan?" she cried, and I reached for her head. With one hand, I stroked her hair, and with the other, I reached for her face to turn it towards me.

  "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have let you answer the call," I said. Her cheeks were streaked with tears. Her face had turned red with agony, and her lips were quivering. She could barely keep her eyes open, they were already swollen. Seeing Ensley crying again triggered a deep-seated anger in me. I wanted to fucking smash things. I wanted to bring this house down if that was what it took to make her calm again.

  But that wasn't what she needed from me.

  "He has my number. How did he get my number? Can he find me now?" she cried, and I pulled her into my arms. She buried her face in my chest, and I held her tight.

  "We don't know that for sure. We need to get rid of that phone and that number. You shouldn't be answering any calls. Remember what I told you?" I said and peeled her off my chest.

  "Ensley, look at me!" I ordered, and she breathed in deeply before turning her bloodshot eyes to me again.

  "I need you to give me all the information you can about this guy. I promise you I'm going to get him. I'm not going to let anything happen to you," I said. She nodded her head and threw herself back into my arms again.

  We held each other while she cried some more, and I couldn't get that asshole's words out of my head.

  "Enjoy your time with Ensley while you can."

  Chapter 18


  "He was a very jealous man," I said in a squeak.

  I was still on my bed, and Thorn was sitting on the edge of it. It was past noon now, and he was holding my hand tenderly in his. As long as he was touching me, I knew that I was going to be okay. He had asked me to tell him everything I could about Ryan and our relationship, and we had spent the whole morning talking about it.

  "Jealous of your success?" Thorn asked, and I dabbed my damp cheeks with the backs of my hands.

  "I wasn't really successful then, but yeah, he didn't want me to pursue a career in acting. He didn't want me to pursue a career at all, in fact. He wanted me to stay locked up in our tiny studio apartment in Queens and never leave without him. He couldn't stand it if someone looked at me if I happened to look at someone. He wanted me all to himself," I said, and I could feel another cry rising up in my throat.

  Thorn reached out and stroked my left cheek with his thumb. He could see how difficult this was for me to talk about, but we both knew that it was important to disclose everything.

  I couldn't believe how easily all of it was tumbling out of me. In the past five years, in fact, never had I spoken about Ryan and our relationship like this. In New York, Ryan had forced me to cut off all contact with my family and friends, and when I moved to LA; I had nobody I could be this honest with.

  Thorn was the first person I was opening myself up to, and I had no idea why and how it was so easy for me to do so. It was like he had turned on some kind of tap inside me, and all of my pent-up emotions and fears were gushing out.

  "How often did he physically abuse you?" Thorn asked, and his voice was deep and full of concern.

  "I can't count," I said and shrugged my shoulders.

  "Every ti
me he thought I had defied him in some way. Every time he thought I was disobeying him. The degree of violence varied. Sometimes he just slapped me, sometimes he slammed my body against the wall and gave me nosebleeds. I had bruises on my arms all the time, just from him holding me tightly," I said, and I couldn't look at Thorn anymore. I covered my face with my hands and tried to not weep.

  When I felt his hand on my head, I drew my hands away and looked into his handsome face. I still couldn't believe that a man like him was so concerned for me, that he genuinely cared. His deep green eyes were heavy with anger and concern, his face was dark and stormy. I knew that if Ryan were in the room right now with us, he wouldn't stand a chance against Thorn and his fury.

  "Did you ever report it to the police?" Thorn asked and nodding my head, I got off the bed.

  I walked over to my closet, and rummaged around in one of the drawers where I kept all the papers.

  "I should have gone to the police a long time before, but I only had the courage one night when he was drunk and passed out on the floor. I had a split lip, and with a bleeding face, I went to the police," I said, bringing over the papers to him. Thorn took them from me and flipped through the pages.

  They were the medical documents of my examination of physical and mental abuse. It also contained a copy of the restraining order that had been levied against Ryan in the state of New York. Thorn studied them carefully and nodded his head.

  "This is good, I'm glad you had the courage to do this," he said, and I gulped. Getting a restraining order was the only reason why I could make my escape from New York. It was why I had the life I now did in LA.

  "Do you know what happened to him after you left him?" Thorn asked. I gulped and shook my head.

  "He never contacted me, and I tried to not think about him. We have no mutual friends, and I didn't try to find out. I figured that he had gotten a scare when the police knocked on his door and handed him the restraining order," I said, and Thorn was nodding his head knowingly.

  "Yeah, ultimately, guys like him who pick on defenseless women, are just pussies. I just have to figure out where he is now and why he suddenly has the courage to come after you," Thorn said, and I pressed my lips together, to stop myself from breaking into another volley of tears. I didn't want Thorn to think that I was a cry-baby.

  He saw me trying to fight my tears, and he reached for my hand.

  "It's going to be all right, we're going to take care of him. I and my club are going to make sure that Ryan is gone from your life," there was conviction in Thorn's eyes as he spoke to me and I couldn't help thinking that he had a definite plan.

  "How are you going to do that? What are you going to do?" I asked, and Thorn reached for my hand again and gave it a squeeze.

  "You don't need to worry your pretty little head about it. I'll take care of it. Just leave it up to me," he said. Thorn was holding my gaze strongly, and I could feel my cheeks beginning to flush again. He always had such a strong effect on my body that I had no control over.

  "For now, let me draw you a bath, and you can relax a little," Thorn said, and I couldn't stifle the smile that was forming on my face now. How did he know that was exactly what I needed?


  Thorn had led me to my bathroom, where he started filling the tub with hot water. I stood by the door watching him work. He was sitting on the edge of the tub, running his fingers around in the water.

  He was still in just his jeans, and his ripped, chiseled torso looked dreamy as he sat there. I couldn't believe that I had sex with this man, that he was in my bathroom practically naked. He was definitely the finest physical specimen of a man I had ever slept with, and I just couldn't get over how lucky that made me feel.

  "The water's ready," he said, looking at me abruptly. He had caught me staring at his body again, and this made me blush.

  I stepped into the bathroom, while he reached for a jar of bath salts. Tipping it over the tub, he poured some of the lavender scented salts into the water, and it bubbled up.

  "You'll have to undress for this, Ensley," he said, with a smile in his eyes when he watched me approaching the tub. It was like, at this moment; I had completely forgotten about everything that had happened before this. I couldn't understand it, but Thorn had a way of making me forget. I didn't even remember hearing Ryan's breathing over the phone. All I could think about was Thorn's beautiful naked body, crouched over the bathtub.

  I placed my hands on my shoulders, fiddling with the straps of my dress. Slowly, I pulled them down over my arms and Thorn was watching me. The dress traveled down over my breasts, and they swung into view. His green eyes grew as he saw them, swinging in front of his face.

  Neither of us was saying a word. I pulled my dress down further, and it fell to the floor. Thorn's gaze drifted down to the spot between my legs, still covered by my panties. I pulled that down too so that I was standing completely naked in front of him.

  When he reached his hand out, I thought he was going to touch me; instead, he had just offered me his hand to hold, so that he could help me into the tub. I followed his silent instructions, reaching one foot into the water while he kept me steady with his hold.

  The water was perfect in temperature, and I could instantly feel the calming effects of the lavender as the bubbles lapped against my skin. I giggled like a child as I thrashed down into the water, splashing water on Thorn. He laughed and wiped some soapy froth off his face. I was sinking into the water, my body was covered in bubbles and froth now. I could see Thorn's eyes searching for the shape of my body through the water, but he couldn't see.

  Suddenly, he reached for my face with both hands, holding my cheeks between his palms.

  "Just try and relax, Ensley," he said, in a deep guttural growl and I parted my lips as I stared at him. My eyes were glittering bright, I wanted him again, and I knew that he could sense how much I needed him.

  He reached his big body over the length of the tub, and with the strength in his biceps, he kept himself in that position while his mouth hovered just above mine.

  It was me who initiated the kiss this time. I couldn't control myself. I pushed myself, against the soft lapping waves of the water towards him, knocking my mouth right into his. Thorn opened his mouth, inviting my tongue into his and we kissed wildly.

  I started moaning almost instantly. Nothing had felt so comforting before. To be surrounded by calming warm water, my body drenched in soapy bubbles and having Thorn's mouth against mine. He kissed me back fiercely, my face angled in every direction as I welcomed his tongue down my throat. My breasts were rising and falling above the line of water, and I heard a splash, just as I felt Thorn's hand reach for my left nipple.

  I gasped in his mouth, as his fingers teased the nipple. Tugging and pulling and squeezing. Despite being in the bath, my body already drenched; I could feel wetness spreading between my thighs. I parted my legs instinctually, and gently, even though he was way stronger than me; I tried to pull Thorn into the water.

  There was a loud splash when he jumped into the tub. A lot of the water thrashed out and on to the bathroom floor. I laughed loudly, as he settled himself, still in his jeans, at the other end of the tub.

  "Maybe you should have undressed too, before getting into the water," I said, cocking an eyebrow up as I looked at him. It didn't take him long, he peeled his wet jeans off his body and threw it on the floor. Like a big whale in a small tub, Thorn looked like he was too big for the space but he didn't seem to mind.

  My feet were floating near his face, and he reached for one of them and gently stroked the sole of my foot against the rough stubble of his cheek.

  The feeling was explosive. Soft against rough. Shocks ran up and down my spine, and I could feel the knots in my belly tightening. I wriggled my foot away from his grasp, and I floated myself over to his side. I was climbing up his body, to reach for his face. I felt his hands on my waist as he pulled me closer.

  Within moments, my breasts were pressing down on h
is expansive chest, and our lips grazed. I could feel my heavy eyelids drooping, my body was overcome with desire for him. Thorn tightened his grip on my waist, and his eyes roamed over my face.

  "You were supposed to be relaxing," he said, and I bit down on my lip.

  "Exactly," I replied, and he smiled.


  I threw my head back, and my wet blond hair slapped against my bare damp back. My hands were on Thorn's chest, and I had my legs on his either side. I could feel the strength of his arms as he held me, his hands on my waist, down my slippery thighs. Every inch of my body that he touched was immediately set on fire.

  His green eyes were dark with desire now, and I looked at him with my mouth hanging open.

  My pussy was ready for him, and his thick throbbing cock was erect and ready to take me too. I slipped and slid over him, adjusting myself so that I could position right over him. I gasped when I felt the tip of his cock graze the folds of my pussy.

  The soapiness of the water around us made it easier for me to slide down over his cock. It stretched my pussy as I pushed myself harder and harder down. I could feel the length of him enter me, reach deep inside. I began to move.

  Thorn grunted as he held my gaze. Our bodies were splashing around in the warm lavender scented water, while I rocked over him. His cock was deep inside me, and now I was moving my body up and down its length.

  Those knots in my belly that had tightened earlier began to come loose, and I moved myself quicker. His cock was rubbing against that spot deep inside me, the spot that would make me come hard and I didn't stop. I moved harder and rougher, and Thorn's grip on my waist strengthened.

  I could feel myself reaching the edge already, while I rode him. My breasts bounced in front of his face, and every so often, he stuck his tongue out so that he could lap against my erect sensitive nipples. Just as I cried out, he wrapped his lips around one of them and gave it a long hard suck. I threw my head back again.


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