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Protected by the Biker (Grim Reaper MC)

Page 60

by Savannah Rylan

  “There’s nobody here,” Glock said and I whipped around to him with anger.

  “I feel it in my gut,” I snarled at him and Glock shrugged his shoulders.

  “That isn’t going to do us much good, is it? There is nobody here to shoot at!” Glock snapped and I walked back towards our position, with Glock following me.

  “Just keep your mouth shut. We need to listen for any sounds,” I told him authoritatively and he took up his position with a humph. I needed to think. I needed for Glock to stop talking.

  Back in position and I was thinking about Kylie again. She had taken over my mind. I tried to rack my brain for when her next meeting with Marco was set up, but I couldn’t remember.

  Fuck it, I thought. I decided to go see her anyway. I needed to set the record straight and find out why she had left. I didn’t want to force her into anything, but I needed to know.

  A part of me had always known that someone like her wouldn’t want to be with a guy like me, but I needed to hear it from her. I tried to remind myself that there would always be a bucket load of Jessica’s. More pussy than I could handle. But I didn’t care about them. All I wanted was Kylie and if I couldn’t have her, at least I needed to know why.

  “You’re right. We’re being watched,” I heard Glock say beside me and my hand went to my gun again. “It’s a feeling. There’s someone there,” he added and I clenched my jaw.

  “Let’s not start anything right now. We need the delivery to go smoothly. Once Tank and Gunner have all of it packed away in the warehouse, we can deal with the Dragon Knights. Right now, we need the shipment to be put away first,” I said and Glock nodded his head.

  “The next shift of guys will be here soon to keep watch on the warehouse, so nothing will happen to this shipment today.” Glock nodded and went back to his position.

  “You okay, man?” he asked, after a few moments of silence.

  “For Fuck’s sake, Glock!” I snapped at him and he shrugged his shoulders. “I’m hungover, that’s all. It’s not like I need to be tucked into bed and fed chicken soup,” I added and he grinned at me.

  “Just checking. Gunner had the same look about him when he first met Brooklyn, so I was just wondering,” Glock said and I rolled my eyes and looked ahead.

  I was conscious of being watched. Not just by the Dragon Knights but by Glock as well. He had hit the nail on the head, even though he didn’t know it. He thought he was making a joke, but he had no idea how close to the truth he had gotten.

  I was suffering from the exact disease Gunner had caught and I was starting to feel sick.



  I was back in my scrubs again, with my curls tied up in a bun at the top of my head. In the physical therapy room, I was working with one of my usual patients who had been making immense progress.

  The day had gone by more quickly than I anticipated. It was nearly six already and he was my last client of the day. As I helped him back on to his wheelchair, the doors of the therapy room burst open and I looked up with a jerk to find Hunter at the door.

  I felt my muscles stiffen, my body tense up with fright. Hunter did not look pleased. But what else could I have expected from a guy like him? I had deserted him without warning, while he was in the shower. A man like Hunter would not just let it go.

  I helped the older man on his wheelchair and tried keeping my eyes averted from Hunter. The last thing I wanted was for him to cause a scene in front of one of my patients. I had seen the look in his eyes already. Bloodshot and narrowed. Hunter’s blue eyes were dripping with rage.

  He looked dangerous standing there by the door. His legs spread apart, his clenched fists by his side, his shoulders heaving. Despite myself, I couldn’t help but feel that sizzle under my skin again. He had a strange way of turning me on. Unlike with Tony, I wasn’t afraid of Hunter. I was attracted to him. I was reminded of his hands on my body, that firm mouth of his on my nipples, on my pussy. I had to press my thighs together because I could feel a throb between them. I was wet just looking at him.

  “Same time next week?” I spoke to my patient in a calm manner, hoping that Hunter would see he couldn’t scare me. No, I wasn’t scared; I just didn’t expect my body to react with such physical force to his presence in the room.

  The man nodded, patted my hand in the way of gratitude and then started wheeling himself towards the door. I looked up to see that Hunter was still glaring at me. Almost grudgingly, he stepped aside to let my patient wheel past him, and when he was gone, Hunter swiftly turned the key in the lock. There was absolute silence in the room and I was sure that he could hear my madly beating heart.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked him, jutting my chin up in the air.

  It took Hunter four long strides to come to a sudden jerking halt right in front of me. I felt goosebumps erupt on my skin, I could smell him, feel the warmth of his hulking body right in front of me. I had to crane my neck up to look at him.

  “I could ask you the same thing,” Hunter said and I widened my eyes at him.

  “I’m at work. This is my job. It’s not surprising that I’m here,” I replied and crossed my arms over my breasts. I glanced at the locked door again and he saw me do that.

  “Don’t worry, Kylie, you’re not a prisoner here. You are free to leave whenever you like. I just wanted some privacy while we talked,” Hunter spoke, and even though he was trying to reassure me, I could see that he was still angry.

  I squared my shoulders and met his eyes straight on. If there was one thing that being with Tony had taught me…it was the importance of not portraying weakness.

  “Okay, then tell me what you are doing here,” I said to him and Hunter took in a deep breath.

  “You left while I was in the shower. You left without a word. You made me think that you wanted to stay. So, tell me Kylie, what’s your game?” Hunter was snarling as he spoke and his nostrils were flared. While I could tell, Hunter was angry, this wasn’t the same familiar rage that I would see on Tony’s face.

  I jutted my nose up higher in the air, clutching my arms tightly with my hands as I hugged myself. I could feel my voice cracking already. Would he even understand? But there was no point in lying. It was for the best that he knew the truth. I had no other explanation for why I left so suddenly other than the truth.

  “I saw your patch,” I told him and tipped my chin towards the patch on his leather jacket, the one I foolishly hadn’t noticed earlier. In fairness, Hunter had never tried to hide it. He looked confused now, his brows were crossed and he looked over at his arm.

  “And?” he said, jerking his head back at me.

  “You’re a member of a motorcycle club,” I said to him, gritting my teeth. He still didn’t realize the significance of what I was saying. That I didn’t want to be with a guy like him.

  “Bad Disciples. That’s what it says, you’re a part of a MC,” I continued and Hunter still looked lost. The anger in his eyes was diffusing a little, to be replaced by more confusion now.

  “I know that and now you know that too, what is the problem, Kylie?” he was speaking in a low growl and I took in a deep breath and licked my lips. I would have to spell it out for him, I had no other choice.

  “I can’t be with someone in a MC. I can’t have you in my life, not when I have a son to think of,” I continued and Hunter scanned my face for more clues, looking me up and down.

  “I thought you knew when you met me. Didn’t you see my patch? I thought it was evident,” he said, in a different kind of voice. He wasn’t as enraged as before, just at a loss of words.

  “No, I hadn’t figured it out till I saw the patch in your apartment. Maybe I was being naive, and I knew all along but just didn’t want to admit it to myself because I was attracted to you,” the words came out in a gush from me before I could stop it. I hadn’t wanted to admit to him how I felt, but there it was, hanging out in the open for him to digest.

  Hunter’s blue eyes diffused a
little and he took a small step in my direction. I stepped away from him and he stopped.

  “What is the problem, Kylie? So, what if I’m in a MC? I won’t let anything happen to you,” he said, in a softer voice now and once again, I was reminded of how different he was from Tony, how he could make me feel safe around him with just one look.

  I shook my head wildly, sensing hot tears pricking the backs of my eyelids. I hadn’t spoken about Tony and what I had been through for a long time. Even with Joan Meyers, I had only skimmed through the basics. I had not given her any details.

  “My ex, Carter’s father…he joined a MC too. It’s what ruined our relationship,” I said and looked down at my feet with embarrassment.

  Hunter was silent for a few moments, and then I heard the growl in his voice.

  “What did he do to you?” he asked through gritted teeth. The rage in his voice made me look back up at him.

  “He was a heavy drinker, he cheated on me multiple times, he was violent…” my voice trailed off. I wasn’t able to bring myself to tell Hunter exactly how bad it got with Tony. I looked over at Hunter and saw his fist clench.

  “What is his name? Who is he?” he snarled through gritted teeth and the anger I saw in his eyes was new to me. His face was tight, almost red with rage. It was like he was blinded by what I had said. For some reason though, I could tell that the anger was not directed at me. It was directed at whoever hurt me.

  “You don’t need to know his name,” I said flatly and Hunter strode towards me and placed his arms gently on my shoulders.

  “What is his name, Kylie? I’m going to kill that motherfucker for laying a hand on you!” Hunter said tightly. I could see that he meant every word of what he was saying.

  “He joined some MC called the Dragon Knights. That’s all you need to know,” I said, a shake entering my voice now. The last thing I wanted, was to cause violence. No matter how much I despised Tony, or how afraid of him I was; I didn’t want him dead.

  Hunter dropped his hands from my shoulders.

  “The Dragon Knights? Your ex was a part of the fucking Dragon Knights?” he was loud, his voice was ringing around the room and I was glad that it was nearly the end of the day and there wouldn’t be too many of my colleagues still there in the building.

  “Do you know them?” I asked and from the look on his face, it was clear that he did.

  “Did they do anything to you?” he growled and I shook my head in confusion. I had no idea what he was talking about. This wasn’t about The Dragon Knights, it was about Tony.

  “No, I don’t know what you mean,” I cried and Hunter paced around, running his hands through his hair over and over again. What the hell is going on? I reached up and lightly grabbed Hunter’s shoulder.

  “Hunter, what is the matter? Why is it such a big deal that he’s a part of the Dragon Knights?”

  Hunter finally stopped pacing and turned to look at me. “They were running a prostitution ring. Did you know about this? Did they try to get you involved?” Hunter his voice full of concern. My mouth fell open, images of Tony and his friends raced through my mind. Everything started to slowly click into place. The random girls that would call asking where he was, him leaving in the middle of the night saying he had to take care of things. All of the comments that the rest of the guys would make whenever we were together. All this time I thought he was just cheating on me or our getting drunk with the rest of the guys. I never realize how truly wrong I was. I felt tears begin to form in the corners of my eyes.

  “I had no idea, they never got me involved. Maybe it was after I had left him already?” I said in a small voice and Hunter was staring at me again, his eyes were full of worry.

  “You can tell me if they forced you into anything, Kylie. I won’t let any of them get away with it. I will burn all of them if I have to. You just have to say the word” he rushed towards me again.

  I couldn’t hold the tears back any longer, they came gushing out of me with force. Tony was involved with a prostitution ring. And I had somehow thought he was a wonderful man in the beginning and thought I could work things out for our newborn son. I was sobbing when he pulled me into his arms and I could feel my tears staining his t-shirt as I cried. How the hell could I have ever been involved with them?

  “No, he didn’t…they didn’t…I’m just glad that I got out of there. That I got Carter out of there in time,” I cried into his shoulder and I felt Hunter’s hand in my hair, he was stroking my head, comforting me, and I felt safe there in his arms. I clung on to him, still sobbing, our bodies were pressed together.

  “What did he do to you, Kylie? Did he hit you?” Hunter asked in a softer voice and slowly, I nodded my head. I was ashamed, I didn’t want to look into his eyes. I hadn’t admitted this to anybody before, I had just endured Tony’s violence as long as I could, till I couldn’t any more.

  “He was jealous and a drunk, and he wouldn’t let me go anywhere alone. He hit me, bruised me…Hunter…I…don’t…can’t go through it again. Not with Carter here,” I cried and looked up at him.

  His eyes were a stormy blue now, searching my face. Tony had never looked at me like that. He had never held me like this. I was sinking into Hunter and I could feel it happening. I had no control over my senses anymore.


  Hunter kissed me, tenderly, almost like he was afraid of breaking me and I thought I was going to melt right down to the floor. It didn’t take long for his hands to seek out my body. Just like me, I could sense that he too had been starving to have me. I kept a firm grip on the lapels of his jacket as I kissed him back. His fingers were in my hair, undoing my bun and I felt my curls graze my shoulders as they fell down.

  Our tongues were crashing together, greedy and hungry for each other. I thought this was over. I had been trying to keep my desire for him bottled up and now it was released again and I couldn’t get enough of him.

  Hunter was pushing me with his knees till my ass pressed against my desk. Once again, we were alone in the therapy room and he was guiding me over to my desk. Without breaking his lips away from me, Hunter lifted me up in the air and gently placed me down on the desk. I pulled at his jacket, forcing it off his shoulders.

  “Shit, Kylie. What are you doing to me,” Hunter’s voice was a low husky whisper and it made my thighs quiver. My panties were damp and I could feel that throb in my pussy return. I wanted him right now. I didn’t want to waste a second.

  I tugged at his belt and he helped me take it off his jeans, then I zipped down his pants, while his hands were all over my body…lifting up my scrubs, pulling down the pants. Within seconds, we were both naked. I was still wearing my undergarments, but his boxers had come off and there was his cock again. That gorgeous magnificent cock which I knew was capable of wreaking havoc on my body. I gasped and my eyes widened, and I saw Hunter smirk.

  With a hand on the center of my chest, he pushed me gently so that I was lying on the desk now. My neck arched, my head hanging over the edge of the desk while my legs dangled from the other side. Hunter hovered over me, leaving a trail of gentle kisses down my belly.

  “Hunter…” I breathed his name in a whisper when his mouth came close to my thighs. How could he be so gentle? How could someone with his strength be so affectionate at the same time? I could feel my juices dripping, streaming from my core…staining my panties while his tongue slid beneath my panties. I gasped again.

  He teased me first, running his tongue along the edge of my panties and then he took charge, feeling my mound with his mouth. My panties felt like they were on fire. An unnecessary barrier between his lips and where I wanted to be touched. My hips moved, gyrating against the desk while his tongue continued to tease me. He knew exactly how wet I was.

  He kept his mouth on my panties while I slipped off the straps of my bra, unclasped it and it fell away. His free hands ran over my skin, reaching for my exposed breasts now and I pressed my eyes close when he cupped them. His fingers danced around my
nipples, playing with them, circling them into an erect pebbled position.

  I was moaning, I wanted more.

  With his other hand, he pushed my panties aside, just as another gasp escaped my lips. With one fluid motion, he was licking my wet folds. I trembled under him, under the control of his mouth and I could already feel the fire ripping through my whole body.

  Soon his licks became quicker, shorter. He alternated between licking and sucking on my clit and I could feel my breathing becoming more ragged. I was hungry for more and at the same time, I didn’t want him to stop what he was doing. It was almost like the more we had sex, the more desperate I was for him. I was like an addict. I needed a hit.

  His tongue worked away, harder now as my moaning grew louder. I was at the very edge of my orgasm and he could feel it and he was determined to make me come. I felt the waves of a cry when my orgasm washed over me. My body shook, my toes curled and I dug my nails into his bare shoulders while he tasted me, coming right into his mouth.

  When my moaning began to die down, he gave my core one last lick before he lifted his face from my body. Hunter had a deliberate grin on my face, and I looked down at him, from over my heaving exhausted breasts.

  He straightened himself over me and we kissed again, and I could taste the sweet juices of me on his tongue. When he pulled away from me again, he was looking at my body in admiration. His eyes were scanning every inch of me, his blue eyes were twinkling.

  “You’re beautiful, Kylie. I won’t let anything happen to you,” he said and I felt a tremor in my lips again. Why did I believe him? Why did I suddenly have faith in him when I had worked so hard the rest of the day to do the exact opposite? I was so weak in his presence.

  Hunter brought his mouth close to my ear.

  “Do you want me to fuck you right now?” he asked it in a soft voice, not in a commanding one. He was asking me for permission. He was giving me a choice. Once I had slept with Tony the first time, the rest of the times he just took me. He had no concept of consenting. He simply assumed that he could have me whenever he wanted.


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