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Ash: Jagged Edge Series #5

Page 14

by A. L Long

  “Let me check with her. We were just about ready to have lunch,” I confessed.

  “Lunch, huh?” Peter chuckled.

  “Yeah, Peter. Lunch. I’ll call you back in a few,” I remarked.

  “Don’t rush on my account.”

  Leave it to Peter to think something was going on, other than what was really going on. Slipping my phone in my pocket, I headed back to the kitchen. Jules had finished with the sandwiches and was ready to place them on a plate. Taking mine from her hand, I took a big bite and moaned, “Mmm… this is the best sandwich ever.”

  “Glad you like it,” she replied, taking a bite of her own.

  Taking our sandwiches with us, we sat at the dining table and enjoyed our lunch. With the last bite down. I looked over to Juliette and said, “Peter want us to come down to the shop. Hawk and Isabelle just got in and he would love for you to meet him. That is, after we finish our lunch?” I snickered.

  “What’s so funny, Ash?” she asked.

  “Oh, nothing. When I told Peter that we were having lunch, he assumed that we were having lunch.”

  By the look on Juliette’s face, she had no idea what I was talking about, but when I winked at her, she caught on. She must have had an appetite for something more than a ham sandwich, not that I would object. Standing to her feet, she walked over to where I was sitting and straddled my body, sending my cock to a full erection. Her lips sweetly caressed mine, teasing me before she nudged them open with her tongue. Forget about lunch, I was ready for dessert. Grabbing the globes of her tight ass, I stood up and carried her bear-style over to the couch. Before I put her down, her t-shirt was off, exposing the lacy see-through bra. Her bra should have been illegal the way it showed off her pert pink nipples. Lowering the cup of her bra, I began caressing the taut peak by rolling it between my fingers. A small whimper escaped her mouth, which sent a surge of desire to the tip of my cock.

  Flipping her over, I slowly pulled off her shorts as I admired the firmness of her tight little ass. Running my hands down the soft skin of her legs, I dropped my head and kissed each cheek of her ass. Her back began to arch, lifting her gorgeous butt even higher in the air. Removing my own clothes, I adjusted my position and pressed my hard cock against her center. She was already wet for me, giving me the sleekness I needed to slip inside. Looking down at her creamy ass, my cock began to throb as I watched her sweet honey coat my shaft. Leaning over her body. I pulled her hair back and nibbled lightly on her ear and said, “Do you know how sexy you look right now with my cock pushing deep inside you?”

  The only response was the moan of pleasure that escaped her mouth as her tongue brushed across her parted lips. Pushing her hips back to meet my thrusts, her body took every inch of me, squeezing my rod and taking every drop of desire from me. Reaching around her body, I placed my finger on her swollen clit, moving it in a circular motion until I could feel the crescendo of her own release take over. When our bodies finally relaxed, I lifted Juliette from the couch and headed to the bathroom for a quick shower, only we never made it there, nor did we make it to the shop to see Hawk and Isabelle.



  It felt wonderful to spend the day doing nothing but snuggling up against Ash. I did feel bad that we didn’t go to the shop to visit with his dear friend Hawk and his wife Isabelle. If Hawk was like any of the other guys at Jagged Edge, I was pretty sure that he would be just as gorgeous as they were.

  Gazing over to where Ash was lying, I turned my body and said, “If we are going to spend the whole day in bed, then someone is going to have to get some food.”

  With a beautiful smile he looked over to me and said, “On it, babe,” before he kissed me on the lips and slipped out from under the covers.

  Laying back down on the fluffy pillow, I gawked at his ass as he headed to the bedroom door. It had to be the finest in New Jersey. Missing the closeness of his body, I pushed from the bed and grabbed a t-shirt from one of his drawers. It was too lonely in the room without him, and I was pretty sure he wouldn’t mind a little company.

  When I reached the kitchen, Ash wasn’t there. I wasn’t sure where he would have gone. He couldn’t have gone too far, considering he had no clothes on. Walking over to the large windows in the living room, I looked out to find that he was leaning against the railing of the deck. I was thankful to see that he at least had a pair of jeans on.

  Opening the door, I wandered over to where he was standing and stood beside him. I wasn’t sure what he was looking at, but I could see that he was deep in thought. Placing my hand on his shoulder, I asked, “What’s going on, Ash?”

  As he looked over to me, my heart sank to my stomach, giving me the feeling that something bad had happened. Turning to face me, he took me in my arms and held me tight. “Peter wants to initiate the plan tomorrow. He got word that Sebastian and Walter were going to be leaving the States.”

  “There’s something more. What aren’t you telling me, Ash?” I asked calmly.

  “I told Peter he needed to find another way to get to Sebastian. I can’t risk losing you.” Ash kissed the top of my head, which did nothing to tame the anger that was building up inside. As dangerous as this could be, there was no way that I could allow him to make that decision for me.

  Fuming with fury. I pushed him away and vented my opinion. “It isn’t your choice to make, Ash. I already told Peter that I would do whatever needed to be done to make sure those assholes never see the light of day again. I have to do this, Ash, with or without your permission.”

  “If you do this, Juliette, I am not going to watch something bad happen to you.”

  “Then don’t.”

  I had never been so angry at one man before in my life. Hurrying to the door, I headed inside to pack my things and leave. I knew nothing was going to change Ash’s mind and I couldn’t be around a man who didn’t understand me. This was not about what he wanted, this was about what I needed to do so I could finally put this thing behind me.

  Pulling my bag from the closet, I began throwing my things inside. All I wanted to do was get away from here. I wasn’t even sure where I was going to go, but anywhere was better than here. Throwing my bag over my shoulder, I went to the front door and left. I could feel Ash’s eyes on me, but he did nothing to stop me and there was no way I was going to turn around to see his expression. Sebastian and Mr. Marlow might have broken me, but Ash pretty much destroyed me.


  Checking into a cheap motel, I pulled myself together and made a list of all the things I needed to take care of, the first being getting a new cell phone. Unpacking my things, since I knew I was going to be here for a while, I neatly stowed my bag in the closet before heading out.

  Calling a cab from the motel phone, I waited in the rundown lobby until it arrived. The minute it pulled up, I told the driver to take me to the nearest wireless phone store. On the ride to the store, all I could think about was how much I already missed Ash. The worst part of it was that he didn’t even come after me to tell me he was wrong. Wiping a tear from my eye, I decided I was not going to let what happened to us get me down. When he realized that he was wrong, I knew the he would contact me.

  An hour later, I had a new cell in my hand. The first call I made was to the shop where my car was. Searching the Internet on my phone, I entered the name of the shop and pressed the call icon to be directly connected to them. When a man answered, I told him who I was and asked if my car was done. What surprised me the most was when I asked him how much the repairs were, he said they had already been taken care of.

  The only person who would have done that was Ash. Just thinking about how great he was caused the tears to come rushing down. Raising my fingers to my mouth, I whistled as hard as I could to hail a cab. Before I had my hand away from my mouth, a yellow cab pulled up to the curb. I gave the driver the address to the shop and watched as he pulled away from the sidewalk

  Thirty bucks later, I was driving my own c
ar and headed back to the motel. By the time I arrived, the sun was already setting. I was emotionally exhausted from everything that had happened. Stretching out onto the bed, I kicked off my shoes and laid my head on the lumpy pillow. All I could think about was Ash and what he said. I knew that he didn’t want me to get hurt, but he had to understand why I needed to do this. Sebastian had control over me for so long, I just wanted him to know what it actually felt like to be without control.

  Reaching beside me, I grabbed my cell and searched for the number to Jagged Edge Security. The phone rang a couple of times before a strong, sexy voice answered, “Jagged Edge Security, Chavez speaking.”

  “Hi, Mike. It’s Jules. Is Peter available?” I asked, taking a deep breath.

  “Yeah, let me get him for you,” he responded before placing me on hold.

  Peter must have been preoccupied, because I was placed on hold for at least twenty minutes before he finally picked up and said, “Hewitt here.”

  “Hi, Peter. It’s Jules,” I replied before explaining my reason for calling. “Ash told me that you were going forward with the plan tomorrow.”

  “Yeah, he told me he talked to you,” Peter confirmed hesitantly. “Listen, Juliette, maybe using you to find out where those girls are isn’t such a good idea. We aren’t even a hundred percent sure that Collins and Marlow are involved. I think it’s better that we find another way.”

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. There was no way I was going to give up. I knew that Sebastian and that slime ball were involved. “NO!” I shouted. “I have to do this, Peter. They can’t get away with this. I know in my heart that they are involved. Who knows what they are going to do to all those girls? There isn’t anyone else who knows those assholes as well as I do.”

  “Let me talk to Ash. If I can convince him that we will make sure nothing happens to you, maybe he will give in,” Peter suggested.

  “Thank you, Peter,” I said, before I hung up the phone. I knew that if anyone could convince Ash that it would be okay, it was Peter.

  Needing a shower, I scooted to the end of the bed and began undressing. Looking in the mirror, which was just outside the bathroom, my eyes looked swollen and tired. Turning on the faucet, I splashed some cold water on my face, hoping that would make me feel better. Even though my face looked better, my heart was another story. I didn’t think there was anything that could fix it.

  With a towel wrapped around my head and another around my body, I grabbed the complimentary lotion and began smoothing it on my skin. With every swipe of my hand across my skin, I kept remembering how it felt when Ash touched me. Laying back on the bed, I opened my towel to reveal my damp body. The cool air sent a tingle up my body, causing my nipples to become hard. Placing my hands on my breast, I closed my eyes and thought about Ash. Bringing my finger to my mouth, I sucked it just enough to coat it with my saliva. Using only the tip and slow circular movements, my nipple began to stand at attention, becoming sensitive to my touch.

  I closed my eyes and pictured Ash in the room with me, even my voice reflected his presence as I commanded, “More, Ash, more.”

  Smoothing my other hand down my body, I felt the cool, damp skin beneath my touch. The feel of my bare mound sent a smile of satisfaction to my face, knowing that I kept it this way for Ash even though it was Sebastian who had requested it. My body began to quake, needing to be sated. Lowing my hand further, I separated my soft folds and began working one finger inside me. I could hear Ash’s voice softly whisper, “God, you feel so good,” as he continued his assault on my g-spot. Thrusting my hips upward, I needed to feel more of him inside me. Adding another finger to feel the fullness that his massive cock provided, I swayed my hips, increasing the friction that would send me over the edge. As my body jolted with pleasure, the tears fell.


  When I got to the shop, Peter and another alpha-male type were having a conversation with Ash. It didn’t surprise me that he would be there. I guess I just didn’t want his eyes on me when I walked through the door. Stepping up to the three men, Ash lowered his head as though he was hiding his expression. I knew that he still cared about me. It was evident by the way he looked at me when I came through the door.

  “Hey,” I said as I looked at Peter and avoided eye contact with Ash.

  “Hey, Jules,” Peter began before introducing me to the cute guy standing next to him. “Hawk, this is Juliette Daniels. She is the girl I was telling you about that is going to help us.”

  Before I could say anything, I heard a muffled remark from Ash, “So you think.”

  Ignoring his comment, I held out my hand and replied, “It’s nice to meet you.”

  Breaking up our little group, Peter began walking towards the conference room. We all stood there for a minute before we finally figured out that he wanted us to follow him. Just as I was about to enter the conference room, Ash grabbed my arm and pulled me aside.

  Dropping my eyes to where his hand gently gripped my arm, I bit my lip and said, “I need to do this.”

  Not expecting a kind word, Ash lowered his head and lightly kissed me on the lips and said, “I know.”

  There was a despondent look in his eyes, which I didn’t know exactly how to decipher. I wasn’t sure if it was because he knew he was beaten or because he was sorry. Placing my hand on his cheek, I asked, “Are you good with this?”

  “Yeah, I’m good,” he replied as he placed another soft kiss on my lips.



  As soon as Juliette walked through the door, I knew that I had acted like an ass. I wanted so badly to go after her when she left yesterday, but my feet wouldn’t move. My stubbornness took over and there was no way I was going to see the woman I love be put in danger. I thought the best way to take care if it was to let her go and get her out of my mind. One day without her was all I needed to realize that there was no way I would ever be able to let her go. And when I kissed her lips, that was all the confirmation I needed.

  Taking my place next to her, I let her know that everything was good between us. Placing my hand on her thigh, I squeezed it lightly. Just the feel of her skin beneath my hand sent a surge to my groin. As soon as this meeting was over, I was going to satisfy the erection I got the minute I saw her.

  “Okay, let's go over this so we can get out of here and get this job done,” Peter’s voice rang in the background, pulling me from my thoughts.

  Peter was precise and detailed as he explained to everyone what their jobs would be. I had to admit, if everything went as smooth as Peter expected it to be, Sebastian Collins and Walter Marlow would be in custody before nightfall. Juliette didn’t have to worry about her part. All she had to do was show up at Sebastian’s office and let him know what happened to her. If he wasn’t part of this, he would be reporting Walter Marlow to the authorities. If he was, then it would be a whole different scenario, which would involve the other guys. No matter what the outcome, Juliette would be covered. The only time she would be alone would be in his office, and even then she would be wired so we would know exactly what was going on. The minute it sounded like she was in trouble, we would get her out of there in a heartbeat.

  Juliette and I left the shop in my truck so that we could get her suitable clothes for her meeting with Sebastian. I thought she looked gorgeous the way she was. Closing the door, she pulled her seat belt over her soft breast and asked, “So where are we going?”

  Putting the truck in reverse, I gave her a quick look and said, “Fifth Avenue.”

  “Are you crazy, Ash? Do you know how expensive the shops are there?” Juliette advised.

  “Of course I do. Peter wanted to make sure you looked good. Even suggested you have a little makeover, not that you need one.”

  I could see Juliette rolling her eyes at me. Even though I had only ever seen her in cutsie shorts and jeans, I would have loved to see what she looked like all made up. My guess would be like a model on the cover of one of those gi
rly magazines.

  When we got to Fifth Avenue, I spotted a parking space and pulled right in. Opening the door, I fed the meter and waited for Juliette to get out. Looking up and down the street, I said to her, “Okay, where to first? Valentino’s, New York & Company, Saks? Your choice.”

  “All of these places are too expensive,” she argued.

  Taking her by the hand, I had no other option but to decide for her. Walking up to a small boutique, I opened the door and gestured for her to enter. Her eyes rolled again at me as she walked passed me. With no reason other than having the urge, I smacked her on the ass and watched as her body jumped. I let out a little chuckle until her fist landed on my arm. I had to admit, for a small woman, she sure did have a mean punch.

  While we were looking around the boutique, an older lady who looked to be in her forties walked up to us and asked in a polite but snobby way, “Is there something I can help you with?”

  Juliette looked over to the woman and replied, “Nope, we’re good.”


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