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The Mage's Path (The Age of Legend Book 1)

Page 6

by Lionel Vicknair

  He quickly climbed over as well and checked to make sure Vosh was breathing, praying that his friend would be ok. When he finished examining Vosh, Rizzo sat down and tried to conceal himself as best he could behind the bushes.

  Vosh needed to wake up soon, but until then Rizzo was determined to stay awake and keep him safe. Exhaustion won in the end and sometime in the middle of the night, he dozed off.

  The sound of the bushes rustling woke Rizzo just as the sun was rising. He looked over and saw Vosh stretching with a giant yawn. Vosh looked around, confused.

  "Where am I?" asked Vosh. Rizzo was smiling from ear to ear after seeing his friend wake up. He was worried that something serious might have been wrong with him.

  "I'll explain later," replied Rizzo as he stood up and brushed himself off. “But for now, we have to get out of here.” He lent a hand to help Vosh up and then they walked down the street towards the gate entrance.

  Making it out of the Noble’s District was even easier than getting in. The guards at the gate only cared about checking who was going into the district and didn’t even try to check the two boys as they were leaving.

  After they made it past the gate, Rizzo tried his best to explain what happened. Vosh remembered everything until the moment the door put him to sleep and Rizzo filled him in on the rest. As the story went on, Vosh kept looking more and more worried. When Rizzo finished, it was a while before Vosh spoke.

  "Next time I think I will take your advice when you say to not touch something," said Vosh, his voice a little shaky from fear. "Do me a favor though, let's turn this key in and forget that this ever happened."

  I warned him that one day his recklessness would get him in trouble, he thought to himself.

  But no matter how badly Vosh wanted it, Rizzo could never forget about what he witnessed. He still wanted that feeling back, but Vosh was obviously scared from being powerless to whatever that door was. He agreed in the end though, or at least he agreed to not talk about it.

  Chapter four

  Vince paced back in forth in the meeting room, trying to brainstorm with Garen on what to do with the news they just received. The room was empty except for a large table in the center. Garen was sitting calmly with his feet propped up and his hands folded behind his head.

  Any time he gets stressed, he tries more and more to make it look like the opposite, he thought to himself.

  News of an urgent message had reached the two guild masters that was very troubling. Vince and Garen knew there was a new business opening inside the Noble’s District and had been trying to discover why it was being kept a secret. It was unheard of for a store to be opening without everyone in the city knowing about it.

  It was in the owner’s best interest as well, seeing as word of mouth is the best advertisement. But someone with a lot of wealth and power was doing everything they could to keep it hidden, which attracted the attention of the guild.

  Information was power in Sartram, so they had been offering a large amount of coin for anyone who could tell them anything. Even with the guilds vast reach, they had been unsuccessful, until now. The message came from a spy inside the king’s own castle.

  The owner of the store had barged in, almost all the way to the throne room, demanding an audience with the king himself. Their spy said it was an old man, yet he plowed through the king’s armored guards, throwing them aside like toys.

  Rumors say he was an enchanter, wearing one of his own enchanted items that had given him incredible strength. It took over a dozen men to restrain him and drag him out. But not before he let everyone know about how the king lied, promising that he was the only mage inside the city. The old man was screaming that someone disarmed the ward on his door and only a mage could do that.

  “Well, I guess now we know who was trying to keep it a secret, and why,” said Vince. “It was the king himself, and he was right in doing so. The town would go insane if they knew a mage was living with them. It’s hard to believe that Gaeric would be the one to finally allow one into the city. They have been forbidden since its founding.”

  “He is an enchanter,” replied Garen. “And the king is greedy. The only reason Gaeric would let a mage in is if he thought he could make a profit from it. People are willing to pay fortunes for enchanted items.”

  “I know they will, and I can’t understand why,” said Vince. “They are useless to anyone but a mage.”

  “People hear the stories that anyone can learn how to use magic,” said Garen. “And it’s said mages first learn by training with enchanted items.”

  “If someone knows that much, then they should know that you still need guidance from a real mage in Ancalen,” said Vince. “The king of all people should know that, seeing as his advisors educate him in such matters.”

  “I’m sure the king does know that,” said Garen. “But he also knows how stubborn wealthy nobles can be. They will buy an enchanted item just to prove they can use it. But the king knows that no one ever will be able to, which is why he doesn’t care about enchanted items inside the city.”

  “And I’m sure the enchanter didn’t come here to see the sites,” said Vince. “He is probably getting paid handsomely himself.” He smiled greedily as a thought came to him. “Which means that the enchanter can be bought. We have to find him and convince him to make some items for us as well.”

  “You read the message,” said Garen dismissively. “The enchanter is living under the king’s personal protection now, we can’t touch him.” Garen reached into his pocket and pulled out the key he got from Sten earlier that morning. “The real person we need to find is the kid that Sten got to steal this.”

  “Good thinking,” said Vince smiling, remembering that the letter said whoever broke the ward on the door had to have magic. They had some searching to do.

  Rizzo and Vosh decided that it would be best to lay low in the Slums for the next few days. Apparently, the job they did had caused a lot more commotion than intended. Someone was trying to keep the incident quiet, but rumors spread quickly in Sartram.

  No one knew many details though, just that a store inside the Noble’s District was broken into. It was such an unheard-of occurrence that it had the city in an uproar. Rizzo was hoping to hear something that would give him insight as to what that door was, but there was nothing.

  After a few days had passed, and once things had quieted down, Rizzo and Vosh decided to venture back into the Merchant’s District.

  “Ahh, it’s great to be out of the Slum’s,” said Vosh happily as he walked with Rizzo down the street, breathing in the fresh air. “Tell you what, pick whatever you want to do today, and we will go do it. Whatever your heart desires.”

  Rizzo thought for a while, not having had many experiences in the city, and not really knowing what his options were. “Why don’t we go back to that inn and have a few drinks,” said Rizzo. He didn’t care much for getting drunk, but he knew Vosh did. He only wanted to see that girl sing again.

  “I know why you want to go back,” said Vosh grinning. Rizzo grew embarrassed, shy about wanting to see the girl. “You want to find out what Lodin’s reaction was when he realized someone broke into his room. That was the first time I’ve ever seen your vengeful side. I think I like it.”

  He breathed out a sigh of relief. “Well, he deserved it,” said Rizzo, playing along. Vosh would never stop teasing him if he knew Rizzo wanted to go see a girl.

  “I never said he didn’t,” said Vosh. “But hey, I won’t argue about going out and having a few drinks. So, if that’s where you want to go, then let’s go.”

  Luckily, they were already on that side of the Merchant’s District and didn’t have far to go. Once they got to the inn and went inside, they saw that it was much less crowded than the other night. Probably because it was still early afternoon.

  Vosh led him over to the same table as last time and sat down. Rizzo sat down as well. He looked around and was glad when he found Selena. Only she was not singing. She
was sitting on one of the stools at the bar, drinking a rather large mug of ale. Again, not something he would have expected from a lady such as her.

  “Well, look who it is,” said a young woman’s voice. Rizzo turned his head and saw Melanie, the serving girl that helped them get into Lodin’s room. She was talking to Vosh and looking happy to see him, probably hoping for some more silver. “And wow, is this the other boy that was with you? He looks completely different now that he is cleaned up. Kind of cute actually.” She smiled flirtatiously at Rizzo, who stood there frozen with his mouth slightly open, not knowing what to say.

  “I think I remember telling you last time he gets shy around people, right?” said Vosh, trying to explain Rizzo’s awkwardness.

  “You did,” said Melanie, giggling softly. “You two know you created quite a commotion though. Lodin was so pissed when he saw his room that you could hear him screaming all the way in the back of the kitchen.”

  “Oh, really now,” said Vosh as he nudged Rizzo. “Please, tell us everything.”

  “Well, first he tried blaming a worker here,” said Melanie. “But once someone pointed out the fact that they had used the clean bath water to clean themselves, Lodin realized it was your friend here who did it. He remembered you, saying that you were the street urchin who thought he could talk to his woman. His words mind you, not mine.”

  “Wait, he remembers me?” asked Rizzo, fear in his voice. He looked around frantically, trying to see if Lodin was around.

  “Oh, I wouldn’t worry,” said Melanie. “He was just here yesterday and probably won’t return for a while. Anyways, even if he was here, you look completely different now that you’re not covered in filth. If you weren’t with your friend here, I never would have known myself.”

  “And what did you mean by that comment ‘his woman’,” asked Vosh.

  “He has been courting Selena for the past few months,” said Melanie. “So far, she hasn’t accepted any proposals, but he is persistent and doesn’t know how to take no for an answer. I’ve always seen him threaten any man who attempts to speak with her.” Melanie looked over at Selena drinking by herself and shook her head.

  “That would explain why no one is over there flirting with her,” said Vosh. Melanie nodded her head to agree. “Well Rizzo, you got what you came here for. Now what do you say we get what I came for and order some drinks?”

  “I think I can help with that,” said Melanie.

  Rizzo’s eyes followed her as she went to the bar and he was shocked to see Selena watching him. She smiled and raised her cup to cheers. He blushed, something that was happening way too frequently when she was around. It seemed that even from a distance Selena could see his face turn red as she started laughing and shaking her head.

  “Looks like Melanie isn’t the only one who thinks your cute,” said Vosh as he noticed Rizzo and Selena’s exchange.

  “Don’t be an idiot,” said Rizzo. “A girl like that would never even be seen with someone from the Slums.”

  “Then why is she walking over here?” said Vosh as he slightly lifted his hand and pointed towards the bar. Rizzo didn’t believe him, but he turned his head to look anyways. His jaw dropped as he saw her already halfway to him, eyes now locked with his. She sat down in one of the vacant chairs at their table.

  “Are you sure I wouldn’t be seen with someone from the Slums?” asked Selena. It seemed she enjoyed the shocked and stunned look on Rizzo’s face more than just a little.

  “Wait, you could hear us from all the way over at the bar?” asked Vosh when Rizzo wouldn’t say anything. “That’s incredible.”

  “No, my hearing is not quite that good,” said Selena. When Vosh gave her a puzzled look she explained. “I can read lips. A useful talent in a place that can sometimes be too loud to talk in.” Rizzo suddenly got nervous, which let him find his voice.

  “So, how much did you hear… I mean see?” asked Rizzo nervously.

  “Enough to know that it was you two who broke into Lodin’s room,” said Selena without any emotion to hint how she felt about it. They both stiffened with anticipation, thinking she was about to turn them in. “Relax, I thought it was pretty funny actually.” Rizzo did relax, but Vosh looked confused.

  “Wait, aren’t you supposed to be practically engaged to the man?” asked Vosh. Selena laughed as if what he said was ridiculous.

  “No, that’s just what he wants,” said Selena. “There’s no way I would marry a man like him.”

  “Then why do you work at an inn that he owns?” asked Vosh. “I’m sure there are plenty around here that would be happy to have a girl like you sing there.”

  “Because this place is full of people with information,” said Selena. “And information is valuable in Sartram.”

  “You’re a smart woman,” agreed Vosh. “I bet that lip-reading talent comes in handy quite often for that.”

  "It's proved useful time and time again," said Selena. She redirected her attention back to Rizzo. "So, why would you assume that I wouldn't want to be seen talking to someone from the Slums."

  "Noble's think they are too good to talk to people like us," said Rizzo. He regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth, thinking it sounded offensive.

  "And who said I am noble born?" asked Selena.

  "I, uhhh," stuttered Rizzo. "Well, I just assumed you were by how you dressed. I've never seen anyone dressed as finely as you that isn't a noble."

  "If I was a noble, then why would I sing here for coin?" asked Selena. She had a good point, one that Rizzo couldn't argue. At first, she looked like she was offended, but when she saw how nervous Rizzo was she laughed at him again. It seemed she enjoyed pulling at his emotions. "I'm just giving you a hard time. All the clothes I wear have actually been gifts from one noble or another trying to impress me. It's rather funny that they think they can win a woman just from buying her nice things."

  "So then, how does one impress a girl like you," said Vosh trying to flirt. It didn't seem like she was interested though.

  "You don't," replied Selena. "I have plans to travel the world and I won’t let anything hold me back."

  "Did you grow up in Sartram?" asked Rizzo curiously, trying to switch the subject.

  "Believe it or not, I grew up in the Slums like you two," said Selena. Their reaction was incredulous disbelief.

  “Really now?” asked Vosh skeptically.

  “Yes, but I believe that is enough sharing for one day,” said Selena. “I have places I need to be.” She smiled and turned to leave. Rizzo was sad to see her go, but at least he got to talk to her a bit. And he was surprised to hear that she was a Slum’s kid, just like him.

  Later that same day in the middle of the night, Rizzo was woken up by someone knocking loudly on the trap door to his home. He knew it would be Vosh, as no one else would knock, but he did not understand why he would be here at this hour. He rubbed his eyes as Vosh swung the door open and quickly climbed down the ladder.

  “You will never believe what just happened!” said Vosh as he got to the ground. Rizzo was half asleep but Vosh was ecstatic, quickly running over to Rizzo as he lay on the ground. “Someone just broke into my home while I was sleeping and told me I was being summoned. I think it was a member of the Thieves Guild!”

  “That’s great,” said Rizzo while yawning. “When are you supposed to meet with them?”

  “Well, I’m supposed to be heading there now,” said Vosh.

  Rizzo woke up a little after Vosh said that. “What?” asked Rizzo. “Why are you here then?”

  “Because you have to come with me,” said Vosh, sounding as if it was obvious. “You may not make a great thief, but I can’t just leave my best friend behind.” Rizzo never dreamed of joining the guild like Vosh, but it wasn’t like he had many other options.

  “You are the one they want, not me,” said Rizzo. “They aren’t going to let me join just because you tell them to. Plus, you just said it yourself, I don’t have the skills of a thief.

  “If they want me to join, then they are going to have to let you in as well,” said Vosh sternly. “You are the smartest kid on these streets and I know they can find a use for you.”

  Rizzo knew there was no point in arguing. Vosh was stubborn, but a loyal friend who was trying to make sure Rizzo was taken care of. A thought occurred, and he realized he had to join, the guild might have information on the door. After all, they arranged to have the key stolen.

  “Ok, fine,” said Rizzo trying to sound defeated and as if he was only going because Vosh wanted him to. “Where are you supposed to be meeting them at?”

  “Not far from here actually,” said Vosh, smiling triumphantly. “They gave me directions to a building east of here, right along the wall.”

  “Sounds sketchy to me.” Rizzo was worried. He knew meeting someone in the Slums during the middle of the night could be a trap, and life lessons had taught him to be naturally suspicious. “But then again it is the Thieves Guild, so why should I expect anything different.”

  “Stop being paranoid all the time,” said Vosh, shrugging off Rizzo’s concern. “When have I ever let you down?” He could think of a few times that Vosh had gotten him into trouble, but it did always work out in the end. He didn’t bring any of those times up though and remained silent. “Exactly, now let’s get going.”

  “At least let me put some clothes on first,” said Rizzo as he got up.

  After Rizzo got dressed, they left and began their short journey to the location given to Vosh. But, when they arrived, no one was there. Dwellings were spread across the street, barely visible in the darkness. There wasn’t a single person around.

  Like most areas in the northern part of the Slums, these buildings were mere remnants of what they used to be. Broken bits of collapsed roofs and walls littered the ground. Paranoia worked its way into the boys’ heads as they waited there in the dark.


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