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Running in Fear: New Beginnings Jubilee

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by Trinity Blacio


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  Chapter One

  Jaycee stared out at the weirdly colored mountains surrounding her new home. It had taken a lot of magic and brute strength, but a replica of Remi’s old cabin now sat on their new homestead. She tugged the warm worn-out blanket around her and pulled her legs up on the swing. She smiled as she remembered Remi and Mark trying to put up the swing for her yesterday.

  “I don’t know why you want a swing up now; it’s the middle of winter here.” Remi had grumbled, but continued to help Mark.

  “No, the left side needs to be lowered,” Mark had said and Remi had growled at him. She had never laughed so hard as both of them went tumbling into the snow when Remi tackled Mark.

  One thing she was thankful for was the white snow. The blue-green soil and mountain sides weren’t too bad, but the red sky was something she would have to get used to. The white snowflakes had put a smile on her face ever since they started to fall two days ago. The ground was now covered in fresh, white snow, at least one foot deep.

  The front door opened and Remi poked his head out, frowning at her. “Are you nuts? It’s ten degrees out here, you could have our babies at any moment, and you decide to sit outside? Do you want our babies to be Popsicles when they’re born?,” he grumbled, picking her up carefully. He sat down in her place and placed her on his lap.

  She snuggled against him, content for the first time in a while. “I love it up here, Remi, it’s so quiet. I almost feel guilty, while others back home are having such a horrible time. How many families from the two packs have decided to come here?”

  He rubbed her back and rested his chin on her head. “So far, over half of my pack and Dane’s have decided to come. The attacks have stopped for now. Nikola, and my brothers have gone back twice this last week to bring families. Everything is pretty much gone. The pack house was demolished over a month ago, I’m afraid, along with our home. We’re lucky we got everything important out before they destroyed it.”

  “So many families have lost so much. This Christmas is going to be a sad and quiet one.” She sat up and looked into Remi’s eyes. “Every day I thank the gods above for having you three in my life, and soon we’ll have three little ones running around. I want to organize a party. We can combine Christmas and the birth of this new place into one. I was thinking we could have it at the great hall you and the men have built. It’s half the way between all of our homes and big enough for everyone to attend.”

  “Don’t you think you have enough on your plate right now, Jaycee? We have six homes being built as we speak, half of our people are here. How can we concentrate on a party when there is war all around us?”

  Jaycee didn’t lower her gaze. “Remi, we need something to believe in, young and old. Something to give us all a little hope, a new beginning. What’s the sense of fighting if we have no hope?” She reached up and kissed his lips softly.

  “Please Remi, I promise not to overdo it. I can’t do much anyway now that I’m so close. Only my magic lets me get around. Marsha and Shelly will help me.”

  Remi stood and carried her inside. Dane held the door open as Remi made his way to their new master bedroom.

  Remi placed her on the bed and covered her with another blanket while he sat down next to her. “Only if you promise to stay put. If you need to go anywhere, you’ll let us know. Even using your magic makes you tired, Jaycee.”

  She smiled and patted Remi’s hand, while Dane curled up next to her on her other side. “I think your idea is a good one, but Remi is right. Plan everything from here. Marsha and the other woman can help out. It will give them something to do too. I have a feeling we can all use something to hope for, Jaycee.”

  Dane ran his hand over her swollen belly and laughed when one of the babies kicked where his hand was. “They are more active lately, aren’t they?”

  “Hmmp, yes. Maybe you two can talk to your son. He keeps kicking me in the ribs every time I start to fall asleep. I thought for sure he broke a rib last night, but Mom said it was just bruised.”

  “Why didn’t you wake us? Jaycee, you have to tell us when something happens to you.” Remi snarled and placed his hand on her stomach.

  At once the babies calmed, his deep voice moved inside her head and into the placenta where he talked to their children. Jaycee sunk down further into the goose down mattress and closed her eyes, Suddenly very tired.

  * * * *

  Remi smiled down at a now-sleeping Jaycee. “Don’t you think it’s too much for her to organize a party that size?” Remi glanced at Dane who now moved slowly off the bed.

  He shook his head. “No. She needs this to keep her mind off the delivery. Jaycee is scared right now knowing the babies are coming. And with everything going on around us, she, above everyone, needs hope, especially with the babies due any day.”

  They moved out into the living room, where Mark, Marsha, Ben, Bo and Shelly glanced up at them. “She’s finally asleep. I’ve calmed the babies. Let’s hope they will let her sleep for a couple of hours.” Remi glanced at Marsha.

  “How are you doing?” Dane asked as he leaned down and kissed her cheek before he took a seat across from Mark and Bo.

  “I’m fine. It’s still hard to believe I’m pregnant again. I thought all that was behind me.” She sat down at the dining room table with them. “Jaycee’s idea about a party will do all of us good Remi. Did you see her face at the Halloween dance? She loves to dance and last Christmas was her first true Christmas. We can’t deny this to her. Plus, it will be your children’s first Christmas. Don’t you want this memory to be passed onto them?”

  Marsha reached up and squeezed Ben’s hand, while he rubbed her shoulder. “All of the women, Jaycee, Suzanne, Cecil, Lissa and even her friend Leda need something to look forward to. We can all make homemade gifts, ornaments and such. It will be fun and now, with the families that have arrived, it will give us something to keep them busy, while you’re building homes and planning your next attack on Earth.”

  Remi nodded and glanced at Bo. “How many of your pack are coming over?”

  Bo grinned and held onto Shelly’s hand. “I’m happy to say all of them. They are tired of hiding and being picked off one by one. Maybe with this new world, we can be ourselves from now on.”

  “Have you chosen where you’ll settle?” Remi stretched his legs under the large table and took the coffee that pushed into his hands.

  “Yes, we are going to start setting up at the base on the mountains to the West, if it’s okay with you two? Our packs have gotten closer, but this will give us the distance we still need, while we can visit.” He kissed Shelly’s neck.

  “Excellent, I’ll inform Nikola. He and Dominic are mapping out the new lands. I know Dominic’s family will settle closer to the ocean where it is warmer. I believe Nikola is also going to settle there if they decided to stay here.” Dane laughed. “Nikola has his hand full with Lissa, that’s for sure.”

  “Watch it bud, that’s my friend you’re talking about,” Jaycee smacked the side of his head.

  “You are supposed to be in bed sleeping.” Remi got up and made her sit in his seat.

  “Tell that to your children. As soon as you left the room, they decided to play basketball.” Jaycee grumbled and frowned at the tea Marsha put in front of her.

  “Drink, it will calm the little ones down.” Marsha sat back down in front of her husband.

  Jaycee took a sip of her tea and sighed. “Has anyone heard any more about the hole
forming between this realm and the fae? You know, once the two worlds are joined, we are going to have to make some kind of adjustments.”

  Remi grabbed his coat leaning down to kiss Jaycee’s cheek. “Don’t worry about that, we’ve already talked to Nikola and we are slowly preparing for it.” He glanced at Marsha. “I’d really appreciate it if you could help her sleep some today. We’ll be back around four. We should have four more homes done today with all the extra help.”

  “Dane, do you know if Myra and her family have arrived? I miss Button.” Jaycee smiled when she said the dog’s name and Remi had hoped this conversation could have waited.

  Kneeling down next to her, as did Dane on the other side, Remi took her hand into his and kissed it. She glanced at him then at Dane. A tear slipped down her cheek as she rubbed her belly shaking her head. “No, please tell me they’re all right, Samantha? She’s Sam’s best friend.”

  Jaycee’s voice, a plea, brought a lump to his throat, and tears to his eyes. If he could give her the world he would. “We’re still looking Jaycee, but their home was bombed last week. I’m sorry, Button’s is gone and so is Myra. We haven’t found Samantha or her father yet, but we’re looking.”

  She nodded, her shoulders slumped and the tears slid down her cheeks. “I’m tired, Remi, will you help me,” Jaycee whispered in his head. He scooped her up in his arms. Her head rested on his chest, her silent tears wetting his flannel shirt.

  “We’ll find them, baby. I’ll go myself and look now.” Remi laid her down on the bed where she shook her head and wouldn’t let go of his arm.

  “No! Please, all of you need to stay close.” Remi recognized the panic in her eyes.

  “Okay baby, we’ll stay here, but you have to relax and try to sleep. I’ll see if Pierre or Adonis will go.”

  “Thank you.” She mouthed and curled up as much as she could before closing her red, swollen eyes, where she released his hand and placed it underneath her head.

  Chapter Two

  Suzanne stood at the edge of the cliff and glanced out at the large ocean that had been created over the last month. The water, a red/blue color below her, rolled onto the blue/green sand, and strange fish jumped in the distant waters; but all of it right now was in a fog. A tear slipped down her cheek, as her stomach knotted, and a lump formed in her throat. We’ll find her, Jaycee. I’ll bring her home. Suzanne pledged to her friend as Jaycee sent her fears to her, and she would bring her home, to her home.

  “Do you really think it’s wise to pledge this to her?” Dominic asked as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed the side of her neck.

  “I know the child, Samantha is alive, and Temmra and I can see her. She knows we are coming for her, but she is so scared and hurt, Dominic.” Suzanne turned in his arms.

  “I need to go Dominic. I’ve connected with her somehow; she’s part of Temmra and me. We talked last night. At first, we didn’t know who she was, just a troubled child with an amazing gift, but as we were telling her stories, Temmra came upon the memories of Jaycee in her mind. I kept trying to reassure her. Her father is dead. He used his body as a shield, and covered the girl to protect her.”

  Dominic placed two fingers under her chin, with a little pressure, she lifted her head, and stared into his face. “You’ve bonded with the child, haven’t you?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t know, maybe, but I don’t know what that means. Temmra keeps going on about ancient ways, but right now Jaycee’s sorrow is so strong for the family. Jaycee knows the mom is dead, but I didn’t think it was my place to tell her about the dad. I think one of her mates should do it.” Suzanne laid her head onto his chest; a chill ran up her spine.

  “We need to go now, Dominic.”

  Sweeping her up in his arms, he turned towards their new home. Blair, one of her other mates, stood on the stone walkway that led into their small castle. The warm air blew his black hair all around him, but he stood still, his gaze never left either of them.

  “I take it we leave soon?” Blair strolled next to them as they entered the large parlor where Dominic lowered her feet to the tile floor.

  “Yes, but first you need to feed Suzanne.” Dominic held her gaze. “You didn’t eat last night, and you carry our children.” Dominic pulled her closer. “Please little one.”

  Suzanne kissed his now bare chest, and ran her hands up his back. “I love you, Dominic,” she whispered, before she sank her fangs into his skin. His blood warmed her as nothing could, his life’s essence mixed with hers.

  Yes, today she would bring a child into her home.

  “A Tree!” She popped her head up smiling. “We can get a Christmas Tree this weekend, maybe that will help.” Suzanne licked the drops of blood that dripped down his stomach and smiled, hearing his moan.

  “You didn’t eat enough, but it will do for now.” He stepped back. “Come, let’s go while it’s night there.” Dominic nodded to Granger and Archer. He held out his hand to her and waited.

  “You will do everything I say. I am warning you, Suzanne, you will not put yourself at risk. Nikola and Castor will come as soon as we have located her. They’ll bring her back here. I take it you have a room ready for her?”

  He smiled and squeezed her hand as she placed her hand in his.

  “Yes, Temmra and I have been working on it for the past week.” Suzanne laughed and shifted as all five of them leaped off the cliff. Dominic, are all of you okay with us having a little girl with us? I can’t turn her away, I’m sorry.

  Dominic’s large body flew next to her as they crossed over into the night air of Earth’s space. A small set of electrical tremors moved through her body indicating their arrival to her old world. Temmra’s and Dominic’s dragon, Ladon, automatically cloaked them as they flew towards the mountains, and what used to be Remi and Dane’s home base.

  “Suzanne there is nothing in this world any of us wouldn’t give you. This child needs a home, we have plenty of space, and we have plenty of love to give her. She will be the big sister to our children, and when the time is right if she wants to one day truly be our daughter, then so be it.”

  A small jet of fire shot out of his mouth as his wing slapped down on her rump, teasing her. “Of course, that means we will have to get a lock for our playroom we had built just for you.”

  Suzanne knew Dominic and the others were trying to distract her from the view below them. But even their little comments couldn’t have diverted her from seeing firsthand the damage their enemy had done as they flew over the Catskill Mountains, once home to her friend Jaycee. Small fires burned in what was left of the houses and the town that once stood there.

  She raised her large head and glanced up at Dominic. “All of it’s gone! What do I tell Jaycee?”

  “There is no need to tell me anything, my friend. I, too, see the damage through your eyes.” Jaycee whispered in her mind.

  For a minute Suzanne and Temmra forgot everything. Their body plummeted towards the land below.

  “Pull up now Temmra!” King Ladon snapped.

  Blair flew under her, pushing her body up, for the few seconds, giving her the time she needed to compose herself.

  “I’m so sorry, Jaycee.” Suzanne broke the connection they had formed weeks ago and raced towards the hidden place that Samantha waited for her.

  Blair and Dominic raced next to her, but Suzanne’s focus was on the child below them. She drove towards the pile of debris, that lay on top of the tunnel. The one in which Samantha and her father had hidden in right before the attack. Shifting before she hit the ground, Suzanne ran towards the wreckage, but Blair’s strong arm wrapped around her waist and hauled her back.

  “Suzanne, stop it! You know we need to check for traps.” Blair shook her and she nodded, as she buried her head into his chest.

  “Please hurry, Blair, she hears us, but she can’t move.” Suzanne dug her nails into his arm and turned towards the wreckage that lay before them. The moon, now full in the sky, was the only light,
but with their dragon vision, they didn’t need any such light as Granger, Archer and Dominic tore at the debris in their dragon form.

  Suzanne glanced up and screamed. “Dominic, watch out!” Suzanne shifted as she yanked out of Blair’s arms and attacked the dragon that sought to kill her mate. Temmra roared as she blew her fire down at the dragon that attacked them. Her scream was a warning to any others to stay away, but the dragon that had tried to attack Dominic, now switched his aim, going straight for her. Suzanne braced for the attack, but it was for naught.

  Granger’s dragon snapped the beast’s neck before it had time to reach her and ripped its head from its body. Dominic now flew around them, magic filled the air and she watched as he summoned the demons she had met before.

  Each of them appeared next to Ladon and nodded as they attacked the remaining dragons, destroying them as Dominic turned his attention on her. “I had no choice, Dominic, and I’d do it again.”

  Suzanne turned and landed on the far left side of the pile of wood, tearing at it in dragon form. Taking out the anger, frustrations, and rage on the wood pile before her, debris flew everywhere. Suzanne screamed, releasing all the pent-up pain, not understanding the death all around them. “Why?” She cried and fell to her knees, once more human again.

  “Why must they kill innocent people?” All of her emotions once more draining.

  Dominic leaned down and scooped her up into his arms.“Shh, baby, I’ve got you.” He kissed her and rocked her, sitting down on a large chunk of cement nearby. “No one has answers, Suzanne. There will always be others wishing for what they can’t have, destroying things they can’t have, for revenge. All we can do is protect what we can.”

  She knew he was furious with her, but Dominic held her, giving her comfort when she needed it. Suzanne took a deep breath and wiped her face with her hands. “I’m sorry about that outburst. I’ve just never seen such destruction and waste.”


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