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Running in Fear: New Beginnings Jubilee

Page 16

by Trinity Blacio

  Suzanne glanced at the forest that was the center of their home. “Why don’t we decorate the trees there? See that big one? We can make that one our centerpiece. We can open our homes, do a meet and greet.” Suzanne turned and smiled at Lissa.

  “Of course we need a Santa. Do you think Nikola would do it? With your magic and all, it would be perfect.” She teased, as she reached over and grabbed an olive off the platter at the end of the table and stuffing it into her mouth.

  Lissa laughed and rubbed her hands together. “Hmm, I’ll see what I can do, but since he and Adonis acted like fools on the way here, they owe me.”

  Jaycee snorted. “If Adonis is anything like his brother, then good luck. They like to sulk like children.” Jaycee opened the front door and moved onto the porch. “I like the idea, I wonder if Aurora and her men are going to be okay with it, though?” She glanced at Lissa. “Can you ask them before we even start to decorate?”

  Suzanne and Lissa moved out onto the porch with Jaycee. “There is no need to ask.” Lissa pointed to the large pine-like tree in the middle. Red and white lights lit up the tree, a large star at the top, and she could have sworn the star was covered in diamonds that glittered.

  “Well, at least we have a place to start. I thought I would help Cecil with the food.” Suzanne turned and glanced at Jaycee.

  “Don’t even say it, I know I can’t cook. So I’ll work on the decorations with Lissa. We can have Marsha, Shelly, Leda and Della inform the others. I also want to invite Alex and his people. We have to make sure to include them in everything we do.” Jaycee shivered and shook her head. “I have to get over this fear of them.”

  “Why don’t you let me invite them. I’ll fly over there tomorrow.” Suzanne sat down on the stairs and scanned the area. “You know it’s weird. I haven’t had a home in so long, since I was small, that I sometimes forget I can just sit and do nothing. Do you know it’s the first time I can relax a little and not worry about looking over my shoulder. I have friends. I would have loved to visit a couple of places on Earth, but I can live without that.” Suzanne patted the steps next to her.

  “So the rest of Nikola’s people will be over today? And the rest of the packs should be here today too. Our men have been busy, but have we heard anything about Earth?” Suzanne glanced at Lissa as she sat next to her.

  “I know New York is now clear from any threat. They are starting to rebuild from what I was told. Maine is clear. The only problem area is where all of our enemies are holed up in Cleveland. It’s weird though, to think that all four of them are in the city, that at one time was the closest to us. I don’t know how they all get along. Each of them believe they alone should rule. It’s as if they went there to make one last stand. Do you think they will try to come through the rift? There are only two days before it closes?” Lissa frowned and rubbed her shoulders. “I don’t like it.”

  She sighed and glanced over at them. “Ignore that, sorry. I hate whiney people, and boy did that sound like I was whining.” Lissa rolled her eyes.

  “Honey, we’re all allowed to whine, with the hell we’ve been through. But you’re right, now would be the time for them to try, but Cleveland isn’t where the rift is. Dominic said the rift has traveled to China the last time he went through, two nights ago. Maybe they don’t know this.” She smiled and glanced at Lissa. “You know what I’m craving?”

  Lissa smiled and nodded. “Pizza.”

  Jaycee laughed and shook her head. “I haven’t had pizza in ages. A good sausage, pepperoni, mushrooms, double the cheese, with the crust stuffed with cheese.”

  “Oh, don’t forget the cheese bread and hot wings. I think we need a cheese pizza for the kids though.” Suzanne opened the door and Jaycee followed Lissa inside. On the dining room table, where the map of their new world had been, now laid several pizza boxes, cheese bread, and hot wings.

  Sam came running down the stairs with Samantha behind him. “Do I smell pizza?”

  “Go in the family room, we’ll put a movie in and you two can eat your pizza while you watch a movie.” Jaycee put Edric down and glanced at her babies. “All are fed, and sleeping, thank god.”

  The front screen door slammed shut and Marcia started to fuss. Suzanne could have sworn Jaycee would have fried Mark on the spot with her look, if he hadn’t brought in an arm load of decorations. “Sorry baby, couldn’t catch it fast enough.” Mark put the box down, when Remi and Dane followed him with their arms loaded with decorations, but caught the door before it slammed again.

  “We’ll have to fix that.” Dane laughed and put his arm load of boxes down.

  “We thought you would be done eating?” Remi glanced at the table and grabbed a piece of pizza. “I’ll get Sam and Samantha set up. Marsha, Ben and my parents are on their way here. Pierre and Castor went to get Alex and Della, Cecil and her mates. We have a surprise for you ladies tonight.” Remi teased as he headed downstairs to take the kids their pizza along with paper plates.

  “Don’t you hate when they do that?” Suzanne plopped down on the chair and moaned as she took a bite of the hot cheesy pizza. “Damn this is good, it’s been so long.”

  “You’re making those little noises you do when I’m…” Suzanne slapped Dominic’s stomach when he moved to give her a kiss.

  “Don’t even say it.” She glared at him, his eyebrow raised, giving her that look which meant she had just earned a punishment. Her nipples hardened and she squirmed in her seat. “Stop it Dominic I’m trying to enjoy my pizza.”

  He dropped the bags of Christmas tinsel next to the boxes Remi, Dane and Mark had brought in. “Eat up, because you ladies have a very important engagement tonight.”

  Suzanne took another bite of her pizza and turned to stare at him as did Lissa and Jaycee. “What engagement? We have decorations to put up, cooking to do, and since when did you speak for me too?” Jaycee put her hands on her hips and stared at Dominic.

  Taking a quick sip of pop, Suzanne glanced up to see Mark and Dane had moved up next him. “He speaks for all of us, and you better watch your mouth. Is that any way to talk to your Dom?” Dane’s voice dropped and Jaycee whimpered.

  “What are you up to? And Dane you haven’t, we haven’t…Well you know.” Jaycee turned her back on the men, winking at her, and then sitting down next to her.

  Dane came up behind her and kissed the side of her neck. “I know and I plan on making up for that. We all do.” He smiled when Nikola appeared in the room, carrying three boxes.

  Nikola handed each of them a box. “You are to hold onto those until we get where we are going, and no peeking. Are we ready?” Remi’s parents, Marsha and Ben, moved into the room followed by Nikola’s Mom and sister.

  Lissa and Jaycee stared at the boxes, and then turned to her. She nodded. “We’re ready. We can always eat later.” Suzanne tried to shake her box, but Dominic placed his hand on the box and shook his head.

  “Nope, no cheating, and finish eating, all of you. You have to keep up your strength. You never know when you’ll need it.” He teased her, as his gaze traveled down to rest on her breasts.

  “Are you cold?” Dominic brushed his knuckles across her nipples.

  Carefully putting the box next to her plate, Suzanne turned her full attention on Dominic. He kneeled down next to her, taking the pizza on her plate and brought it up to her mouth. “Eat.”

  Suzanne took a bite, but at the same time she cupped his hard cock. That’s when she noticed what he was wearing. He hadn’t worn leather pants since…Her eyes must have gotten big, because he grinned and leaned in when the tip of his fangs grazed against her neck. “Tonight.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Dominic continued to feed Suzanne all the while placing feather-light touches on her arms, breasts and legs. She lifted the glass of pop and took a drink running her tongue across her lips when she was done. Her voice husky, Suzanne held his gaze. “Where are the others?”

  He smiled and stood now that she was done eating. “
They’re waiting for us.” He glanced at Nikola, and he handed him a long winter coat and boats. Kneeling, Dominic took her right foot, slipping off her tennis shoe, and putting the snow boot on. Of course he trailed his hand up her leg to brush her damp mound.

  She sucked her breath in and tried to pull back, but he grabbed onto her other foot, repeating the process. “Dominic!” Suzanne grabbed his hand before it could reach her mound again.

  “Are you stopping me from touching what is mine, Suzanne?” He held her gaze, never flinching. Her pulse jumped in her wrist and her hand shook when she released his hand.

  “That’s what I thought.” He reached up under her skirt and grabbed onto her thong with both hands, snapping the sides. Dominic pulled the pantie out and lifted it to his nose, smelling her unique scent. “I love the smell of you.”

  He tucked her thong into the side of his pants and pulled her to a stand. Suzanne slipped her arms through the coat and he wrapped it tight around her, as he grabbed both breasts and squeezed.

  Next to them, he watched as Nikola placed the same coat on Lissa, as Remi placed the same on Jaycee. Nikola glanced at all three ladies. “Whenever we inform you that you have an engagement, we expect you to put these coats and boots on. Also, I believe all three of you were told a while ago about certain undergarments, and not to wear them.”

  All three of them whimpered and he smiled as he nodded to Marsha. “We’ll see you in about three hours.”

  Marsha nodded, grinning from ear to ear. They had let her in on their secret so she could help organize their second surprise of the night.

  Adonis appeared next to Nikola and nodded, while Castor appeared next to Jaycee and Remi. Mark and Dane had already left, as had the other men. Dominic wrapped his arm around Suzanne and grabbed Adonis’s arm.

  Within two minutes they were at their destination. Suzanne clung to Dominic as she glanced down the snowy cliff. “Where are we?” She glanced up into his face, a snowflake landed on her nose and he leaned down, licking it off.

  “You’ll see, but if you look close, you’ll see our island from here.” He pointed off in the distance. Suzanne, Jaycee and Lissa smiled. “You can see the tree. I swear that star has to be made with diamonds, look how it sparkles.” Lissa laughed and almost fell on her ass, but Nikola caught her, shaking his head.

  “Come, we have more surprises for you.” Nikola led them into the large cave and down the torch lit tunnel. The walls held precious gems that sparkled in the candlelight. As they descended down the tunnel, towards the secret caverns hidden below, Suzanne, Lissa and Jaycee touched the walls in awe.

  Suzanne stopped and glanced over her shoulder. “I hear music, water, and others.”

  He nodded. “Keep going, it’s not much further.” Dominic smiled as the three women rounded the corner and gasped as they came to the large wooden bridge.

  “Is it safe?” Lissa asked trying to shake the bridge. Remi laughed as did Nikola.

  “Sweetheart, would we allow you to cross a dangerous bridge.” Nikola teased her and pulled her out onto the bridge. Lissa gasped as she glanced all around her.

  “My god Suzanne, Jaycee you have to see this!” She encouraged them onto the bridge.

  Dominic watched as Suzanne’s eyes grew larger as she took in the most spectacular surroundings. Below them clouds of red, and a river of blue/green, which was littered with Emeralds, pearls, diamonds, rubies sparkled in the water. On the sides of the Grand Canyon torches were cut out, small water falls each surrounded the torches, and above them, different color wildlife flew around, calling and welcoming them.

  “How far are we beneath the mountain?” Suzanne leaned against him, her face filled with wonder.

  “At least five hundred feet, but wait, there’s more.” He held out his hand and she put her small one into his, trusting him with her life. Two by two they crossed the bridge, stepping down into the main cavern.

  On one side of a wall was a long wooden bar filled with every kind of liquor and drink. A large dance floor was in the backroom; off the dance floor were separate little pools of water for bathing. On another wall to their right was a large Saint Andrew’s cross on a stage. Spanking benches, couches, and tables filled the room. Paddles, floggers, assorted toys lined one wall.

  Dominic handed Suzanne the box she had forgotten and nodded to the small open area to the right side of the stage. Lockers with their names on it could be seen. “You are to go over and strip. You will put the clothes you have on in the locker and put the clothes we have selected for you on. Also, in your locker, you will find your hand cuffs. You will bring them to me when you are done. No shoes either Suzanne, you don’t need them.” He smacked her ass and pushed her forward.

  He moved over to the bar where Alex stood and handed him his drink. Remi had a beer while Nikola swirled around his hundred-year old brandy in the sniffer. “How many did you lose total?” Dominic watched as the tall man sighed and glanced at him.

  “We lost over a thousand. I know half of them didn’t touch foot on Earth, so the only thing I can think is that they were involved in the kidnapping of the women.” Nikola smiled as he watched Lissa try and pull the green teddy down over her ass.

  Suzanne too frowned and tried to pull it over her ass. “They did this on purpose.” She glanced up and glared at him.

  “Bring me you cuffs, Suzanne, and come right here.” He didn’t speak over the music which played in the background. Demons, Vampires, Shifters and Fae mixed in the large room, but all concentrated on their mates.

  She grabbed the handcuffs and made her way to stand in front of him. He held out his hand and she placed the leather cuffs in his hand. “Give me your wrists.” Securing the cuffs around her wrists, he nodded to Blair.

  “Ten swats, Blair.” Dominic watched Suzanne’s eyes grow big, and a puff of smoke blew out of her nose. “You have a problem Temmra, Suzanne?”

  Temmra’s dragon eyes flashed, meeting King Landon’s gaze then disappeared in a second. “Sorry sir.” Suzanne lowered her gaze to the floor.

  “Do you know why you are being punished?” He placed two fingers under her chin and lifted her head.

  “Because I snapped earlier,” she whispered, as he nodded. Blare escorted her to one of the spanking benches, hooking her to it. He glanced to the spanking bench next to the left to see Jaycee cussing up a storm at Dane, as he and Mark strapped her down.

  Dominic laughed, when Jaycee tried to kick Dane’s head as he kneeled down to latch her

  ankles. “I have a feeling Dane is going to have to take hold of your mate. I take it she’s still hurt?”

  He glanced at Remi who sighed and nodded. “Dane is hoping this will help, he hurt her bad this time and with the stress of everything…”

  Nikola slapped him on the back. “That’s why we set this night up. Our women have been put on hold for the past few weeks. It’s time we start their training, and for them to trust us totally.” Nikola laughed and nodded to Adonis. “I’m afraid Dane isn’t the only one in trouble. I believe both Adonis and I have upset our companion.”

  Lissa yanked her hand away from Adonis and smacked him upside the head when he tried to cuff her to the spanking bench. “I didn’t do a damn thing wrong. Do I get to spank you for leaving me?” She screamed as he grabbed hold of her hand and finally strapped her down.

  “Excuse me gentlemen, I’ll be back in a minute.” Nikola moved to the bench and bent down, and whispered into Lissa’s ear. Her body trembled and he could see the dampness on her pussy lips.

  He ran his hand down her bare ass as he talked to her, Nikola’s fingers traced her wet lips, before he pushed two fingers into her pussy.

  Dominic glanced to see Suzanne as stiff as a board, glaring at him. “Well, it looks as if I have trouble of my own.” He took a swig of his drink and stood, putting the drink onto the bar and turning his attention on his mate.

  He stripped his shirt off and moved around the spanking bench, running his hand over her scared fles
h. “You have a problem?” Dominic kneeled down and faced Suzanne.

  “Do you think you could stare a little bit longer?” She spit out her, fingers clenched into a fist where her nails were now digging into her skin. He could smell her blood and so could others as they turned to stare at them.

  Very carefully he unlatched one hand, and proceeded to lick and suck on her hand. “Suzanne, you are my queen, the woman of my heart, and the mother of my children, I love you. Look around here. What do you see? What kind of club is this?”

  A small flame blew out of her mouth as she glanced around and witnessed others being spanked, toys being used and floggers smacking skin. “You didn’t have to look as if you enjoyed seeing him play with her.” Suzanne’s lip started to tremble and a tear slipped down her cheek as she tried to turn away.

  Blair unlatched the other cuff along with the leg restraints and he picked Suzanne up and held onto her as he sat down on the empty couch next to the bench. “Suzanne what is really going on here? You are best friends with Lissa, and you know I would never touch her. Talk to me, baby.”

  She curled up onto his lap, her head rested on his chest. “Do you know we’ve been together for over two months, I’m carrying our children, but we’re not married Dominic. I’ve waited and not one of you have said a word. How can I not be afraid you might find someone else? How can one woman, me, hold all of your interest?”

  Granger, Archer and Blair all kneeled before them. “Suzanne look at us, really look. Do you really think we want anyone else?”

  She snorted. “Dominic, I’m not stupid, any man will want some pussy.” She tried to get up, but he held onto her and shook her, now furious.

  “Do you really believe that, do you?” He didn’t shout, he didn’t have to, his skin burned, and even King Landon roared inside him. “Archer, tie her on the cross.”

  Archer reached for Suzanne, but she pulled back and glanced up at him. “I’m sorry Dominic, once again I have disappointed you, but I guess that goes both ways, because if you would have looked inside me, you would have seen the child’s dream.”


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