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Valan's Bondmate (Zarronian Warriors Book 1)

Page 5

by Mardi Maxwell

  Valan kissed a path down her neck. Licking and nipping the tender skin, he slowly moved to a tight coral bud and licked. She shivered and moaned. He closed his lips around her nipple and hungrily suckled. She sighed with pleasure and held his mouth against her breast.

  Waves of heat rose from her body and fed his fever. He slid his hand down her belly and over her bare mound, enjoying the feel of her smooth satiny flesh. Sliding his fingers between her legs, he nudged them further apart. He groaned, and stroked his finger between her silky folds coating his fingers in her moisture. She widened her legs and rocked against his hand when he stroked her swollen clit.

  "Valan, oh, Valan." Her voice was soft and full of need.

  He sucked on a velvety nipple and slid the tip of one finger into her tight sheath. As he thrust his finger deeper she pulled his mouth away from her breast, and kissed him. Her lips slid over his, nipping them. He opened his mouth and she stroked his tongue with hers as she rocked her hips against his hand.

  "So hot. Burning. I need—Valan, help me." She planted frantic kisses on his face and neck, then licked a path to his ear and bit the lobe. "Help me."

  Valan thrust a second finger into her. She moaned and arched against him, digging her fingernails into his shoulders as she strained for release.

  He grasped one of her hands and slid it down his body. "Touch me."

  Lia curled her fingers over him and squeezed his cock through the supple leather of his pants. He groaned and carried her to the bed. She clung to him when he tried to lower her onto the mattress. Setting her on her knees, he undressed while she placed wild kisses over his chest and belly, then he tumbled her onto her back and came down over her. Spreading her legs, he looked at her pussy, and lifted her hips to his mouth and licked her. Her cream coated his tongue, the taste igniting a burning hot flame in his lower belly. Then he lowered his mouth to her slit and licked the smooth flesh, swirling his tongue over her clit.


  Her breath came in hard pants and her pulse beat in the soft lips he licked. He closed his lips around her clit and sucked. She screamed and grabbed his head holding him against her. He chuckled, and knew his lips would vibrate around her clit. She screamed again with pleasure. He gave her one last swipe of his tongue before kissing up her body to her mouth. While kissing her, he slid one arm beneath her shoulders and the other beneath her buttocks holding her tightly. He found her opening with the tip of his shaft and pressed against her, slowly inching into her.

  Lia tried to pull away at first then pressed her body toward his. He grasped her hip and held her immobile as he thrust into her, each time going deeper. Her body was tight, but accepted him as if she'd been made for him.

  She moaned and looked into his eyes. He pinned her beneath him and held her still as they kissed and he thrust deeper. He caressed the velvety coral tip of one breast. "Wrap your legs around my waist, Lia."

  She obeyed. He pulled out then thrust back into her. With each thrust he slid deeper, but it still didn’t feel deep enough. His arms slid around her and pulled her tightly against him, and reared back onto his knees and unwound her legs from his waist. He turned her around then placed her on her knees and pulled her back against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and stroked his fingers between her legs then pulled her hips back and plunged his cock into her again.

  "Yes," he growled as a glowing, rippling blue mist of heat surrounded them. "From this moment on you belong to me. Only to me. You're mine to touch. Mine to kiss. Mine to mate."

  Lia dropped her head onto his chest as small gasps of pleasure left her lips and she pressed against him. Her hands slid over his arms and gripped them. "Valan, oh, yes, Valan."

  He deepened his thrusts and tightened his arms then dropped his head to her shoulder, nipped her ear and growled, "Now, Lia. Accept my fever now."

  Valan pressed his hand over her belly and could feel himself thrusting inside her. Her belly muscles rippled beneath his palm as she moaned with pleasure. Her vagina contracted and closed around him as he thrust into her faster and deeper. The blue mist thickened until they were enclosed in it. The two of them joined together and whole, finally. He felt her body go from a blazing volcanic heat to icy then back to burning. He bent her slightly forward and quickened his thrusts. Her slick channel contracted and pulsed around him. He groaned and let the pleasure take him. Wave after wave of heat streaked through him and into her as he came and for the first time in his life he gave his seed to a female.

  His strength left him and he collapsed onto the bed with her beneath him and nuzzled her neck as he caged her body. Gradually, her breathing slowed and softened as she fell asleep.

  Valan slid onto his side with her wrapped in his arms, and then reached down pulling the fur over them. He closed his eyes and drifted to sleep, his body cool and at peace for the first time in annuals.


  The corridor was unusually empty the next morning as Valan strode to the bridge. Upon entering, he found only part of his crew. A few of the younger warriors gave him speculative glances. He rubbed his hand over the scratches on his chest, sent them a warning frown, and hid his smile when they rapidly returned to their duties.

  Off to one side of the bridge, Valan saw Cam waving his hands in the air and speaking urgently to Advisor Angusson. He’d expected his easygoing friend to be sporting a full-fledged smile this cycle. Instead, several deep scratches marked his scowling face. Advisor Angusson caught Valan's eye and waved him over.

  "Advisor Angusson, what can I do for you?" Valan asked.

  "Commander Eirikson, there is a problem with some of the females. Actually, with most of them. They’re rebelling!" His voice was shrill with disbelief. "I tried to warn the Council this would never work. But, they wouldn't listen to me."

  "In what way are they rebelling?" Valan asked.

  "Many of them attacked the warriors. Several have already contacted me this morning with complaints. The females were disciplined. We assumed it’s what was keeping you."

  Ignoring the last statement, Valan sent him a look of disbelief and exasperation. His men were the fiercest warriors in this or any other galaxy. Surely, they could control these Wrothian females.

  Advisor Angusson began to list some of the warrior's complaints. "Callum Cedricson's female destroyed his quarters. Mikel Thornson's female threw a chair at him. Royce Garrikson's mate locked herself in the bathing chamber and refused to come out. He destroyed the door getting to her. I told the Council this wouldn't work and these Wrothian creatures have proven me right!"

  "What about your female, Cam?" He carefully avoided using the term bondmate as no warrior would ever discuss the issue of bonding with his mate with another warrior. Even his father had never spoken to him concerning bonding.

  "She broke a food tray over my head, and fought me when I…"

  Angusson interrupted him. "That is not the worst of it, Commander. Some of the warriors lost control and forced the females but the bonding did not occur."

  Valan felt his temper flare out of control. "I want the names of the warriors who forced themselves on the females. They are to be harshly disciplined then relieved of their duties until the Council can deal with them. Their females will be quartered on level three immediately. Has Doctor Veeson seen them?"

  Cam nodded. "I’ve had the warriors confined in the brig and Doctor Veeson has examined and treated the females. I’ll have them moved to their new quarters."

  Angusson lost his temper. "What do you mean, Commander? Why should the warriors suffer because the Wrothian females disobeyed them?"

  Valan stepped toward him. "None of my warriors will rape a female, not even a Wrothian female on my starship and go without discipline. They were ordered to use ZL3 to avoid this very thing from happening. Either they disobeyed the Council’s orders or they lost control. Either way I have no use for a warrior who disobeys orders or can’t control himself." Valan looked at Cam. "Tell me what happened with you and your female."

  "I took her to my bed but nothing happened. She’s the most aggravating, and aggressive, female I’ve ever met. I should have taken the other one when you offered her to me." His scowl returned.

  A wave of rage flowed through Valan at the thought of another warrior coveting his mate. For a moment he was tempted to pound Cam into the ground. The thought forced him to regain control of himself. He never lost his control, ever. It was this situation pushing him toward such a shameful deed, and it enraged him. He blamed the Wrothians then narrowed his target to Lia as she was the Wrothian he'd have to deal with the most. "Cam, have the warriors gather in the arena in thirty micro-units." He looked at Angusson. "After we’ve spoken to the warriors I want the officers, Advisors and Educators to meet in my conference room to discuss what can be done."

  "We should have waited a little longer before accepting the Wrothian females, Commander. Our scientists believe the object Commander Borgson found will lead us to compatible females in the Orion Galaxy," Angusson said.

  "The Council didn't believe we could wait any longer. It took them several moon phases to figure out how to open the machine then several more to figure out what the discs were they found inside. They've just now created a way to activate them. Our linguists have to translate them and it could take annuals. The people are obviously primitive."

  "And then we have to find them. The Orion galaxy is huge," Cam said.

  "Yes, such a pity. But still not Wrothians." Shaking his head, Angusson left the bridge.


  Valan waited impatiently at the head of conference table as the last of the officers arrived. He absently rubbed the scratches on his chest as he noticed the scratches on the faces of several of his officers. He’d allowed Borg to remove the scars from his face but he’d refused to have the ones on his chest removed. His little warrior had fought hard and he’d decided to wear the scars of her bravery for the rest of his life.

  Finally when the seats at the table were filled he focused on Borg. "How are the females who were injured?"

  "Their bodies will heal but I’m concerned about their mental health. They’re scared and traumatized."

  "What do you think happened, Borg?"

  "Truthfully, I'm as puzzled by this as the rest of you. Not all of the females resisted. The bondmating has taken place in a few cases," Borg said.

  Valan shifted his gaze around the table, hoping one of the warriors experienced it and would speak. The room remained silent as the warriors avoided looking at each other. Finally, all eyes came to rest on him. "She is my bondmate."

  "Are you sure, Valan?" Borg asked.

  "Yes. I’m sure."

  The warriors settled back in their chairs, puzzled by the situation but noticeably uncomfortable with the conversation. Finally Cam spoke up. "My father refused to discuss the bonding with me. The only information I ever received was very general."

  "We stopped the warriors' bonding education classes because we wanted to spare you the truth about the pleasures of being bonded," Borg said. "The Wrothians are biologically compatible but something else is preventing the bonding. We must discover what it is even if it means discussing a topic we find uncomfortable. Our future depends on it." He turned to Mikel Thornson and asked him to explain what he’d done when he’d taken his female to his quarters.

  "By the time we got there, I was burning with the fever, so, I, uh, pulled her gown off and tried to take her. She fought me," Mikel said, his voice astonished.

  "I see." Borg turned to Cam. "What about your female, Cam? Did she fight you?"

  "The same as Mikel's. I might have been in a hurry but it doesn't excuse her behavior. I disciplined her with the bands." Several heads nodded in approval and agreement.

  Borg turned to Valan, and gave him a questioning look.

  "I didn't force her. I made sure she was aroused first." His face settled into a grim and forbidding glare, daring them to ask further questions.

  Borg cleared his throat and settled back in his chair. "I’ve spoken to the spies we sent to Zhang before we raided it. They reported the males on Zhang are called ‘owners.’ The females are considered the property of their sires until they come of age then they are traded to another male in exchange for political alliances or wealth. The females are trained from an early age to accept this and are trained to please a warrior without expecting pleasure in return." He gave the warriors several minutes to absorb this new information. "After listening to your stories I believe the females must be aroused for the bonding to take place."

  "Do you have a solution, Borg," Valan asked.

  Borg grinned. "Each warrior is going to have to seduce his female into accepting him."

  "Zarronian warriors don’t have to seduce females," one of the officer’s said. "Why should we when females pursue us."

  The warriors in the room chuckled and nodded.

  "These females are different. If you want to bond with your female you’re going to have to make the effort," Borg said.

  "Each warrior must deal with his female as he chooses but we will keep them apart for the time being," Valan said. "Letting them see each other can only lead to more problems." He rose to his feet indicating the meeting was concluded. "The Wrothians were to begin the classes tomorrow. These classes will be postponed for seven cycles. This will give each warrior time to bond with his female. Any female who still refuses after seven cycles will be kept in the warrior’s quarters and isolated from the other females until she is bonded. I won't have the peace of my command broken by disruptive females. You’re dismissed."

  Once they left, he took a couple minutes to relax and think about Lia. The Council, and his warriors, expected him to set an example by dealing harshly with any mischief she caused. Thank Tor, she’d accepted his fever and now understood the purpose of the bands. On Zarronia bondmates were disciplined with the bands while kourtisans were spanked or sent away. He chuckled at the image of her struggling to get off his lap as he turned her butt a rosy pink. He'd punish her as he pleased while she learned to stay out of his way and the Council could go to Hades.


  Lia awoke alone. Valan’s scent clung to her and the warm cocoon of furs tucked around her. Groaning, she sat up and the ache in her body reminded her she'd let herself be seduced by the barbarian. She rose onto one elbow and looked around the room. It was empty but the door to the bathing chamber was open. She scooted to the edge of the bed and wrapped a fur around her body as she sat with her legs over the edge. "Valan?" She waited a moment then laughed when he didn't answer.

  Her laughter died a slow death when she remembered the details of their lovemaking. A blush heated her cheeks as she replayed the previous night. She buried her face in her hands and groaned with embarrassment at the things she'd not only let him do to her but had encouraged him to do. "Oh, damn, damn. I begged the bastard to help me and set up my own defeat."

  The sight of her gown on the floor by the desk fanned her anger. Pushing to her feet she stalked into the bathing chamber. The shower didn't have the same controls as the large bathing chamber she'd been in but the tub looked like it was the same. She pushed the center control and a stream of steamy water burst out of the spout and into the tub then down the drain. She experimented with the other buttons until it was the right temperature. She searched for something to put in the opening, then saw a little lever and shoved it to the side. Something clicked and the water began to fill the tub. While it filled she gathered her hair and tied it on top of her head in a loose knot. When the water was a couple inches below the top she dropped the fur and stepped into the tub. There were several containers of cleansers on a ledge next to her. She chose one and washed her body before she leaned back and let the water lap at her chin. It felt so good to be able to take a bath without having to first heat the water and carry it to a tub. That thought reminded her of her home and led to the knowledge the barbarian could return at any moment. Her movements became frantic as she stood, grabbed a cloth, and dr
ied herself. His hairbrush sat on the counter next to the sink. She used it to comb the tangles from her hair.

  In the outer chamber, she picked up her wrinkled gown, grimaced as she shook it out then pulled it on and paced the floor. On one of her circuits around the room she noticed several doors built so precisely into the wall she hadn't seen them before. She pressed on one and it popped open. Inside there was an array of brightly colored gowns. She brushed her hand over them and pulled a blue one out.

  She held it up and screeched with anger. It was provocatively cut, indecent even, and meant to be worn for a warrior's pleasure. She wadded it up and threw it on the floor of the closet before slamming the door. She thought about Valan and how to deal with him while she resumed pacing. She stopped in the middle of the room and thought about the lessons her mother taught her. Specifically nectar was more attractive to a male than sour ale. She mumbled a curse then pulled the dirty gown off and grabbed the blue one.

  She smoothed it down her body and caught her reflection in a long mirror by the closets. Two slender blue straps hooked over her shoulders and dropped down to cover her nipples. They were attached to a floor-length sheer skirt split up the sides to her waist. "So sheer it might as well not be there." She frowned at herself in the mirror then turned and looked at the rear view. The straps rose from her waist, crossed in the center of her back then curled over her shoulders. The sheerness of the material hid nothing. She twisted away from the mirror and resumed pacing.

  Twenty steps to the door, then turn and twenty steps to the bed before turning and moving towards the door. With each step her anger grew. Was this what her life was going to be from now on? Locked in a room with nothing to do while she waited for him to return? Reaching the bed, she stomped her foot then twisted around and a startled squeak left her lips. The barbarian stood by the door watching her. She fisted her hands and glared at him.


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