Book Read Free


Page 13

by Julie Cannon

  “Is there something on your mind?” Caroline wasn’t sure if she wanted to know the answer to her question.

  “Can we be friends?” Shannon asked softly in a rush of air.

  Caroline wasn’t sure if she heard her correctly. Could they be friends? Did she mean like hang out together, talk about their girlfriends, and go shopping?

  “Are you fucking kidding?”

  “I guess I am. You know me, the jokester?” This time her laugh was sarcastic and she stepped to the other side of the small room. “What ever would make me think you’d want to be civil with me? I must have hit my head harder than I thought I did when I fell. Maybe I should crash again. Maybe this time it’ll knock some sense into me.” The last sentence was directed more toward herself than Caroline.

  The image of Shannon lying crumpled on the ground flashed in her eyes and her stomach dropped from where it was lodged in her throat to just above her crotch. “Don’t say that, Shannon.”

  “Why not? It’s obvious you don’t want anything to do with me. You probably wish I’d hurt myself bad enough you could just coast to the winner’s circle.”

  Shannon’s eyes flashed in anger sparking Caroline’s own answering furor. She marched the five steps to close the gap between them. “Don’t you dare put words in my mouth.” Caroline pointed her finger at Shannon. “You don’t know the first thing about me. You don’t know what I’m thinking. You have no idea what I want and you certainly can’t speak for me.” Caroline jabbed her finger into Shannon’s chest emphasizing each point as she made it. When she was finished she was practically toe-to-toe with her.

  “I know more about you than you do about yourself. I know what makes you tick. I know what buttons to push and levers to turn to make you crazy, and don’t think I won’t use them to my advantage.” Shannon’s breath was hot on her face. Her words felt like jagged shards of glass. The truth often hurt.

  Shannon’s eyes burned, this time with something very different. Something Caroline recognized immediately. Caroline forgot what she was going to say next. She was furious. Her heart was racing and her pulse beat in her brain. Before she knew what was happening, Shannon’s lips were on hers.

  Shannon couldn’t control herself as she kissed Caroline. She was wound tight from pain, anger, and desire and she needed release. Holding Caroline’s face between her hands, she devoured the mouth that could cause her such pain and unspeakable pleasure. Second after second, minute after minute, she kissed Caroline and Shannon had no idea when Caroline started kissing her back. She wanted more of her and the force of her kiss pushed Caroline against a small desk.

  Shannon dropped her hands from Caroline’s face to the belt of her robe, their lips never parting. The bare skin had teased her long enough and she easily untied the sash and slid her hands inside. When her hands met Caroline’s soft skin again after so long, Shannon didn’t even try to mask her moan of pleasure. Needing to feel every inch of her, Shannon slowly moved her fingers over Caroline’s stomach, until finally cupping her breasts. Caroline leaned into her. That one little acknowledgment of Caroline’s desire opened the floodgates of Shannon’s pent-up desire along with the unending need to have her. To give Caroline every ounce of pleasure she possibly could. She was consumed by her.

  Shannon spun them around and dragged Caroline’s robe off leaving her naked in her arms. Her craving spiked as Caroline tugged and pulled on her clothes, and soon it was flesh against flesh, woman against woman on the big bed.

  They fought for domination, until Shannon finally pinned Caroline’s arms above her head. The throbbing in her injured leg had been replaced by throbbing between her legs and when Caroline slid her thigh between hers, Shannon fought for control.

  As tempted as she was to fall into the orgasm that was pounding at the door, Shannon focused her attention on Caroline. She released Caroline’s hands and trailed her mouth down Caroline’s neck, planting hard, wet kisses along the way. Caroline grabbed the back of her head urging Shannon closer. Back and forth Shannon moved, kissing, sucking, and nibbling on Caroline’s lips and exposed neck. It was a mating. The arch of Caroline’s neck symbolic of an animal fully surrendering to its mate.

  Shannon continued licking and sampling Caroline’s skin with her tongue while her hands explored her womanly form. She was soft and warm, with curves and valleys in just the right places. Caroline’s body was a wonderland years ago and she was going to rediscover every inch of it again.

  Shannon felt Caroline’s nipple grow harder in her palm. Her breast was larger than before, filling her hand with its soft suppleness. When she rolled the nipple between her fingers, lightly tugging on the hard tip, Caroline moaned softly. Caroline pushed her head downward in the universal symbol of need and when Shannon’s mouth replaced her fingers, Caroline cried out in pleasure.

  Shannon wanted to grind into the thigh moving between her legs to release the pressure that was building, waiting to explode. Instead, she shifted so that the temptation was not in direct contact with her hot flesh. She explored first one breast, then the other, taking her time to travel over every millimeter of soft, sensitive skin. As much as she was enjoying Caroline’s breasts she needed to kiss her again, taste her lips, feel her tongue. To verify she was real. That this was actually happening. That Caroline was in her arms, not a willing substitute or the dream that had teased her for the past ten years.

  Caroline’s hands shook as they ran up and down her back. She clutched Shannon’s ass and arched into her. Shannon knew she was ready. Ready to be touched, caressed, loved. With agonizing slowness, Shannon kissed her way down Caroline’s tense, responsive body. Her hot kisses turned tender over the pale scar that ran down Caroline’s leg, the dent in her knee, the brush burn on her calf.

  It wasn’t long before Shannon wanted, no needed, to taste Caroline again, smell her, see her beauty, but she also wanted to savor the anticipation. It felt like it was their first time together again. They were two very different women, who knew very little about each other. Discovering each other in a way they never had before. A thrill ran through Shannon as she remembered the sensations, the feelings of the times they were together before this moment. The moment just before she arrived at the center of her universe.

  Caroline unabashedly spread her legs giving Shannon free access to her both literally and figuratively. Shannon’s need increased more than she ever thought imaginable when her mouth touched Caroline’s warm, wet center.

  If she died right now, Shannon thought, she would die with everything she had ever wanted. She explored every curve, peak, and valley, discovering every hidden treasure within. She flicked her tongue over Caroline’s clit. Caroline arched and grabbed the sheets in her fists and Shannon watched as she writhed in ecstasy. The vision was stunning. Caroline, lying naked with her. Her head thrown back, chest heaving with shallow breaths. Her entire body was moving. Every inch experiencing, receiving pleasure.

  Caroline lifted her head, locking eyes with Shannon. At that moment, in that very instant, Shannon was connected to another human being like never before. She held their gaze and slowly stroked Caroline’s clit with her tongue. She watched Caroline’s eyes glaze as she increased the speed and pressure on the sensitive spot. Caroline’s body moved in rhythm and Shannon knew she was very, very close to climax. She reached out grasping Caroline’s hand as Caroline whispered her name and exploded in her mouth.


  The sun was just beginning to creep over the horizon when Shannon woke. Caroline was still sleeping, lying on her side with her head on Shannon’s shoulder, her hand cupping one breast. Heat seared through Shannon’s body as her mind flashed back to how they got here. What she and Caroline had shared through the night was breathtaking. Hour after hour they took turns pleasing each other, touching, kissing, stroking until finally falling asleep in complete exhaustion. The large clock on the nightstand read three forty-five just before she closed her eyes.

  Today was a pivotal day in the series but Shanno
n didn’t care. It was more important to be with Caroline, to talk to her, touch her, than it was to win the race. When Caroline whispered her name in the darkness, begged for relief, Shannon forgot about everything else.

  Not wanting to wake her, Shannon gathered the clothes, picked up her shoes, and tiptoed toward the door. She dressed with as little movement as necessary so not to wake Caroline. Forgoing slipping into her shoes, Shannon tucked them under her arm and reached for the doorknob.

  The click of the lock was deafening in the silence of the small room and she waited to see if the sound had woken Caroline. Hearing nothing, she turned the knob, opened the door, and took the first step into the hall. She was not prepared to come eye to eye with Steven Davis.

  Shannon had seen that look before. It was the same one she saw in Caroline’s doorway those many years ago. Confusion, shock, rage. But this time the circumstances were very different. Before, they were kids; today, grown women who had shared something magical that only adults can.

  “Mr. Davis,” she said firmly, knowing it wasn’t really appropriate to say, “Good morning, Mr. Davis.” By the look on his face, it was anything but. He didn’t return the greeting but looked at her with fire in his eyes.

  Shannon figured she had three choices. Go back in the room and close and lock the door, go around him, or stand her ground. She chose the last one. Contrary to the look on his face, Shannon wasn’t concerned that he would hit her, no matter how much he may have wanted to.

  They stared at each other as the seconds ticked by. Shannon swore she could hear the second hand on her watch move. She refused to back down. She had done that once and had regretted it almost every day after. She was an adult and demanded to be treated like one. She would stand there as long as she had to. She didn’t have to wait long before Caroline’s father finally spoke.

  “It’s my job to protect my daughter.” His voice was barely controlled anger. “And I will do everything in my power to do so. I did it before and I’ll do it again if I have to.”

  “Yes, sir, it is and she’s very lucky to have you as her father.”

  “She was young and I did what I thought was best for her. I cut off any contact she had with you. Then you went to Switzerland and even if you were able to contact her at least you couldn’t see her.”

  Davis continued and the pieces started to fall into place. That was why Caroline hadn’t answered her phone and was so difficult to get in touch with. Her letters had been returned as well.

  “I kept tabs on you for a few years. Made sure you stayed out of her life. You were committed to the European circuit, which at least put more than a few miles between you. When I was satisfied Caroline had forgotten about you and you her, I breathed easier. And now here you are. Again.”

  He took in her disheveled appearance and there was no doubt that Davis knew that “here” was in his daughter’s bed. Shannon didn’t take her eyes off his face.

  “But Caroline was a child then and she’s an adult now. She makes her own decisions. I may not agree with them, but she is my daughter and I support her.” Shannon knew there was a but in there somewhere.

  “But let me make one thing clear, Ms. Roberts. If you do anything to intentionally hurt Caroline, to cause her any pain whatsoever, you will answer to me.”

  Steven Davis had not raised his hand or his voice during the awkward conversation. He didn’t have to. The love for his daughter was clear and Shannon had no doubt he would follow through on his actions. Before Shannon could reply, a sharp intake of breath came from over her left shoulder. Preparing for the worst, she turned and saw Caroline standing right behind her.

  For the second time she watched the interaction between Caroline and her father. Like her father, Caroline’s face showed shock, fear, and uncertainty. She was clutching her robe to her chest in a death grip, her knuckles white. Shannon watched Davis take in her just-fucked appearance and the fact that she was obviously very naked beneath the short silk robe. She wondered what it was like for a man to actually see his daughter as a sexual woman. Know what she had done, imagining someone touching her, stroking her, making her cry out in desire. In that instant, and that instant only, she felt sorry for him.

  “I wouldn’t expect anything less from you, Mr. Davis,” Shannon said. She turned and faced Caroline. As much as she wanted to, there was nothing she could do to help her. This was between Caroline and her father. She reached out, grasped Caroline’s hand for a moment, and smiled what she hoped was a sign conveying that she was with her before stepping around her father.

  “Daddy,” Caroline said, not knowing what to say. Her father entered the room, the two cups of coffee he was holding all but forgotten. Caroline glanced at Shannon’s retreating back before closing the door.

  “What you do is your business, Caroline. It’s not my place to interfere like it was years ago. I did what I thought was necessary and I’d do it all again if I had to. But you’re a grown woman now with a smart head on her shoulders. You make your own decisions and I support you. You’re my daughter and I love you. Nothing will ever change that. Now, let’s get you ready for the race today, shall we?”

  Caroline stood there speechless. She certainly hadn’t expected to see her father and Shannon together this morning. God, especially not this morning. The sound of voices woke her and when she saw who was talking and heard what they were saying, she was practically paralyzed in the past. Shannon was standing her ground with her father and he was making his intentions clear. What may have looked like a stalemate to others was really a meeting of the minds of two of the most important people in her life. After a moment, she padded over to her father in her bare feet and lightly kissed him on the cheek.


  Shannon was oblivious to the activity around her as she walked the short distance down the hall to the waiting elevator. It was empty, thank God. She didn’t feel like she could make small talk with anyone she knew. She looked at her reflection in the mirror. Her eyes were tired but bright, her face flushed. Did she look any different than she had when she exited this same elevator hours ago? She certainly felt different.

  Sometime last night with Caroline she had changed. In the minutes before dawn, Shannon had thought not only about what had happened between them, but how it had affected her. She had touched and been touched. Not just physically, but emotionally, and it frightened her. She had never felt this way about anyone, never allowed herself to. The more she thought about it, the more she realized that no one had ever taken the place of Caroline. No one had even come close. For lack of any other way of describing it, she felt like she had come home.

  Shannon unlocked the door with the cardkey she pulled from her pocket and stepped inside. The strength of the early morning light barely penetrated the drawn drapes. She let her shoes drop on the floor and lay on her own queen size bed. She curled up in a ball wanting to savor and remember the taste, the touch, the feel, the scent of Caroline Davis.

  The smell of her was still on her fingers, the taste of her in her mouth. Shannon didn’t care how ridiculous she appeared as she licked one finger after the other, inhaling the scent of the woman who meant the world to her. They hadn’t talked much during the night. They hadn’t talked about anything at all. They simply reached out to each other time and time again; their need for each other unspoken. Words would trivialize what they were experiencing. Shannon had never felt so loved and felt so much love for someone in return. What she had felt for Caroline before was simply young love. What she sensed now was the full, mature love of one woman for another. She savored the feeling for one more moment before getting up, peeling off her clothes, and stepping into the shower.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Shannon was next on the starting line. The final of this race was a series of three heats. She and Caroline had both completed the first two and Caroline was ahead of her by eight tenths of a second. This was her final run. Shannon had to ride her best to give herself enough cushion so that Caroline had to ride bette
r to beat her.

  The start clock ticked down and Shannon readied herself for the most important race of the series so far. She had pushed Caroline out of her mind as soon as she had turned off the shower faucet knobs. She had to focus. She couldn’t allow Caroline to intrude on her concentration.

  Five, four, three, two, one. Shannon rocketed out of the starting blocks. Her skill and strength climbing hills dominated the tour and she had no trouble on the first half of the race. Up and down her powerful legs moved, each stroke of the pedals churning over the dirt effortlessly under her wheels. Her ass was out of the saddle giving the extra power she needed to get over the next rise. Crossing the top, she immediately downshifted and tried to make up any speed she might lose on the downhill side of the course.

  Alternating shifting and pedaling down the hill, stroke after stroke, her full face helmet and goggles kept any wind off her face. The bandana under her helmet kept the sweat from dripping into her eyes. Her long sleeves rustled in the breeze created by her fast descent.

  A sharp turn came quicker than expected, and her disc brakes responded immediately to the command to slow down. She mastered the turn without the slightest hesitation and was pedaling even before she was out of the turn. She repeated these movements time and time again, turn after hairpin turn, as she steadily descended the mountain. She crossed the finish line with a time of 5:22:04. She glanced behind her knowing that her main rival and the woman who had come back into her life was preparing herself at the start line at that very moment.

  Shannon walked over to the post-race staging area to watch Caroline on the JumboTron. Due to the wonders of modern technology, Shannon could watch the entire race, and as the seconds ticked down to zero, Caroline jetted out of the starting gate.

  Caroline climbed the steep ascent. She was a woman in control of the mountain, her tires on her lime green bike kicking up no dust as they churned up the steep trail. Her arms were as powerful as her legs and Shannon watched in awe as she used them to give herself extra leverage and power to climb the hill.


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