Fallin' For a Thug 3

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Fallin' For a Thug 3 Page 10

by Lucinda John

  “Damn it’s hot under all these heavy clothes.” I said.

  In order to protect our identity from Johanna’s people we had to wear these heavy ass Chinese robes and huge straw hats. It was too damn hot sitting in this stuffy ass car that I was too ready to board the jet and head home. When we finally got on the jet I stripped out of the heavy clothes and was left in a pair of basketball shorts and t-shirt while Lori wore one of Ling’s dress that was holding on for dear life around her thick frame.

  My heart started beating out of my chest once we landed on American soil. I looked over at Lori and the tears that were streaming down her face said it all. She was just as happy as I was to be back home. After thanking the pilots for bringing us home safely, we made our way to a pay phone where I collect called Khalil.

  “Talk to me.” Khalil spoke in the phone.

  “Damn nigga it’s hard getting in contact with your ass.” I laughed.

  “Who the fuck is this?” he asked.

  “This Gunzell my nigga who the fuck else you thought this was?”

  “Man whoever this is playing on my phone it ain’t nothing for me to come down there and put a bullet in ya dome.” he spat.

  “Well bring your ass on then. I’m on the corner at the bus station next to the Mcdonalds.” I chuckled.

  “Niggas want to fuck with me not knowing I’m a loose cannon, aight.” his hot headed ass said before hanging up the phone.

  “Maybe I should call La’Tissa.” Lori suggested.

  “Nah just chill that nigga will be here trust me.” I assured her.

  We both sat on the bench at the bus station waiting for Khalil to pull up. A nigga was dirty, hungry, and tired so I prayed that he was on his way. I couldn’t wait to see my wife and most importantly see if she did in fact have my fourth child. I was excited to see how big Gunzell Jr. got and I wondered if he would remember me once he saw me.

  “That must be him.” I said pointing to the cocaine white 2015 GMC Sierra 1500. That truck had Khalil written all over it.

  The truck came to a stop and this crazy motherfucker had the nerves to jump out the car with his pistol at his side. Khalil hot headed ass had no chill. He would have a gun war in broad daylight if he was pushed to.

  “Put that little ass gun away.” I yelled out waving him over.

  Khalil looked at me as if he saw a ghost which he technically did. I was supposed to be dead, but I was standing right across from him. When I saw his feet were plastered to the ground and he wasn’t moving I walked over to him and pulled him into a manly embrace.

  “This shit ain’t real.” Khalil said looking at me as if I had grown a second head.

  “This me baby.” I replied.

  “I ought to shoot your fuck ass what the fuck happened and what the fuck you doing with that bitch.” he snapped pointing at Lori.

  “My nigga you gon need a blunt to take in the shit I’m about to tell you.” I said.

  “I already got one.” he said producing a perfectly wrapped joint.

  “Spark that shit up then.”

  We leaned up against his truck passing the blunt back and fourth as I told him the story from the beginning to end. I told him about the foul shit Oneeka did and how I came in contact with Lori. When he heard that Lori was kidnapped and that she didn’t walk away from her family like they thought he softened towards her.

  “Damn, I ain’t know.” he said pulling her in for a hug. “The picture looked so real.”

  “It’s ok. It’s not your fault for hating me, I’m sure Dre feels the same way.”

  When Lori mentioned Dre I saw something in Khalil’s eyes that didn’t seem right. Lori missed it but me being friends with Khalil for so long I noticed how his body language changed. I wanted to ask him what was up with that, but I didn’t want him to say anything that would end up hurting Lori so I decided to save it for when we were alone.

  “Take me to my wife I miss her ass like crazy.” I said.

  “I’m sure she’s missing you too. You know you got a little girl right?” Khalil said.

  “Lori was just telling me Tosha was pregnant but I wasn’t sure if she had the baby.” I smiled.

  “Yeah she had her, a baby girl, she named her Toshanna.” Khalil replied showing me a picture of my baby girl.

  “I bet she look just like me. Show me a picture of my lil’ nigga.” I excitedly said.

  “I want to see a picture of NeNe if you have one.” Lori chimed in.

  Instead of me heading home to my wife like I originally planned, we ended up at Red Lobster eating and looking through pictures of moments that were missed all because of Johanna’s bitter ass.

  “So that bitch is still alive?” Khalil asked referring to his sister.

  “Yeah man I gotta go back there and get my kids, it’s a wrap for her.”

  “I’m with you on that. As soon as we handle everything here we on the first flight out.”

  I wanted to probe to see what he meant, but the look he gave me told me that was a matter we we’re going to discuss in private.

  Chapter 17


  “I don’t know what I’m going to do.” I sighed into the phone.

  “Just call him and tell him.” La’Tissa replied.

  “Khalil is going to be so mad at me.” I sighed glancing at the positive pregnancy test.

  “Why Tosha you are a grown woman with needs this was bound to happen.”

  “But so soon? I just had a baby the other day.” I frowned.

  “There are other alternatives.” La’Tissa said.

  “Uhhh I know I have a lot to think about. Do me a favor and keep this to yourself with this whole Dre situation I don’t want to add more stress to Khalil’s plate.”

  “You’re secret is safe with me bestie.”

  “Mommy Khalid pooped.” I heard Liyah’s voice say.

  “Go handle your business bestie I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Love you sis.” she cooed into the phone.

  “I love you too.”

  I hung up my phone and got up to check on the kids. Everyone was dry and peacefully sleeping so I walked out of their room and into the kitchen. Grabbing a bottle of Ginger Ale I wondered if I was prepared to be a mother of three younger kids. I mean La’Tissa had four, but she had live in help with Khalil. Bryson and I just started dating so I wasn’t even sure if a baby was something he wanted.

  I decided to bite the bullet and pick up the phone to call Bryson. This was his baby too and I wanted to talk to him before making any decisions. When he didn’t answer the phone I left him a voicemail stressing the importance of him calling me back. I even went as far as sending him a 9-1-1 text to his business phone.

  Left to my thoughts I started thinking of Gunz. He had to be rolling in his grave right now seeing me pregnant with the next man’s baby so soon. No matter how much La’Tissa tried to assure me that I wasn’t cheating, it still felt like I was. Every time Bryson would bring me to an orgasm I would begin to feel guilty about it afterwards. No matter how much he tried to talk me out of wearing my wedding ring. It stayed on my finger.

  When Bryson’s name displayed on my screen, my heart leapt out of my chest.

  “Hello?” I answered.

  “Hey baby you wanted to talk to me?” he asked.

  “Yes. I don’t know if I should do this over the phone or in person.” I fumbled with my words.

  “Are you breaking up with me?” he joked.

  “No it’s not that.. It’s ummmm… I’m… pregnant.” I stuttered.

  “Come again?” he asked causing my heart to beat faster.

  “I said I’m pregnant Bryson.” I repeated myself.

  “Hell fuck yeah! I’m getting ready to be a father?” he excitedly asked.

  I didn’t expect him to be this excited so I was a bit taken a back.

  “Yes you are going to be a father.”

  “So that means you’re keeping the baby?” he asked.

  “Yes I’m ke
eping the baby and I don’t plan on doing this alone.” I sternly said.

  “Trust me baby I got your front and back, matter of fact once I wrap things up at the gym I’m heading over there.”

  “Ok.” I sighed.

  “Trust me baby everything is going to be ok, see you later.” he said before hanging up the phone.

  Holding my phone to my heart I felt relieved. I was happy Bryson was excited about this baby because I had no idea how I was going to prepare myself mentally if it had to come down to me getting an abortion. The love I had for my children was too much for me to value one of their lives over another just because it was conceived under different circumstances. Just as I was about to make my way to my bedroom to turn in for the night, I heard my door knob jiggling. They only people that had keys to my house were La’Tissa, Dre, Khalil and Mama Rose. I knew neither if them were doing a pop up without calling first so I started to get panicked. Grabbing a butcher’s knife I stood my ground prepared to slice up any intruder that thought they was going to run up in my house.

  When the door swung open and Khalil presented himself I exhaled the breath I was holding in.

  “What the fuck was you about to do with that damn knife.” he chuckled.

  “I was about to slice up some shit.” I laughed. “What are you doing here anyways?” I asked

  “I didn’t know I needed permission to come see my sis.” he answered.

  “You don’t, but you usually call first.”

  “Oh yeah I’m sorry for popping up on you like that but I brought someone to come see you.”

  “Who?” I asked.

  “Come on in here man.” Khalil yelled out.

  I focused my attention to the door that was slightly opened. When Gunz and Lori walked through the door I could feel my breath get caught in my throat. How the fuck was this possible? I buried my husband so how was he standing in front of me in flesh.

  “Breathe baby.” Gunz said wrapping his arms around me.

  The familiar touch had my knees going weak. If this was a dream I didn’t want to wake up. I waited for so long to be in my husband’s arms and I was willing to go along with it if it meant I could hold him one last time.

  “This ain’t real.” I cried.

  “It’s real baby I’m alive.” he assured me.

  “But how?” I asked.

  Gunz walked me over to my butter pecan sectional and sat me on his lap as he ran down the story of what happened to me. For the first time I noticed Lori and tears began to fill my eyes. Here we were judging her thinking she walked out on her family but in reality she was somewhere suffering. We didn’t even take the time out to look for her and I hated myself for that. I didn’t give Lori the benefit of the doubt and maybe she would have been here with us sooner if I had.

  “Oh my God Lori!” I cried throwing my arms around her.

  “It’s ok sis you didn’t know.” she assured me.

  “Tosha are you expecting anyone?” Khalil asked hearing knocks at my front door.

  I was so wrapped up in our reunion that I forgot Bryson was coming over to discuss our unborn baby. Oh shit!

  Chapter 18- Bryson

  A nigga was praying to the motherfucking sperm Gods after getting that call from Tosha. I was happy as hell she was carrying my seed. I never would have thought in a million years that Tosha’s sexy ass would be the mother of my child. All of this shit was playing out exactly the way I wanted it to. I knew for certain now I was going to get a fucking divorce from Sabrina’s ass. Now that BG was dead there was no reason for me to even act as if I wanted to continue to fuck with the bitch. She hadn’t been right with us from the jump but she wanted to get pregnant and act as if shit was going to be one big fucking fairytale for us. The only fairytale I saw was the one between Tosha and myself. Her being pregnant with my seed was confirmation. As soon as I got off of the phone with Tosha I headed over to the crib that I shared with Sabrina. I hadn’t been over there since the bitch told me that she was pregnant.

  “We need to have a talk Brina.” I said when I walked inside of the house. The house looked a fucking mess and Sabrina was laying on the couch looking like she was on her fucking death bed.

  “Really Bryson? This is your first time coming here since I told you that I was pregnant. Not to mention my brother is fucking dead laying in the county morgue. I’ve been calling and calling you. Why the fuck are you doing this to me? I need you Bryson.” Sabrina was now sitting up on the couch and crying her eyes out. I felt like shit because at one time I really loved Sabrina but it’s just not there anymore. As far as her stupid ass brother BG goes. I could care less with him being dead. With him being dead my pockets got even fatter. Since he was dead he wasn’t going to need his cut from the shit we had took from his bitch ass cousin Dre or that nigga Khalil. At the same time I was a little fucked up over the fact that BG was gone. We had been thick as thieves for years. So I did feel a certain type of way but there was really nothing that I could do about it. With BG being dead and Tosha telling me that she was pregnant it was time for me to move on in a more positive direction. It was time Sabrina knew she was not a part of my future. It was time for us to go our separate ways.

  “The shit that happened to BG was real fucked up but he’s dead now and there’s nothing we can do about it. That’s not what I’m here to talk to you about. I’m here because I think it’s best that we get a divorce. I’m no longer in love with you and it’s best that we end this right here and now. Instead of hanging on to some shit that ain’t working. Trust me I’ll make sure you get a nice alimony check every month.”

  “You must take me for some stupid ass bitch that don’t know any better. Or maybe you think I’m that widowed ass bitch across town that you’ve been out fucking like you’re not a married man. Bryson, Bryson, Bryson you have forgotten who the fuck you’re fucking with. I will have that bitch’s head and yours on a platter if you think for a minute it’s about be a happily ever after. If you thought that shit you were sadly mistaken. At the same time if you want out there’s the door but a divorce ain’t happening. I’ve put too much of me into this relationship and lost a hell of a whole lot more being married to you. So nigga you don’t get off that fucking easy. Last but not least you will be a father to this baby whether you want to or not. Now get the fuck out of my house since you no longer want to be here.” Sabrina stood up from the couch and tried to walk away but I yoked her ass up by her neck and slammed her inside of the glass table.”


  “Talk all that tough shit now bitch! Let me make myself real motherfucking clear. You will sign those divorce papers and your cunt ass will get a fucking abortion. Or the next time I see you I’ll stomp that motherfucker out your bitch ass and if that don’t work I’ll make sure you get buried next to your fucking brother. Now sign the fucking papers when they’re delivered bitch!” I hurried up and rushed out of the door because I didn’t want to hear anything else from her ass. I hoped and prayed the bitch had a miscarriage from me putting her through that table. That’s another reason why I needed to get away from her ass. That bitch brings out the worse in me but there’s something about my baby Tosha that bought out the best in me.

  “Tosha open the door!” she knew I was coming over so I was confused as to why she had the door locked. I started to bang on the door because she was taking too long to answer it.

  “Can I help you motherfucker!” a nigga asked with a big ass gun pointed at me.

  Chapter 19- Tosha

  I don’t know what the fuck I had done to God but he was really working a number on my ass. Just when I starting to accept the fact that my husband was dead he pops up alive and well. Not to mention at the same time that I find out that I’m pregnant with another man’s baby. For a brief moment I had forgotten that Bryson was coming over but I was quickly reminded when he begin to knock on the door. I was scared as fuck and I felt like I was about to pass out the moment Khalil opened that door. Bryson looked as if he was g
oing to shit on himself. Khalil had the biggest fucking gun I had ever seen pressed into the middle of his forehead.

  “Please everybody just calm down!” I said as I rushed towards the door pulling Khalil’s hand down with the gun in it that he was holding up to Bryson’s head.

  “What the fuck is going on Tosha? Who are all these people?”

  “Just let me explain Bryson.”

  “You ain’t got to explain a motherfuckin’ thing to this nigga. Last time I checked I was your fucking husband. So move the fuck out of the way and let me see what this fuck nigga want!” Gunz roared at the same time he moved me from in front of him and headed over towards Bryson at the door.


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