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Fallin' For a Thug 3

Page 11

by Lucinda John

  “Wait a minute. You told me your husband was dead.”

  “Well I’m back from the dead. Now tell me what the fuck you want with my wife bitch ass nigga.” Gunz removed his gun from his waist and was holding it down to his side. At the same time I was trying my best to make eye contact with Bryson. I wanted to give some type of hint not to reveal that I was pregnant with his baby. I was trying to save our lives. Unfortunately, Gunz was blocking any view of Bryson. I looked over at Lori and I could tell she was just as scared as me. Khalil and Gunz was about to do something I could feel it.

  “Your wife is pregnant with my ba---.” Before he could get the words out of his mouth Gunz and Khalil started to pistol whip his ass.

  “Stop! The kids are in the back!”

  “You pregnant by this nigga Tosha?”

  “Just let me explain baby. I’m sorry. I thought you were dead.” Gunz grabbed me by my throat and begin to choke the fuck out of me. I was starting to see spots before my eyes and I knew I was going to pass out at any minute. I was trying my best to remove his hands from around my neck.

  “Gunz stop before you kill her!” Lori was pulling on him and he finally let me go. I dropped to floor and I began to cough and gag. I was crying so hard that I could barely catch my breath.

  “Open your mouth nigga!” Khalil said as he pried Bryson’s mouth open and Gunz shoved his gun down his throat.

  “Make this the last time you ever speak my bitch name. That baby a dead ass issue. Tell this nigga right now Tosha you getting an abortion?”

  “I’m sorry Bryson I have to get an abortion.” I put my hands down in my head and I began to sob.

  “Get up Tosha. Come on to the back I can hear the kids crying.” Lori helped me off of the floor and walked me to my kids room.

  “I thought he was dead and never coming back.” I sobbed loudly. I could hear things being broken and I knew that Gunz was tearing the house up. That only made my kids cry harder from all the noise. I rushed over to their beds and I tried to calm them down.

  “Come on Lori. Let me get you home. Tissa and your mother have been worried sick.” Khalil was talking to Lori but looking at me with anger his eyes. I knew him and Gunz were best friends so I knew he was feeling like he had failed him. After all,Khalil and Dre had been on my ass like white on rice since Gunz’ “death”. I knew he was about to go home and rip Tissa a new asshole. I was so ashamed that I put my head down because I couldn’t bear to look at him. I sat in the room until I had put my kids back to sleep. Once they were asleep I put them back to bed. I finally got the courage to go and try to talk to Gunz. I could have died when I entered my living room and it was in shambles. Not to mention the blood that was all over the floor. I could only imagine what the fuck had happened to Bryson. I placed my hand over my mouth in shock.

  “We didn’t kill that nigga if that’s what you’re thinking. He probably wishes he was dead right about now.” I turned around and looked at Gunz. He was standing in the dining room turning up a Corona. He walked back into the kitchen and came out drinking another one. His knuckles were all bruised up and he had blood all over his clothes. He looked so damn scary to me. He had the gangster rugged ass demeanor he used to have. The Gunz that I fell in love with. I walked towards him but he put his hands up stopping me in midstride. He walked to the back of the house and I laid across the couch. I shouldn’t be getting punished for moving on when I thought that he was dead. The last thing I wanted was to believe that he was dead but he never came back and that was confirmation enough. Now he pops up out of the blue alive and well. ‘Lord what am I going to do.’ I thought as I cried myself to sleep.


  The next morning I woke up with the worse headache ever. I sat on the side of the couch and gathered myself before I stood up to go check on the kids. I looked around and the house was clean. It looked like there had never been a fucking brawl in my living room. My son and daughter were knocked out in their beds and that was odd because they’re normally up with the chickens. Then I remembered that Gunz must have been up with them. I slowly walked towards my bedroom and Gunz was sprawled out across the bed in his boxers. I stood in the doorway watching him as he slept. During the time he was away I longed for the little things like this. Now I don’t know where we stand. One thing for sure and two for certain I need to get the fuck out of this house before Gunz wakes up and tries to whoop my ass next.

  I grabbed me a PINK jogging suit from the closet and laid it out on the bed. I got inside of the shower and let the hot water run all over my body. The shower curtain swung open and Gunz was standing there in all of his naked glory. I closed my eyes at the sight of his massive dick that was looking like a third leg. I hadn’t seen it in so long I forgot just how hung he was.

  “Open your eyes Tosh and look at me.” Gunz grabbed me by my waist and at the same time I felt him step inside of the shower with me. I couldn’t open my eyes and look at him because I didn’t want to see the hurt in his eyes. I laid my head on his shoulder and cried.

  “I’m so sorry Gunz. I waited and waited praying that it was all a bad dream and you would walk through the door. You never did. You have to believe me that I love you no matter what. If I could turn back the hands of time I would have never given Bryson the time of the day. I felt so guilty being with him because I thought I was betraying you.” Gunz didn’t speak a word as he lifted me and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He leaned up against the wall and dropped his entire dick off inside of me. My eyes rolled in the back of my head as I enjoyed the familiar pain and pleasure of my husband’s dick. I finally opened my eyes and he was staring into mine. I began to suck on his bottom lip just the way he liked and we started to engage in an animalistic, yet passionate kiss.

  “I missed you so fucking much Tosh.”

  “I missed you too Gunzell. I’m about to cummmmm!” Gunz began to roughly pound in and out of me until we both came at the same time. My legs felt like noodles as he let me down. He turned his back to me and showered. I grabbed the loofah sponge and I began to wash his back. Despite everything that had happened in the last twenty four hours I was happy as fuck that my husband was alive. However, it still didn’t change the fact that I was carrying another niggas baby.

  “Hurry up and get dressed before we be late.” Gunz said as he stepped out of the tub and wrapped a large dry towel around his waist.

  “Where are we going?”

  “To the abortion clinic so you can dead that fucking baby. While I was away I had to fuck that bitch Johanna in order to survive but not once did I nut in that bitch because I would never get that bitch pregnant because I knew I was coming home to you. Granted you didn’t know I was still alive but I’m disgusted that our daughter isn’t even three months yet and you’re pregnant with another nigga baby. So that tells me you let that nigga go in you raw. Did you suck his dick too?”

  “Gunz I—.” I reached out to touch him but he knocked my hand away.”

  “You have ten minutes to be dressed or I’m going to drag your ass out of here naked.” I looked at Gunz and I knew he was not fucking around with my ass. He didn’t have to tell me twice I hurried up and got dressed. I beat his ass to the car. I wasn’t about to do no fucking around, his hands hurt.

  Chapter 20- Gunz

  I sat outside of my car smoking blunt after blunt waiting for Tosha to get done with her procedure. I have no remorse for making her get an abortion. There is absolutely no way I was ever going to let her carry that fuck niggas baby. She knew I meant motherfucking business when I told her ass to get dressed. She was lucky I didn’t fuck her ass up. In reality I knew that she thought I was dead and I don’t hold that against her. I’m not mad that she was fucking another nigga. I just hate the fact that she had gotten pregnant so soon after giving birth to our daughter. That shit makes her look like a fucking hoe. Got me sitting here wondering was she fucking this nigga raw before her six week check up. If she was that shit wasn’t cool at all. At any rate I’m just gla
d I was able to get her an appointment at a moments notice. I hated to admit it but I didn’t even want to look at her ass until that fucking demon seed was out of her. At the same time I had other shit on my plate. Like trying to be ready when this crazy bitch Johanna came at me. Knowing that bitch she’s on a fucking plane right now on her way to murder my ass. That psychotic bitch better bring her entire army because I’m coming at her ass with everything. I hate that I have to kill the mother of my seeds but I’ll never be able to live in peace with Tosha. My kids will live a happy and prosperous life with Tosha stepping in to take care of them. She loves them as if they were hers and that means the world to a nigga like me.

  After about three hours of sitting outside waiting for Tosha, she came outside and was walking slowly. I leaned over and opened the door for her. She slid in and closed the door behind her. The look on her face showed one of pain and agony. That made me feel fucked up because I didn’t want her to be in any type of pain. I leaned over and stroked the side of her face with my thumb.

  “Just take me home Gunzell.” she said as she knocked my hand away from her face.

  “Tosha you can stop trying to act like Yvette off Baby Boy when she got that funky ass abortion. Watch your mouth because my motherfucking name is Gunz not Jody!” I pulled away from the curb and made my way towards our new house. Tosha had no idea about this house I had purchased before I had got kidnapped. About an hour later we were pulling into the gated community. I pulled in front of our new home and shut the car off.

  “This is beautiful. Whose house is this?” Tosha perked up as she let down the passenger side window.

  “Before I left I had purchased this home for you. Everything we need is already in the house. It’s not safe for any of us to go back to that house. That’s the first place the bitch Johanna is going to go looking. I can’t have you or the kids in harms way behind my shit. Please don’t fight me on this Tosha. I know that you’re mad at me but everything I’m doing is for us.”

  “I’m not mad at you Gunzell. There were so many days I prayed that you would come back to us. I would lay in our bed and feel you laying next to me as I slept. The next morning I would wake up and cry my eyes out because you weren’t there. I had went so far as to putting one of your shirts over a pillow. It’s like I just wanted a part of you there to remind me of you. Do you know I never washed any of your dirty clothes? I bet you didn’t even realize that our bedroom is exactly the way you left it. That’s neither here nor there. The important thing is that you’re home with us. Let’s go inside and see the house.” Tosha leaned over and kissed me on the lips. She jumped out of the car like she had never had a abortion. I knew her ass was faking like she was in so much pain. Just like a woman to get a new gift and all her pain goes away. I shook my head as I got out of the car and followed her inside. It made me feel good seeing her smile in spite of all the bullshit that had transpired in a matter of forty eight hours. The best is yet to come for us but first Johanna had to go. At the same time I still felt a certain kind of way about knowing this nigga actually got my wife pregnant. That shit is like a knife to my fucking heart.

  Chapter 21- Lori

  I had been feeling like a fish out of water since I had escaped that damn slavery ring. I don’t know where I would be. All I wanted to do was see my baby, Tissa, and my mother. On the ride home from Tosha’s house Khalil revealed to me that Dre was in fact in the hospital fighting for his life. I felt as if my heart had stopped beating when he said that there was a possibility that he might not make it. I know that I’m not supposed to question God. However, I know that I’ve done some fucked up shit in my time but what did I ever deserve to be kidnapped is beyond me. Just thinking about it makes the bitch Oneeka pop in my mind. I swear I have some shit planned for her that she will never forget. She’s going to regret the fact that she ever played games with my life. Not to mention my relationship with Dre and my daughter Ronneisha. All I could think about is how he must view me. I know that damn tape he saw of me giving that nigga head might mean that he’ll never look at me the same. I just hope that he finds it in his heart to forgive me. That is if he makes it. I don’t know what I’ll do if he leaves this world believing that I actually abandoned him and my daughter.


  “I’m so sorry I didn’t look for you.” Tissa cried as she hugged me tight.

  “It’s okay sis. It’s not your fault. Oneeka made it look like I had just walked away and left Dre for another nigga.

  “I was supposed to know better. You had changed your life for the better and was doing great. You never showed any signs that you would do some shit like that. Instead of me giving you the benefit of the doubt and believing that you wouldn’t do that, I immediately began to curse and threaten about what I was going to do to you for leaving my niece. Please forgive me.” I wrapped my arms around my sister and I hugged her tight. Our relationship had just gotten back on track when Oneeka pulled this shit. All of those days that I was gone Tissa was one of the things that kept me going. Outside of Dre she had been my rock during my recovery after Ronnie beat me and also on my journey to being a better woman. I needed for her to know that she had nothing to feel sorry about.

  “Stop crying Tissa. I’m here now and that’s all that matters. You had no control over what happened. I just want to get back to the way things were and kill that bitch Oneeka for the pain that she caused me and this family.”

  “That dirty bitch been sneaking around Dre since her damn mother died about a month ago in a fire. Snake ass bitch been living in the fucking guest house while you been somewhere suffering. Let’s go beat this bitch ass.” Tissa stopped and started throwing on her gym shoes.

  “No let’s murder that hoe.”

  “Both of ya’ll can sit ya asses down. Right now is not the time for all this shit. We have bigger shit to worry about like checking on Dre. You haven’t even seen Ronniesha. I want nothing more than for ya’ll to get at that bitch Oneeka but right now we have to deal with Johanna’s psycho ass because she’s coming full force. I’m ready to send her to be with her bitch ass father. Go upstairs and get the kids together Tissa. We’re going to head out to Gunz and Tosha’s new crib because no one knows about the location. We’re going to pick up your mother, Ronniesha, and my mother on the way.” Khalil had a look of seriousness in his voice and I knew he wasn’t playing. I was surprised to see Tissa moving quickly like she had fire under her ass. A lot has changed since I’ve been away. Khalil has finally got her mouth in check. As for me I was feeling angry because I really wanted to get at this bitch Oneeka. Just knowing this hoe was staying that close to my daughter had me heated. I could only wonder if she had gotten her hooks back into Dre. At this point I couldn’t worry about the small shit. I needed to focus on reuniting with my daughter and getting my family together and finding a way to get at this bitch Oneeka without Khalil finding out. That bitch think it’s sweet but she don’t know my background. I have more than a couple of screws loose. I just can’t sit back and let this bitch live like everything is cool.

  “Can I at least go see Dre? Please Khalil I have to go see him. Maybe if he hears my voice he might wake up.”

  “We’ll swing by there on our way. I just want you to be prepared because he’s real fucked up but my nigga strong he’s going to pull through this.” Khalil came over and we engaged in a hug. Although I hate his bossy ways I’m grateful to have him in my life as a brother in law. I’m even happier that my sister has him as her husband, she deserves a good man like him after all she’s been through.


  I took a deep breath before I walked inside of Dre’s hospital room. I covered my mouth in shock looking at all of the tubes that were coming out of him. He was hooked up to so many machines. I had only been in the room for two minutes and they were driving me crazy. I stood by the door afraid to move closer because I didn’t want to make a mistake and disconnect anything. It had been so long since I touched Dre and I longed to just feel his arms wr
apped around me. I took my time moving slowly towards his bed. I pulled up a chair so that I could sit closer to him. I quickly wiped the tears from my face that had fallen. This was the last thing I wanted to come home to. This shouldn’t be our life; we’re supposed to be happy. I grabbed his hand and held onto it tight. I laid my face on the top of his hand. I just needed to feel his soft skin up against mine. At this point I was desperate and I wanted to feel him anyway that I could.

  “Dre baby, it’s me Lori. I know that you’re mad at me but you have to wake up so that I can explain everything to you. Oneeka is the reason for all of this baby. I would never leave you and Ne-Ne. Please wake up babe. I just need you to wake up and talk to me. Please Dre wake up I need you. You can’t leave me Dre. Please wake up so that I can explain everything. Me and Ne-Ne need you Babe.” I had lost all composure and was crying and bawling all over Dre. One minute he was laying there and the next he started seizing and all of the machines were going crazy.


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