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Page 6

by J. M. Nevins

  He hopped into the shower, got dressed and padded out. He called out. “Lex?”

  She yelled back to him. “In here, Sull. Go straight then turn right.”

  He did as she instructed and smiled seeing her sitting behind a large desk. “Are you working?”

  She nodded. “A little. I need to go into the office later. Just organizing my thoughts. Want something to eat? I can make you lunch if you’d like or we could go out. What do you want to do?”

  He plopped into one of the chairs in front of the desk. “Food sounds great, but I really need to get this tape to Kit. I have her address. Maybe I can just drop if off and then we can go grab some eats.”

  Alexa stared at him and chuckled as she shook her head. “No.”

  He frowned. “Huh? What do you mean, no?”

  “Sully, you can’t get into her place without me. Serious security. I know the doorman and the housekeeper. It will be easier if we eat first and then go see her. I know she has the day off today. Hopefully she’s there. If not, we can leave the tape for her.”

  He sighed. “Do you really think if I went alone she might not see me?”

  Alexa shrugged her shoulders. “I have no idea. You said this tape is important and you want to give it to her. I’m presenting you with the path of least resistance. That’s all. I can’t speak for Kit and I certainly don’t want to put words in her mouth. Are you ready to go?”

  He nodded. “Ready as I’ll ever be. Let me go grab the tape.” He got up and headed out.

  She called after him. “And bring your guitar. I’m calling the car service. They’ll be here in ten.”

  The housekeeper, Adele, greeted Alexa and Sully with a warm, inviting smile. She lowered her voice and Sully noticed a French accent. “Please, come in. All I ask is that you are quiet. Miss McKenna is practicing today in the parlor.”

  Alexa nodded and smiled. “We won’t disturb her, but we may have to watch.”

  Adele grinned. “Bien sûr.”

  As she walked away, Alexa motioned Sully to follow. He exchanged a look with her and whispered. “What did she just say to us? Was that French?”

  Alexa nodded. “Yes. She said, of course.”

  Sully giggled. “You know French? I’ve known you all these years and you never told me?”

  She rolled her eyes and playfully jabbed him. “Yes, now focus, and shut your trap!”

  As they approached the parlor, they were able to easily recognize what Kit was playing. Sully stood several feet behind the piano, frozen in his tracks. Kit had her back to both of them, engrossed in her performance of ‘Claire De Lune.’

  Alexa glanced over at Sully and immediately recognized the yearning in his eyes. She knew he was feeling the experience deeply, so much so that his eyes welled up with tears at the final crescendo of the song.

  When Kit finished, Sully set his guitar case down quietly and was about to walk over when Alexa held him back. She sensed Kit wasn’t finished and didn’t want to interrupt her. She knew better. She learned at a young age not to break the master’s creative flow. She put her fingers to her lips and mouthed, “wait.”

  Alexa’s sixth sense was correct. Kit started playing again, this time singing along to the song, ‘New York State of Mind,’ by Billy Joel. Alexa swallowed hard and knew this song would be particularly hard for Sully to take. As more time passed, Kit seemed to get more comfortable in her new city of choice. Halfway through the song, Alexa knew better than to stick around. She gently patted Sully on the shoulder and left him standing there alone in the parlor.

  A knot had formed in his stomach and he found his emotions bubbling to the surface. He loved hearing her sing and play the piano, she was so expressive in a way he loved and had forgotten, but the lyrics of the song left him feeling disappointed. He desperately wanted to convince her to come back to L.A. He didn’t know how he would leave again without her. He realized very clearly that he was still completely in love with her.

  When the song was finished, he stared clapping as he smiled. “Bravo, Kit. Impressive, as usual.”

  She turned around and stared at him, stunned for a moment and then a smile spread across her face. She giggled and stood up, walking toward him with outstretched arms. “When did you get here and who let you in?”

  He laughed and hugged her tightly, not wanting to let go. He continued to hold her as he answered her question. “Lex.” He pulled back and kissed her on the cheek.

  Her emerald eyes twinkled and drew him in. “I thought you weren’t due into town until later this week for the guest VJ booking.”

  He shrugged his shoulders. “Came in early. Actually, we need to talk about the mix, but I gotta be straight with you, Kit-Kat, I really loved hearing you play. We can get to business later. Can you keep going? Do you mind?”

  She grinned. “Of course I don’t mind.” She squeezed his hand. “What can I play for you? Have any special requests?”

  He shook his head. “I’m certain anything you play will be beautiful. Surprise me.” He rested his elbows on the top of the piano and grinned.

  She laughed. “Oh, nice. No pressure.” She elected a few classical pieces and launched into them. She felt herself get lost in the music, yet remained completely aware that Sully was in her presence. Once she was done playing, she looked up at him. “Will that do?”

  He smiled. “Yes. Very inspiring, babe, really. You should play more often.”

  She got up from the piano bench and stretched. “I know. I’ve been doing a lot more of that since I arrived here. With the guitar too. It’s been really grounding for me.”

  He nodded in agreement and started approaching her. “Music does it every time.” He gazed into her eyes and could feel that connection between them once again.

  She sat back down on the piano bench, but didn’t leave his gaze. She couldn’t wipe the grin off her face. She was about to say something, when Henri appeared out of nowhere, headed for her, scantily clad in a bath towel wrapped around his lower half. He had just gotten out of the shower and his hair was still wet.

  He marched over to her and kissed her on the lips. “Jolie, play like that more often! Formidable! I love hearing that in the shower.” He looked at Sully and smiled. “Isn’t she amazing?”

  Kit giggled and playfully grabbed his side. “Get out of here and get dressed, you fool.”

  Henri smiled. “Only if you promise to play for me right before I leave.”

  She nodded. “Yes, now go. Shoo.” She waved her hands away. She shook her head and chuckled. When she returned her gaze to Sully she could see the disappointment in his eyes.

  He felt like an idiot. Maybe paying Kit a surprise visit wasn’t the best idea. He was annoyed Alexa put him in this awkward position. He had no idea Kit was living with another guy. The fact that she had moved on so quickly bothered him. Even when they were serious, they hadn’t officially moved in together.

  He shifted his feet and figured now was the best time to delve into business. Personal time was over. He sighed. “Ok, I’ll get right to it, ‘cuz it looks like maybe my timing wasn’t so good. I didn’t know you… uh… were living with someone.”

  She giggled and held his hand to stop him from continuing. “Sully, babe, Henri is Joe’s cousin and he is very, very gay. I’ve been sharing this palatial penthouse with him since I arrived, but he’s leaving today. I’ll introduce you two once he’s properly clothed.”

  Sully burst out laughing. “Seriously? Oh my God.” He doubled over laughing, secretly relieved.

  Kit joined in his laughter and got up from the piano bench. She reached out for his hand. “C’mon, let’s go sit down and talk for a bit. You can tell me why you’re here.”

  He gladly took her hand and let her lead him to the large sofa. He glanced at the table and frowned. He reached out and grabbed a sheet of music that had a few notes scribbled on it. He looked up at her. “Kit, have you been writing?”

  She nodded and smiled. “Yep. Like I said earlier, I had to
find my grounding. Music has done it—and cutting back my schedule. Life is more laid back for me here right now.” She sat back comfortably. “So, what’s going on?”

  He rolled his eyes. “Do we really have to get into business so quickly?”

  She giggled and folded her hands over her abdomen. “Nope. I just thought that’s why you’re here.”

  He stared off into space and realized why he was really there. She was the reason. Jimmy had seen it before him and Alexa had provided a nice assist in the process. He had to come clean and tell her before he dropped the news about the mix. He took a deep breath and was about to start when Henri strolled in wearing a pink suit.

  He paraded in front of both of them and did a turn. “How do I look?”

  Kit smiled. “Gorgeous! Is that what you’re wearing for your flight, honey? Are you sure you want to fly in that thing?”

  He gave her a disgusted look. “I’m going to lay in the back, silly girl.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Oh, yes, that’s right. Sorry, I forgot you’re flying via custom Gulfstream number four in the Valois fleet.”

  He stared at her. “Is there any other way?”

  She nodded and perched on her seat. “Yes, it’s called coach.”

  He donned a horrified look. “No! Blasphemy! That’s what nightmares are made of, Kitty.” He shifted his look to Sully and smiled. He extended his hand and gently shook Sully’s. “Who are you, you gorgeous man?” He looked at Kit, nodded and smiled wide. “He is trés beau, Kit.”

  Sully chuckled. “I’m Sully Foxx.”

  Henri interjected. “Mais oui, you certainly are!” He looked at Kit and spoke matter-of-factly. “You made a mistake, Kitty. Kiss, make up and get back into bed with this one. Ok? I must go.”

  Kit frowned. “But Henri, didn’t you want me to play a song for you?”

  He glanced at his Cartier wristwatch. “I would love that parting gift, but chérie, they’re waiting for me at Teterboro. My car is downstairs and the driver is having a meltdown because I’m running late. To Cannes I must go. Kisses now, s’il vous plait.” He clapped his hands together. “C’mon, dépêchez-vous!”

  She jumped to her feet and gave him a quick kiss on the lips and hugged him tightly. “Bon voyage, mon chérie. Call me soon.”

  He nodded. “Oui, bien sûr!” He looked at Sully, smiled and winked. “Definitely a pleasure, Monsieur Foxx. Foxy, indeed!” He gave him a kiss on each cheek. “Take care of her, ok? She gets a little crazy sometimes, y’know?”

  Sully grinned. “I’ll do my best, Henri. Great meeting you.”

  Henri waved as he ran out. Kit looked over at Sully. “Now do you believe me?”

  He laughed loudly. “Yes. Completely. Don’t know if I got half of what he was saying, but he seems pretty cool. I can see the family resemblance for sure.”

  She nodded. “Oh yes, he’s most definitely a Valois. I’ve known that guy since I was a kid. He was one of Joe’s favorite cousins. Those two used to party hard together. Remember when he was in St. Tropez hanging out on that huge yacht? And then the sailboat in Antigua one Christmas?”


  “Those belong to Henri’s dad, Phillipe. It’s gonna be weird not having him here. I got used to having him around, y’know. Got really used to that Frenglish. Kinda liked it.”

  Sully chuckled. “Frenglish?”

  She nodded. “He had a way of mixing both French and English into sentences. That’s why you weren’t picking up on some stuff. Believe me, I had to relearn. I’ve forgotten all the French I learned in high school.” She slapped her hands on her thighs and then stood up. “I’m gonna grab a beer. Do you want one?”

  He nodded and ran through his thoughts in her absence. Unfortunately, Henri had ruined his window of opportunity. He was feeling that awkwardness take over again and elected to talk business when she returned.

  Kit handed him a beer and clinked the top of her bottle with his. “Cheers. Now, tell me what’s going on. I can sense you have work biz. Are you and the guys getting along ok? We don’t start tour rehearsals for a few more weeks.”

  He nodded. “We’re good, but I’m not really pleased with the mix. I brought it with me. Can we grab a studio and take a listen? I didn’t want to sign off on it without your approval. We’re producing this together. Both of our names are going on this.”

  She grinned. “I appreciate the vote of confidence, but for the record, I would have been ok with anything you signed off on. Give me a minute. I’ll find us a studio with a nice window of time. Make yourself at home.” She was about to make her way out of the room when she stopped. She noticed Sully’s guitar case and a smile quickly spread across her face. Her eyes lit up as she looked back at him. “You brought your guitar?”

  He saw the look of excitement on her face and smiled. She looked like a happy little girl. It was an expression he hadn’t seen in a while and loved. “Yep. I was hoping we could get some time in.” Now, it all made sense to him and he silently praised Alexa’s genius. She had set him up, perfectly.

  Kit giggled. “Absolutely. Let’s get this mix fixed and off to mastering today and then I’m all yours.”

  He sat back smiling as she left the room. Contentment washed over him. His window of opportunity was back and it was better than he could have anticipated.


  The black Lincoln Towncar sat idling at the curb. The driver rushed to open the door for Kit and Sully. She hid behind her dark sunglasses, dressed casually in torn up, faded blue jeans, black boots and a Rolling Stones concert T-shirt, her Diamond Entertainment employee badge dangling from a lanyard around her neck. She exchanged a grin with Sully, but that grin slowly faded when she noticed a man with a camera aimed at them across the street.

  She jumped into the car and was relieved Sully followed suit. She leaned forward and spoke to the driver. “Can you get us there as quickly as possible and if we’re followed in any way, lose them.” She sat back and let out an annoyed sigh.

  Sully put his hand on her knee. “I’m sorry.”

  She forced a grin and took his hand squeezing it. “Not your fault, babe. They’ve been tracking me as much as you lately. I have no idea why, but they’re fascinated with us. Not looking forward to tomorrow’s caption, that’s for sure.”

  He stared out the window and remembered all the conversations with Joe about the trappings of fame. He was fully immersed in it, but he never intended to pull Kit into the spin with him. He knew that was the last thing she wanted. Now here they were, going across town to fix the mix on Gypsy Tango’s new album, while their new standard of life was nowhere near normal.

  “Crap!” Kit shrieked. As the car pulled up at Diamond Entertainment, the paparazzi were lined up, waiting. “They’re everywhere today!”

  Sully nodded. “Must be gearing up for the Diamond party. Is there another entrance?”

  She sighed. “I’m sure there is, but I’m not well versed on the building yet. I’ve only been working here for a week or two.” She shook her head. “C’mon. Let’s push through.”

  Sully stepped out of the car first in hopes to deflect attention away from Kit. She snaked by while he honored the paparazzi and stopped to greet them and pose for their pictures. He joined Kit in the lobby moments later where she was chatting with the receptionist.

  She smiled at him. “Thank you for doing that.”

  He chuckled. “No problem. Where are we working?”

  “Studio C2, second floor. Let’s go. We have an engineer waiting for us.”

  Sully watched Kit as she listened to the song in question. He waited for her reaction. Seconds later, he had it. She raised her head and looked at him with wide eyes. “Oh shit! Good catch on your part, Sull. That bridge is a mess. The levels are way off.”

  He leaned back in his chair, satisfied they were on the same page. He snickered and pointed at her. “I knew it! See, that’s why you had to hear this.”

  She nodded and looked at the engineer. “H
ow quickly can you get that fixed?”

  He glanced at the clock. “Give me an hour.”

  Kit frowned. “An hour? That’s it?”

  The engineer smirked. “Pro Tools.”

  She chuckled. “Oh, duh. ‘Nuff said. Excuse my archaic analog thinking. Carry on.” She motioned to Sully to follow her.

  He chuckled. “Where to now?”

  She grinned. “We’re gonna hang out here. I need to run up to my office and make a few calls. We’re going to move the mastering of the album to New York.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “We are?”

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  He grinned. “Since when?”

  She punched the button for the elevator. “Since I made the decision two hours ago. We won’t lose any days sending it back to L.A. It’ll be fine. And it will make everyone really happy.”

  He nodded. “Brilliant idea, Miss Producer. I’m all for it.”

  She sat behind her desk moments later. Sully sat back in his chair and watched the action as Kit’s assistant, Selia, hovered around her like a hummingbird, trying to keep up.

  Moments later, once everything was squared away and peace returned to the office, Selia started heading out, back to her station outside Kit’s office. She stopped and turned to face her. “I’m picking up your dress from the cleaner’s tomorrow. I’ll have it sent to your home. The limousine will pick you up tomorrow night at eight.” She glanced at Sully and then back at Kit. “Will Mr. Foxx be accompanying you or do we need to send another limousine?”

  Kit looked over at Sully. “Are you planning on attending the Diamond party?”

  He nodded. “Linda briefed me. Yes. I’m going.” She returned her attention to her computer screen and didn’t miss a beat. “He’ll need another limousine, Selia. Send it to Alexa Matthew’s residence. You have the address, right?”

  Sully’s heart sank. He and Kit had been getting along so well since he arrived earlier that day. He had hoped they would be going to the party together. His ears perked up again when he heard Selia’s voice.


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